Victory of the Daleks
Sorry this is a day late, I've been thrown a ton of assignments for college lately so those have been my first priority before anything else on my list. Here, however, if the Victory of the Daleks!
The Doctor first slipped out of the TARDIS doors meeting the barrels of three rifles eyeing them while the Stone stepped out after reassuring Amy that they would be fine. She had already checked that it was Churchill that was behind the men therefore she knew that they wouldn't be regenerating today.
"Amy?" The Stone called back to the small crack in the open TARDIS door. "You can come out." She reassured as Winston Churchill slipped between two of the men holding the guns.
"Stone." He frowned. "Is it you?"
"Winston!" She beamed as the Doctor chuckled.
"Oh, Winston, my old friend." He nodded at the man who then held out his hand making a beckoning motion at the Time Lord who laughed. "Ah, every time."
"What's he after?" Amy frowned.
"TARDIS key." The Stone replied over her shoulder fondly shaking her had at the man. "Of course."
"Think of what I could achieve with your remarkable machine, Doctor." He said as the Doctor shut and locked the TARDIS, just for good measure. "The lives that could be saved."
"Ah, doesn't work like that." He shook his head.
"Must I take it by force?"
"I'd like to see you try." The Stone scoffed glancing at the Doctor who winked at her then wrapped an arm around the Time Lady's waist.
"Now then Winston. Please could you tell your men to point their guns in another direction. I don't approve of them being pointed at my wife." He eyed the guns. "She last regenerated by a gunshot wound, I really don't want a repeat."
"Oh, sweetheart." She shook her head at him. "You do remember that I did make guns for the Time War." She rolled her eyes at him.
"Yes I do, but that was forced." He reminded then gave Churchill a pointed look.
"Apologies, Doctor, Stone." The prime minister nodded. "Protocol must be followed." He reminded while the blonde nodded in understanding. Churchill then eyed the men. "At ease."
"You rang?" The Doctor raised a brow.
Churchill then began to walk off without saying a word. The Doctor and the Stone quickly taught up waiting for him to explain while they walked down a corridor.
"So you've changed your faces again."
"Yeah, well, had a bit of work done." The Doctor nodded.
"Yeah." The Stone slowly nodded. "Last time I saw you was with Lilac right?" She asked while the man nodded. "Ah back when we used to bump into each other sweetheart." She gave a fond exchange of smiles with the Doctor.
"Got it, got it, got it!" Amy cut in from just behind them realising where they were. "Cabinet War Rooms, right?"
"Yep. Top secret heart of the War Office, right under London." The Doctor nodded at her.
"You're late, by the way." Churchill glanced at the Time Lords.
"Requisitions, sir." A woman said handing Churchill a clip board.
"Excellent." He nodded starting to sign it while walking.
The Doctor frowned looking at the watch on his wrist while the Stone rolled her eyes expecting this to happen when letting him pilot the TARDIS while she helped Amy pick out some clothes. "Late?"
"I rang you a month ago."
"Really?" The Doctor frowned. "Sorry, sorry. It's a Type Forty TARDIS, it's... I'm just running her in."
"Really sweetheart?" The Stone raised a brow smirking. "How long have you been 'running her in' now then?" She quietly asked. "How many centuries."
"Well..." He quietly muttered as Amy held her laugh watching them.
"To think it's been over several centuries and you still can't get us to the correct dates." She fondly shook her head at him.
"Something the matter, Breen?" Churchhill spoke over them frowning at the woman who handed him the clipboard. "You look a little down in the dumps."
"No, sir." She forced a very unconfident smile. "Fine, sir."
"Action this day, Breen." He nodded at her. "Action this day."
"Yes, sir." She nodded.
"Excuse me, sir." A man walked up to Churchill. "Got another formation coming in, Prime Minister. Stukas, by the look of them."
"We shall go up top then, Group Captain. We'll give them what for." He said with a large amount of enthusiasm. "Coming, Doctor, Stone?
"Why?" The Doctor questioned. Churchill then grabbed the walking stick from under the Doctors arm.
"I have something to show you." The Doctor exchanged a look with the Time Lady and Amy then nodded and followed him into a lift.
"We stand at a crossroads, Doctor, Stone, quite alone, with our backs to the wall. Invasion is expected daily. So I will grasp with both hands anything that will give us an advantage over the Nazi menace."
"Such as?" The Stone raised a brow wondering why they were called in the first place. It seemed important but looked more like a social call to her eyes.
"Follow me." He gestured.
The Time Lords stood on the roof following Churchill glancing around seeing the sandbags and sentries scattered around the edge of the roof while scientists wearing white coats looked at the sky with large binoculars.
"Wow." Amy looked out seeing the sight.
"Doctor, Stone, this is Professor Edwin Bracewell," Churchill shouted gaining the mans attention. "Head of our Ironsides Project." The Doctor nodded giving a victory salute while the Stone merely frowned a little. 'Ironside's project?'
"How do you do?" He nodded at them.
They looked out as a bomb landed nearby. Amy looked out at London gazing at the barrage balloons in the sky.
"Oh, Doctor, Stone. It's..." She breathed.
"History." The Time Lords both said staring out.
"Ready, Bracewell?" Churchill shouted gaining the Time Lords attention.
"Aye aye, sir." He shouted. "On my order, fire!"
A group of energy bolts fly out of the background and hit the approaching Nazi planes causing them to fire. The Stone stared eyes wide and slowly stepped back her hand automatically finding the Doctors through her shaking body. "But that's... no..."
"What was that?" Amy stared at them.
"That wasn't human. That was never human technology." The Doctor shook his head in just as much shock as the blonde beside him. Tightening his grip on her hand he looked at her seeing the fear in her eyes. "That sounded like- show me." He looked up at Bracewell. "Show us. Show us what that was!" he shouted moving up the ladder somehow keeping his hand in the Stones.
"Advance." He ordered.
"Our new secret weapon. Ha!" Churchill beamed. The Time Lords completely ignored the man hearing the sound they knew all too well when a Dalek moved around. The Doctor shifted himself in front of the Stone who didn't fight his protectiveness as a completely covered dark green Dalek rolled into view.
"What do you think?" Churchill asked sounding impressed. "Quite something, eh?"
The Stone practically growled at it stepping forward with the Doctor so they both stared into the eyestalk. "What are you doing here?" She hissed at it.
"I am your soldier."
"What?" The Doctor stared his grip on the blonde's hand tightening even more.
"I am your soldier."
"Stop this. Stop now." He snapped. "Now, you know who we are. You always know."
"Your identity is unknown."
"Perhaps I can clarify things here." Bracewell cut in. "This is one of my Ironsides."
"Your what?" The Stone snapped her head in his direction looking a little paler than normal.
Bracewell looked at the Dalek. "You will help the Allied cause in any way that you can."
"Until the Germans have been utterly smashed."
"And what is your ultimate aim?"
"To win the war."
The Stone looked at the Doctor who swallowed thickly seeing her shaking he wrapped an arm around her softly kissing her head not taking his eyes off the Dalek meer feet away from them.
"They're Daleks." The Stone said pacing around fiddling with her sonic in her hands repeating for the hundredth time as the Doctor followed her around not wanting to leave her alone for a minute with Daleks rolling around the area. "They're called Daleks."
"They are Bracewell's Ironsides, Stone." He repeated himself. "Look. Blueprints, statistics, field tests, photographs. He invented them."
"Invented them?" The Doctor scoffed while Churchill tapped the blueprints on his desk. The Stone walked over holding one of them up. "Oh, no, no, no."
"Yes. He approached one of our brass hats a few months ago." Churchill explained. "Fellow's a genius."
"A Scottish genius, too." Amy cut in. "Maybe you should listen to-"
"Shush." The Doctor snapped her head at her making Amy close her mouth instantly. "He didn't invent them."
"They're alien."
"Alien." Churchill frowned. The Doctor heard one moving past and shifted himself standing between the doorway and the Stone standing directly behind her.
"And totally hostile." The Doctor added when it left gently rubbing the Stones arm in comfort when she let out a breath when the Dalek moved past.
"Precisely." Churchill nodded. "They will win me the war."
"Why won't you listen to us?" The Doctor frowned following Churchill down the corridor.
"What I don't understand." The Stone looked over at him. "Is Why did you call us in if you won't listen to either of us?"
"When I rang you a month ago, I must admit I had my doubts." He explained. "The Ironsides seemed too good to be true."
"Daleks." She corrected. "Bloody pepper pots." She groaned pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Pepperpots?" Amy muttered frowning at her.
"Yes. Right. So destroy them. Exterminate them." The Doctor pleaded.
The Stone snapped her head at him eyes wide hearing what he was saying. "Sweetheart..."
"I mean." He looked at her wrapping an arm around her. "Sorry, its just-"
"I know." She slowly nodded. "I know I don't like it either." She whispered glancing at Churchill in front of them. "Please don't say that though."
"I'm sorry." He murmured kissing her temple and closing his eyes for a moment sighing, breathing in the smell of her hair that no matter how many regenerations she went through smelt like home.
"But imagine what I could do with a hundred," Churchill said over his shoulder. "A thousand."
"Oh, believe me, I am imagining." The Stone grumbled eyeing the Dalek that moved past carrying a box. The Daleks always were her worst nightmare after what they did. After they almost took over the Earth and moved it, close to destroying the TARDIS with Donna inside and hurting the Doctor in so many ways she feared them more than ever.
"Amy, tell him." The Doctor pleaded looking at her.
Amy blinked at the Time Lord. "Tell him what?"
"About the Daleks."
"What would I know about the Daleks?" She frowned in confusion.
The Stone looked at her placing a hand on her shoulder she looked at the redhead. "Amelia, you remember the Daleks?" She waited for a response only to see the Scottish woman to look at her oddly. "Earth moved halfway across the universe? Planets in the sky?" She looked at her while the Doctor frowned. "Please tell me that you remember the Daleks."
"No, sorry."
"That's not possible." The Doctor frowned looking at the Stone.
"It could be something to do with that crack... but why?" Why would a seven-year-old girl in a small English village be important and if it was the crack why would it follow her... It didn't make sense to the blonde.
The Doctor walked in glaring at the Dalek that passed in the map room. The Stone did the same holding her breath as it passed her terror becoming anger against the damn pepper pots. The Doctor leant against a pillar an arm wrapped around the Stone. "So, they're up to something. But what is it? What are they after?"
"Well, let's just ask, shall we?" Amy suggested walking up to a Dalek completely ignoring the hiss of the Time Lords begging her not to.
She tapped the Dalek and its eyestalk spun around to face her. "Can I be of assistance?" It questioned in its screeching voice.
"Oh. Yes, yes. See, my friends reckons you're dangerous." She waved her arms a little thinking that the Time Lords were joking. "That you're an alien. Is it true?"
"I am your soldier."
"Yeah. Got that bit. Love a squaddie." She joked. "What else, though?"
"Please excuse me. I have duties to perform."
"Winston. Winston, please." The Doctor begged walking over with the Stone after they noticed the man. He removed the cigar from the man's mouth getting his attention.
"We are waging total war, Doctor. Day after day the Luftwaffe pound this great city like an iron fist."
"Wait till the Daleks get started." The Stone hissed.
"Men, women and children slaughtered. Families torn apart. Wren's churches in flame."
"Yeah. Try the Earth in flames." The Doctor glared at him.
"I weep for my country. I weep for my empire. It is breaking my heart."
"You're resisting, Winston. The whole world knows you're resisting. You're a beacon of hope."
"But for how long? Millions of innocent lives will be saved if I use these Ironsides now."
"And then millions of innocent lives will be lost when they don't stop!" The Stone snapped at him.
"Can I be of assistance?" A Dalek rolled up to them.
"You shut it!" She shouted pointing at it. "Bloody pepper pot!" She growled then turned to Winston. "Listen to us. Just listen. The Daleks have no conscience, no mercy, no pity."
"They're our oldest and deadliest enemy. You cannot trust them." The Doctor begged. "They took the Stone and tried to use her as a weapon before. I don't want them to try and do it again because they won't, I won't let them. I don't trust them."
"If Hitler invaded hell, I would give a favourable reference to the Devil. These machines are our salvation." A siren then went off making Churchill look up and sigh in relief.
"Oh, the All Clear. We are safe, for now." He said then left.
The Stone let out an annoyed sigh glaring at the Dalek as it left to then turn to the Doctor tightly hugging him. "I'm going nowhere without you." She promised. "They will have to kill me to make me go."
"And that will kill me." He murmured.
"We don't even know if they still want me as a weapon." She whispered to him.
"Doctor, Stone, it's the All Clear." She walked up to them seeing them both looking very worried. "You two okay?"
"What does hate look like, Amy?" The Stone raised a brow at her.
"Hate?" She repeated.
"It looks like a Dalek. And I'm going to prove it." She then stormed off.
"Oh no." The Doctor grumbled hurrying after her not knowing what she was planning to do.
After reassuring the Doctor that she wasn't going to run in attacking the man and questioning him on who he thought she was he sighed having to admit that her plan was brilliant. "All right, Bracewell." She nodded walking into the man's office. "Now, the PM's been filling us in." She nodded at the Doctor who joined her in glancing at the man's blueprints.
"Amazing things, these Ironsides of yours. Amazing. You must be very proud of them."
"Just doing my bit." He shrugged at them.
"Not bad for a Paisley boy." Amy nodded.
"Yes, I thought I detected a familiar cadence, my dear."
"How did you do it?" The Stone frowned in wonder. "Come up with the idea?"
"How does the muse of invention come to anyone?"
"Well, normally I-"
"As much as I would love to hear about that dear, I think he was being rhetorical..." the Doctor looked at the blonde slightly snickering.
"Right..." the Stone slowly nodded looking a little sheepish.
"But you get a lot of these clever notions, do you?" The Doctor went on to question him while his lip curled up slightly at the tint of blush on the blonde's cheeks.
"Well, ideas just seem to teem from my head," Bracewell explained. "Wonderful things, like. Let me show you. Some musings on the potential of hypersonic flight. Gravity bubbles that can sustain life outside of the terrestrial atmosphere. Came to me in the bath."
"And are these your ideas or theirs?" The Stone questioned.
"Oh no, no, no. These robots are entirely under my control, Doctor, Stone. They are."
A Dalek then rolled up to Bracewell holding a tray with a cup of tea on it. "Thank you. The perfect servant, and the perfect warrior."
"I don't know what you're up to, Professor, but whatever they've promised, you cannot trust them. Call them what you like, the Daleks are death."
Churchill nodded cutting in. "Yes, Doctor. Death to our enemies. Death to the forces of darkness, and death to the Third Reich."
"Yes, Winston, and death to everyone else too."
"Would you care for some tea?" A Dalek asked rolling up to the Stone only for the tray it balanced on its sucker to be hit to the floor by the Doctor who angrily stepped between his wife and the Dalek. "Stop this!" He shouted ordering it making everyone but the Time lady jump. "What are you doing here? What do you want?"
"We seek only to help you."
"To do what?" The Stone asked leaning forward her brows furrowed.
"To win the war."
"Really? Which war?"
"I do not understand."
"This war, against the Nazis, or your war? The war against the rest of the Universe? The war against all life forms that are not Dalek?" She sneered at it.
"I do not understand. I am your soldier."
"Oh, yeah?" The Doctor spat then started to nod. "Okay. Okay, soldier, defend yourself." He then picked up a large spanner and started to hit the Dalek making the Stone wince a little. She always wondered of the day where the Doctor would start to attack a Dalek, not with words but with something like... a spanner.
"Doctor, what the devil?" Churchill gaped at the Time Lord.
"You do not require tea?" It innocently asked in its screeching voice which honestly made it sound anything but innocent.
"Stop him!" Bracewell shouted. "Prime Minister, please."
"Doctor, what the devil? Please, these machines are precious."
"I must protest."
"What are you waiting for? Look, you hate us. You want to kill us. Well, go on. Kill me. Kill me!" The Doctor shouted hitting his chest with the palm of his hand.
The Stone bit her lip and decided to intervene before it really did kill him. She grabbed his wrist stepping between him and the Dalek without saying a word. Immediately the Doctors eyes softened and he dropped the spanner making it clatter on the ground.
"Please desist from striking me. I am your soldier."
The Stone gritted her teeth glaring at it. She had heard it enough and she was snapping definitely about to do something stupid. "You are our enemy! And we are yours!" The Stone shouted at it. "You are everything I despise. The worst thing in all creation." She stepped closer glaring into its eyestalk. "I've survived upon your ships countless times, you tried to make me into a weapon, a key! And I survived! I got out and escaped and then just to top it all off I remembered! I remember the Doctor, Gallifrey, the Master, my parents, my friends and I remembered you." She spat at it.
The Doctor then stepped forward taking the Stones hand feeling the anger radiating off of her body. "We've defeated you time and time again. We sent you back into the Void. We saved the whole of reality from you. I am the Doctor. She's the Stone And you are the Daleks." The Doctor then jumped up kicking the centre of the Dalek with enough force that the pepper pot was pushed back with immense force making it crash into a table.
Slowly it's eyestalk turned around looking at the Time Lords. "Correct." It announced making the Stone frown slightly. "Review testimony."
It then spun around looking at the other Dalek in the room which held a recording of an exact copy of what the Doctor said only moments before he kicked the Dalek which didn't seem to care that he kicked it. Much of the Stone's relief otherwise he would not only have to Daleks to answer to but also his wife for being so stupid and daring to do that knowing just how angry they could get. "I am the Doctor. She's the Stone. And you are the Daleks."
"Testimony." The Doctor repeated hearing what it said. "What are you talking about, testimony?"
"Transmitting testimony now." The second Dalek announced ignoring the Doctor.
"Transmit what, where?" The Stone frowned tightening her grip on the Doctors hand before her eyes widened realising what it was going on about.
A moment later the same Dalek then spoke. "Testimony accepted."
The Doctor held his hands out making the Stone stand behind him as she grabbed Amy pulling her close towards them while the Doctor backed up slightly. "Get back, all of you."
"Marines!" Churchill shouted looking at the exit. "Marines, get in here." He ordered. two marines then ran in only to be automatically shot and killed by the Daleks making Amy gasp and the Stones grip on the terrified redhead tighten.
"Stop it, stop it, please," Bracewell begged. "What are you doing? You are my Ironsides."
"We are the Daleks." One of them screeched.
"But I created you!"
"No." It simply answered before shooting the man's hand which then sparked. "We created you."
Both Daleks then started to chant. "Victory. Victory. Victory!" They then teleported away leaving the Time Lords tightening their grip on each others hands staring where the Daleks were.
"What just happened, Doctor?" Amy looked at him worryingly. "Stone?"
"We wanted to know what they wanted." The Stone softly whispered.
"What their plan was. We were their plan." They suddenly took off running out while Amy shouted behind them. They ran to the filing room and stood in front of the TARDIS,
"Testimony accepted. That's what they said. Our testimony."
"Don't beat yourselves up because you were right," Amy told them. "So, what do we do? Is this what we do now? Chase after them?"
"This is what I do. yeah, and- ow!" The Doctor groaned rubbing the back of his head then turned to the direction of the slap seeing the Stone stood there giving him the 'don't you dare' look she had actually made to slightly scare the Time Lord.
"No, no no." He shook his head at her. "No way am I letting you come with me."
"It's either that or I go alone." She stated. "Do you seriously not listen to a word I ever say?" She asked not sounding annoyed but rather her voice being soft and a little hurt. "I promised to stay with you forever when I married you, Doctor, I don't break my promises unless I seriously have to. I'm staying with you whether you like it or not."
The Doctor let out a small sigh knowing that he couldn't argue with her on this. She would find a way to get to him and if she didn't and he did survive then she would make sure that he didn't survive to see tomorrow. "Together." He whispered resting his forehead against hers staring deep into her eyes.
"Together." She gave him a small smile then turned to Amy. "Amelia it's dangerous, so you have got wait here."
"What, so you mean I've got to stay safe down here in the middle of the London Blitz?" She looked at them.
"Safe as it gets around us." He raised a hand pointing at them both then took the Stones hand the two of them walking into the TARDIS watching it dematerialised.
The Doctor and the Stone ran around the console. The Doctor looking at the scanner while the Stone waited for him to find the Dalek ship knowing that it had to be nearby. "Come on."He muttered as the screen showed up. "Bingo!"
"Ready sweetheart?" She looked at him her eyes flickering to the doors.
"No." He admitted taking her hand and kissing the back of it. "Love you."
"Love you too." She smiled softly kissing him for a moment possibly longer than they should have with the TARDIS on the Dalek ship no doubt surrounded them. They then entwined their fingers and stepped through the doors.
I know two author notes in one chapter, I do have a very good reason for this though! I'm currently looking for a beta reader. Someone suggested this too me and I have been thinking about it for a while now. I've never had a beta reader before so I don't want to go looking for someone who isn't suitable for me. If anyone has any suggestions or wishes to be my beta reader just send me a quick message and I'll reply as soon as I can.
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