Universe 38
Wednesday, 31st May 2017
A couple of seconds later, the Kryptonians walked closer to GreatGirl.
- "Supergirl? Superman?" She frowned. "What the hell? What did you do?" She glared at Rhea, who smirked.
- "This is our planet." Superman grabbed her by the collar, putting her in front of his cousin.
- "These are our people." Supergirl punched her protégée, sending her fly through a glass wall. "And we will not let you harm them."
The Matthews girl did a kip up to get back on her feet, before punching the cousins in the chest, sending them fly across the room.
- "What have you done to them?" She looked at her biological mother.
- "I once told your brother that my planet was riddled with the corpse of yours." She explained. "But not only Green Kryptonite rained down from the skies. There are so many more ways to harm your kind than to simply weaken you. Silver Kryptonite. Your friends are so much like you. Reckless, stupid. Barreling headfirst into danger. I couldn't have set a better trap if I tried." She sat on her throne.
The Kryptonians got up.
- "Kara? Clark? It's me, Maddie!" The quadbrid yelled.
- "Oh, they don't see you. They see their worst enemies." The Queen smirked.
- "You should have stayed away, Zod." The Kent man said.
- "You shouldn't have come, Leslie." The Danvers woman shook her head.
GreatGirl frowned. Shit.
- "Kara, Clark, listen to me." She tried, but they fired their heat vision at her.
She blocked it with hers.
- "You're their mortal enemy, Roxana." Rhea added. "The person they fear most. You will take everything from them, so, this time, they will not hesitate. This time, they will protect his planet. This time..."
The three stopped using their heat visions.
- "I'll stop you forever." The cousins, simultaneously, said, before flying and grabbing the youngest, going through the glass of the ship.
The trio landed in a building in front of an elevator where a mother was with her son.
- "Don't be afraid!" The Matthews girl got up and walked up to them.
- "Stay away from them!" The Kryptonians yelled.
Supergirl grabbed her protégée and threw her on the ground.
Ouch. The quadbrid frowned.
The cousins took her and flew away with her, arriving at a square.
GreatGirl threw them away from her, making them destroy the stairs with their bodies.
She landed on the ground.
The Kryptonians super speeded towards her and body slammed her against a car, before the trio flew away without hanging onto each other.
In the meanwhile, the Elite Force had helped the D.E.O. to get back their building, everyone left the tower to come here, when an alarm started to beep.
- "What is that, the cannon?" Maggie asked.
- "No, it's something else." Alex replied.
- "The D.E.O. system registered a major Kryptonite signature in downtown National City." Chase said as he typed on the computer. "Oh, my God." He frowned as he saw the three signatures on the screen. "Mads."
- "Kara." The Danvers woman added.
The three ran out.
A couple of seconds later, the three arrived at the location and saw GreatGirl fighting the Kryptonians in the sky.
- "What the hell?" Alex frowned.
The aliens continued to fight in the air, until they threw each other in the fountain.
The trio got up, soaked.
They fired their heat vision at each other, each blocking the other.
- "What the heck is happening right now?" Chase frowned at the couple.
- "I don't know." The older Danvers shrugged.
The three humans looked at the aliens, in concern.
The Matthews girl punched the cousins hard, until they punched her back, one after the other.
They tried to hit her again, but the quadbrid blocked their arms and punched them, making them kneel on the ground.
Yes! The bionic boy cheered, silently. That's my girl!
The Kryptonians got up and tried to hit her, but GreatGirl dodged and punched them instead.
Superman grabbed her arm and pulled it as he went behind her, while Supergirl punched her in the stomach.
The Matthews girl groaned.
Come on, baby! The Davenport boy frowned.
The quadbrid glanced at him, before letting her weight fall back on the Kent man, so she could kick the younger Danvers in the stomach, making her stumble back, before falling onto her knees.
GreatGirl elbowed Superman and grabbed his arm, before going under it to push him onto his knees from behind.
- "You guys have to fight it!" The Matthews girl yelled.
Supergirl got up and punched her in the stomach, making her stumble backwards, before she punched her hard, making her fly across the fountain.
The Kent man got up and kicked her, making her roll further, before punching her down again.
- "GreatGirl!" Chase shouted, his voice full of worry.
- "I'm fine!" The quadbrid yelled as she got up.
The younger Danvers tried to punch her, but GreatGirl blocked her arm and Superman's before making them bump heads.
The cousins glared at her, before the Matthews girl punched them again and again, until she made them fly high due to her punches.
The Kryptonians fell back into the water, unconscious.
The quadbrid fell to her knees, exhausted.
The bionic boy ran to his girlfriend, kneeled next to her and held her as she fell back into his arms.
- "Hey, hey! It's okay, I got you." He said. "I'm here. I'm here." He brushed her wet hair out of her face.
Alex ran to her sister.
GreatGirl glanced at him, before fainting.
- "Hey, baby. Stay with me." The Davenport boy whispered.
Thursday, 1st June 2017
The next morning, Alex and Chase were pacing in the Fortress of Solitude where the three aliens were, unconscious like on ice tables.
GreatGirl woke up as she gasped loudly and sat up, grunting in pain.
- "Hey, hey, you're okay." The bionic boy ran to her.
- "What happened?" The Matthews girl asked.
- "Well, you passed out, and then you woke up, teleported us here, and you passed out again." The older Danvers explained.
- "Ah!" The quadbrid frowned as she hopped off the table.
- "Easy." The Davenport boy helped her walk further.
- "I feel like..." GreatGirl started.
- "Like you got punched by Supergirl and Superman?" The right hand questioned.
- "Repeatedly." The Matthews girl sighed.
Chase pulled her closer to him.
Supergirl and Superman gasped as they sat up.
- "Kara?" Alex asked.
- "Alex." The younger Danvers sighed.
The older Danvers ran to hug her.
The bionic boy kissed his girlfriend's forehead.
- "I'm so glad, you're okay." He whispered.
- "I'm happy to see you." The quadbrid smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
- "Me too." The Davenport boy caressed her back.
- "What happened?" The Kent man asked.
A couple of minutes later, the three told the Kryptonians what had happened to them.
- "Silver Kryptonite." Supergirl frowned as she ran her hand over her face. "That's a new one."
- "The whole time I thought I was fighting Zod." Superman continued. "But it didn't weaken me at all."
- "Me neither." The younger Danvers added.
- "It might have." GreatGirl said.
- "No. No, we were at full strength, and you beat us." The Kent man replied.
The two humans glanced at the Matthews girl.
They were? She thought.
That's my girl. Chase smirked.
- "Well, I'm just glad the three of us are okay." The quadbrid said. "But we need to come up with a plan to defeat Rhea, or she's just going to keep coming after us."
- "The positron cannon was the only weapon we had capable of penetrating their ship's shields." The bionic boy explained.
- "Is there anything that powerful here?" Alex asked.
- "Not a weapon." The Kryptonian man frowned. "But I might have something we can use against them." He walked away and the four youngest followed him.
- "What?" The Kryptonian woman questioned.
- "Information." Superman said.
- "My favorite weapon." The Davenport boy smiled.
GreatGirl snickered softly as she looked at his dimples.
- "I feel like there was something in the archives about the early wars with Daxam." The Kent man continued as he put the palm of his hand on the Kryptonian cyber desk.
This is so cool. Chase thought as he looked at the symbols of the new language.
The Matthews girl smiled softly as she remembered that he had learned all the new alien languages he could in the new timeline.
- "Stop there." The bionic boy frowned.
The Kryptonian man stopped the files.
- "'Dakkam Ur'?" Supergirl read. "I've never heard of that."
- "I did." The quadbrid said.
- "It's old, but it might work." Superman replied.
- "What is it?" The Davenport boy asked his girlfriend.
- "You're not gonna like it." GreatGirl shook her head.
Chase crossed his arms with a frown on his face.
A couple of minutes later, the five teleported to the balcony of the D.E.O.
- "Yes, yes, yes!" Winn exclaimed.
- "Rox!" Mon-El pulled his sister into a hug. "Are you okay?"
- "Yes. Don't worry." GreatGirl nodded, before pulling away.
Hopefully, he'll help me convince her not to it. Chase crossed his arms. But given how stubborn she is, it's unlikely.
- "Kara." The Matthews man pulled his girlfriend into a hug. "Are you okay?"
- "I'm so much better now." Supergirl said.
- "Dee!" Leo ran to his childhood best friend and hugged her. The two eldest siblings followed him as the rest of the Elite Force was fighting on the streets. "That was so badass!"
The genius boy smiled. It was.
- "Thanks." The Matthews girl chuckled softly.
- "I'm so glad you're okay, little lady." Adam joined the hug with his sister.
- "M, you scared us." Bree said. "Your fight is all over the TV."
- "I'm fine, guys." The quadbrid smiled.
The Schott man and the middle brother walked closer to Superman and stumbled, slightly.
- "Geez." Alex frowned.
- "Here, they go again." GreatGirl whispered.
- "Hi. Hey. I'm sure..." The tech guy shook the Kent man's hand. "You probably don't remember me. Hi."
- "Or me." Leo shook his hand as well. "Hi!"
- "Winn Schott, resident genius of the D.E.O.? Leo Davenport, bionic hero and mentor at the Davenport academy?" The Kryptonian man replied. "It's good to see you, guys." He patted their shoulders.
- "Error system." The hybrid murmured.
- "It's good." The two smiled widely.
- "Good." Superman nodded and turned to his cousin and her boyfriend.
- "I love you." The two fanboys mouthed.
Everyone, except the Kent man, rolled their eyes, amused by them.
- "And you're the guy who's dating my cousin?" He asked.
- "Yes, sir." The Daxamite nodded. "Mon-El of Daxam. Though not... Not like the, uh... You know the others from Daxam. The killy ones?"
The Matthews girl closed her eyes, in despair.
- "You must be a good guy, or she wouldn't be with you." The Kryptonian man shook his hand.
- "Anyway..." The tallest guy said.
- "Winn, what's happening here?" The older Danvers asked.
- "Oh, uh, yes." Winn nodded and walked away, followed by everyone. "J'onn is still unconscious, unfortunately. But he's stable. Uh, the extended Elite Force cleared all Daxamite soldiers from the building."
- "Uh, we might have found a way to get rid of the Daxamites in the archives at the Fortress of Solitude." The younger Danvers said.
- "What?" Mon-El frowned as everyone walked away, beside the Matthews siblings and the youngest Davenport.
- "Dakkam Ur." The quadbrid looked at him.
- "No." The Matthews man's face dropped. "No, no, no. No way in hell."
- "It's the only option we've got." GreatGirl replied.
- "I'm trying to talk her out of this, but god, your sister is stubborn." Chase crossed his arms.
- "Yeah, tell me about it." The Daxamite scoffed. "Rox, you can't do that."
The Matthews girl rolled her eyes.
- "It's too dangerous." The genius boy shook his head.
A loud alarm started blaring.
- "What's happening?" The middle brother asked.
- "I don't like this." The eldest Davenport frowned.
- "What is it?" The green hazel-eyed boy walked up to the command center with the two aliens.
- "The energy weapons in the Daxamite ships are charging up." Agent Demos replied.
- "They're waging another attack." The right hand said.
- "Crap." The Davenport girl frowned.
- "Winn, get me face-to-face with Rhea." The quadbrid ordered.
- "On it." The Schott man typed on the computer.
- "Please, don't do this." Chase whispered.
- "We don't have a choice." GreatGirl frowned. "I'm sorry."
A couple of seconds later, a guard walked up to his Queen.
- "The cannons are almost at full strength, my Queen." He said.
- "Inform me the moment we are ready to fire." Rhea replied.
GreatGirl appeared on a screen.
- "Queen Rhea of Daxam." She started. "I, GreatGirl, champion of planet Earth, invoke the sacred rite of Dakkam Ur. To meet with you in single combat before the gods. May the fate of my people rest on the fate of my life."
The mother looked at her daughter, in shock.
- "She spoke the sacred oath." The guard said, in disbelief. "How will you respond?"
The Queen smirked.
A couple of seconds later, Rhea appeared on the screens of the D.E.O.
- "Dakkam Ur." She said. "I accept your challenge, GreatGirl. We duel in four hours. Daxam assures you it will be your last." She ended the transmission.
Crap. Chase sighed.
- "Okay, what just happened?" Adam frowned.
- "The ships' radiation signature is diminishing." Alex said. "Their weapons are powering down."
- "What did you just do?" Bree asked.
- "She's gonna end this." Supergirl replied.
- "Dee..." Leo said.
- "It's okay, guys." The Matthews girl smiled softly.
- "Okay, Adam, Bree, go help Oliver, Kaz, and Skylar to put the civilians to safety." The genius boy ordered. "Alex, go check on J'onn. Winn, monitor the security camera."
Everyone nodded and went to their occupations.
- "What about me?" The middle brother asked.
- "Mads is gonna need you." The green hazel-eyed boy pulled him away to explain when she just did.
The quadbrid walked away with her brother.
- "You just invoked a trial by combat created by barbarians!" Mon-El whisper-yelled. "It's been around since we crawled out of the caves on Daxam with rocks and sticks."
- "If I win, she goes." GreatGirl replied. "They all go. They are bound by ancient law to leave this planet in peace. She's not gonna win."
They entered an empty sparring room.
- "But what if she does?" The Matthews man asked. "Do you know what it will happen? You'll have to stand by and watch her walk this planet, trampling everyone underfoot."
- "I just have to beat her." The Matthews girl said. "And I will."
- "Why not Superman? Or Supergirl? As much as I would hate it. Isn't this their fight, too?" The Daxamite questioned as the Kryptonians walked up behind him.
- "It's everyone's fight, babe." The Danvers woman replied.
- "But Maddie just defeated us." Superman added. "She's the champion of Earth."
- "I don't have time for you to be afraid." The quadbrid shook her head, gently. "I need you and Chase and the rest of the Davenports strong. Convince them to let me do it."
Mon-El sighed and nodded.
A couple of minutes later, the heroes were in the command center.
- "It's being touted as the intergalactic fight of the century." A reporter said on TV. "As Supergirl and Rhea of Daxam face off in a trial by combat for the very fate of our world."
- "Woof. No pressure." Winn frowned.
- "I'm gonna fine, guys." GreatGirl looked at the Davenports.
- "I know." Leo sighed. "But that won't stop us from worrying."
- "We will worry about you until we die." Chase added.
- "I know." The Matthews girl smiled softly and wrapped her arms around their shoulders. "I love you, guys."
- "We love you, too." The brothers, simultaneously, replied.
- "We need to contain this." J'onn walked in with Alex.
The Schott man gasped loudly.
- "Hey! Papa Bear!" He ran to him and hugged him hard.
Everyone walked up to him.
- "Easy!" The older Danvers exclaimed.
The J'onzz man smiled widely into the hug, before pulling back.
- "Hey, J'onn." The quadbrid, quickly, hugged him.
- "It's good to see you on your feet." Superman extended his hand.
- "Welcome, my friend." The green Martian shook his hand, before shaking the Davenport boys' hands. "Thank you for the help."
- "You're welcome." The middle brother nodded.
- "Of course." The genius boy added.
- "Should you be up and walking around?" Supergirl asked as she hugged him.
- "Maddie needs all the help she can get." J'onn looked at the youngest. "Alex told me about the offer you made. We'll get you everything you need. But for right now, that needs to be handled. You don't want an audience of innocent civilians when you fight Rhea."
GreatGirl agreed.
- "I think we can do something about that." The younger Danvers looked at her cousin.
- "Cat." The Kent man said.
- "Yep." The Kryptonian woman nodded. "We can convince her to tone down."
- "Alright, do it." The J'onzz man replied.
The cousins walked away.
- "Alex told me about everything you did, Chase, since I was out." The green Martian started. "Thank you."
- "You're welcome." The green hazel-eyed boy nodded. "It was a pleasure leading your team, J'onn. But now that you are up, I'm giving the reigns back to you."
It will give me more time to finish the cure. He thought. I'm done! Yes!
- "Thank you." J'onn said.
Chase smiled softly, before walking away to the lab of the D.E.O.
What are you up to? The Matthews girl frowned.
- "Wanna spar with me until they're back?" Leo asked her.
- "Yep." The quadbrid smiled as she nodded. "Let's go."
The two walked away.
A few minutes later, the childhood best friends were sparring together.
Leo gasped loudly as GreatGirl released her grip on him.
- "Okay, if you do that to Rhea with your super strength, you're gonna be fine." He put his hands on his knees, panting.
- "Sorry." The Matthews girl frowned. "I'm not used to spar with humans, anymore."
- "It's okay." The Davenport boy nodded. "You didn't hurt me. I'm just a little surprised how stronger you got."
The blue-eyed girl smiled softly.
- "I'm serious, Dee." The brown-eyed boy straightened up. "You've been my favorite hero, years before you actually became one. But everything you did since last year is impressive. I am impressed."
- "Thank you." GreatGirl said.
- "My sister is also my favorite hero, how cool is that?" Leo smirked.
The Matthews girl chuckled softly.
- "I missed you so much." She hugged him.
- "Me too, Dee." The Davenport boy wrapped his arms around her back. "Me too."
The blue-eyed girl pulled back.
- "Your superhero suit is so cool, though." The brown-eyed boy said.
- "I know, right!" GreatGirl exclaimed as she spun a little. "I love it so much."
Leo chuckled.
- "You know, I never understood why heroines were always in skirts, but actually, it's more practical than pants." The Matthews girl shrugged.
- "I'm still shocked to not see you wear pants anymore." The Davenport boy replied.
- "I know, it's a little weird when you remember my old style and see the one I have now." The blue-eyed girl snickered.
- "Totally." The brown-eyed boy nodded.
GreatGirl's phone dang, and she looked at the text.
- "It's Clark." She said. "You'll never guess who wants to see me."
Leo frowned.
A couple of minutes later, the three heroes landed on the balcony of Lena's office.
- "Of course, the three of you would make an entrance." Lillian said.
- "Unfortunately, this is her on her best behavior." The younger Luthor replied.
- "So, what did you want?" GreatGirl asked, dryly.
- "My daughter has a way to save us." The older Luthor replied.
- "It's a device that my brother invented to keep humans safe while radiating the atmosphere with Kryptonite." The green-eyed woman explained as they walked in her office. "It would've made the planet uninhabitable for both of you." She looked at the cousins.
- "Well, lucky, my cousin put him in jail before he could make it work." Supergirl said.
- "And lucky for you, I found it." The doctor glared at her.
- "I've been studying it. And I think I can convert it to irradiate the atmosphere with lead, rather than Kryptonite." Lena added.
- "Just a trace amount, harmless to humans. But the atmosphere would become toxic to Daxamites." Lillian continued. "The aliens would be forced to leave. Or stay and die."
The Matthews girl frowned. What about Mon-El?
- "All of them?" Superman asked.
- "Mmm-hmm." The older Luthor nodded.
- "And they could never return. Even your brother." The younger Luthor looked at quadbrid, sadly.
- "Mon-El would have to leave Earth." The Danvers woman frowned.
- "Did you know he was dating Kara Danvers?" The green-eyed woman questioned.
The Kryptonian woman glanced at the doctor.
- "Start working." She said.
GreatGirl sighed, sadly.
A few minutes later, the three came back to the command center of the D.E.O.
- "What did Lillian want?" Alex asked.
- "Lillian and Lena have a way, a fail-safe, to get rid of the Daxamites if Maddie doesn't beat Rhea." Superman explained.
- "It's a device that will seed the Earth's atmosphere with lead. No Daxamite would survive on this planet." Supergirl looked at her boyfriend.
Mon-El looked at the two most important people in his life, in shock.
- "Except for Mon-El, right?" Winn questioned.
- "Mon-El might be able to survive a little longer than the others. He's been exposed to our yellow sun for a few months." GreatGirl replied as she reached to hold her brother's hand.
Leo frowned, sadly for his sister.
- "Well, if it comes down to it, you use it." The Matthews man said. "I won't be the reason this planet suffers."
- "No. No, it's not going to come to that." The Matthews girl shook her head.
- "I told Lena to start working, but I want to be very clear about something. We will not have to use that device." The younger Danvers said.
- "And I am going to beat her." The quadbrid added.
- "Your mother's going to leave." The Kryptonian woman held her boyfriend's free hand. "For good."
- "Agent Schott, head to L-Corp. Assist Lillian and Lena Luthor." J'onn ordered.
- "Yeah, sure thing." The Schott man walked away.
- "When you go to meet her, I'm coming, too." The Davenport boy looked at his childhood best friend.
- "You can't fight for me." GreatGirl shook her head.
- "But I can be with you." The brown-eyed boy replied, before looking at the Daxamite. "I know you probably want to go, but I..."
- "No. You'll be a good second." He nodded. "I need to go see Chase in the lab. He said that he needed me for something."
The Matthews girl smiled softly at the two of them.
- "Alright." Leo said.
- "Take care of her." Mon-El replied.
- "I will." The Davenport boy nodded.
The Matthews man, gently, kissed the top of his sister's head and his girlfriend's lips, before walking away, followed by the brown-eyed boy.
- "I could use your help, though, guys." The quadbrid walked away with the cousins. "Spar with me. And keep me on my toes until I meet her."
The Kryptonians nodded.
A couple of hours later, Leo and GreatGirl had left to meet Rhea.
In the lab, Chase smiled as he approached Mon-El with a vial.
- "Drink this." He said.
The Matthews man frowned as he sat down.
- "What is it?" He asked.
- "A cure to lead." The bionic boy smirked.
- "What?!" The Daxamite's eyes widened. "How?"
- "I've been working on it for days and I finally did it." The Davenport boy explained. "You drink this and your allergy to lead will disappear, and you'll be able to take bullets like Mads, Kara, and Clark."
- "You did this for me or for her?" Mon-El questioned.
- "For both of you." Chase replied. "I love you both, just not the same way. You're my best friend and, she's the woman I love, even if I didn't tell her yet."
The Matthews man smiled.
- "Thank you." He said. "You're a good man. We're both lucky to have you."
The bionic boy smiled as his cheeks, slightly, reddened.
- "Thanks." He nodded. "Now, drink this."
- "Yes, sir." The Daxamite, sarcastically, replied.
The Davenport boy rolled his eyes.
- "I swear, you and Mads are the same person." He said.
- "She's not my sister for nothing." Mon-El shrugged as he smirked, before drinking the cure. "Ugh." He frowned, in disgust.
- "I never said it would taste good." Chase replied.
- "Clearly." The Matthews man coughed.
- "How do you feel?" The bionic boy asked.
- "I feel fine." The Daxamite nodded.
- "Okay. Ready to test it?" The Davenport boy questioned.
- "You're not gonna shoot me are, you?" Mon-El frowned.
- "So, Mads can kill me?" Chase scoffed. "No. Just sniff the lead dust." He brought a small plate with lead dust.
The Matthews man leaned towards it and sniffed, but nothing happened.
- "Is that good?" He asked.
- "You're cured!" The bionic boy exclaimed as he put the plate down.
- "Thank you!" The Daxamite hopped off the chair and hugged him, lifting his feet off the floor.
- "You're welcome." The Davenport boy chuckled. "You can put me down, now."
- "Right." Mon-El put him back on the floor. "Thank you." He put his hand on his shoulder.
- "You're welcome." Chase smiled.
- "I'm very glad to have you as a brother-in-law some day." The Matthews man said.
The bionic boy blushed brightly, making the Daxamite smirk.
In the meanwhile, the childhood best friends were on a roof, waiting for the villain.
- "I'm here for you." Leo said.
- "I know." GreatGirl smiled as she nodded.
Rhea teleported with a guard.
- "I see you brought some moral support." She walked closer.
- "I see you did, too." The Matthews girl replied.
- "So, once you are disposed of, I have your word that your forces will lay down arms?" The mother asked. "That the city, the nation, and the planet will be surrendered?"
- "On my honor." The quadbrid nodded. "And if I defeat you, your invasion ends. You leave. Once and for all."
The Queen nodded as she smirked.
- "Good luck, Dee." The Davenport boy said to her.
He and the guard walked away, standing in a corner.
The two women put their forearms in front of their chests.
- "For the Earth." Rhea said.
- "For the Earth." GreatGirl repeated.
The two women jumped and launched at each other.
The Matthews girl punched her hard and dodged when the mother tried to hit her back.
She blocked her arm and punched her chest, making her stumble back.
The quadbrid punched her face again.
The Queen ducked another punch and walked behind her daughter, grabbing her cape and throwing her against an electricity box.
The brown-eyed boy frowned, in worry, threatening to step into the fight.
GreatGirl glanced at him and nodded as she, quickly, got back up on her feet.
She super speeded towards Rhea and punched her in the stomach, then the face twice, making her fall on the ground.
The mother chuckled as she looked up at her daughter, making her frown.
The Daxamite ships started to attack and shoot at everything.
- "You agreed to the Dakkam Ur. Send them back." The Matthews girl said. "You will dishonor yourself before your gods."
- "My gods are only concerned with my victory." The Queen replied.
- "No. No, destroying this city is not the answer." The quadbrid added.
- "A city that's destroyed will need a new leader to rebuild it." Rhea said in her face.
- "Go." GreatGirl looked at her childhood best friend. "Be a hero." She opened a portal towards where she knew Kaz was.
Leo nodded and walked through the portal.
The Matthews girl closed it, before turning to the mother.
A couple of seconds later, Chase looked at Leo, leaving through the news, while the Elite Force was sitting on the streets helping the civilians.
- "Mads is alone." He frowned.
- "GreatGirl's handling Rhea. Right now, we need to help the people in that building." J'onn said as he turned into his green skin.
- "We?" Supergirl smiled.
- "El Mayara." The J'onzz man replied, in Kryptonian.
Stronger together. The bionic boy thought as he translated.
- "U-th-aur." Superman nodded.
Brother. The Davenport boy thought.
- "Come on, Chase, let's go fight them together." Mon-El smirked.
Chase nodded with a smile.
The five started to walk away.
- "Alex, you're in charge." The J'onzz man said.
- "Don't worry, I got your back." Maggie smiled at her girlfriend.
A couple of seconds later, the two women circled around each other on the roof.
- "You're getting tired." GreatGirl said.
- "Finish me, then." Rhea taunted. "Hit me. Consider it a gift."
The Matthews girl ran towards her and jumped, before punching her in the face and making her fall on the ground.
- "You ready to give up now?" She asked.
- "Hardly." The mother touched her eyebrow that was bleeding green Kryptonite, before getting up and turning around, showing her fingers.
- "What the hell?" The quadbrid frowned.
- "Because of your people, Kryptonite poisoned my entire world." The Queen explained. "I've carried it across galaxies. It's part of me now. So go ahead. Make me bleed. I'll go see your Kryptonian friends, and I'll kill them with my blood, letting you watch, knowing it's your entire fault."
GreatGirl locked her jaw as she glared at her.
A couple of seconds later, the future brothers-in-law started to fight together as everyone was dispersed around the city.
A man fell and Mon-El helped him up.
- "Come on, get out of here." He said.
- "Get out of here." Chase added as several soldiers charged at them.
- "Get the traitor!" They yelled.
The Matthews man punched a soldier as the bionic boy kicked him, making him fall to the ground.
The Davenport boy flipped over a stick a soldier tried to trip him with.
The prince elbowed one in the face, throwing him on the ground as he took his stick.
Chase activated his laser bo and glanced at Mon-El, who nodded.
They both attacked the two soldiers left standing with the stick and the laser bo.
The genius boy hit one in the face as the Matthews man made the other flip.
Both soldiers fell unconscious to the ground, and the future brothers-in-law fist-bumped.
- "Sorry, not sorry." The prince looked at the soldiers.
Across the city, Superman, Supergirl and Oliver were extinguishing fire as Skylar and J'onn led people to safety.
- "Get to safety." He said.
- "Superman, Supergirl, Skylar, we've got bogies above National City Hospital." Alex said in the earpieces.
- "We're on your way." Supergirl flew away.
In the meanwhile, Bree and Adam were fighting with soldiers when the Krillins siblings landed next to them.
- "Need a hand?" Mia smirked.
- "Gladly." The hybrid nodded.
The two women started to fight three soldiers together.
- "Adam, watch you!" Xandar yelled.
The Davenport boy turned around and saw a soldier, raising his fist towards his face.
The Krillin man punched him, knocking him out.
- "Thanks." The brown-eyed boy said, before looking at his face. "Wow." He blushed brightly.
The Agotarian man smirked as he felt his emotions and read his mind.
- "I'm Xandar." He replied.
- "Adam." The latter said.
- "I know." Xandar smirked.
- "Right." Adam, nervously, nodded, before punching a soldier that was coming towards them.
- "Thanks, handsome." The Krillin man walked away, attacking another Daxamite, knocking him out. "Well, at least he tried."
The Davenport boy blushed brighter as he smiled widely, before going back to the fight.
A couple of seconds later, Rhea jumped down with her daughter on the floor underneath them, before throwing her through the entire level.
She super speeded towards GreatGirl, before grabbing her and flying through the roof, making a second hole.
She pinned her daughter to the ground.
- "Get the Kryptonian!" The mother yelled at her guard, who nodded and jumped away.
The Matthews girl kicked her off her and did a kip up to get back on her feet.
She punched her hard, sending her onto the ground.
- "I'm not as weak as you think I am." She said.
- "Thanks to me." The Queen got up. "Hate me all you want, daughter, but giving you to the Krees made you stronger."
- "I was a baby!" The quadbrid punched her, making her fall on her knees. "I didn't need to be stronger. I needed to be loved and protected. Thankfully, someone else did that and your job as a mother, and I will forever be grateful to her. I am Cy-Ja's daughter, not yours." She shook her head, her eyes glaring at her, full of hatred.
Rhea got up and GreatGirl grabbed her, before throwing her across the roof.
In the meanwhile, J'onn and Oliver knocked out three soldiers when more teleported.
M'gann landed besides them, sending shock waves to the soldiers, making them fall.
- "You came." The J'onzz man said.
- "You called." The M'orzz woman replied.
Several white Martians flew above them.
- "Not them again." The Evers boy frowned.
- "They followed you." The green Martian said.
- "Don't worry. They're friends." Miss Martian replied.
- "Thank you." The blue-eyed boy sighed.
The white Martians landed next to them, and they all started to fight the Daxamites.
A couple of seconds later, GreatGirl punched Rhea again, but the mother blocked her arm as the ships continued to shoot the city.
- "It won't stop here." She punched her stomach. "There's Star City and Metropolis." She punched her in the face. "I will destroy city after city until your whole world is gone." She said, in her face.
The Matthews girl's eyes turned red as she blocked her fist.
- "This is my home." She punched her hard as she still held her fist to keep her close, before letting go to punch her again and again, until the Queen was thrown away against a vent. "And I'm going to protect it."
- "It doesn't matter if I live or die." Rhea got up. "We'll keep coming." She pointed to the sky, where several ships arrived.
Of course, she wouldn't respect our deal. The quadbrid frowned.
Mon-El landed with Chase next to her.
- "GreatGirl, they've locked onto every school, hospital, and municipal building in the city." Alex said in her earpiece. "They're going to destroy everything."
- "I can't." GreatGirl looked at her brother.
- "Do it, Mads." The bionic boy nodded. "Trust me."
The Matthews man nodded.
The Matthews girl frowned and took out the remote for the device that Lena gave her.
She pressed the button and lead filled the atmosphere.
The mother gasped as she fell to her knees.
Every Daxamite around the city gasped for air and teleported back into their ships.
The quadbrid held the men's hands.
- "Mon-El." The Queen gasped. "Roxana. My babies. Please. Save me." She begged.
- "Like you saved Father?" The son asked, his voice full of hatred.
Rhea turned into stone, before turning into dust.
The ships flew away into space.
The Davenport boy pulled away to leave the siblings alone.
- "I'm sorry." GreatGirl looked at her brother.
- "It's not your fault." Mon-El said and kissed her forehead.
The Matthews girl closed her eyes, before, quickly, pulling back.
- "Wait, how are you breathing?" She frowned.
- "Chase cured me." The Matthews man smirked.
The quadbrid's eyes watered as she looked at her boyfriend.
- "You did?" She asked.
Chase nodded.
GreatGirl hugged him tightly.
- "Thank you." She whispered.
- "You're welcome." The bionic boy replied.
The Matthews girl extended an arm, signaling her brother to join.
The Daxamite hugged both of them.
Later that night, everyone was celebrating the Daxamites leaving.
Maddie and Chase were cuddling on the couch, watching a movie with their cats.
Mon-El was at Kara's.
Alex was, spontaneously, proposing to Maggie, who said 'yes'.
Xandar asked Adam out, who gladly agreed, and they went to his apartment to have dinner.
Oliver went to see his boyfriend after being afraid of almost losing him.
Leo went to Janelle.
Bree and Skylar went out partying with Mia and Kaz.
J'onn was enjoying M'gann staying for a while.
Later, Chase and Maddie were laying in his bed, cuddling.
The bionic boy was sleeping peacefully as the quadbrid laid her eyes opened, thinking about everything that had happened in the last few days.
She tried to sleep, but she could not, so she gently moved away from her boyfriend, who groaned.
- "Where you're going?" The Davenport boy asked with his eyes closed.
- "I'm gonna take a longer shower. I need to relax and let the adrenaline go back down." The Matthews girl lied.
- "Want me to come?" The green hazel-eyed boy questioned.
- "No, my love." The blue-eyed girl kissed his cheek. "Go back to sleep. I'll come back when I'm calmed down."
- "Kay. Relax and come back quick." Chase sighed as he went back to sleep.
Maddie smiled softly as she got out of bed and went to her bedroom.
She super speeded into her normal clothes and put on her glasses, before teleporting to the roof and sitting down.
The Matthews girl looked at the city where everyone was sleeping or celebrating with their loved-ones, even if most of the city had been destroyed.
She sighed as guilt invaded her. I killed her. She closed her eyes. Why do I feel guilty after everything she did? It's so stupid.
After a couple of minutes, the quadbrid opened her eyes and took out her phone.
- "Should I..." She shook her head and pressed call as she put her phone in front of her face.
Universe 314
In the meanwhile, Chase and Harper were at the bar playing pool during the quieter hours.
Only the two of them were there since it was the employees' break time.
The Davenport man positioned his cue and took a shot, causing the pool ball to veer dramatically off the pocket.
- "Ahg, shit!" He muttered.
The Davenport woman chuckled, leaning on her cue stick.
- "Are you that bad, or are you playing bad out of charity?" She teased.
- "I'm not playing badly; there must be something wrong with the table." The Captain checked the stability of the pool table.
- "Chay, don't blame the table." The General smirked. "And don't worry; I'll go easy on you." She said, giving him a wink, causing him to blush slightly with a smirk. She positioned her cue and hit one of the balls directly into the pocket. "Oops! I accidentally played really well, sorry." She grinned sarcastically.
Chase chuckled, in amusement, and before he could answer her, he heard his cell phone ring in his pocket, he frowned as he took out his cell phone and looked at Maddie's name on the screen.
- "Who is it?" Harper asked.
- "It's Maddie." The Davenport man said, confused.
The Davenport woman smiled.
- "Cool!" She said, happily. "Answer it." She approached, and the Captain answered the call.
- "Hello?" He said.
- "Hi, Maddie." The General said, kindly. "Sup?"
Universe 38
- "Hey, guys." Maddie smiled. "How are you?"
- "I just taught Chase how to put the balls in the pocket because apparently he doesn't know how." Harper chuckled.
Chase frowned at her.
- "We were playing pool before you misinterpreted that." He walked over and showed the pool table.
The Davenport woman chuckled, lightly, in the background.
- "Okay." The Matthews girl chuckled softly. "So, how's life?"
- "It's going great, right, Babe?" The Davenport man said as he looked at the General, leaning on his shoulder.
- "Yeah. Nothing much happened." She said. "Just living, going on missions and stuff."
- "That's nice." The quadbrid nodded with a soft smile.
- "How about you?" Harper asked, gently.
- "Yeah." The Captain smiled.
- "I'm fine." Maddie replied. "Just it's been a very long last few days." She sighed, before smiling again. "But it's over."
- "Why? What happened?" Chase asked, leaving the cue on the table.
- "I told you guys about my bio mom being here?" The Matthews girl questioned.
- "Yeah, you did. You said she was planning something." The Davenport woman said.
- "Discovered what?" The Davenport man asked.
- "Unfortunately too late." The quadbrid sighed.
- "What did she do?" The General asked, worriedly, and the Captain's gaze hardened.
- "She manipulated Lena Luthor into doing a huge teleportation portal, and she brought every single Daxamite to Earth." Maddie explained. "For the last few days, we were on non-stop attack. Last night, she used silver Kryptonite on Supergirl and Superman."
- "Oh my God!" Harper exclaimed, worriedly.
- "Is everyone okay?" Chase asked.
- "The team is. The civilians are not." The Matthews girl sighed. "We managed to save most of them, but some died. I mean, gigantic spaceships shot at buildings and houses. Look at CatCo." She turned her camera to show the large building barely holding together as cracks were everything, windows were broken, parts of the building were missing.
The couple looked at each other, in shock.
The Davenport woman put her hand over her mouth in disbelief.
- "Do you guys need help with anything?" The Davenport man asked.
- "No, don't worry." The quadbrid shook her head. "We took care of it. Lena built a lead bomb, so the atmosphere is toxic for Daxamites now, so they all left. Well, except Rhea, my bio mom, she's dead."
- "What?" The Captain frowned.
- "Yeah." Maddie sighed.
Chase looked at the screen with a serious look in silence.
- "Are you and Mon-El okay?" The General asked.
- "Well, I don't have any weaknesses, and my Chase cured Mon-El." The Matthews girl smiled softly. "Meaning, Mon-El doesn't have any weaknesses either anymore."
- "Well, that's good." Harper nodded, and the Davenport man continued to stare intently at the screen.
- "Yep." The quadbrid nodded. "Leo and Adam and the Elite Force came to help us, it was nice to fight along them again."
The Captain nodded, in understanding, and glanced at the Davenport woman, who pressed her lips together with pity.
- "I'm fine, guys." Maddie said. "I'm just a little sore. I mean, having Supergirl and Superman thinking I'm their worst enemy and having to fight both of them at the same time was very hard, but I won." She shrugged. "And now, I am the 'Champion Of Earth'." She mocked her title.
- "Champion...?" The General frowned.
- "Yeah." The Matthews girl nodded, in despair. "It's so ridiculous."
- "Girl, you fought Supergirl and Superman and WON, that's awesome." Harper chuckled lightly.
- "Thanks." The quadbrid smiled softly.
- "You're welcome." The Davenport woman tilted her head, gently.
- "Are you sure you're okay?" Chase asked.
- "Yeah." Maddie nodded. "Just needed to think about something else while the adrenaline goes down."
The Davenport man glanced briefly at the General, who stroked his arm.
- "Go." She mouthed out of camera view.
The Captain took a deep breath and looked back at Maddie.
- "Adrenaline, huh?" He said, as he started, walking around the bar.
- "Yeah." The quadbrid nodded.
Chase went to the back of the bar and opened the door to a break room.
- "Mm-hmm." He nodded, closing the door and walking to the couch in the living room, sitting down on it with a sigh. "Tell me what's going on?"
- "I just told you." Maddie replied. "How's the house going?"
- "It's ready, we just need to install a few things." The Davenport man, quickly, responded. "But don't try to change the subject."
- "That's good." The Matthews girl nodded.
- "Maddie." The Captain raised an eyebrow.
Shit. The quadbrid thought.
- "Yes?" She replied.
- "Why did you call?" Chase asked. "Why do you actually call?"
- "I told you to talk to someone who hasn't gone through my last few days." Maddie said.
- "I don't feel like that's why." The Davenport man said, calmly.
The Matthews girl sighed.
- "Just needed to talk." She looked away from the screen.
The Captain leaned back on the couch.
- "About what exactly?" He asked.
- "About the fact that I'm feeling guilty about activating the bomb and killing my bio mom." The quadbrid looked at the destroyed city.
Chase sighed, closing his eyes.
- "Oh, Maddie." He sighed and ran his hand over his forehead. "I figured."
- "I know." Maddie said.
- "I'm sorry." The Davenport man sighed, in pity.
- "I just... I feel so bad." The Matthews girl added. "When I activated the bomb, I looked at her gasp for air, and she looked at my eyes and begged me to save her, and I... I just watched her turn into stone, before she turned into dust."
The Captain nodded, sadly.
- "I killed the woman who gave birth to me." The quadbrid said. "It's so ridiculous that I feel guilty when she literally only kept trying to get rid of me since I was a baby." She chuckled, dryly.
- "It's not ridiculous." Chase said, seriously.
- "She tried to kill me so many times and gave me to the Krees, KNOWING that they would torture me and eventually kill me. She kidnapped Mon-El. Twice! She destroyed National City and killed hundreds of people just so she could be Queen of Earth." Maddie explained.
- "Look, I know this may be hard to believe, but... it's okay to feel guilty." The Davenport man said, calmly.
The Matthews girl sighed.
- "I know how you feel." The Captain said, softly.
- "I know." The quadbrid nodded.
- "I killed the worst person I've ever met." Chase said. "The father of the girl I love, who turned her and her sisters, innocent children into murderers, forced them to kill people, including innocent ones, the guy who betrayed my uncle, threatened him and hunted me and my siblings for years who created a bionic army using more innocent children. The Evil incarnate, and I put an end to him." He swallowed the lump in his throat. "And yet I feel guilty. I feel bad, I feel like the villain of the story."
- "I know." Maddie sighed as her eyes watered. "I killed seven people, they were all evil, but I still feel terrible. I mean, my bio mom killed both of my dads. I was an orphan, then Claire found me, then the Krees killed her and I was an orphan again. Then I discovered that I still had my bio mom and my adoptive dad, but that she was evil, and she killed him for letting Mon-El and I stay here and not force us to go back on Daxam. And now, she's dead, too. So, I'm an orphan, once again. Cool, right?"
- "I'm sorry." The Davenport man said. "But that woman was never your mother. Claire was."
- "I know." The Matthews girl held back her tears as she looked away. "But she was my brother's. I killed his mom in front of him."
- "You had no choice." The Captain said. "I know it sounds ridiculous to say this, but sometimes life gives us no choice but to sacrifice something, even if it's our humanity for one fateful second that changes everything."
- "Ironic coming from you, huh?" The quadbrid smiled softly as she wiped her tears.
- "I'm not saying I follow this to the letter or that it's easy for me to believe this." Chase shook his head. "But it's the truth. And you know, I've already imagined what it would have been like if I hadn't pressed that button, and I've come to the conclusion that at least the only one who suffered the consequences of that was me. I sacrificed my humanity, my happiness, my mind, and my heart and my stability for the world." He took a deep, shaky breath. "I sacrificed what I was to save my family. Even though I knew I would never come back... And it still scares me knowing that I would do it again if I had to, because I almost did." He looked away.
- "You would have never done it to him." Maddie shook her head. "And I know, I'm just trying not to cry. I mean the first time, I killed someone it was four at the same time and I had just turned fourteen. They killed my mom in front of me and I screamed and, accidentally, used my sonic scream... I melted their brains and again, like Rhea, I just watched."
- "Look, that doesn't make you a bad person." The Davenport man shook his head.
- "Yeah, how about the time I made Parasite, from the comics, explode? Or the time I literally ripped someone in half with my bare hands?" The Matthews girl raised her eyebrows as her eyes filled with tears.
- "Do you regret it?" The Captain asked, seriously.
- "Every day." The quadbrid sighed. "But I had no choice. Parasite was eating people and Indigo was trying to mind control every person on Earth."
- "Then you are a good person. As long as you feel guilt, it means, you have a good soul and heart." Chase sighed. "Guilt is a sign of fearing evil, it is a sign of self-knowledge of the right and wrong. If you looked back without guilt, without anything, without any regret, you would be as cold and evil as your biological mother." He said. "It hurts, it's horrible to feel this way, but it's the price a good person has to pay. But you just need to know that it's not bad or ridiculous to feel guilty." He swallowed tears.
- "So when are you going to believe that?" Maddie asked as a single tear ran down her cheek.
- "I struggle every day to believe this." The Davenport man said with his eyes filling with tears. "All I want is to believe in this, but it's not easy. But I can't stop trying, and neither can you." A tear ran down his face. "I want to believe it." He blinked as another tear fell.
- "I'm sorry." The Matthews girl pressed her lips together as more tears fell down her cheeks in silent.
The Captain controlled the tears by closing his eyes and swallowing the lump in his throat.
- "Maybe... if you struggle by my side, it will become easier." He looked at the camera and sighed, shakily.
- "I shouldn't have called." The quadbrid shook her head as more tears ran down her cheeks. "You were happy and now, you're crying. I'm sorry. I'm gonna go."
- "No! Please!" Chase said. "Do you think I never cry about this? You know how often this happens." He said.
- "I know. But right now, you were happy." Maddie sighed. "I ruined it by calling you."
- "You need me!" The Davenport man said, firmly.
The Matthews girl sighed.
- "You called because you know you need me." The Captain said.
The quadbrid let out a shuddering breath.
- "I do." She admitted.
- "It's okay." Chase said, calmly. "I'm here." He said, softly.
- "I hate crying." Maddie sighed. "All because of that fucking Kree ship."
- "I hate crying too. Because I feel like every time I cry, Krane must laugh in my face, wherever the hell he is." The Davenport man hardened his gaze. "But that's not what it means. It means a release of feelings, If we were weak we wouldn't cry because we wouldn't be strong enough to handle feelings, to feel them."
- "I hate crying because I have PTSD." The Matthews girl replied. "On the ship, crying meant getting tortured more. That's why I learned how to cry in silence. Or that's when I had my first panic attack at two years old. All because Rhea didn't want to keep her bastard daughter." She sniffled.
- "But it's over now." The Captain said, calmly. "I promise you nothing bad will happen to you if you cry."
- "You don't know that." More tears ran down the quadbrid's cheeks. "The Krees found my mom and I on Earth, in another universe, thirty years. They can find me again."
- "I know. But metaphorically..." Chase said. "I'm here to protect you, so you can cry." He said, softly.
- "Thanks." Maddie sighed as she cried in silence. "You know, what else I hate?"
- "Tell me." The Davenport man softened his gaze, in pity.
- "A couple of months ago, Mon-El and I confronted Rhea about something else and at some point she said that she was a good mother, so I snapped." The Matthews girl explained. "And I told her everything that happened to me on that ship and I never told ANYONE, but now my brother will have those images of me forever. I hate that I snapped in front of him and that he knows that now. I didn't want to put this weight on his shoulders and be a burden." She sniffled as she wiped her cheeks.
- "It's not a burden. It's not your fault what happened to you." The Captain shook his head.
- "I know. But other people knowing it's my fault. And now, it's their burden." The quadbrid replied.
- "It's not your fault." Chase said, firmly.
- "It is." Maddie nodded. "I shouldn't have snapped."
- "You've held this in for years. It was going to happen eventually, and Rhea needed to hear it." The Davenport man said. "Mon-El is your brother. He loves you, and your suffering will never be a burden to him in any way."
- "She didn't even felt guilty." The Matthews girl scoffed. "And Mon-El didn't need to know that. He feels guilty enough about not being able to protect me when I was a baby. He didn't need to know the details of how I was tortured for five years." She sniffled as more tears ran down her cheeks.
- "Of course she didn't feel it. She wasn't even worthy of feeling it." The Captain said. "And don't blame yourself for him wanting to protect you." He said with pity.
- "I feel guilty about not being able to protect him from knowing this." The quadbrid sighed.
- "I know." Chase nodded in understanding.
Maddie sighed as she wiped her cheeks once again.
The Davenport man put his feet up on the couch and hugged his knees with one arm.
- "No need to hold back." He pressed his lips together with a gentle look.
- "Same goes for you." The Matthews girl sniffled.
The Captain shook his head, his eyes filling with tears.
- "I'm fine." He said, holding back his tears. "I'm here for YOU right now."
- "Can't you let me be here for you too?" The quadbrid frowned. "I'm not the only one holding back their tears right now."
- "It's because you need it more than I do right now." Chase said.
- "It's ridiculous." Maddie shook her head as she wiped her eyes and cheeks.
- "It's not." The Davenport man shook his head. "It's just... complicated." He sighed and laid his head on his knees.
- "I know. But saying you're fine when you're on the verge of tears is not helping me to stop holding back." The Matthews girl replied as she looked at the dark and destroyed city once again.
- "It's just that I've been much worse. Compared to this, I'm fine." The Captain explained.
- "Okay." The quadbrid nodded.
- "I... really don't want you to go through this alone." Chase said as a tear ran down his face and landed on the knee he rested his face on.
- "I'm not. You're here." Maddie smiled softly as a single tear escaped her eye.
- "Yes, I am." The Davenport man smiled softly. "For as long as you need." He said.
- "Thank you." The Matthews girl replied. "Same goes for you. I'm here whenever you need me for as you long as you want."
The Davenport man sniffled and rubbed his face on his knees, wiping away the tears.
- "Thanks." He said. "But you really don't need to worry, you know why?" He said, softly.
- "Why?" The quadbrid asked.
- "Because it's just a phase." Chase smirked, faintly.
Maddie snickered softly.
- "I was right last time, wasn't I?" The Davenport man asked, calmly.
- "Yes, you were." The Matthews girl rolled her eyes, amused.
- "So trust me." The Captain nodded. "Everything's gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay." He said, softly.
- "So are you." The quadbrid replied. "And, Chase?"
- "What, Maddie?" Chase asked with a soft smile.
- "You're a good person too." Maddie smiled softly.
The Davenport man gasped slightly and tears streamed down his face, he took his feet off the couch and leaned on his legs, looking down his hair fell over his forehead.
- "Do you really believe that?" He held back the sobs. "Do you believe what I said?" A tear fell onto the screen of his phone.
- "I do believe what you said." The Matthews girl nodded. "And I really believe you are a good person, one of the best I know."
The Captain hung his head, letting her words sink into his heart. He sighed shakily.
- "You will never be a bad person, even if you tried." The quadbrid added.
Chase smiled faintly and sniffled.
- "I didn't even know how much I needed to hear that." He said with watery eyes.
- "I did. It's my unofficial superpower." Maddie smiles softly.
The Davenport man blinked the tears out of his eyes and put his hand to his forehead, holding his own hair.
- "Thank you." He said, softly.
- "You're welcome." The Matthews girl nodded. "I will always be there for you. To hear scream in my ears of happiness, or just to talk about things like that and cry." She wiped her eyes.
The Captain took a deep breath, running his hand through his hair and pushing it back again.
- "Me too." He sighed.
- "Thank you for the talk. I needed that." The quadbrid added.
- "I know." Chase said quietly, leaning back on the couch. "I guess I needed it too."
Maddie smiled softly and she looked at the sky.
- "No more ships to hide the sky." She sighed. "Finally."
- "That's good." The Davenport man nodded, gently.
- "Yep." The Matthews girl replied as she looked back at the screen. "You're okay?"
The Captain leaned his head back on the couch and nodded.
- "Yes, I am. You're here." He smiled softly.
The quadbrid smiled. Aw.
Chase wiped away the trail of his tears while keeping his smile on.
- "Thank you, really." Maddie continued.
- "You're welcome." The Davenport man replied.
The Matthews girl wiped her eyes and her cheeks, brushing off the last remains of her tears.
- "Adrenaline lower now?" The Captain asked with a gentle smirk in his face.
- "Don't mock me. I said the same thing to my Chase." The quadbrid snickered.
- "I wasn't going to." Chase chuckled softly.
- "Uh-uh." Maddie, sarcastically, nodded, before chuckling.
- "Seriously." The Davenport man said. "I just wanted to know if you were better now?"
- "I am." The Matthews girl nodded. "Thanks to you."
The Captain smiled gently.
The quadbrid smiled back.
Chase looked at his cell phone screen, thoughtfully. He turned sideways on the couch, laying his face on the back, comfortably squishing his cheek on the back of the couch.
- "Maddie?" He said, softly.
- "Yes?" Maddie replied.
- "Can we just..." The Davenport man sighed. "Stay here a little longer, just...like this?" He asked, thoughtfully.
-"Sure." The Matthews girl nodded. "It's the night here anyway. I don't have anything to do." She smiled softly.
The Captain frowned to himself for a second and held his phone closer to him.
- "Thanks." He said, softly.
- "You're welcome." The quadbrid nodded as she laid back on the roof.
Chase smiled at the phone screen.
Maddie smiled back as she glanced at the stars.
The Davenport man kept his smile on as he watched her look up.
The Matthews girl sighed, in content, before looking back at the screen.
The Captain looked away immediately, looking at the lamp next to the couch, keeping his cheek pressed against the back of the couch.
The quadbrid smiled softly.
Chase briefly closed his eyes and sighed, holding his cell phone closer.
Maddie turned to her side and let her phone rest on the ground as she continued to look at him.
The Davenport man lowered his head a little, his hair falling over his forehead again as he still stared at that lamp.
The Matthews girl closed her eyes for a moment.
The Captain looked back at the screen and softened his gaze, enjoying her company.
The quadbrid, feeling his gaze, opened her eyes and smiled softly.
Chase looked at the lamp again before looking up, blowing his hair off his forehead.
Maddie snickered softly.
The Davenport man looked at the lamp again, trying to hide his smile of amusement.
- "Do you have a beautiful view?" The Matthews girl smiled.
- "What?" The Captain frowned, looking again at the screen.
- "The thing you keep looking at. Is it beautiful?" The quadbrid teased.
Chase looked at the lamp again, an old reading lamp.
- "Yeah, many would say so." He said, sinking his cheek into the couch. "A classic beauty."
Maddie chuckled softly.
The Davenport man pressed his lips together, keeping his gaze on the lamp.
The Matthews girl, discreetly, looked behind her when she heard a small noise, but nobody was there.
- "What's wrong?" The Captain asked.
- "Nothing. I just thought I was something, but it was just the wind." The quadbrid shrugged and looked back at the screen.
- "Okay." Chase looked at the screen.
- "This is nice." Maddie smiled softly at him.
The Davenport man let out a slight smile.
- "Yeah, I guess it is." He went back to a resting look.
- "I guess." The Matthews girl whispered as she scoffed softly, mocking him.
The Captain just smirked, slightly in amusement.
The quadbrid closed her eyes again with a smile.
Chase kept looking at the screen thoughtfully.
Maddie exhaled softly.
The Davenport man smiled at the screen as he lightly tapped his feet together.
The Matthews girl thought. This is nice. I just wished I knew if he actually liked me or not.
The Captain continued to look softly at the screen while absentmindedly fiddling with the chain around his neck.
- "Chase?" The quadbrid whispered.
- "Yeah?" Chase asked.
- "I'm falling asleep." Maddie chuckled softly as she opened her eyes.
The Davenport man chuckled lightly, bringing the chain to his mouth and looking at the lamp again.
The Matthews girl sat up as she shook her head.
- "Sorry, I kind of... got carried away." The Captain said, thoughtfully, with the chain in his mouth.
- "What?" The quadbrid frowned.
Chase spat out the chain and looked at the screen.
- "I got carried away in this silence and kind of forgot that...hanging up is an option." He said.
- "It's okay. It was nice." Maddie smiled.
- "I'm surprised, I didn't though you could stay quiet for this long." The Davenport man smirked slightly.
- "I didn't want to disturb your peace for once." The Matthews girl said.
- "Oh, How nice of you." The Captain smiled.
- "Don't get too much use to it." The quadbrid smirked.
- "Same, though." Chase grinned, sarcastically.
Maddie rolled her eyes, amused.
The Davenport man chuckled lightly.
- "I better go to bed." The Matthews girl said. "My Chase must be wondering where the hell I am."
The Captain looked at the door.
- "And Harper is listening at behind the door for the last 2 minutes." He said. "I heard her sigh when we spoke again, I think she was worried if I was alive." He pressed his lips together, in amusement.
- "Sorry for being protective." Harper mumbled from behind the door, Chase rolled his eyes with a smile.
The quadbrid chuckled softly.
- "Hey, Harper." She smiled.
The Davenport woman opened the door.
- "Hey!" She said and walked to the couch, the Davenport man glanced at her.
Maddie snickered.
- "Are you sure you're okay?" The General asked, sitting down next to the Captain on the couch.
- "Thanks to your fiancé, I really am now." The Matthews girl smiled softly.
- "I'm glad to hear it." Harper smiled. "He's good at it." She said, brushing his hair off his forehead.
Chase smiled proudly, blushing slightly at her touch.
- "Yep." The quadbrid nodded. "I really need to go. My Chase is probably freaking out. I told him I was going to take a shower. It's been too long." She smiled softly.
- "It's okay, Go ahead." The Davenport man said, and the Davenport woman nodded.
- "We'll talk better another time." She smiled.
- "For sure." Maddie nodded. "Thanks again, Chase. And you can tell Harper what I told you, it's not a secret if she doesn't already know." She smirked. "Eavesdrop." She faked a cough.
The Captain smirked, in amusement, and the General rolled her eyes.
- "You're welcome." He said.
- "And I don't know, I was just stopping by to check if you two weren't arguing." Harper said.
- "Fair enough." Chase nodded.
- "We don't argue all the time." The Matthews girl rolled her eyes.
- "Indeed." The Davenport man chuckled.
- "It's just that I know Chay isn't easy." The Davenport woman briefly approached the screen, and the Captain rolled his eyes.
- "I got used to him." The quadbrid shrugged.
- "Good." The General winked.
Maddie opened a portal and walked into her bedroom.
- "Sorry for interrupting your pool game." She said.
- "Eh, Chase was going to lose anyway." Harper shrugged.
Chase gasped.
- "How dare you!" He said, in amusement.
- "I haven't touched the table yet, the still game can change." The Davenport woman shrugged and the Davenport man smirked.
The Matthews girl snickered.
- "We'll let you sleep now." The Captain said.
- "Yeah, sweet dreams." The General smiled, gently.
- "Thanks." The quadbrid smiled softly. "But before I do that, I need to stop my Chase from having a heart attack."
- "Part of the routine of living with a Chase." Harper stroked Chase's cheek and wrinkled her nose.
He chuckled, blushing more.
- "I know." Maddie snickered. "I've been doing that since we were thirteen. I'm used to it. I'm just getting ready for a bone crushing hug."
- "Do I do this?" The Davenport man asked the Davenport woman, and she nodded with a smile.
- "Every single time you're worried." The Matthews girl said.
- "Yup." The General agreed.
- "Helps ease the worry." The Captain shrugged.
- "I know. But damn." The quadbrid chuckled softly. "I thought Adam's hug were bone crushing, clearly not."
Harper laughed and Chase glared at her.
- "Don't!" She said in amusement.
- "You're totally asking for it." The Davenport man smirked.
The Davenport woman shook her head.
- "Good luck with that." Maddie snickered.
- "Don't leave me now!" The General said in amusement.
- "Bye-Bye, Maddie." The Captain grinned.
- "I need to. My Chase is gonna kill me if I don't show that I'm alive." The quadbrid sat on the edge of her bed as her Chase barged into her room. "Speaking of the devil, and he shall appear."
The bionic boy rolled his eyes.
Harper chuckled.
- "Okay then. Bye." She smiled.
- "It was nice talking to you, Maddie." Chase said as he moved towards his fiancée.
- "It was nice talking to you, too. Bye, guys. Good luck, Harper." The Matthews girl replied as the Davenport boy sat next to her out of the camera.
Universe 314
- "Bye." The couple said in sync, Chase ended the call with a sigh and looked at Harper.
- "Is everything okay?" She asked, seeing one of his cheeks marked by the fabric of the couch.
- "Yes, It was nice." The Davenport man nodded and slowly leaned towards her and hugged her torso, burying his cheek in her breasts. "Oh yeah, that's what was missing." He hugged her tighter, and the Davenport woman laughed.
- "You're so silly." She blushed, wrinkling her nose as the Captain rubbed his face against her.
- "Bone Crushing Hug." He hugged her tighter and she laughed.
- "No! Let go of me." The General laughed and Chase chuckled. "Let go!" She lightly poked his side, tickling him, he laughed and let go of her. "We have a game of pool to finish." She leaned in, looking at his lips. "I'll see you on the battlefield." She whispered and gave him a soft, firm kiss on the lips before leaving the room with a smile.
The Davenport man chuckled softly, rolling his eyes in amusement, and looked at his cell phone that he had left on the couch, looking at Maddie's contact.
He picked up his cell phone and with a soft smile he pressed a button on her contact and pinned it to one of the contacts at the top of his conversation list.
He sighed, slightly thoughtful, and turned off his cell phone, putting it in his pocket and leaving the room behind Harper.
Universe 38
In the meanwhile, Maddie used her telekinetic powers to put her phone on the nightstand.
- "You're mad?" She asked without looking at him.
- "No." Chase put his fingers under her chin and made her look at him. "I'm not mad. But I don't understand why you didn't simply tell me that you were going to talk to him instead of lying."
- "I lied about taking a long shower, but I wasn't planning on calling him." The quadbrid said. "I was on the roof and I tried to calm my thoughts, but I couldn't so I called him."
- "I know. I saw you." The bionic boy nodded.
- "There was no wind, just you." The Matthews girl smiled softly.
- "Yep." The Davenport boy smiled back as he caressed her cheek. "You can talk to me, you know."
- "I know." The blue-eyed girl replied. "It's just that you did a lot over the last few days and I didn't want to put more things on your shoulders."
- "Baby, this is ridiculous." The green hazel-eyed boy shook his head. "You've been through more than I did, and you should be able to talk to me."
- "I can talk to you, but you were sleeping so peacefully." Maddie said.
- "And you can wake me up for anything." Chase moved closer to her.
- "It's easier to talk to him, because he's not going through what we just did." The quadbrid explained. "And I know you feel guilty about Krane, but you've learned how to deal with it. He still hasn't, like me so..."
- "So, he understands you on this better than anyone." The bionic boy finished her sentence.
- "Yeah." The Matthews girl nodded. "I like talking to him. It's easy, and he's you, just a little older and with some different life experiences than yours. But, still has the same essence as you."
- "I really like this other me." The Davenport boy smiled softly.
The blue-eyed girl snickered softly.
- "Me too." She replied.
The green hazel-eyed boy leaned towards her and cupped her face, before kissing her forehead gently.
Maddie closed her eyes, enjoying his touch.
Chase pulled back and put his forehead against hers.
- "Next time you tell me you feel bad, okay?" He asked.
- "I promise." The quadbrid nodded. "I love you."
- "I love you too." The bionic boy wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her into his chest.
The Matthews girl snaked her arms around his waist as she snuggled closer.
- "Now, are you coming to bed?" The Davenport boy asked as he pulled back.
- "Yes." The blue-eyed girl nodded with a smiled.
- "Good." The green hazel-eyed boy smiled back and got up as he took her hand and led her to his room.
A.N: 11 498 words.
So, what did you think of this chapter?
Chase saving Mon-El?
Maddie becoming the Champion of Earth after defeating Supergirl AND Superman?
Xandar and Adam?
It was a pleasure to write the second last scene with my friend, DavenMarvel , love you.♥
Do you want more scenes between Maddie and U-314 Chase?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Please vote and comment.♥
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