someone to care
RM going to BigHit. Something maybe his positive thinking told him she was there. As soon as he reached there he went to check her the launch but didn't find her. His next location was the practice room there he found her lieing unconscious. He noticed dried blood on her arms then he noticed that when she fell she had knocked down some sort of glass which had stuck her in few pieces so he immediately went to wake her up once he succeeded he began picking out the glass pieces.
Rm: wht happened. How did u faint and whts this glass pieces ?
Mel: oww... I fainted due to continue practice I guess. I was fine until hoseok ssi left. Also I may have knocked off the bottle I kept near the window.
When rm looked around he saw she was right. There was Melody's bottle half broken lieing on the floor near the window.
Rm: hey come I'll dress the wound but do u have any first aid with u ?
Mel: I have cotton pads , sterile gauge , and bandanges in my bag ...... Here
RM: ok im not gonna ask y u have all tht with at this time and just gonna assume it's part of ur carry around first aid kit . now come on . I'll help u up I need to clean the wound..
So after cleaning and dressing her wound they both sat there for a while.
RM: hey pls tell me truthfully r u ok.
Mel: Yes I'm fine.
RM: r u eating properly ?
Mel: y-yes I'm eating properly.
Rm: don't lie . When did u last ate a proper meal.
Mel: to-
Rm: Melody...
Mel: 4 days back.
Rm: Mel u know it's not healthy . No wonder ur so tired.
Mel: u don't have to care for me. I know I'm a burden to u all. I won't judge u even if u also hate me ....... U don't have to care for me cause u r supposed to.
Rm: hey hey . Mel I seriously care for u . Not only as a leader. And I'm not doing this cause I'm supposed to. I'm just genuinely worried.
Mel: y? I'm a lazy , useless , ugly girl no one like . So y do u care for a nobody like me . I can't be perfect so y r u nice to me y aren't you scolding me like Jhope ssi or Jimin ssi. Or shouting at me like Suga ssi or Jungkook ssi. Why aren't u beating me like- y aren't you pointing out mistakes like others.
Rm; he calm down mel.... Hear me clearly ok so: 1. U aren't lazy u worked hard to the point u passed out .
2. Ur not useless. No one is. Every one has a purpose.
3. Ur not ugly. Believe me ur gorgeous.
4. Ur not a nobody one is perfect and no one have to be perfect and I don't shout or scold or beat people who did nothing wrong.
6. Also I know ur issues r much deeper than u struggling with practice.
Mel: no it's nothing else I just want to be good for the audience and u guys. Also like I said no need to care abt me. I was , is and always will be a disappointment. And I'm used to being alone
With that the girl began crying. And no words were calming her down so RM did wht came to his mind and hugged her. And slowly her sobbing reduced to small sniffles. And she just snuggled into RM even more as she felt comfortable in someone's arms since her grandma died .
Mel: thank u so much ...
Rm; for wht ?
Mel: hugging me. No one has done tht since grandma died.
RM: no need to thank me. But ur Grandma died ? So who was taking care of u ?
Mel: ya grandma fell ill few weeks after I became a trainee. So I couldn't visit her . She died after 1 month. And no one was taking care of me. Grandma didn't knew where and wht training I was having since I just told I have training as I didn't wanted to get her hopes high.
RM: so u took care of urself since 16?. And I guessing u lived in trainee dorms.
Mel: yes..
Rm: one last question and answer me truthfully. Please?
Mel: ok I'll try.
Rm: having u been abused by ur parents or anyone? Or any bullying experience ?.
Mel: ok I'll answer
Rm: ok can stop at any time if you want to
Mel: yes I have had Bullying issues in the past before I came here. And no I wasn't abused . It's just my parents always wanted nothing less than perfect from me so if I don't live upto perfection. They will just give punishment so im just used to being/ trying to be perfect.
Rm: wht punishment. Did they give u ?
Mel: beating me with sticks or belt. Starving me for a day.
Rm: WHAT!! Melody thts abusive behaviour. Aish... U had to go through all this and he we r still putting through so much.
Mel: it's ok . I deserve it for slacking off
Rm: no u don't now come on its too late to go home let's go to my studio . U can just sleep on the couch.
With tht RM carried her to his studio . She had fallen asleep by the time they reached the studio so he just layed her on the cough and he himself sat on the chair dosing of
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