no one's home.
The next day I woke up, it was Sunday. I'll take the day to do homeworks and stretch cause this week it's gonna be all about my next competition. I'll perform a solo, two group dances and a duo. I'm so excited. I can't wait for Joan and Frankie to see it they're gonna love it.
I went downstairs for breakfast and notice no one's at home, which actually makes me really happy because what I don't need right now is mom annoying me.
After breakfast a take a quick shower and start working on my homeworks from school then stretch myself. I didn't even notice the time passing and when I see it was 4 pm. No one's home yet.
I go to the kitchen and eat something since I didn't eat anything since breakfast, but there's no food except for some cereal and fruits. Ugh. They can't even care enough to leave me money to get some food.
I go to my room and take a nap and after an hour mom wakes me up shaking me slightly.
- Hey babe, did you sleep all day?
- Hey mom, no I did my homework and stretched I just took a nap after.
- Oh okay, good. I decided to let you sleep today, we went out early. But we forgot to leave you money so I brought you some stuff from The Cheescake Factory.
- Yaaay! thanks mom - I said hugging her. I missed her hugs.
- Ofc babe!
Now THAT was weird.
I went downstairs and ate the Alfredo pasta and a cheesecake they brought me.
Dalton came by and we talked for awhile. Soon Alison came to ruin it all.
- Daddy! Mommy told me to get you so we can watch movies! - She said running and jumping hugging him.
- Sure! Wanna watch Y/N?
- Yeah, sure!
We went to the living room and I sit down on the corner next to mom.
- Aren't you supposed to stretch more for dance?
- I already stretched today mom....
- Well so stretch more, you don't have to watch princesses movies, you're grown up already. If you wanna do well in dance, you have to work hard.
- I know... - I said sighing and went to my dance room to work on some dances.
I didn't care about the movie, I just wanted to be close to her and feel loved. But of course I wouldn't be able to stay with her, she doesn't love me like she loves Alison.
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