Saturday, 16th November 2013
The next day, the team walked in the lab, after a mission.
- "Mission accomplished." Bree said.
- "Great job, guys. You saved that island from the biggest tropical storm in decades." Donald praised.
- "And, lucky for you, I brought home a whole bag of hairy fruit." Adam dumped several coconuts on the cyber desk.
- "Yeah, just be happy Maddie and I made him put the pelican back." The bionic girl replied.
- "Guys, that mission was the finest use of bionics and superpowers to date. I think we can all agree that strength plus speed equals success." The father pointed at the Matthews girl and his two oldest children.
The older siblings chuckled, before high-fiving.
- "Uh...excuse me. Let's not forget the mastermind behind this entire thing." Chase answered.
- "Oh, right. Let's give it up for our fearless leader." The tall guy grinned as he wrapped his arms around his sister.
- "You did a very good job, Chase." Maddie put her hand on the green hazel-eyed boy's shoulder as she smiled.
- "Thank you, Mads." He blushed, slightly.
- "Mr. Davenport! Whoo!" The oldest sibling high-fived his father while his sister clapped.
What? The genius boy looked away from his best friend.
- "What? No! I was talking about me! I supervised the whole mission." He replied.
- "Yeah, but I think we all know who did the heavy lifting." Adam chuckled as his brother glared at him. "I'll give you a hint: Starts with an 'A', ends with an 'M'. There's a big 'da' in the middle. Okay, guys, it's me." He smiled. "And my favorite little lady."
- "Please, the real work happened up here." The mission leader pointed to his head.
- "Agreed." The alien girl answered.
The youngest Davenport smiled fondly at her.
- "Chase, no offense, but your bionic brain is no match for our hustle..." The bionic girl replied.
- "And muscle." The tall guy showed off his biceps.
- "Ooh, that is a great team name!" The scientist exclaimed, before pointing at each member of the team. "Hustle, Muscle, Ch...uscle and M...ustle. Mm." He, awkwardly, tried. "Don't worry, we'll find you an 'ustle'."
- "I'm good." The alien girl smiled.
- "I'm so tired of these two getting all of the attention because they have super speed and super strength. I never get any of the credit." Chase said.
Aw, Chase. The blue-eyed girl frowned, sadly.
- "That is not true, Chase. They just have a lot of flash. But you're the glue that holds that flash together." Donald defended. "You're... flash glue."
- "I'm 'flash glue?'." The genius boy frowned.
- "Hey, I think I figured it out." Adam cracks the coconut on his forehead to open it. "Ahh... You're right, Chase. The real work does happen up here." He chuckled.
Maddie laughed.
Everyone walked out the lab, except the two geniuses.
- "Don't listen to them, Chase." The alien girl put her hand on his shoulder. "They are idiots. You did an excellent job, like usual." She smiled.
- "Thank you, Mads." The green hazel-eyed smiled as his cheeks reddened.
- "You're welcome." The Matthews girl walked out.
I am so lucky to have her. The Davenport boy smiled fondly as he watched her walk away. Not have her, HAVE HER. I meant like having her in my life! He corrected, panicked.
Later, Maddie was in her new official room. Earlier that day; her and the Davenports, all, went to her house to take her stuff and Claire's.
Maddie had packed her stuff and her mother's with her super speed. She wanted to keep all of her mother's belongings with her.
She was, now, sitting on the bed, thinking as she held her mother's necklace against her heart. She had not unpacked yet, everything was still in closed boxes.
Should we continue the Sunday family brunch even if mom is gone? She questioned. I need to ask Tasha.
Suddenly, she got up and walked towards the kitchen to find her mother's best friend.
- "Hey, Tasha." She said.
- "Hey, sweetie." Tasha smiled. "Do you need something?"
- "I just wanted to ask you something." The alien girl sat on the chair of the counter.
- "Of course." The mother stopped cooking and turned around. "You can ask me anything, Maddie." She walked in front of the girl.
- "Since mom died, should we continue our Sunday tradition?" The Matthews girl asked.
- "I haven't really thought about cancelling it." The Davenport woman replied, thoughtful.
- "Do you think we should?" The blue-eyed girl questioned.
- "I don't think so." Tasha replied as the genius girl frowned. "Your mom is the one who had the idea. I think continuing the tradition would somehow honor her, and it would be like she is still with us, since it was her idea." She explained.
- "She did love our Sunday tradition." Maddie smiled.
- "So, do I." The mother answered.
- "Me too." The alien girl smiled. "So, the tradition continues."
- "Yes." Tasha smiled. She walked around the counter. "I miss her, too." She hugged the girl.
They both had tears in their eyes as they hugged tightly.
Sunday, 17th November 2013
The next afternoon, Donald had called his children and their protector, in the lab.
- "Okay, guys, say hello to my latest invention, the Cryo-blaster! This thing can freeze anything in a nanosecond." He explained, excited.
- "Like my breath?" Maddie replied.
- "Sorta, yes." The father nodded.
- "Bravo, Big D. You invented ice." Leo, sarcastically, applauded.
- "No, I invented a way for astronauts to travel to distant galaxies while frozen in suspended animation." The scientist explained.
- "Which is a fancy way of saying 'ice'." The short boy mocked.
- "All right, here, let me demonstrate." Donald took his eldest son's glass of water and put on the cyber desk. "You guys might want to step back because the ray from the Cryo-blaster freezes everything it touches." The teenagers backed up, before the scientist froze the glass with the Cryo-blaster.
- "Can someone please tell this dude he's making ice?" The Dooley boy asked.
The two geniuses snickered.
- "Look, every space program in the world is going to want one of these." The father replied. "I just need the element to fuel them, cytanium. And it's only found here." He showed them a map on the cyber desk. "I'm sending you on a mission to the most remote part of Antarctica."
- "As opposed to bustling downtown Antarctica?" Bree questioned.
- "No worries, Mr. Davenport. We've been to way worse places than Antarctica." Chase smirked.
- "Oh, yeah. Remember Bakersfield?" Adam asked.
The four boys groaned, in disgust while the girls chuckled.
- "Why are you laughing?" Leo frowned.
- "Because Adam and Chase's faces were epic." The bionic girl laughed.
- "And it was not that bad." Maddie replied.
- "Do you realize we're talking about Bakersfield?" The short boy asked.
- "Do you realize I spend five years on a Kree ship seeing and smelling dead bodies all day?" The alien girl raised her eyebrows.
The genius boy frowned, sadly. Poor Mads. Nobody deserves that, certainly, not her. She has the kindest soul, ever. He, gently and discreetly, took her hand in his.
The alien girl smiled, softly as she looked at their hands.
- "Right, fair enough." The Dooley boy nodded.
- "Look, with your bionics and your superpowers, you should be able to swoop in and..." Donald started but was cut off by a warning alert. "Oh, no. There's a massive storm headed there."
- "So, who cares? We just dealt with a storm." The green hazel-eyed boy replied.
- "No, this is a Category Five. It's much more dangerous. I can't believe this. I'm gonna have to call off the mission." The father sighed.
- "Wha... No! There's plenty of time before the center of the storm hits." The youngest Davenport defended.
- "I'm a Kryptonian. I can go." The Matthews girl replied.
- "No, Maddison, I won't send you in Antarctica in a middle of a storm. It's just not worth the risk. I just hope the storm doesn't collapse the glacier." The father answered.
- "But if that happens, you'll lose the cytanium forever." The mission leader said.
- "I know." The scientist sighed and walked out the lab.
- "But we can do this." Chase said.
- "Stand down, Flash-Glue. You heard the man. No one is going, not even Hustle and Muscle." Bree said to her youngest brother. "Or Supergirl."
- "Supergirl?" The blue-eyed frowned.
- "You both have the same powers and blue eyes, so, yes." The bionic girl replied.
She does. The genius boy thought.
- "That's true." Maddie tilted her head.
- "Yeah. And Muscle could use some help." Adam replied with the ice block hanging off his tongue, before his sister ripped it off. "Aah! That hurt! Great, now I need some ice." He put the ice block back on his tongue. "Ah, that's so much better." He sighed.
Okay. The youngest Davenport nodded.
Everyone walked out of the lab, except the geniuses.
- "Don't even think about it." The alien girl said.
- "Think about what?" The genius boy frowned.
- "About going by yourself." The Matthews girl replied.
How does she know I was thinking about going? The Davenport boy though.
- "But..." He started.
- "No 'but'. Chase, but this is too dangerous." The blue-eyed girl said.
I can do this. The green hazel-boy lowered his head. His best friend, gently, kissed his cheek, causing him to look up. Gosh, I love when she does this.
- "You're perfectly capable of doing missions on your own; just don't go to one in a middle of a freaking Category Five storm." Maddie explained. "I don't want you to die." She walked away.
He won't listen. She thought.
I can do this. Chase thought, determined. I'll show everyone. And I'll show Mads that he'll be fine. He walked away.
A few minutes later, Chase walked in one of the jets of his father, wearing his mission suit. He put his gear down.
- "Going somewhere?" Maddie asked.
- "AAAAH!" The bionic boy screamed. He turned around to his best friend, who was sitting behind him with her arms crossed, wearing her own mission suit. "Jesus, Mads! You almost gave me a heart attack!"
- "That was the point." The alien girl smiled, before getting up. "I'll ask again. Going somewhere?" She questioned.
- "Um... I was..." The Davenport boy started.
- "Don't even try to lie." The Matthews girl replied.
- "We both know where I'm going." The green hazel-eyed boy sighed.
- "You mean where we are going." The blue-eyed girl corrected.
- "What?" Chase frowned.
- "You'll do the mission, but I'll be there to make sure that you are okay, like I used to do, until my mom died." Maddie explained.
- "I'll be fine, Mads." The bionic boy replied.
- "I want to make sure of that." The alien girl answered. "I already lost my mom; I can't lose you, too." Tears formed in her eyes.
- "Mads..." The Davenport boy looked at her, sadly.
- "No." The Matthews girl wiped her eyes. "I'm coming, it's not negotiable." She said, firmly.
- "Okay." The green hazel-eyed boy sighed. "Let's go." He smiled, softly.
- "I promise, I won't do anything. I'll only be here, in case." The blue-eyed girl replied. "I know you want to prove yourself."
- "Thank you." Chase smiled.
- "Yeah. Yeah." Maddie sat down. "Go. This jet needs to fly to Antarctica." She crossed her arms.
The bionic boy chuckled and walked towards the console.
- "Did you take a snowsuit?" He asked.
- "I'm a Kryptonian, Chase." The alien girl snickered. "I could be in front of the sun, in a snowsuit, without being hot, and I could be in my underwear in Antarctica, without being cold." She laughed. "I don't need a snowsuit."
- "Alright." The Davenport boy blushed, brightly.
Why is she talking about being in her underwear? He shook his head, amused.
Later, the two older bionic siblings walked, in the lab, to their father.
- "Hey. Mr. Davenport, have you seen Chase and Maddie?" Bree asked. "They're not answering their phones, and their mission suits and gear are gone."
- "What?" Donald frowned.
- "Yeah, I'm worried Chase was carried away by a small predatory bird." Adam explained. "And that Maddie killed the poor bird." He sniffled.
- "Get Chase on the comm. Set, now." The scientist ordered.
The bionic girl touched some buttons on the cyber desk.
- "Got him." She said.
- "Chase, where are you?" The father asked. "Is Maddison with you?"
- "She is. We are at the cytanium site." Chase replied.
- "What? I told you it was too dangerous. What are you doing?" Donald questioned.
- "I'm proving that even without super strength and super speed, I can still get the job done." The genius boy explained. "And Mads is making sure I'm okay, like usual." He rolled his eyes, fondly.
- "Complain all you want, I'm not leaving until you do." Maddie answered.
- "I know." The green hazel-eyed boy smiled.
An alarm beeped and the map, on the cyber desk, showed a storm warning.
- "You're about to be trapped by a major storm. Get out of there now!" The scientist yelled.
- "It's okay, Mr. Davenport. I'm almost done. I just have to get the last of the samples." The mission leader replied.
- "No. Abort and seek shelter. That's an order." Donald ordered. "That storm..." A rumbling noise was heard over the comm. Set. "What was that noise?" An avalanche descended on Chase, who screamed.
- "Chase!" The Matthews girl super speeded towards him and put a shield around them.
The comm. Set was cut out.
- "Chase? Chase!" The scientist yelled.
- "There was a major avalanche at Chase and Maddie's coordinates." The Davenport girl said, worryingly.
- "They may still be alive, but we don't have much time." Donald explained.
- "Adam, let's go!" Bree exclaimed.
The bionic siblings ran out of the lab.
Later, Maddie had put a shield around them, blocking them under the snow. They were sitting, legs crossed, facing each other.
- "Still, thinking I shouldn't have come?" She asked.
- "No." Chase scoffed. "Thank you." He smiled.
- "You're welcome." The Matthews girl smiled back. "But we don't have enough space to teleport away, and I can't use my other powers without putting down the shield and burying us alive." She explained, without moving her hands to hold the shield.
- "So, were stuck?" The Davenport boy questioned as he took off his hood.
- "Yep. We just have to wait for your family." The alien girl sighed and put her back against the shield.
- "Great." The bionic boy leaned back and took out a recorder. "Chase mission log, minute one. Mads and I are stuck under the snow. We have to wait for Adam and Bree." He turned off the recorder. "While we wait, can I ask questions?" He asked.
- "Sure." The blue-eyed girl nodded.
- "Are you really born on October 8th?" The green hazel-eyed boy questioned.
- "Yes, it was in my file on the Krees' ship." Maddie replied.
- "I still can't believe you were born in 1978." Chase chuckled.
- "Yeah. I know. Alternate universe, aliens, time travel. You probably freaked out." The Matthews girl laughed.
- "Can you blame me?" The Davenport raised his eyebrows.
- "Not really." The alien girl chuckled.
- "What are your powers?" The bionic boy asked.
- "All of them?" The blue-eyed girl frowned.
- "Yes, bring it, I can remember." The green hazel-eyed pointed to his head.
- "Alright." Maddie snickered. "Okay, so, from the Green Martians, I have telepathy, invisibility, telekinesis, vacuum adaptation, psychic translation, I can understand and speak every language and a mental shield, which, basically, stops me from getting my mind controlled by someone."
- "That would be useful, against the Triton app." Chase replied.
- "I know." The Matthews girl nodded.
- "What's next?" The Davenport boy questioned.
- "From the Calderians, energy barrier creation, so this." The alien girl looked at the shield around them. "And portal creation. From Daxamites, I have several powers in common with the Kryptonians and electrosynthesis."
- "You can absorb electricity to heal your body?" The bionic boy asked, impressed. His best friend nodded. "That's so cool!"
- "Yep." The blue-eyed girl smiled. "Okay and Kryptonians: I have flight, invulnerability, extended longevity, on earth I can live hundreds of years."
- "Seriously?" The green hazel-eyed boy replied.
- "Yeah. Anyway, I also have atmospheric adaption, accelerated healing factor, contaminant immunity, so I can't get drunk or high or be sick." Maddie explained.
- "That must be useful." Chase smiled.
- "I have sleep flight, levitation, heat vision, elemental resistance, self-sustenance, so I can stop eating, drinking, sleeping, and my body won't see the difference." The Matthews girl continued.
- "This is cool." The Davenport boy nodded.
- "I have reverse photosynthesis, meaning I can absorb the solar energy from plants to heal, super vision, super hearing, night vision, x-ray vision, super senses, freeze breath, super speed, accelerated perception, super reflexes, time deceleration, super strength, thunderclap, super jumping, super leaping, super stamina, telepathy immunity, super breath, super endurance, thermal vision, enhanced mental capacity, it's the name for eidetic memory. Which is stupid because my memory is not a superpower, every Kryptonian has an eidetic memory." The alien girl explained.
- "Every Kryptonian? Seriously?" The bionic boy asked.
- "Yes, seriously." The blue-eyed girl snickered. "I also have microscopic vision, electromagnetic spectrum vision, telescopic vision, super scream, high tolerance for pain and super agility." She said. "That's it." She smiled.
- "That's it? You just told me forty-seven powers!" The green hazel-eyed boy exclaimed. "This is impressive."
- "Thanks." Maddie smiled.
- "You have a lot of powers." Chase said with wide eyes.
- "I know." The Matthews girl chuckled. "Are you okay?"
- "Yeah." The Davenport boy snickered. "You know, now, that I know all your powers, you became a little scarier."
- "You really think I'm scary?" The alien girl asked.
- "A little. For others, you are terrifying, but I know you would never hurt me." The bionic boy smiled.
- "I'll never hurt you like Adam but like Leo, maybe." The blue-eyed girl smirked.
- "You would be capable of slapping me upside the head or smacking my arm?" The green hazel-eyed boy gasped, amused.
- "If you deserve it, yes." Maddie smiled.
- "I am outraged." Chase put a hand on his heart and pretended to be hurt.
- "You're impossible." The Matthews girl rolled her eyes, amused.
- "You know I'm gonna get back at you for scaring me?" The Davenport boy smirked.
- "Oh, I know." The alien girl chuckled. "Nobody loves revenge as much as you do."
- "There is one person that loves revenge as much as me." The bionic boy replied. His best friend frowned. "You."
- "I don't know what you're talking about." The blue-eyed girl smiled, coyly.
- "Uh-uh." The green hazel-eyed boy raised his eyebrows, before crossing his arms.
The two geniuses laughed.
I'm kinda grateful for the avalanche. Maddie looked fondly at her best friend, who was smiling widely.
I love spending time with her, even if we almost got buried alive. Chase smiled.
Three hours later, the geniuses were still buried under a pile of snow.
- "Chase mission log, hour three." Chase said in a recorder. "These could be my last recorded words. We're still stuck under a mountain of snow. The air is getting thinner. I am cold. We are hungry. And these snow pants are giving me an extreme wedgie!" He yelled, before turning off the recorder. He wiggled, trying to adjust his pants. Maddie laughed loudly. "This is not funny! It's really uncomfortable."
- "I bet." The alien girl pressed her lips together to stop herself from laughing more.
- "You're trying not to laugh." The bionic boy shook his head, amused.
- "I am, but this is hard." The Matthews girl snickered.
- "You laugh at me at any chance you get." The Davenport boy smiled.
- "I laugh at everyone." The blue-eyed girl replied.
- "True. You're terrible." The green hazel-eyed boy chuckled.
Maddie gasped, amused. Digging was heard from above.
- "Yes! Adam! Bree! I knew you would come for us! We're in here!" Chase yelled.
Snow was taken off the shield as the inside of the bubble became bright. The geniuses looked up to see Douglas peering in from above.
- "What?" The alien girl frowned.
- "What are you doing here?" The bionic boy asked.
- "Saving my son and his girlfriend's lives!" The evil genius exclaimed.
I am not your son. The genius boy locked his jaw.
Girlfriend? The Matthews girl's eyes widened. I like the sound of that. But focus, this is not the moment!
We should go with him and try to make him talk. The green hazel-eyed boy thought and looked at his best friend.
What? The blue-eyed raised her eyebrows.
Come on. Chase nodded.
Let's go. Maddie nodded.
- "Come on." Douglas extended his hands to the geniuses, who, reluctantly, took them. "We can warm up in my tent."
Later, the two older bionic siblings were still looking for the geniuses.
- "Any sign of them?" Donald asked over the comm. Set.
- "Nothing!" Bree exclaimed.
- "I can't find their heat signatures anywhere!" Adam yelled.
- "Well, how can they not be here? This was Chase and Maddie's exact location." The bionic girl replied.
- "There's only one explanation: He met a family of Eskimos who took him in as their pet because he is the exact same size as a penguin." The tall guy explained. "And Maddie is probably chasing them to free him."
- "They're not here. Let's move south." The Davenport ordered.
- "No, guys, that's it. There could be another avalanche any minute. I'm calling off the rescue." The father sighed.
- "What?" Bree asked, in disbelief.
- "No way! I'm not leaving without my brother and my sister!" Adam yelled.
- "Wait!" The bionic girl spotted a blinking device in the snow. "That's Chase's comm. Set. They were here. We have to keep looking!"
- "Guys, I'm serious. Get out of there!" The scientist yelled.
A rumbling noise was heard.
- "Hey, there's that sound again." The tall guy chuckled.
- "Avalanche! Move!" The Davenport girl super speeded them away as the avalanche descended.
In the meanwhile, the two young geniuses were in the tent of the evil Davenport. The teenagers were sitting together on a sleeping bag.
- "Would you like some soup? I went to cooking school in the 90s. It's Tuscan bean." He smiled as he handed them two cups.
- "You know you're supposed to be a scary bad guy?" The Matthews girl asked, mockingly.
- "I am scary!" Douglas defended.
- "Right, sorry. You're scary for ants." The blue-eyed girl replied.
The man gasped, offended, while his biological son snickered.
- "Is it poison?" Chase asked.
- "Yes. I flew 10,000 miles around the world in a massive storm and risked my life in an avalanche to rescue you, two, so I could then poison you." Douglas sassed.
- "The sass in this family is impressive." Maddie said as she took the cups and handed one to her best friend.
Fair enough. The youngest Davenport took the soup and drank it.
- "Huh. Make a pretty good soup for a diabolical maniac." He replied.
The alien girl snickered.
- "It is good." She said.
- "You should try my quiche." The man chuckled.
- "No, thanks. I prefer Mads'. We're leaving." The green hazel-eyed boy took his best friend's hand and they both got up.
- "Suit yourself, but you'll freeze to death before anyone else gets here." Douglas replied.
- "I can survive in this suit. Mr. Davenport made it." Chase put on the jacket. "It's built to withstand temperatures down to 45 below."
- "It's 50 below." The man answered.
- "That explains the frost bite." The genius boy nodded.
- "How are you not cold?" Douglas pointed at the Matthews girl.
- "You can go to hell and see if you find the answer." The blue-eyed girl, sarcastically, smiled.
- "Feisty." The man chuckled. "You have good taste." He smiled at his biological son.
Oh my god. Maddie's eyes widened.
I'm just gonna pretend he didn't say anything. The green hazel-eyed boy blushed.
- "I'm not worried. They'll come for us." He said.
- "They already have." Douglas replied.
- "What?" The two geniuses, simultaneously, responded.
- "Oh, the weather much have been too much or them. Looks like Adam and Bree are going home without you." The man showed them his tablet. "Those are their G.P. S signals. That's how I found you."
- "You've been stalking us?" The youngest Davenport questioned.
- "You call it 'stalking'; I call it 'lovingly lurking in the shadows'." Douglas replied.
- "Maybe, you could back and leave us alone?" The alien girl smiled.
The man rolled his eyes.
A while later, Douglas was half laid down on the sleeping bag, while Maddie was sitting across from him and Chase was pacing between the two.
- "Chase, relax." The Matthews girl said.
- "You should listen to your girlfriend." The man replied.
Again with that? The alien girl thought. I'm not his girlfriend. Even if I wish I was.
Dang it! Every time, someone calls her my girlfriend or my 'girl friend' I blush! The genius boy blushed.
- "So, what's on your agenda for the day?" He asked his creator. "Build some bombs? Take over a tiny country? Steal money from old ladies?"
- "No!" Douglas scoffed. "Well, not in that order." He chuckled. "Oh, come on. I'm not that bad of a guy."
- "You trapped us in a dungeon and then tried to turn us into your bionic soldiers." The bionic boy replied as he sat next to his best friend.
- "Okay, okay. So I might've overreacted with that whole abduction thing." Douglas explained. "I was never gonna hurt anybody. I just wanted to get back at Donald."
- "You sent Marcus to kill Leo!" The blue-eyed girl exclaimed.
- "I meant never gonna hurt my children." The man corrected. "You and the little boy, I don't really care." He shrugged.
- "He could've died, you, as..." Maddie started, but was cut off by the hand of her best friend.
Damn it, he never let me curse! She glared at him.
- "When are the two of you just gonna grow up!" The green hazel-eyed boy yelled at his creator without taking off his hand from his best friend's mouth.
Let my mouth go... The alien girl thought, before nudging the mission leader.
- "Right, sorry." He whispered as he took his hand.
- "I'll grow up when he grows up!" The man exclaimed, before getting up. "Look, Chase. You and I have a lot more in common than you think. I know what it's to be unappreciated, to have a sibling who always steals the spotlight. I know how hard it's been for you. And I can help." He explained. "And I have more knowledge on bionics than my brother; I can help you, too." He turned to the blue-eyed girl.
They do have a lot in common. The Matthews girl thought. And I'm not bionic. She, mentally, laughed at him.
- "For the last time, we don't need your help." Chase replied.
- "What if I told you that you could be stronger than Adam and faster than Bree?" Douglas said as his son listened to him, intrigued. "I can make it so you can have all three abilities: speed, strength, and intelligence."
- "How?" The genius boy frowned.
- "You were the third one. By the time, I got you; I knew how to build in capacity for upgrades." The man explained. "But my brother took you away before I could finish. Join me, Chase. I can help you be all what you were meant to be." He picked up a plate. "Deviled egg?" He smiled.
- "Again, you are not scary." Maddie laughed at him.
- "Shut up." Douglas replied.
- "If you want me to listen to you, you're gonna talk to her better than this." The mission leader replied, firmly.
Damn. The blue-eyed girl raised her eyebrows. I love protective Chase.
- "I am sorry, Maddie." The creator said.
- "It's Maddison for you." The alien girl replied.
- "But if I go with you, that means I'm abandoning my family." The green hazel-eyed boy replied.
- "The same family that mocks you and never gives you the credit you deserve? For anything?" Douglas asked.
I mean he's not wrong. The Matthews girl thought.
Mads, please follow my lead. Chase thought and got up.
- "What would I have to do?" He asked his biological father.
The fuck? Maddie frowned.
- "I just need to upgrade your bionic chip, Chase." The man looked around. "As you can see, I no longer have access to state-of-the-art systems. So, we'll have to use Donald's cyber desk."
- "Yeah, I guess I can sneak you into the lab. Mr. Davenport won't be there." The bionic boy explained. "It's Sunday, which means something's getting waxed."
Not true. The blue-eyed girl frowned.
- "He is hairy. He gets that from our mom." Douglas replied as the two teenagers nodded. "It's perfect. We'll be in and out before anyone knows we're there. What do you say?" He extended his hand.
- "All right, Mr. Davenport." The mission leader shook his creator's hand. "I'm in."
- "Super." The man chuckled. Chase followed his laughter. "If you want, you could call me Dad."
- "No, I'm good." The genius boy replied and took his hand from the man, before wiping it on his pants when his creator turned his back.
- "What do YOU say?" Douglas asked the alien girl.
Come on, Mads. The genius boy, quickly, looked back at her.
Oooh. Got it. The Matthews girl smiled.
- "I'm in, too." She got up and stood beside her best friend. "I'm sick of seeing how they treat him."
Thank you. The green hazel-eyed boy smiled. She understands me even when I don't talk.
- "Perfect." The man shook her hand and turned around.
Maddie frowned and wiped her hand on her mission suit. Her best friend snickered.
- "Thank you." Chase whispered low enough for only her to hear.
- "What's your plan?" The alien girl murmured on the same volume.
- "Bring him back to the lab, so we can trap him." The mission leader explained, in a whisper.
- "That's a brilliant idea, Chase." The Matthews girl patted his back.
- "Thanks." The Davenport boy blushed, brightly.
- "Alright, let's go." Douglas said.
Later, the three geniuses were in the lab. Douglas touched an electricity generator.
- "Ow!" He shouted, in pain.
Maddie snickered.
- "The download is almost finished." Chase explained.
- "Three more minutes, and I can give you everything that Adam and Bree have, plus the capacity for more." The man patted his biological son's back.
The doors opened, causing Douglas to, quickly, hid before being seen.
- "Don't give up, guys. There's still a chance we can find him." Donald said as he walked in with his two older children. "Chase! Maddison!"
- "You're alive!" Bree exclaimed.
Douglas appeared from behind them.
- "It's Evil Uncle Daddy!" Adam gasped.
The alien girl rolled her eyes, amused.
- "Back away from him, guys." The father said.
- "It's too late, Donald. They're with me now." The younger man wrapped his arms around the geniuses' shoulders.
- "What?" The older man asked, in disbelief.
- "Chase, M, what's going on?" The bionic girl questioned.
- "It's true. I've finally taken back what was stolen from me!" Douglas replied.
Leo ran into the lab, holding the Cryo-blaster.
- "All right, Big D. I know I'm not supposed to touch your stuff, but you know how sometimes things happen, and sometimes things happen when you really don't want to them happen and that just happens to be what just happened. Upstairs." He explained, quickly. Donald pointed at his brother. "Ah!" He screamed when he saw the man, next to him.
- "Whatever you're up to, Douglas, you're not gonna get away with it." The father replied.
Beeping from the console was heard.
- "I just did. The download's finished! I now have the power to give Chase all three bionic abilities. And give Maddison new abilities. And now no one will be able to stop us!" The younger man laughed.
- "Actually, they can. That USB drive you're holding is completely useless." Chase explained.
- "What? Well, then what just took an hour and a half to download?" Douglas asked, in disbelief.
- "A list of everything Adam's ever eaten." The genius boy replied.
- "Not my Incredible Edibles!" The tall guy yelled.
- "You double-crossed me!" The younger man exclaimed and pointed at the two geniuses.
- "Did you really think I would betray my own family?" The green hazel-eyed boy walked up closer to the man.
- "Well, it's always worked for me." Douglas replied.
- "Even if you could offer me, every ability there is, I would never go to your side. We're a team. And teams never quit on each other." The youngest Davenport replied.
The younger man looked at the Matthews girl, in disbelief.
- "Don't look at me. I was just following my mission leader's orders." Maddie smiled.
The mission leader smirked.
- "All right! You got me!" Douglas threw his hand up and chuckled. "What do you say, we just put this all behind us and get down to the business of healing this family? Am I right? Bring it in, people. Let's hug it out!" He exclaimed.
One day, maybe. If we push enough, the good in him can come back to light. The alien girl thought.
Adam spread his arms and walked towards his creator.
- "Adam." Donald said, making his eldest son turned around, disappointed.
- "Well, you know what they say: If you can't join 'em..." The younger man pulled out a gun and pointed at his brother.
But he's not ready, yet. The Matthews girl shook her head.
- "Get down! Mads, now!" Chase ordered.
Maddie blew her freezing breath on Douglas, freezing him.
- "Wow! You froze him!" The short boy chuckled. "Um... Now, how exactly would someone go about unfreezing someone?" He showed the Cryo-blaster, in front of him. "'Cause it is not the button located here, here, here, here or here." He pointed several buttons.
- "Mr. Davenport, I'm really sorry. I know that I should've warned you about Douglas. I just knew that if I could get him back here, then we could trap him for good." The genius boy explained.
- "Good work, Chase. You make a great double agent." The father smiled, proudly, as he patted his son's back.
- "Thank you." The green hazel-eyed boy smiled. "Oh, and I almost forgot." He pulled out the cytanium from his pocket. "Here's your cytanium."
- "Oh! Money, money, money, money, money!" The scientist started dancing. He stopped and put a hand on his youngest son's shoulder. "I'm sorry. I mean, thank you."
Chase smiled widely while Maddie chuckled.
- "Good work." She said to her best friend.
- "Thanks." The green hazel-eyed boy blushed, slightly.
Why do I only blush when Mads compliment me? Dad said the exact same sentence and I'm didn't blush! What the heck?! He frowned.
Donald walked up to his frozen brother and started, mockingly, dancing in front of him.
- "So, what are we gonna do with frozen Uncle Dougie?" Bree asked.
- "I don't know. We could probably ship him off to one of my offshore facilities. Or we could get some rock salt and make the evilest batch of ice cream ever!" The scientist replied.
- "Mmm.." Adam hummed, happily.
- "Speaking of the 'unfreeze' button..." The Dooley boy smiled, awkwardly.
- "We weren't speaking of the unfreeze button." The genius boy replied.
- "Well, we probably should." Leo replied.
- "What did you do?" The alien girl closed her eyes, in despair.
Leo had led the five in the living room with frozen Janelle and Tasha, after they changed out of their mission suits.
- "It was a pleasure to know you." Maddie patted her childhood best friend's shoulder.
- "Yep. They're frozen." Bree replied.
- "Ooh, ice! Mmm." Adam stuck out his tongue and walked towards the ice.
The four youngest teenagers held him back.
- "We have to fix this! Janelle's mom will be here any minute!" The short boy exclaimed.
- "Okay, little lady, and I'll just use our heat visions." The tall guy suggested.
- "No, then, Janelle would see you using your bionics." Chase replied.
- "Chase, they are frozen." The alien girl answered. "She won't see anything."
- "She's right, she won't see while she's frozen in suspended animation." Donald explained.
- "You heard the man! Light 'em up!" The Dooley boy exclaimed. "Oh, wait. On second thought, these ladies are gonna be really upset. I need a running start." He ran out the front door.
- "Wait!" The father stopped his eldest son. "Me, too!" He ran out the front door, as well.
- "Step back, guys." The oldest pushed his siblings behind them.
Adam used his heat vision to melt Tasha, while Maddie used her heat vision to melt Janelle. They were both soaked.
- "What happened?" The Dawson girl asked.
- "Leo happened." The Davenport woman replied, angrily.
- "Here." Maddie handed the two, towels."
- "Thanks." Janelle sighed.
A.N: 5981 words.
You, guys, have, now, the list of all of Maddie's powers.
Also, Douglas calling her Chase's girlfriend, what do you think?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Please vote and comment.♥
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