Tuesday, 25th March 2014
A couple of days later, late in the afternoon, Maddie was in the lab, watching the two eldest brothers preparing a bowling.
- "Why?" She asked.
- "Because: bionic bowling." Adam smirked.
- "Alright." The alien girl chuckled.
- "Wanna play with me?" The tall guy asked.
- "She hates bowling." Leo said.
- "I love you, big guy, but no, thanks. The Matthews girl replied. "But, I'll watch."
- "Okay." The eldest teenager smiled. "Love you, too, little lady."
I prefer when he's like that and not insulting and hitting Chase. The blue-eyed girl smiled back.
- "Hey guys, check it out." Chase walked in with his sister, both were wearing their uniforms.
Speaking of the devil and he shall appear. Maddie snickered. He looks so good in green.
- "We just got our first paychecks from Tech Town." The genius boy explained.
- "Nice! What are you going to spend it on?" The short boy asked. "A video game? New kicks? A birthday gift for a sibling who wants a video game and new kicks?"
- "Nope. I'm gonna open a savings account." The green hazel-eyed boy smiled.
Adam dropped his head, in despair.
- "Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't open one, sooner." The alien girl snickered.
The mission leader smiled.
- "I want to like you, but you make it so hard." Bree patted his back, before walking away.
- "The job also comes with perks." The youngest sibling held up a phone.
- "The new ePhone 7?! Those aren't even out yet!" The middle brother exclaimed. "How'd you get one?"
- "Well, Leo, as a rising star of the Tech Town empire..." Chase started.
- "We all got one." The bionic girl said, before walking away.
- "People are already lined up for the big release Thursday. You should've seen the crazy looks in their eyes when I walked by with this thing." The genius boy explained as his brother stared at the phone with a crazed look.
- "Chase?" The Matthews girl frowned.
- "Mm?" The green hazel-eyed boy turned to her. The blue-eyed girl pointed at Leo. He turned to his brother. "Yup, that's the look."
The short boy grabbed the phone from his brother's hands.
- "This version's got a new auto-centering feature to help you take better selfies." He took a selfie, which turned out horribly. "Yeah, I don't photograph well." He shook his head.
- "Point that bad boy over here. You're gonna want to record this perfection." The tall guy smiled while holding a bowling ball.
- "Go, Adam." Maddie smiled as she stood next to her childhood best friend, who was filming his brothers.
- "I'm Adam Davenport, and this is 'Bionic Bowling'." The eldest sibling said.
- "Adam is six-foot-two, a rare combination of incredible strength and not much else." The middle brother explained.
The alien girl chuckled. Adam rolled the bowling ball and got a strike.
- "Oh, yeah! Ohh!" Leo exclaimed.
- "Whoo!" The tall guy yelled.
- "Let the professional do it." Chase smirked.
That was kinda... The Matthews girl stopped herself from going further. No, stop it!
- "I'm Chase Davenport, and this is 'Molecular Kinesis Bowling'." The genius boy smirked and bit his lips, while looking at the camera.
Just kill me! The blue-eyed girl thought.
- "A native of Mission Creek, Chase's hobbies include being a tattle-tale and creeping out girls." The short boy explained.
The green hazel-eyed boy's smile faded. I don't... I'm not... People think that about me?
Aw, Chase. Maddie saw the look in his eyes and slapped the middle brother upside the head.
- "He doesn't creep me out." She smiled at Chase.
Thank God. He smiled. I don't know what I'll do without her.
- "Because you're creepier." Leo held the back of his head, in pain.
- "Fair enough." The alien girl shrugged.
The genius boy rolled the bowling ball with his molecular kinesis and knocked all the pins, but two down.
- "Oh! Oh, the dreaded 7/10 split! Devastating! Just devastating!" The short boy yelled.
Adam mocked whimpers. The youngest brother moved the ball with his molecular kinesis and knocked the rest of the pins down.
- "You were saying?" He chuckled, before smirking.
Oh my god. The Matthews girl bit her lips to contain her smile.
- "Oh, it's on!" The tall guy yelled. The middle brother started filming him again. "I'm still Adam Davenport, and this is 'Blastwave Bowling'." He dropped the ball and instead blast waved Chase across the room, knocking over the pins.
Ooh, that had to hurt. Maddie frowned.
The genius boy groaned, in pain. Another time where Mads can remember how pathetic, and weak, I am.
The eldest brothers and their best friend rushed towards the youngest Davenport.
- "And we have a loser!" Leo filmed his brother's face, who glared at him.
The alien girl, discreetly, went behind Adam.
The green hazel-eyed boy shook his head at her. Don't do it.
The Matthews girl smiled, before grabbing the back of the tall guy's bowling shirt and throwing him across the room.
- "Ooh." The eldest teenager groaned, in pain.
- "And we have another loser." The short boy filmed his older brother's face.
Maddie extended her hand at Chase, who took it and got up.
- "Don't shake your head at me. I told you, he hurts you, I hurt him." She replied.
- "You don't have to." The genius boy said.
- "I know, but I want to." The alien girl smiled. "He's been doing that to you, your entire life. I've been doing it to him, a lot less. It's not gonna kill him."
- "Mads..." The green hazel-eyed boy started.
- "No, Chase. He hurts you, I hurt him. It's that simple." The Matthews girl replied.
- "I can't make you stop, can I?" Chase asked.
- "Depends. What are you offering?" Maddie smirked.
- "Let me think about it." The genius boy snickered.
- "Alright." The alien girl smiled and walked out of the lab.
The green hazel-eyed boy smiled widely, before following her.
- "I know I should be mad that Maddie hurts me, but I'm not." Adam got up. "I'm just happy to know that someone defends Chase, no matter what. She loves him so much and he doesn't even realize it. It's driving me insane!"
- "I know." Leo sighed. "He doesn't realize that she has feelings for him and that he reciprocated them."
- "And she doesn't want him to know." The tall guy shook his head.
- "They are lost causes." The short boy said.
- "Yep." The eldest brother chuckled. "But, I feel like it's a matter of time, before Chase realize his feelings."
- "Just one year or two." The younger brother replied.
- "Probably." Adam nodded. "But he will figure it out, one day. I know that."
- "I hope so." Leo sighed. "They are perfect for each other."
- "A little too much." The tall guy held his back. "My back is killing me."
- "It's your own fault." The short boy laughed. "Why did you do it in front of her?"
- "I forget sometimes how violent she can get to protect Chase." The eldest shrugged.
- "Try not to forget, next time." The younger brother chuckled.
Adam nodded.
Wednesday, 26th March 2014
The next day, at Tech town, Chase and Caitlin were working.
- "All right, huddle up, team." Scott put his foot up. "Tomorrow's our biggest day of the year. For us techies, this is our World Series. And I'm your starting quarterback." He gestured a baseball movement.
- "Oh! Go, team!" The genius boy exclaimed. The two tried to high-five but missed. "Scott, I've studied all the specs. Ready to assist any customer who needs help." He put his foot next to the manager's, who moved it up.
- "Great, cause we're gonna have more people in this store than ever before. Any questions?" He asked.
- "Can we not do the sale?" The blonde asked.
- "Caitlin, remember what I said? Think before you speak, and then don't speak." Scott walked away.
Caitlin started making weird faces.
The green hazel-eyed boy frowned. I know I'm gonna regret this, but...
- "You okay?" He walked up to her.
- "I'm fine. Just not a big fan of crowds. When I worked at the Pretzel Hut, we had this big three-for-one sale. It was a madhouse, and the customers wouldn't leave me alone." The blonde explained. "They all wanted the last cinnamon pretzel, so I did what any sane person would do: I ate it." She said with a crazy look. "Then, I sprayed everyone with hot butter and ran." She, maliciously, smiled.
Chase looked at her, concerned. And Bree has a crush on her? I better look out for her if I don't want her to turn insane.
- "Anyway, I'm gonna go grab a pretzel." Caitlin shrugged and walked away.
She's crazy. The genius boy nodded.
Donald walked in the store.
- "Dad, what are you doing here? We're not allowed visitors at work." The green hazel-eyed boy said.
- "I'm not a visitor, I'm a celebrity." The father patted his son's shoulder. "And this celebrity needs a favor. Tomorrow is my meeting anniversary, and all Tasha wants is that stupid ePhone. Even though I can make something better out of junk from the trash. So, if I get her on early, it will make her feel special. So, just go grab me a phone, so I don't have to stay in line all night with these losers." He smiled at the offended people in the line.
- "No way. I could lose my job." Chase explained. "You have to go wait in line."
The scientist laughed.
- "Seriously?" He asked, seriously.
- "Now!" The genius boy ordered.
- "Fine!" Donald grunted. "Where's the end of the line?"
- "See that security guard with the golf cart?" The green hazel-eyed boy pointed at the guard.
- "Yeah, that's not so bad." The father replied.
- "Well, you might want to stop and ask him for a lift, 'cause the line ends a mile past that." Chase explained. "Good luck, dad." He patted his shoulder and walked away.
In the meanwhile, the middle siblings walked in the school with their best friend.
- "Whose limo's blocking the bus lanes?" Leo asked.
- "I don't know, but I've always wanted to ride in one. They look so classy." Bree replied.
- "I know." Maddie nodded.
A trumpet played and Perry walked in on a red carpet.
- "Mornin', sewer sacks!" She exclaimed.
- "Then again, looks can be deceiving." The bionic girl said.
- "Definitely." The alien girl sighed.
- "Sorry about blocking the bus lanes. Can't walk too far in these." The principal looked the heels on her feet. "Haven't worn heels this high since I did the pageant tour."
- "You were in beauty pageants?" The short boy asked.
- "Yep, never won though. Apparently, it's not a talent to squat-lift a 250-pound barbell while rocking a bikini." Perry shrugged.
- "It should. It's impressive, Principal Perry." The Matthews girl replied.
- "I know." The principal said.
- "And yet, look how far it's got you." The Davenport boy, sarcastically, smiled.
- "Here's a fiver, Butch." Perry gave money to her driver. "Keep the heater pumping."
- "So, how did you get a limo?" The Davenport girl questioned.
- "Daddy Davenport just gave me a big chunk of hush money for keeping your bionic and alien secret." The principal explained. "I'm wearing your college funds, kids!" She took a big 'P' gold chain out of her jacket. "Gather 'round, pus pockets. Since I have come into some recent moolah, I have decided to start giving myself. I hereby announce that I'm retiring as principal effective the end of the week."
- "Yes! I dreamed this day would come!" Leo yelled. "Oh, it's time, people." He played a music and started dancing.
The two girls laughed at him. He posed next to them at the end of the song.
He's nuts. Maddie applauded as she chuckled.
- "Thank you." The short boy smiled.
- "Are you done?" Perry asked. "'Cuz I gotta wash that off." She took off the top of the circular bench, revealing a hot tub.
- "You bought the school a hot tub?" Bree asked.
- "No, I bought it for me, and I'm taking it with me when I go. Much like the vending machine." The principal put on a swimming hot and took off her jacket, causing the students to walk away in disgust. She threw her jacket to the trio and got in the hot tub. "Ooh. Ahh. Oh, yeah. Take the undiagnosed skin condition."
The trio dropped the jacket, in disgust.
Later, that evening, Maddie was laying on the roof.
I can't believe next week is her birthday. She sighed as she held back her tears. She would have been forty. She wiped her eyes.
She has to be here. Chase, silently, levitated to the roof. He saw the moonlight making the tears, on her cheeks, shine. Aw, Mads. He, carefully, laid next to her, in silent.
I hate that he saw me crying so many times. The alien girl sighed.
- "I'm here." The bionic boy interlaced their fingers together.
His thumb, slowly, caressing her skin.
- "It's her birthday, next week." The Matthews girl said, softly.
- "I know." The Davenport girl replied. "We don't have to talk. We can just lay here."
The blue-eyed girl nodded.
- "Thanks." She whispered.
- "Come here." The green hazel-eyed boy pulled on her hand to bring her closer.
Maddie turned to her side and wrapped one arm around his torso as she, gently, laid her head on his chest.
Chase caressed her hair, before, slowly, pressing his lips on her forehead.
The alien girl closed her eyes as she sighed at the contact. I love him so much. She, slowly, ran her hand across his torso to lay it next to her head.
Do that again. The bionic boy thought as his heart started to beat faster.
The Matthews girl smirked as she listened to his heart beating, faster. She ran her fingertips across his torso, again. Her fingertips, only, grazed against his shirt.
The Davenport boy could barely feel her touch. She put your hand entirely! Dang it!
The blue-eyed girl's fingertips lingered on the top of his abs.
Dang. Go lower, please. The green hazel-eyed boy gulped.
Maddie moved her hand up.
Chase exhaled, frustrated. No, move your hand lower.
The alien girl looked up at him.
The bionic boy blushed as he looked down at her.
The Matthews girl propped herself on her elbow and leaned down towards his face.
The Davenport boy, quickly, looked at her lips.
The blue-eyed girl, gently, kissed his cheek.
The green hazel-eyed boy sighed. What was I thinking? She wasn't going to kiss my lips. He chuckled to himself.
Maddie pulled back and looked down at him. I wanna kiss his entire face. She laid her head back on his chest. But I can't. She sighed.
Chase sighed, frustrated. Why am I that annoyed by the fact that she kissed my cheek? He, slowly, moved his hand up and down on her arm.
The alien girl wrapped her arm around his chest. Her fingertips grazing his side.
The bionic boy snickered.
The Matthews girl frowned. Is he ticklish? She, innocently, moved her hand up and down his sides, again.
The Davenport boy chuckled.
He is. The blue-eyed girl started to really tickle his side.
- "Stop it!" The green hazel-eyed boy laughed.
Maddie laughed as she sat up and continued to, viciously, attack both of his sides.
- "Stop!" Chase wiggled.
- "Not a chance in hell." The alien girl smirked as her best friend tried to make her stop.
The bionic boy grabbed both of her wrists and exchanged their positions: he was, now, sitting as she laid on her back.
- "I said stop." He chuckled as he pinned his best friend's wrist next to her head.
- "I like seeing you wiggle underneath me." The Matthews girl smiled.
The Davenport blushed brightly.
- "Two can play that game." He let go of her wrists and started tickling her sides.
- "No, no, no." The blue-eyed girl laughed.
The green hazel-eyed boy smiled widely as he listened to his favorite sound in the world. He stopped tickling her and watched her breath, slowing down.
- "Okay. If we continue to get revenge on each other, every time, our wars are never gonna end." Maddie chuckled.
- "I don't want them to." Chase smiled.
- "Me neither. I like annoying you." The alien girl smirked.
- "You're really good at that." The bionic boy mocked.
- "Hey." The Matthews girl, gently, smacked his arm.
- "I'm kidding." The Davenport boy replied. "You could never annoy me, even if you actually tried."
- "That's good to know." The blue-eyed girl smiled.
The green hazel-eyed boy laid down and pulled his best friend's head on his chest, again.
- "Thank you." Maddie said, softly.
- "You're welcome." Chase replied.
He knew that she was talking about the fact that he cheered her up, when she needed it, like they always do for each other.
Thursday, 27th March 2014
The next day, at school, the bionic brothers were walking down the stairs.
- "Ooh, hot tub's empty. You better take your phone out of your pants. I'm gonna throw you in." Adam told his brother.
Where is my phone? Chase checked his pockets.
- "My phone... it's gone!" He exclaimed, panicked.
- "Perfect, let's do this." The tall guy went to grab his brother.
- "Stop!" The genius boy stopped him. "It has our bionic bowling and Mads throwing you on it! If someone sees it, our secrets will be exposed. I must've left it back at the store."
I didn't notice it was gone because I was with Mads. He thought. I forget about everything when I'm with her.
- "Come on!" He ran out with his brother.
The girls walked down the stairs as Leo danced beside them.
- "I have never seen you this happy." Bree said.
- "I did." Maddie replied. "When Janelle asked him out." She chuckled.
- "Shush!" The short boy whispered. "With Perry leaving, this baby bird is ready to fly." He pretended to fly.
A horn blared as Perry was wheeled in.
- "Keep her legs warm in case we need to make a hasty retreat." She told her driver. "Listen up." The students gathered around her. "I am happy to announce that after an exhaustive 22-minute search, I have found your new principal!" She gestured to the door.
- "Hey-o!" Trent walked in.
- "Oh, boy." The alien girl sighed.
- "Trent?!" The Davenport boy asked, in panic.
- "That's right, Newly-Davenport." The new principal said. "Your new schedule. First period: theatre, where you'll perform a one-man version of Annie for the entire school." He put a wig on Leo's head. "Then marching band, where you'll be the drum major's baton!" He explained. "And then gym class where... well, your embarrassment there goes without saying." He turned to the Matthews girl. "And since I'm the principal, you can't hurt me." He smirked.
I wouldn't bet on that. Maddie smiled.
Later, the bionic brothers arrived at Tech Town, panting.
- "Chase! It's not even your shift, and you're here. I'm impressed." Scott smiled.
- "I'm not here to work, actually. I think I just left my phone on the prodigy bar." Chase explained.
- "Oh, you mean our packing area?" The manager asked, before walking away.
- "Ahh! Someone must've packed my phone with the others. We have to find it!" The genius boy exclaimed.
- "Whoa, 'we'? I just came to watch you freak out." Adam replied.
- "All right, it's game time!" Scott yelled.
- "Scott, can you delay opening for a minute, so I can find my phone?" The green hazel-eyed boy asked.
- "Let me run it up the corporate ladder. Tick, tick, tick, tick, no." The manager replied. "Release the herd!" He yelled.
People in line rushed into the store.
- "Noooo!" Chase screamed.
- "Oh, yeah! Now, this is the show I bought tickets to." The tall guy laughed.
A while later, Scott was carrying Caitlin, who was holding ripped off hair.
- "She started it!" She yelled.
The manager put her down, in front of the packing area.
- "Caitlin, guard the phones and don't let anyone touch them." He ordered. "Gotta go find whoever this belongs to." He took the hair and walked away.
- "Man, we're never gonna be able to look for the phone with her on guard." Chase said.
-"Nope. But hey, look on the bright side." Adam replied.
- "What's the bright side?" The genius boy asked.
- "I don't know, I'm just trying to be a more positive person." The tall guy explained.
The green hazel-eyed boy frowned.
Later, at school, the girls were talking in the hallway.
- "So..." Bree smirked. "I saw the face you were doing when Chase wrapped his arm around you."
- "I saw the face you were doing when Caitlin kissed your cheeks to say goodbye." Maddie smiled.
- "This isn't funny. I can't mock you anymore, without you mocking me back." The bionic girl said.
- "And I love it." The alien girl smiled.
Trent walked in and blew in his whistle.
- "All right, I got some good news and I got some bad news. The bad news is I'm instituting a school uniform policy." He explained, causing the students to groan. "The good news is, only Davenport has to wear it. Come on out, sweet prince."
Leo walked in, and everyone laughed. His best friend took out her phone and took a picture.
- "What are you laughing at?" The principal asked the Davenport girl. "This is your new uniform." He took out a pink shirt with the Davenport boy's face on it, saying 'I'm related to him'.
- "Why are you dragging me into this? What did I do?" Bree asked.
- "A: You're related to him and B: I don't even really know." Trent replied, before turning to the Matthews girl. "And this is for you." He took out a red shirt with the two younger Davenport brothers' faces, saying 'Their best friend and manly protector'.
- "Why?" Maddie frowned.
- "A: You are. B: I hate you. C: You're a bitch." The principal smirked as he put the shirt on the top of her head, before walking away.
- "He cannot be principal! He is worse than she is!" The bionic girl exclaimed.
- "Okay, I cannot believe I'm saying this...but we have to make Perry stay." Leo sobbed.
- "It's okay." The Davenport girl side-hugged him.
Perry emerged from the hot tub.
- "What are you doing down there?" The short boy asked.
- "Just checking on my veggie dumplings." The ex-principal explained.
- "I'm not even surprised she cooks in it." The alien girl said.
- "Principal Perry, are you sure you want to retire? I mean, the position of principal comes with prestige. You're shaping America's youth." Bree said.
- "If I cared about shaping our youth, I'd still be teaching swim lessons down at the swamp." Perry explained. The trio frowned. "Hey, kid sees a gator comin', he'll swim!"
- "Look, this is not gonna work." The Davenport boy pulled the girls aside. "The only way to persuade someone like that is with bribes, and she already has money."
- "But what if she didn't?" The Matthews girl replied.
- "Yes!" The bionic girl exclaimed. "We still have a few hours before her official resignation. If we can get her to spend all of her money, she would have to stay!"
- "I don't know, seems kinda crazy." Leo said.
- "Look at your outfit." The Davenport girl replied.
- "I'm in." The short boy nodded.
- "Principal Perry, to celebrate your last day, we would like to take you shopping." Bree smiled.
- "Pass. Rather die." The ex-principal shook her head.
- "Come on. With my super speed and Maddie's teleportation." The bionic girl whispered. "We can take you anywhere: Beverly Hills, Paris, Bali, Dubai, Rome, Madrid, New York's 5th Avenue..."
- "Well...I am an uptown girl." Perry smiled. "Fine. But before we go, can you grab that stray dumpling bobbing around my big toe?" The Davenport girl frowned and went to grab it, before the older woman stopped her. "No, no, no, no, wait, I can get it. Oh. There, got it. Want a bite?" She showed the dumpling between her toes to the Davenport boy, who frowned.
- "You know what's weird? I kinda want a bite." He said.
- "You know what's weird? M is not even disgusted." Bree replied.
- "I read her mind. It's worse than you can imagine, nothing she does can disgust me anymore." Maddie shrugged.
- "Good for you, sis." The ex-principal smirked.
The siblings frowned.
In the meanwhile, at Tech Town, Scott was listening to the person talking in his comm. Set.
- "Uh-oh. We got another scuffle in line. Some old rich guy tried to take a cut-sy and that's a Tech Town no-no. I'm gonna need some muscle." He looked at Chase and Caitlin. "Caitlin, come with me." He walked away with the blonde.
Maddie said that I have muscles. The genius boy frowned.
- "Okay, he's gone." He walked up to his brother. "Make up an excuse to look at customer's phones."
- "What do I say?" Adam asked.
- "I don't know! Be creative!" The green hazel-eyed boy exclaimed.
- "Can I borrow your phone? My car broke down, and I need to call a tow truck." The tall guy said to a man. "You see, my husband's making me dinner, and he gets upset when I'm late and..." The man tried to give him his phone. "Whoa! Hold on. I'm not done. He's making me lasagna and it's my favorite. Okay, now." He took the guy's phone.
Later, the girls walked in the main school's hallway with tons of shopping bags.
- "Hey, where's your uniform?" Bree asked.
- "Yes, sweet little prince." Maddie mocked.
- "Trent sent it in to the tailor. He didn't think it was 'snug enough'." Leo explained. "Where's Perry?"
- "Oh, she wanted to make an entrance." The bionic girl replied.
A trumpet blared and Perry walked in, looking like a princess.
- "Greetings, peasants! It's fashion time!" She exclaimed.
- "No offense, but you're 50 years late for the prom." The short boy replied.
In the meanwhile, the bionic brothers were still looking at the customers' phones.
- "Man, we can't keep this up." Chase walked up to his brother. "We gotta get to the boxes before the customers get to them." They walked over to Caitlin. "Can we just..."
- "You are messing with the wrong girl on the wrong day." The blonde stared at him, angrily.
The genius boy raised his hands in the air and took a step back.
- "Dude, what are we gonna do?" He asked.
- "Don't worry. We're gonna find your phone." Adam put his hand on his brother's shoulder to reassure him. "No one will ever know, including Dad."
- "You're right. Thank you." The green hazel-eyed boy sighed.
- "Hey, look who's here. Hi, Dad!" The tall guy yelled towards the outside of the store.
- "AAAAAAHHHH!" Chase ran and jumped into the pile of phones, knocking them all over.
He started to, frantically, look at all the phones.
Later, the trio was looking at their ex-principal's receipts. The hallways were filled by unless extensive things.
-"All right. We're almost there. We just have to finish booking this trip to Spain, so Perry can run with the bulls." Bree smirked.
- "Poor bulls. They don't stand a chance." Leo sighed.
- "They really don't." Maddie shook her head.
Perry walked in and sighed.
- "Uh, we need your credit for one last purchase." The bionic girl said.
- "Forget it. I'm done buying stuff. I thought all this junk would make me happy, but it doesn't." The ex-principal whined. "I'm outta here."
- "Well, I guess I should get used to Principal Trent. Better go freckle up. Got two shows and a matinee." The short boy put on his wig.
- "No, we have to make Perry angry. The thing that makes her happy is having us as her servants and giving orders. If she quits, she won't have that anymore." The alien girl explained.
- "Alright, let's do this." The Davenport girl nodded.
- "I can give it a try." The Davenport boy sighed.
- "All right, you three, grab this stuff and toss it in my blimp." Perry said.
- "You know what? No. Do it yourself, Terry." Bree replied.
- "You have arms, so do it yourself." The Matthews girl answered.
- "Excuse me?" The ex-principal frowned.
- "You're not our principal anymore, so you can't tell us what to do." The bionic girl explained.
- "Yeah, she's right. We're done taking order from you." Leo said.
The trio started to walk away.
- "I said grab my stuff, fungus pigeons!" Perry yelled. "Ahh!" She gasped, loudly. "Wait. This feeling...It's what's missing! None of this junk will make me happy. What really matters in life is... treating people poorly for my own amusement. And nothing makes me feel more complete than doing it to you, twerps." She hugged the trio.
- "What a wonderful life lesson." The Davenport girl smiled.
- "Yeah." The ex-principal smiled back. "Guess I'm not gonna retire after all. It's back to my original plan of working till I drop and then getting stuffed and mounted over the gym door."
- "I could help you with that." Maddie said.
- "You know what's weird? I kinda wanna see that." The short boy replied.
- "Me too." The alien girl nodded.
In the meanwhile, at Tech Town, the bionic brothers were done looking at the packed phones.
- "Man, we've checked every single phone! I can't believe I did this. After all Dad has done to protect our bionic secret and Claire did to protect Mads' secret, I blew it." Chase sighed.
- "Chase, it was an accident." Adam replied. "It could've happened to anyone."
The younger brother smiled, sadly.
- "Ah! I'm warning you." Scott said to Donald. "Don't even think about causing any more trouble. I have a really high scream, and I'm not afraid to use it."
The father walked in the store.
- "Dad, can I talk with you?" The genius boy asked.
- "Unless you wanna give me a free ePhone, I don't want to hear it." The scientist replied.
- "I think you do." The green hazel-eyed boy stopped him. "I messed up. I may have..."
- "Go home, everybody!" Caitlin yelled. "The sale's over! We're out of phones!"
Everyone groaned.
- "Wait, what about the display model?" Donald pointed at a woman swiping through the display model, which was revealed to be Chase's phone as his pictures were being shown on the screen.
- "Oh, no, no, no, no! Leo!" The genius boy yelled.
- "Oh, he really doesn't photograph well." The tall guy frowned.
- "Yeah, I suppose we could sell the display model." The manager replied.
Everyone rushed to the display model, and fought over it until Caitlin grabbed it.
- "Stop it!" She yelled. "Look at you people! It's just like the last pretzel, except it's a stupid phone! This is why I hate crowds! You're all loving gadgets, when you should be loving each other!" She threw the phone on the ground, before jumping on it several times.
Bree has terrible taste. The green hazel-eyed boy frowned.
- "Caitlin, you're fired." Scott said.
- "May I ask why?" The blonde asked.
The manager picked her up and carried her out of the store.
- "So, what did you want to tell me?" The father asked.
- "That... if you want to buy something for mom, you might wanna hurry, 'cause the mall closes at 9:00." Chase answered.
The scientist rolled his eyes and walked away.
Later, that evening, the geniuses were laying on the roof of the mansion.
- "Adam's right." Maddie said, with her head laying on her best friend's bicep as they looked at the sky. "It was an accident. It could've happened to anyone. Now, you'll know that you should not film your bionics." She snickered.
- "That's not funny." Chase replied. "I almost had a heart attack."
- "And that changes from the other days, because...?" The alien girl asked.
- "Haha!" The bionic boy, sarcastically, laughed.
- "That's true. You have an almost heart attack, every day." The Matthews girl replied.
- "Most are caused by your jump scares." The Davenport boy said.
- "I would never jump scare you." The blue-eyed girl smiled, coyly. "They are pure accidents."
- "Yeah, right." The green hazel-eyed boy rolled his eyes, amused.
- "Plus, you jump scare me, too." Maddie replied.
- "Wonder who started." Chase smirked.
- "I have no idea." The alien girl smiled.
- "Right." The bionic boy nodded. The two geniuses laughed. "You're impossible."
- "This might be your favorite sentence." The Matthews girl replied.
- "Probably." The Davenport boy chuckled.
- "Is it weird that I still think the sky is beautiful even when the clouds hide the stars?" The blue-eyed girl asked.
- "Maybe, a little." The green hazel-eyed boy nodded. Maddie gasped, amused. "But, so, am I." He chuckled.
- "Good to know, Chase." The alien girl snickered.
I love when you say my name. Chase smiled.
Friday, 28th March 2013
The next day, at school, the trio was watching men carrying Perry's stuff out.
- "So, you're not gonna miss this stuff at all?" Bree asked.
- "Nah, just the hot tub. The school board deemed it 'inappropriate'. If cooking your dinner in the same vat of water you bathe in is 'inappropriate', than I don't want to be 'appropriate'." The principal replied.
- "We know." Maddie smiled.
- "How'd Trent take the news?" Leo asked.
- "Eh, he was upset till I decided to spring for a new gym teacher uniform." Perry explained.
- "New uniform? I can help with that." The short boy smirked.
Later, the four were standing in front of the gym doors.
- "Come on out, Trent." Leo said.
Trent walked out in the new uniform and the trio laughed.
- "I look ridiculous..." He said.
- "Yes, you do." Maddie nodded.
- "Ly awesome!" The teacher shouted, before high-fiving Perry. "Best demotion ever!"
- "Okay, you, weirdo." The alien girl replied.
A.N: 5477 words.
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