Saturday, 24th May 2014
The next week, the three youngest teenagers helped the father replicate Bree's chip.
- "Well, Bree, you smashed your chip so badly, it's useless." Donald explained to the two older bionic siblings. "But! I was able to replicate my brother's original chip, and like my face, it's flawless."
- "Forget the chip. We need to get this dude a mirror." Leo whispered to the two young geniuses.
- "Definitely." Maddie nodded.
- "Wait, so I'm actually going to be bionic again?" The Davenport girl asked, hopeful.
- "Yep." The scientist nodded.
- "Yes!" Bree, gratefully, side-hugged her father. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
Donald smiled in the embrace.
- "Your chip's almost ready." He said.
The chip fabricator dang.
- "Ooh! Snacks are done!" Adam exclaimed.
- "For the last time, this is not a microwave! It's a chip fabricator." The scientist replied.
- "Call it whatever you want. I'm still making my mini pizzas in here." The tall guy said.
- "Adam, I told you to use the oven." The alien girl shook her head, in despair.
- "Okay, Bree, hop in your capsule when you're ready for your new chip." The father handed the chip to his, excited, daughter.
The Davenport girl stepped into her capsule.
- "You know, Big D, if this works, maybe you can make a chip for me." The short boy replied.
- "Please, your body can't handle high-fiber cereal." Donald scoffed. Bree stepped out of her capsule. "So? How does it feel?"
- "Like a piece of metal just got jammed into my neck and fused to my nervous system." The Davenport girl said.
- "Whoo hoo! Success!" The scientist yelled. "Alright, now, give it a try, see how it worked."
- "Okay." The bionic girl tried to super speed but ran on the ceiling for a few seconds, destroying some pipes and lights, before falling.
The Matthews girl caught her in her arms, before she hit the floor.
- "Well, she's still more useful than Chase!" The eldest teenager said.
Maddie made Adam slapped himself, twice.
The day, Mads doesn't defend me, I'll need to get worried. Chase smiled.
The blue-eyed sat her best friend on a chair.
- "You know, technically speaking, your bionics are working." The father replied.
- "You call this working?!" Bree said, with a low, distorted voice. "I can't control my vocal manipulation! I can't control anything!" She continued, with a high-pitched voice.
- "I'm so close. It just needs a few tweaks!" Donald put a collar around his daughter's neck.
- "Dude, we're in big trouble if he can't fix her." The genius boy pulled his brother, away. "We need her speed and agility for missions! Mads can't always use hers."
- "Well, maybe we'll just find someone to replace her." The tall guy replied.
- "We can't just replace her." The green hazel-eyed boy scoffed.
- "You're right. Let's just forget about her and move on! She's dead to me!" The eldest yelled, before making a sad face.
- "What's wrong?" Chase asked.
- "I miss Bree!" Adam bawled.
- "No offense, Big D, but if your brother's the one that created her original chip, then maybe we should just call him..." Leo started.
- "No! Forget about it! Both of you!" The scientist pointed at the childhood best friends. "I never want to see that waste of space again."
- "But he's our only hope, and he's not all bad. He did save us from Krane." The genius boy defended.
- "Thank you!" The Matthews girl exclaimed.
- "Yeah, and you know what else he did? He blew up the lab, kidnapped you, and stole all my money." The father explained.
- "All I'm hearing is adventure and excitement." The tall guy replied.
- "That's just details." The blue-eyed girl answered.
- "Look, I do not need any help from Douglas. I will fix this, okay? Give me a little credit. I happen to be a tech genius." Donald said. "Okay. Let's give it another go." He told his daughter.
Bree attempted to use her super speed, but ran backwards and crashed in a wall.
The five frowned.
- "Oh, Dad, you are not good at your job." The eldest teenager chuckled.
Maddie and Donald ran to the bionic girl.
Later, Chase was sitting on the couch, reading a book on his tablet.
Mads was right. This book is amazing. He blushed, slightly, as he continued to read the erotic phrases. Dang, that's hot.
- "Good news, Chase." Adam walked through the front door.
The genius boy jumped, in fear, and hid the screen of his tablet. I'm not doing anything!
- "I found a way to replace Bree's super-speed and Maddie's teleportation." The tall guy explained. "Come on in!" An old lady walked in. "I found her outside of a supermarket. She couldn't remember where she parked, so she's ours now."
- "You wanna replace Bree... with an old lady? More importantly, you stole an old lady?" The green hazel-eyed asked, in disbelief.
- "No, no. It's not stealing if she thinks you're her grandson." The eldest replied. "No, it's perfect, she's so old, no one would ever suspect she's bionic."
- "Dude! Quiet!" Chase yelled.
- "No, don't worry. She can't hear a thing. Come on, Chase. Picture It." Adam wrapped his arm around his brother's shoulders.
Inside of Adam's daydream
The bionic brothers were sitting in chairs, in the lab.
- "Oh bionic grandma, I'm cold!" The tall guy exclaimed. The old lady super speeded, hand-knitted a blanket with her super speed and covered him with it. "Hmmmm... toasty! But now I'm hungry!" The woman super speeded upstairs and came back with cookies.
The eldest brother took the plate and put it, between him and his brother.
- "Sugar-free with chunks of carob? My favorite!" Chase exclaimed.
- "Hey, dude, you're ruining my fantasy." Adam replied. "Thanks, bionic grandma!" He high-fived the old lady.
Back into reality
Chase stepped away from his brother's grip.
- "Look, it doesn't work like that. You can't just give super-speed to a random person." He explained.
- "But she's my Nana!" Adam said, sadly.
- "There's no substitute for Bree's speed or Mads' teleportation! The best we can do is find a way to get to missions faster without depending on them." The genius boy continued.
- "Fine, I'll take her home!" The tall guy scoffed. "Hey, Nana, do you remember where you live, 'cause I have no idea."
The old lady nodded and walked further into the house.
Later, the childhood best friends were still helping Donald, who was looking in a magnifying glass to fix the chip while Bree was watching.
- "Did you try..." Maddie started.
- "Yes, I tried that." The father replied, irritated.
- "Maybe you..." Leo said.
- "Maybe you should stand over there so that your peanut butter breath wouldn't distract me and I could think!" The scientist yelled. He touched the chip and a short circuit scared him back. "Ow! You know what? I need a break. That's it! I just need a break!" He started, hysterically, smiling. "That's all. Whoo! Break time!" He walked away, laughing from stress.
- "Wow, I have never seen him like this." The bionic girl sighed, sadly.
- "I have. Remember last Christmas when he gained two pounds?" The short boy asked. "Those fluffy sweaters weren't fooling anybody."
- "I'm scared, Leo. What if he can't fix my chip?" The Davenport girl questioned. "I had a gift, and then I just threw it away. By destroying that chip, I destroyed our team."
- "B, you made a mistake. It happens." The alien girl side-hugged her.
Later, the childhood best friends walked to the park.
- "Are you sure that he's here?" Leo asked.
- "Yes, go ask that woman." Maddie pointed to a woman at a food cart.
- "Excuse me, ma'am. I'm looking for a guy named Douglas. Have you seen him?" The short boy asked. "Short, creepy, porky-pine hair."
- "I wouldn't call it porky-pine hair!" Douglas replied, before pressing a button on his throat and morphs into himself. "It's more like a spiky lion's mane."
- "Douglas? You can be anybody with that cyber-mask, why would you go with... that?" The Davenport questioned.
- "Two reasons. Hides me from Krane, and... scares the pigeons away." The uncle explained. "How did you find me?"
- "Well, I could make up an impressive story about a high-tech satellite search thing, narrowed down your exact coordinates, but the truth is Dee has been following you." The short boy said.
- "Seriously?" The genius man frowned.
- "You really thought I was going to let you roam free without knowing where you are?" The alien girl asked. "I trust you, I know you are back to being good, but I'm not crazy. Besides, I get to make sure that you're safe."
- "I'm a grown man, I don't need the protection of a teenager." Douglas replied.
- "Dee is protective. Get use to it." Leo said.
- "You don't even know me, than much." The uncle frowned.
- "Okay, long story short: I'm not bionic. I'm a multi-species alien from another universe, and one of my powers is being able to read minds. So, I know you better than you know yourself." The Matthews girl explained.
- "I knew, you weren't bionic!" The genius man whisper-yelled.
- "Look. Now, that we've cleared that up, we need your help. Bree wrecked her chip." The Davenport boy said.
- "She what? It took me years to perfect that thing!" Douglas yelled.
- "Yeah, well, it took her three seconds to destroy it." The short boy replied. "The bigger problem is, Big D can't fix it."
- "Of course he can't. I win again!" The uncle laughed. "Oh, I can't wait to shove his face in this one."
- "Seriously? It's more important!" Maddie, gently, smacked his arm.
- "It's not about you beating your brother, he doesn't even know I'm here. But I had no other choice, you're the only one who can help Bree." Leo explained.
- "I wish I could, Leo, but I don't even have a lab anymore." The genius man replied.
- "I'll sneak you into ours while Big D's out." The Davenport boy said.
- "I don't know." Douglas frowned.
- "Please... Dad." The short boy replied.
- "I'm not your dad!" The uncle exclaimed.
- "Well, you're everybody else's dad! I thought it might work!" Leo yelled.
The alien girl laughed. These two are going to be hilarious, together.
- "Look, now is not the time for egos or grudges, Bree's my sister, and I have to fix this! She needs your help." The Davenport boy said.
- "Come on, Douglas. It's THE thing you need to prove to your brother that you're back to being the kind little brother he loves." The Matthews girl added. "And I read your mind, I know you miss him."
- "Okay. Fine." The genius man morphed back into the woman. "Guess I'll just have to be the bigger man."
The childhood best friends frowned as they watched woman Douglas walked away with the cart.
In the meanwhile, Adam led his youngest brother out of the house.
- "Ta-da!" He pulled off a sheet and powered on a football apparatus.
- "You're... gonna teach me how to catch a football?" Chase asked.
- "No, I'm trying to fix the Bree problem, not do the impossible." The tall guy replied. The football launched, crashed, and a woman screamed. "Sorry, Mrs. Rosenblatt!"
- "How is this going to get us to missions faster?" The genius boy questioned.
- "Oh, it launches footballs at high speeds, so I figure, you make it bigger, do some type-y type-y, and it will launch us to missions." The eldest explained. "Any questions?"
- "Just one. Did it sound stupid when you said it?" The green hazel-eyed boy asked. "Look, I have a better idea. Dad's motorcycle goes 250 miles per hour. If I soup it up, I can make it do 350 easy."
- "All right, super bike. I like-y." Adam smiled.
- "All I have to do is open up..." Chase started.
- "Eh! Eh! Eh!" The tall guy stopped him. "I don't need to know how the sausage gets made. Just call me when the dog's on the bun." He, gently, smacked his brother's cheek and walked in the house.
The genius boy held his cheek.
Later, in the lab, Douglas was working on the cyber desk.
- "Big D's gonna be back any minute. Do something!" Leo screamed in his ear.
- "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear ya. Could you say it a little louder?!" The genius man shouted.
- "I have super hearing! Stop screaming!" Maddie covered her ears.
The uncle typed on the console.
- "There. It's as close to the original design as I can get." He said.
- "If your microchips are as good as your pita chips, I think we're in good shape." The short boy replied.
- "Agreed. Everything taste amazing!" The alien girl exclaimed.
- "Leo, M, what is he doing here?" Bree walked in.
- "It's okay. We brought him. He's the only one who can help you." The Davenport boy explained.
- "I don't know about this." The bionic girl sighed.
- "We don't have a choice. Do you wanna be bionic or not?" Leo asked.
- "Ah, chip's ready if you are." Douglas said, before sniffing the chip. "Why does it smell like pepperoni?"
- "Don't trust him, trust us." The Matthews girl smiled.
- "Okay, fine. But this better work." The Davenport girl replied. "Wait. You're not gonna, like, turn me evil, are you?"
- "I already tried. Didn't take." The genius man handed her the chip.
Bree, sarcastically, chuckled, before taking the chip and walking to her capsule.
- "Don't worry, Bree. I think we can trust him. What bad guy makes baba ghanoush this good?" The short boy smiled.
- "What bad guy save his kids from his partner-slash-boyfriend?" Maddie snickered.
- "Ex-boyfriend." The uncle corrected.
- "Right. Sorry." The alien girl said.
- "Got a really good feeling about this." Douglas chuckled, before pressing a few buttons. Bree's chip was implanted back into her neck. She walked out. "Okay, go ahead. Test it out."
The bionic girl super speeded out of the room.
- "Yes!" The childhood best friends, simultaneously, exclaimed.
They, both, high-fived the genius man, who wrapped his arms around their shoulders.
- "You did it!" The Davenport boy smiled.
The Davenport girl super speeded around the tunnel.
- "I can't stop!" She yelled far afar.
- "I thought you knew what you were doing!" Leo replied.
- "I'm a little rusty, okay?" The uncle answered, irritated.
- "How did he get in here?" Donald asked, as he walked in.
- "We let him in. But...before you get mad, you've got to taste this." Leo held out food to his father.
- "Help me!" Bree yelled as she continued to super speed in the tunnels.
- "I specifically told you not to contact him. How could you, guys, betray me?" The scientist asked.
- "Hey, in my defense... I'm just a little boy." The short boy replied.
- "In my defense, he's the only one who can replicate the chip, ALMOST perfectly." The Matthews girl said.
- "Oh, lay off the kids." Douglas patted the childhood best friend's backs. "They were just trying to help."
- "Help her? She's worse off than she was before." Donald walked up to his brother, who walked backwards. "I was this close to fixing this."
- "I saw our chip. You were not close." The genius man replied.
- "You were not close." The father mocked.
The brothers started to bicker.
- "Do something!" The bionic girl super speeded around the tunnels again.
- "Bree, do you mind? The adults are trying to have a conversation." The scientist said.
- "What adults? I only see two kids arguing, who can't put their egos aside for the well-being of their daughter-slash-niece." The alien girl replied.
The brothers gasped and looked at her, offended.
- "It's for your daughter, put your ego aside and let your little brother help you and prove that he changed." The Matthews girl said.
- "Fine, but we're never gonna be able to fix that chip unless we can get Bree to stay in one place." Donald said.
- "Well, how are we supposed to stop someone running at the speed of sound?" The Davenport boy frowned.
The uncle snapped his fingers.
- "Spike strip?" He suggested.
- "Sure, why not? It worked for Wile E. Coyote." The father mocked.
- "Help!" The Davenport girl super speeded back in and out.
- "Look, maybe we can construct some sort of giant airbag." The scientist said.
- "Oh, yeah, 'cause that's not cartoony at all." Douglas replied.
- "Spike strip, where'd you get that idea, your hair?" Donald asked.
- "Where'd you get the airbag idea, your belly?" The genius man questioned.
The father gasped, loudly.
- "I'll have you know I lost that Christmas weight..." He replied.
The two brothers started to bicker again.
- "Dee!" Leo yelled.
- "What?" The three geniuses looked at him.
- "Dee can grab Bree and hold her." The short boy explained.
- "That's not a bad idea." The scientist said.
- "I thought it wasn't a bad idea before you did." The uncle replied.
- "Spike strip." Donald scoffed.
- "Airbag." Douglas scoffed.
Maddie walked to the middle of the lab and extended her arms. Bree super speeded in her best friend's arms. The alien girl used her super strength to carry her.
- "Yes!" The bionic girl exclaimed. "Thank you, M!" She dropped her head, against her best friend's shoulder as her feet continued to move on their own.
- "It worked!" The Davenport boy exclaimed.
- "I know, I'm a genius." The brothers, simultaneously, said. They looked at each other. "I'm a genius." They whispered, at the same time.
They glared at each other.
- "It's kinda funny how much they are similar." The Matthews girl chuckled.
In the meanwhile, outside of the mansion, the bionic brothers were wearing leather jackets.
- "Hey, check it out." Chase stepped away from the motorcycle. "I gave it a boost. All I had to do was swap in a high-volume fuel pump, mount the exhaust..."
- "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sausage. Let's ride." Adam replied.
They, both, grabbed their helmets and put them on.
- "I don't know why Dad didn't do this sooner. This bad boy's gonna hit 400, no problem." The genius boy said. They both reach to get in the front of the motorcycle. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?"
- "Uh, I'm driving." The tall guy answered.
- "You're not driving. I souped up the bike, I'm driving." The green hazel-eyed boy explained.
- "Oh, everyone knows big guy rides in the front, children in the back." The eldest replied.
The youngest frowned. Seriously?
- "You know, for their safety." Adam patted his brother's shoulder.
Chase moved away.
- "Look, I'm not just gonna sit there with my arms wrapped around you." He said.
- "Yeah, well, you wouldn't be able to with those scrawny little sticks." The tall guy snickered.
Yeah, I know. I have no muscles. The genius boy thought. Mads must be blind to say otherwise.
- "There's gotta be a way for the two of us to ride that's not completely embarrassing." He replied.
A couple of minutes later, Adam was sitting on the motorcycle with Chase lying on his brother's back.
- "Not working, not working!" He groaned, in pain. "It's-- It's not working! Put me down!"
- "Aughhh." The tall guy groaned.
A couple of seconds later, Chase was lying on the motorcycle with his feet off the back while Adam sat on top of him.
- "Well, this isn't it." The genius boy said.
The tall guy shook his head.
Later, Adam was sitting normally while Chase sat in front of him with his feet dangling off the front.
- "Nope." The genius boy said.
A couple of minutes later, Adam was sitting normally while Chase sat in front of him, facing him.
- "Well, it made sense in my head." The tall guy said.
- "How?" The genius boy frowned.
Later, the bionic brothers were sitting normally. Adam was driving while Chase had his arms wrapped around his brother's waist from the back.
- "It's a classic for a reason." The tall guy said, before driving, but they were immediately flung off the motorcycle, making both of them, scream. They got up and took off the helmets. "What happened?"
- "It's out of gas. It goes 400 miles per hour but apparently only gets 12 inches to the gallon." The genius boy explained. "Now what?"
- "Already on it." The eldest took out his phone. "Myrtle, Adam Davenport. You're back in the mix." He paused. "I said you're back in the mix!" He yelled. "Stop hitting the buttons!"
Later, Bree was suspended in the air in a harness while she continued to super speed in the air.
- "Can someone please do something!?" She asked, exhausted.
- "Drink." Maddie held out a glass of water with a straw.
- "Thanks." The bionic girl drank and emptied the glass.
The alien girl super speeded in and out of the room as she came back with a full glass.
- "Her heart rate's at 200 and rising, and while I'm not a doctor, I feel that's unsafe." Leo said.
- "This is all your fault! You overloaded her chip!" Donald yelled at his brother.
- "My fault? It was your chip I was trying to fix, which was flawed, much like your original nose." Douglas replied.
The father gasped, loudly.
- "Get...this chip... out of me!" The Davenport girl shouted.
- "We can't remove your chip while your bionics are in use, but we can program it wirelessly with this." The scientist attached a device to her neck.
- "Hurry, she's redlining! If we don't do something, her heart could..." The short boy started.
- "My heart could what?!" Bree asked.
- "What's another word for 'explode'?" The Davenport boy questioned.
- "Blow up, detonate, pop, blow, burst..." The Matthews girl started as she used her super speed in her hands to fan her best friend.
- "I get it!" The bionic girl yelled.
- "I'll enable a diagnostic app that will help us isolate problem areas in the code." Douglas said.
- "We don't have time for that." The genius man pushed his brother away from the cyber desk. "I'll fix the code."
- "Oh, you've fixed enough, I've got it." The father pushed his brother.
The uncle looked up.
- "Oh no, what's wrong with her head?!" He asked.
The scientist gasped and looked at his daughter. Douglas pushed him away again and they started arguing.
- "Stop it!" Maddie shouted.
- "Stop! We're running out of time!" Leo yelled, in a high-pitched voice.
- "Wait... This line of code hasn't been debugged!" The genius man exclaimed.
- "That's why her neural array keeps re-indexing." Donald continued.
- "What does that mean?!" The short boy asked.
- "I solved the problem!" The brothers, simultaneously, exclaimed. "Complex asterisk B equals no, value equals 1!"
- "Here it goes." The father said.
The brothers, each, pressed a button, Bree's legs slowed down.
- "Yes! Her heart rate's going down. It's headed for normal." The Davenport boy smiled.
- "Yay..!" The bionic girl exclaimed, exhausted.
The brothers did a handshake, before bumping their chest and did a duo-dance. They laughed.
The alien girl snickered.
- "I wish my heart exploded before I saw that." The Davenport girl said.
- "Stop, I prefer when they are like this, than at war." The Matthews girl smiled as she watched the brothers smiled at each other.
They're back. She thought.
Later, the trio was sitting on the couch, waiting for the bionic brothers.
- "They're coming!" Maddie exclaimed.
Bree super speeded out of the room. The bionic brothers walked in.
- "Hey, guys, guess what?" Leo smiled.
- "I'm back, losers." The bionic girl super speeded back in, causing the short boy to scream.
- "You got your speed back!" Chase exclaimed, before hugging her.
- "Well, that's uh, too bad, 'cause we already moved on." Adam sniffed.
- "Hey, boys." Douglas said as he walked in with his brother.
- "Douglas? What's going on?" The genius boy asked.
- "He fixed her chip." The Davenport boy explained.
- "Actually, we fixed her chip. That's right. The Davenport boys, together again." The genius man wrapped his arm around his brother's shoulders and grinned.
- "Yeah, not quite." Donald pulled away. "Look, I'm grateful for your help, and I couldn't have done it without you, but I can't forgive you for what you've done to this family. You should go."
- "Oh." The uncle said, sadly.
- "You can't throw your own brother out on the street." The green hazel-eyed boy frowned.
- "Why not? I'd do it to you." The tall guy replied.
- "Yeah, and then, I do it to you." The alien girl smirked.
- "He's tried to hurt us too many times." The father explained.
- "But he's also saved our lives. Twice." The Davenport girl defended.
- "Plus, dude can cook." Leo added.
- "Speaking of, you've eaten 60 bucks worth of my food. Pay up." Douglas said. "And you, 20." He pointed to the Matthews girl.
- "Sure." She handed him the money.
- "You heard the man. Out!" The short boy yelled.
Maddie slapped him upside the head.
The genius man started to walk out.
- "Come on, Dad, let the guy stay." Adam said.
- "Give him a chance." Chase continued.
- "This isn't fair." Bree added.
- "He's your baby brother." The alien girl replied.
- "Guys, it's okay." The uncle stopped them. "He's right. I messed up. I'll see ya around." He walked out.
- "Thank you, Leo. And thank you, M." The bionic girl turned to the childhood best friends. "I mean, if not for you, none of this would have ever worked out." She walked up to her father. "And... I promise I will never do anything that stupid ever again."
- "It's okay. We all make mistakes." Donald smiled, softly. "And everybody deserves a second chance."
The Davenport girl looked at the door where Douglas left.
- "Everybody?" She asked.
- "Oh, snap!" The tall guy yelled.
- "She's right." The Matthews girl said. "He's trying to come back to his big brother. Let him."
- "Why?" The father frowned.
- "Because you are his big brother, and he loves you." Maddie walked up to him. "As much as he was angry and wanted to hurt you, you are still his favorite person in the world, even though he will never admit it. Give him a chance to prove you that your best friend is back." The scientist's eyes watered. "I know that you miss him. Even after all the pain he put you through, he's still your baby brother."
Donald nodded.
- "Where can we find him?" He asked.
- "In the park." Leo said.
- "Alright. All of us will go get him, in the morning. I need a little time." The father walked away.
- "Good job, little lady." The eldest teenager smiled.
- "I have a question." The genius boy said. The alien girl raised her eyebrows. "You read Douglas' mind?"
- "Yeah." The Matthews girl nodded.
- "So, you knew how to fix Bree's chip since the beginning?" The green hazel-eyed boy asked.
- "Shit." Maddie whispered.
- "Language." Chase said. "So?"
- "Yeah. I knew how to fix Bree's chip." The alien girl replied.
- "Why didn't you anything?" Bree asked.
- "Because if I did, Donnie wouldn't have seen that Douglas changed. They wouldn't have worked together. They wouldn't have made peace." The Matthews girl explained. "This worked out so much better."
- "You're an evil genius." The short boy snickered.
- "Thank you." Maddie smirked.
The siblings chuckled.
- "That was a great idea, M." The bionic girl smiled.
- "Thanks." The alien girl smiled back.
She's a genius, for sure. The genius boy smirked.
Sunday, 25th May 2014
The next day, at the park, the six walked towards the food cart.
- "Hey, Douglas." Leo said to the woman Douglas was pretending to be, the day before.
- "I don't think that's Douglas." Chase replied.
- "Yeah, she has much bigger hands." Adam added.
- "Trust me, guys. This is no lady." The short boy touched her throat.
- "Get off me!" The woman yelled.
- "Come on, Douglas. Ditch the mask. Where's the button on this thing?" The Davenport boy tried to touch her, but she grabbed his arms.
- "I'm warning you, kid." The woman grabbed tongs and threatened him. "Stop poking me, or you're gonna meet the wrong end of these tongs."
Douglas popped up from behind the short wall.
- "It's okay, Greta. They're with me." He said.
- "Aaah!" Leo screamed. "So, that's Douglas."
- "Uh-huh." The woman nodded.
- "And you're a real lady?" The short boy questioned.
- "Uh-huh!" Greta replied.
Maddie pressed her lips, together, to contain her laughter.
- "Help me!" The Davenport boy turned to his family.
- "What are you guys doing here?" The genius man asked.
- "Uh, we...we're going on a family jog. You know, Leo gets winded on the last mile, so we all have to carry him. Can't go alone." Donald lied. "Bye." He started to walk away.
- "Oh, no, you don't." Bree turned him around while the two geniuses pushed him towards his brother.
- "Okay, I may have been a little harsh yesterday." The father said.
- "A little?" The uncle asked.
- "Don't push it. You're sleeping in a bush." Leo replied.
- "Continue." Douglas said.
- "I realize that everybody deserves a second chance." The scientist explained. "Even you. So as soon as you apologize for all the things you've done to hurt our family...and say that I'm better than you, maybe you can come stay with us for a while. If you don't want to, you don't have to."
- "No, no, it's clear that you need me." The genius man replied. "So, I'm sorry. And thank you. Now, let's go home." He patted his brother's back as he smiled.
- "No, no way." The alien girl walked towards them. "I am sick of your egos. Say the truth about how you feel, now, or I'll break you in half." She threatened.
- "Marcus said that she was violent, but I never believed him. Until now." The uncle leaned towards his brother.
The four siblings chuckled.
- "Yeah. And we are lucky, we are on her good side." Donald whispered.
- "True. Trent pays a LOT." The tall guy said.
- "I'm waiting." The Matthews girl cracked her fingers.
- "I'm sorry, Donnie!" Douglas took a step back. "I missed you. I missed my best friend. And I'm sorry for everything I did. I love you."
- "I'm sorry, too. I should've believed you about Krane and gave you a second chance before. I missed my best friend, too." The father smiled. "I love you, too, Dougie."
Wow. The genius boy's eyes widened.
The adults brothers looked at each other and smiled, softly.
- "Good. Now, you can go home." Maddie walked backwards.
- "Good job." The green hazel-eyed whispered in her ear.
The alien girl shivered.
- "Thanks." She smiled.
- "Okay. I only brought the motorcycle, so you're gonna have to ride on back." The scientist told his brother.
- "That's okay. I'll just drive it." The genius man replied.
- "Drive my motorcycle? I don't think so. Everybody knows the big guys rides in front." Donald said as they started to walk away.
- "I'm not just sitting there with my arms wrapped around you." The uncle frowned.
- "I'm not crazy about it myself." The father replied.
- "I'm not touching your tummy!" Douglas yelled.
They walked away, arguing.
The alien girl snickered.
- "Wow! So immature." Chase said.
- "Yeah. Who acts like that?" Adam asked.
- "Well, giving the footage from outside the house, Eddy showed us, yesterday, I'd say you two." The Matthews girl smiled.
What? The genius boy's eyes widened.
- "You, guys, looked ridiculous." The bionic girl chuckled.
- "Completely." Leo laughed.
- "I took pictures of every single one of the positions." Maddie snickered.
The trio walked away, leaving the bionic brothers, embarrassed.
Later, the bionic brothers and their best friend were watching a movie. They laughed at one of the scenes.
God, that smile will be the end of me. Maddie smiled as she looked at Chase.
- "Hey, Chase, Maddie, you, guys, want a snack?" Adam asked.
- "Sure." The genius boy nodded.
- "Yeah." The alien girl said.
- "Oh, Myrtle." The tall guy called out.
Myrtle super speeded in and handed him a plate of cookies.
- "Whoa! What did you do?" The green hazel-eyed boy asked as he got up.
- "Now, that Dad fixed Bree's chip, I made a copy and stuck it in Myrtle." The eldest teenager explained. "She thinks it's a pacemaker."
- "You put a chip in an old lady, and it works? Dad is never gonna believe this." Chase ran out of the room.
Myrtle pushed a button on her neck and morphed into Bree, who was wearing a cyber cloak.
- "Did he really think you were smart enough to do that?" She asked.
- "I'm as shocked as you are." Adam smiled.
- "That was a good one." The Matthews girl snickered.
The bionic girl sat between the strong ones and high-fived, both, of them. They ate the cookies as they continued to watch the movie.
A.N: 5327 words.
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