Mixtape prep pt 2
Melody was almost finished with the mixtape preparation... She had to take a break as their new song Permission to Dance was released and they were busy with promotions. Today she was shooting the self made MV for "Swing set" along with Jungkook who was excited abt the shooting maybe more than the one for whom the MV was .
They had rented out a park and an camping ground by a forest..
They were currently at the park
Jk: so u ready ?
Mel: yup !
Jk: well first of I want some shots of u swinging and having fun . But still there like I need to see the longing for a friend or some one to care...
Mel: wow u learnt alot in directing huh ?
Jk: actually ya...
Mel: ok and ya im ready...
Jk: and cut... Woah thts perfect ....
Mel: um thnx . Now whts next ?
Jk: we need few dance scenes near the fountain and we r done for the day...
The next
They were at the camping ground for the day's shoot and it went smoother than expected... And today all the members were present since melody wanted the members to join in on the last parts . The members parts were mainly the 8 of them having fun ...
The shooting was done and Melody was happily chatting with the members in the living room . With just one member missing. Jk. He was doing something in his room.... So taking the chance Jimin excused himself while looking at Melody and as if Melody knew wht he was gonna do she whispered a small good luck to him...
Jimin went to the room the two youngest shared.. and saw jk laying on the bed watching some videos on yt. So he went near him and sat on the bed .
Jk: oh hey hyung did u need anything ?
Jm: um actually no
Jk: ok oh then ?
Jm: can we talk
Jk: um ya sure whts on ur mind ?
Jm: is it true tht ur Bi ?
Jk: uh.. y are u asking this all of a sudden.
Jm: just tell
Jk: um ya is there any issue ?
Jm: actually no. It's great..
Jk: wht ? Wait really?
Jm: cause then I can do this without being scared abt u being disgusted .
With tht Jimin kissed Jungkook. And though shocked at first jk soon responded to the kiss. Their lips moving in since and fit together like they were made to be with the other. Jimin bit kook's lips making the boy gasp . Jimin took this chance to enter in tongue exploring every inch of the youngers cavern. After a minute/2 they pulled out of the kiss still staring at each other.
Jimin: I like u alot Kookie more than like a brother or friend. So go out with me ?
Jk: sure hyung. I was confused with my feelings abt u for a while now. But after wht happened now I have no doubt I like u too.
Jm: perfect coming Wednesday is off for us right ? Be ready by 5pm..
Jk: will do ....
With tht Jimin left and just a second later Melody entered with a excited squeal
Mel: so wht happened did he ask u out ?
Jk: um ya
Mel: wht did u say... Pls tell me u said yes
Jk: yup I agreed...
Mel: thts so cool. But wait wht did it take this long.
Jk: n-nothing....
Mel: don't lie to me ...
Thts when Melody noticed jk's kinda swollen lips
Mel: wait u guys kissed....
Jk: wh-t n-nothing like tht ha-ppened
Mel: ur stuttering like hell and ur swollen lips are really giving it out... I'm glad Jimin finally gathered enough courage to ask u out. The boy had been planning it for- I mean. Once ur date is over u gotta tell me the details. I bet ur waiting for Wednesday..
Jk: actually ya im pretty excited also u knew abt hyung liking me.....
Mel: I maybe the first and only one to know abt this besides u 2 ...
Melody's outfits👆 for the MV
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