Sunday, 22nd June 2014
Weeks later, the team was on a mission to fix a pipeline.
- "Guys, the rupture's getting worse." Bree said.
- "That's natural gas. We have to fix that leak, or it'll explode." Chase explained. "You, two, go check the rest of the pipeline for cracks." He ordered to the girls. "Bree, you take left. Mads, you take right."
- "On it." The bionic girl super speeded away.
- "Got it." Maddie flew to the opposite direction.
- "Oh, we have to move fast. The whole pipe is unstable." The genius boy explained.
- "You ever wondered what it'd be like if we weren't bionic? What's, like, the first thing you'd do?" Adam asked.
- "Not get trapped in these stupid conversations?" The mission leader, sarcastically, smiled.
- "You know what I'd do if I wasn't bionic? Try and become bionic." The tall guy smiled.
- "Can we just do this?" Chase asked.
- "Fine. I'll seal the crack with my heat vision." The eldest said.
- "Yes, let's shoot blistering heat at highly flammable gas." The genius boy sassed.
- "I just said that. Were you not listening?" Adam frowned.
- "Just let me contain it with my force field first." The mission leader put his force field around the crack. "All right, it's only gonna hold for a few seconds. Go."
The tall guy used his heat vision to seal the crack.
- "Pipe secure." He nodded.
The alien girl landed, next to them. The bionic brothers screamed.
- "Every single time." The Matthews girl laughed. The brothers rolled their eyes. "Okay, no other crack on my side."
- "Checked all 200 miles." The Davenport girl explained after she super speeded back. "70 of which had poison oak." She pulled a poison oak branch out of her hair.
- "Wait, you have some here, too." Maddie took out another piece of poison oak out of her best friend's hair.
- "Thanks." Bree sighed.
- "All right, let's get out of here." Chase said.
- "Alright. Let's go." The alien girl opened a portal and the entire team walked through it.
A girl came out of the bush, smiling, after recording them.
Monday, 23rd June 2014
The next day, at school, the quintet walked in. Everyone was looking at their phones and tablets, whispering when they walked in.
- "What's everybody lookin' at?" Bree asked their principal.
- "A new viral video. Guess what it's called? 'The World's First Bionic Humans'." Perry replied.
- "What?!" The younger bionic siblings and their best friend, simultaneously, yelled.
- "Wait, there are other bionic people? Then, why are we working so hard?" Adam asked.
- "She's talking about us." Chase replied.
- "Yeah, look." The principal played the video for them.
- "That's yesterday's mission." The genius boy said.
- "Somebody filmed us." The bionic girl added.
- "Shit." Maddie said.
The mission leader rolled his eyes.
- "Your secret's out. Everybody's gonna know you're bionic." Leo replied.
- "Never mind that. Now, I can't blackmail Daddy Big Bucks anymore. My gravy train just ran right off the tracks!" The principal exclaimed.
- "Everyone's looking at us." The Davenport girl sighed.
- "Quit your staring. Scram!" Perry yelled. "So, they're bionic. Get to class before they mow you down with their finger missiles." She walked away.
The students walked to their classes.
- "How could this happen? What are we gonna do?" Bree asked.
- "I don't know. We're in big trouble." The green hazel-eyed boy replied. "At least, they think Mads is bionic, too."
- "Yeah, for bionic humans, it's dangerous but for aliens... I don't even wanna think about what they would do to you." The bionic girl side-hugged her best friend.
- "Yeah, but we're still in huge trouble." The alien girl sighed.
- "Wait! I know how we can fix this! We'll convince everyone the video was made with special effects. You know, like those fake videos Adam's always watching." The short boy explained.
- "So, 'Giant Baby Eats Tokyo' is fake?" The tall guy asked. "I should've known. Where are they gonna get a diaper that big?"
- "Leo, that might actually work." Chase said.
- "If experts don't check it." The Matthews girl added.
- "Let's hope they don't." The middle brother replied.
- "Well, first, we better go tell Dad." The Davenport girl started to walk away with the smart ones.
- "Wait, is 'Giant Baby Eats London' fake too? Because I just sent 50 bucks to the victim's relief fund." The eldest asked.
- "Yes. Stop spending your money on stuff you see on the internet." Maddie said, before opening a portal to the living room.
The quintet walked through the portal.
- "Dad!" The genius boy yelled.
- "We just heard." Donald walked towards them, with his wife and brother.
- "What are we gonna do?" Tasha asked.
- "I say we sell Chase to the circus and use the money to start our new life." Adam said.
The alien girl slapped him upside the head.
- "This is serious. Can you stop for once?" She replied.
- "Can't." The tall guy smiled.
- "Big D, I know how we can spin this." Leo said.
- "No, No. Were way past spinning this, Leo." Douglas replied and led everyone towards the TV behind the dinning table. "That's video all over the news. Experts have verified the footage wasn't manipulated." He showed the news. "People all over the world are freaking out!"
- "Wonderful." The Matthews girl, sarcastically, smiled.
- "Oh, of course they are. They just saw Chase in a skin-tight mission suit." The eldest replied.
Maddie slapped him upside the head. He looks amazing.
The green hazel-eyed boy glared at his brother.
- "Douglas is right. This is way too big to spin." The father said.
- "I can't believe this. You, guys, are the biggest news story ever, and I got scooped!" The mother yelled.
- "How could this happen?" The scientist asked.
- "I don't know. I did a thermal scan on the mission site. No one was there." Chase explained.
- "Well, the footage from my Daven-Earth satellite says otherwise. See." Donald showed the tablet and showed the girl in the bush. "Someone's standing right there."
- "What? But I scanned the site." The genius boy replied.
- "Yeah, well, you missed a spot, and now, the entire family is in danger." The father walked away.
I destroyed everything. The mission leader lowered his head.
- "Come on, Donnie. The kid made a mistake. Could've happened to anyone." The uncle defended.
- "Yeah, not really. He's the only one, who thermal scans." Adam, awkwardly, said.
- "You, guys, are terrible. Instead of comforting your son." The alien girl pointed at the scientist. "And your little brother, you are making him feel guilty. Don't you think he already feels bad without you adding more?!" The alien girl yelled. "You, both, are stupid." She scoffed.
The green hazel-eyed boy grabbed her hand to make her stop.
The Matthews girl looked at him and her eyes softened. Right. He doesn't want them to know how they make him feel. She sighed.
- "So, what's our next move?" The short boy asked.
- "Give Tasha Davenport an exclusive interview?" The journalist asked, hopeful. They, all, glared at her. "It's my job to ask."
- "Don't worry, guys, I've prepared for this. I've got a safe house at a secure location, you, four, will hide there. It's got food, capsules, everything you'll need for a year's worth of survival." The father explained.
- "A year?" Bree frowned.
- "Well, 343 days. After that, play rock-paper-scissors and eat the loser." Donald shrugged.
- "Or, I could teleport to get food or super speed with Bree." Maddie replied. "Genius." She mocked.
Chase smiled, softly.
- "Anyway, in the meantime, I'm gonna hold a press conference, and prove to the world you're not dangerous. When they're ready to accept you, you'll come home." The father continued. "Any questions?"
- "Yeah, I finally decided to whiten my teeth." The tall guy said. "Wait, that's not a question. So, yeah, no questions."
- "Everybody get your stuff, we leave in five minutes." The scientist replied. "Maddison, you stay here." Everyone but Maddie and Douglas ran out of the room. "It doesn't matter how much you are mad, you don't get to call an adult 'stupid'."
- "Yes, I do. Donnie, I love you very much." The alien girl said. "But if it is to defend Chase or Leo, I will call you 'stupid', yell at you, hit you and even insult you. Just be better and I won't have to." She walked away.
- "And Chase wonders why I thought they were dating." The youngest brother smiled.
- "Yeah." Donald sighed as he smiled.
- "I feel bad, Donnie." Douglas said. "It was my idea to put bionics in humans, and it's not fair for you not to take all the heat."
- "Yeah, I know. I'm only holding that press conference, so I can blame everything on you." The father replied, before walking away.
A couple of seconds later, Maddie stepped in the lab.
- "This is going to take forever." Chase sighed in front of the cyber desk as he gathered files on a hard drive.
- "I can super speed for the rest of our stuff." The alien girl replied.
- "Yeah. Go in our rooms and pack us a bag, each." The bionic boy said.
- "Got it." The Matthews girl nodded and super speeded away.
- "M..." The Davenport boy started but was cut off by wind. "Too late." He sighed.
I don't know what to think... I love that she's defending me, but I don't want Adam, dad and Bree to know how I feel. He thought.
- "Done." The blue-eyed girl super speeded back in, holding four bags. "This is our bags. Donnie's, Tasha's, Leo's and Douglas' are with them."
- "Good job." The green hazel-eyed boy smiled, softly. "Mads?"
- "Yeah, I know." Maddie sighed. "I'm sorry, but the way they are treating you is making me mad."
- "I know." Chase replied. "Thank you for defending me, but..."
- "You don't want them to know how they make you feel. I know." The alien girl continued.
- "Yeah." The bionic boy nodded.
- "I want to hurt them so bad." The Matthews girl walked up to him.
- "I don't doubt that." The Davenport boy smiled.
The blue-eyed girl rested her head on his shoulder.
The green hazel-eyed boy smiled widely as his heartbeat quickened.
- "You need help?" Maddie asked.
- "Yes!" Chase exclaimed.
The alien girl snickered as she straightened up.
I should've said 'no'. The bionic boy sighed, frustrated.
- "What can I do?" The Matthews girl asked.
- "You could download half of the files." The Davenport boy said.
- "Alright." The blue-eyed girl nodded and started typing on the cyber desk.
The green hazel-eyed boy smiled, fondly.
A couple of minutes later, the smart ones were in the lab, packing.
- "I don't get it. I know I scanned the mission site. How did I not notice that girl?" Chase asked.
- "Chase, it doesn't matter now. And spiraling won't make it better." Maddie caressed his back.
The genius boy sighed. I know that.
- "Yeah, it is weird. Usually, it's the girl who doesn't notice you." Leo replied.
The geniuses glared at him.
- "You know what? I'm gonna check my chip log." The green hazel-eyed boy said.
- "Guys, hurry up." Douglas walked in with a box. "See, this is why I should have raised you. Then you'd know how to abandon a building."
- "You didn't raise me, and I know how to abandon a building." The alien girl replied.
- "Yes, your mother did a great job. I would have loved to meet her." The uncle smiled.
- "I know. She would have too." The Matthews girl smiled back.
Chase played his chip log.
- "Aha, look." He showed himself scanning the site firsthand, no girl was in sight.
- "Chase is right. He did do a thermal scan at the mission site." The short boy replied.
- "Yes! I knew it! Still perfect!" The genius boy pointed at himself as he smiled widely.
Maddie chuckled. Yes, you are.
- "Hey, look." The middle brother said, as he showed his brother's chip log and the footage from their father's satellite. "The times code match and that's the spot where the girl showed up on Big D's satellite footage, but on your chip log, she's nowhere to be found..."
- "How?" The alien girl frowned.
- "That's impossible. Something weird is going on. I'm gonna go tell Dad." The green hazel-eyed boy started to walk away.
- "I'll come with you." The Matthews girl followed him.
- "Good idea." The Davenport man stopped the geniuses. "But leave out the part about being perfect. It just makes people wanna punch you in the face."
Chase nodded and walked out of the lab.
It makes me want to kiss his entire face. Maddie thought as she followed him.
A couple of seconds later, Bree was packing a bag of food, in case they didn't have enough.
- "Adam, what are you doing?" She asked her older brother.
- "I don't want to lose touch with people, so I'm sending out an email blast with the address of our safe house." Adam explained.
- "Great." The bionic girl, sarcastically, smiled. "While you do that, I'll tell Davenport that we need a new safe house." She started to walk away.
The tall guy did a thumbs up as the geniuses ran in.
- "Guys, where's Dad?" Chase asked.
- "He's still upstairs. What's going on?" The Davenport girl walked up to him.
- "I was right. I did scan the site, but that girl didn't show up on my chip log." The genius boy explained.
- "So, what does that mean?" The eldest questioned.
The lights turned off, and thirty agents swarmed through the house.
- "Go! Go! Go!" Voices yelled.
The team was forced to the floor by some agents.
- "Secure the perimeter. Don't try anything." A man pointed at the team. "We have more than enough firepower to take you down."
Not if I have something to say. Maddie thought, on the floor. Touch them, and it will be the last thing you do.
- "Hit the lights. I need eyes on them." The older man added.
The lights turned back on and the agents put the team on their feet.
- "All right. Who are you?" The green hazel-eyed boy asked.
- "Why are you doing this?" Bree asked.
Special Agent Eric Graham, leader of the Paranormal Research Team. The alien girl thought. That's not good.
- "Quiet! I ask the questions." The Graham man said, firmly. "We got them. Bionics targets have been secured." He spoke into a walkie-talkie.
Adam grabbed the leader's hand to speak into the walkie-talkie.
- "Is what I would say if I found them, but I haven't." He said with a deep-voice.
Chase rolled his eyes.
- "Look, no, you've got it all wrong, we're not a threat." The bionic girl defended. "You, obviously, saw the video of us fixing the pipeline."
- "We are not going to harm you or anyone on the planet." The Matthews girl continued. "We are only here to save and help you."
- "We're on your team." The genius boy added.
- "I'll decide whose team you're on." Eric replied.
- "Oh, you know what will help? If we do shirts and skins. Come on, guys." The tall guy started to take off his shirt.
- "Keep your shirt on." The leader frowned.
- "Fine, you be skins, I was just trying to be nice. I know how you old guys are about showing your love handles." The eldest teenager said.
- "Okay, okay." Tasha was being brought downstairs by an agent with her husband. "I know my rights. You cannot barge in here without a warrant." The Graham man pulled out a warrant. Donald took it and started reading. "Oh. Well, aren't you just Mr. Prepared?"
- "Dad, talk to them." The green hazel-eyed boy sighed.
- "Tell them to let us go." The Davenport girl said.
- "Guys, there's nothing I can do." The father replied, sadly. "It's over."
The two older teenagers looked at the floor, while the geniuses looked at Eric, irritated.
All of this for nothing. Maddie sighed and looked at the boy she loved.
We can even use her teleportation, or we'll become fugitives. Chase looked at her, sadly.
I know, we can't. The alien girl nodded and interlaced their fingers together.
We don't even have to talk to understand each other. The bionic boy smiled, softly.
Later, Adam was grunting.
- "Stop! I can't take it anymore!" He laughed, loudly, as an agent in a hazmat suit was scanning him with a device. "Ooh. Man, you found giggle spots I didn't even know I had."
Maddie chuckled.
- "Well, this is fun. I wonder how Dad's holding up." Bree said.
- "He's the one who trained us how to handle interrogations." Chase replied. "I'm sure he's fine."
- "Yeah, giving what I saw in his mind, I wouldn't bet on that." The alien girl shook her head.
Later, the parents walked in the living with Eric and other agents.
- "Great news, guys, they got nothing on you. You're free to go." Tasha said to the team.
Adam smiled and hugged her.
- "I never said that." The Graham man corrected.
- "Well, you don't have any evidence that they..." Donald started.
- "They're bionic humans." The leader replied.
I'm not, but you, obviously, don't know that. Maddie thought.
Not all of us. Chase scoffed, amused.
- "I don't need any more evidence. But I will be taking them away for a much more thorough examination." Eric explained.
- "Where?" Bree asked.
- "A secure testing facility in the desert." The Graham man replied.
- "Ooh, is it Area 51?" The tall guy questioned, excited.
- "No." The leader said.
- "Area 52?" The eldest teenager asked.
- "No." Eric shook his head.
- "Area 53?" Adam continued.
- "No! The Graham man shouted.
- "He's getting madder. I must be getting closer." The tall guy smiled.
- "You, guys, are gonna love working with him." The genius boy smirked.
The alien girl nodded.
- "Wait, but what about Dad? What's gonna happen to him?" The bionic girl asked.
He'll probably gonna go to jail. The Matthews girl sighed.
- "He's been harboring unauthorized weapons of mass destruction. So, he'll be taken into custody pending my full report." The leader explained.
Call it. The blue-eyed boy scoffed.
- "Look, it doesn't matter what happens to me, but admit it, you're never gonna let them go." The father replied.
Nope. Maddie thought.
No. The green hazel-eyed boy sighed.
- "Don't worry. Lots of people thrive in solitary confinement." Eric replied.
Chase frowned. 'Solitary confinement?' What? No!
- "Wait, you're gonna split them up?" The scientist asked, in disbelief.
- "Absolutely. They're too dangerous to leave together. So, they'll be separated until they're no longer a threat." The Graham man explained.
Wonderful. The alien girl's eyes watered. More lost.
The genius boy interlaced their fingers together and caressed her skin with his thumb.
"What does that mean?" The Davenport girl frowned.
- "It means you're never gonna see each other again." Donald replied.
The older teenagers looked, in shock, at the youngest, who already understood what the agent meant.
Later, the team was sitting on the couch.
- "Transport's on its way." Eric said.
The team got up as they sighed.
- "We're not even gonna get to say goodbye to Leo." Chase frowned, sadly.
- "I'm gonna miss him so much." Bree replied.
- "Me too. He's been my best friend since my first day of school." Maddie sighed.
- "Yeah, I mean, as far as friends go, he's definitely in my top 50." Adam continued.
- "Don't worry, guys, we're gonna get through this." Tasha said.
- "Yeah. Guys, I wanna give you something to remember me by. When times get tough, I hope this will get you through." Donald pulled out a cardboard life-size version of himself.
- "Hey, but we can't take that." The bionic girl walked up to him.
- "Why?" The father asked.
- "Because it's broken." The Davenport girl replied before ripping off the head of the cardboard Donald. The mother covered her mouth to hide her laughter. She handed the head to the scientist. "Here you go, dad."
A.N: 3244 words.
Graham thinks that Maddie is a bionic human.
Should she say the truth in part 2 or keep pretending to be bionic?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Please vote and comment.♥
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