*Peggy's POV*
Black. That's all I remembered. It was all black. And Eliza's blood curdling scream. That's all I remembered up until now.
"16 year old female, suicide attempt. Jumped from the roof." A paramedic said as I was rushed into the hospital.
I bet mom or dad or Angelica, hell even Eliza didn't come. They don't care.
"Peggy! My baby! Peggy! Oh god!" I could hear my mother whaling in the distance, alongside with muffled comments from Angelica and Eliza.
They were here.
It was weird; I could hear everything. But I couldn't move. I couldn't open my eyes. I didn't know how to explain it.
I felt frozen in time. In my mind, I was still seeing the roof, and the view. I was still hearing Eliza's scream.
Was I dead? I didn't think I was, but I wasn't sure.
"Mrs. Schuyler, your daughter has sustained substantial injuries from the fall. She got extremely lucky. Usually, when we get calls like this, the person actually ends up dead. But since this was an attempt, we must put her on 72 hour watch. She'll be moved to a psychiatric hospital." A doctor said to Catherine.
"I- I.." Catherine was at a lost for words.
"Can we see her?" Angelica asked, grabbing her mothers and Eliza's hands.
The doctor nodded and lead them to Peggy's room.
"Baby, we're here. It's me, momma, Angelica, and Eliza." I could hear my mother say as she took my hand.
I wanted to move and fall apart in her arms, but again I felt frozen in time.
The pain was finally setting in. I could feel every single bone in my body, and they all hurt. Everything hurt. I wanted to scream.
Open your eyes; unless you're afraid of facing them.
As my mother gently rubbed my hand, I started to blink rapidly. My eyes fluttered open and I looked at my mom.
"M-m-" I tried to say, but it hurt even to talk. I couldn't move my neck; it was in some brace thing. It hurt.
"Sssh. Baby, sssh." My mom said softly. "It's okay, I'm here."
Angelica and Eliza were standing behind my mother, sorrowful looks across their faces.
I want to apologize, I really do. But it hurts. It hurts.
Good going; all you do is hurt people and create problems.
"W-what happened?" I finally found the strength to talk.
"You tried to kill yourself. You jumped from the roof. In doing so, you broke a leg, an arm, fractured your neck, and broke a few ribs. And there's some bleeding and bruising." Angelica spoke for my mother, who couldn't handle it.
I closed my eyes tight to try and stop my tears from coming.
"I- I'm sorry." I said and started crying.
My mother and my sisters grabbed my hands and held them.
"Hush now. It's okay. Just rest. You're gonna be in a mental facility for three days. On s-suicide watch." I heard Eliza say quietly.
Eliza. She was there. The scream.
I sighed but nodded to the best of my ability.
"And you're gonna talk about the 'we' thing too. Something's not right with you Peggy." Angelica hissed.
I almost died, and this is how I'm treated. Great.
I sighed again.
Once again, I felt frozen in my thoughts, in time. I was stuck.
*This chapter was a very serious one. If you or someone you know is/are struggling with depression, suicide, self harm, etc., please seek help. Talk to someone you know, love, and trust. Call the suicide hotline. Life is a valuable gift, please don't take it for granted. I love you all. If you ever need to talk, I'm here. - Matthew.*
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