The Vampires of Venice - Two
The Stone and Amy Changed into clothes from Venice thanks to the TARDIS they in the throne room while Rory stood wearing Guido's clothes.
"So, basically, our parents are dead from getting the plague." Rory nervously explained to Signora Calvierri who sat on a throne. "I'm a gondola driver, so money's a bit tight, so having my sisters go to your school for special people would be brilliant... Cheers."
"Have we met?" Francesco, Rosanna's son asked frowning staring at Amy.
"I've just got one of those faces." Rory nervously asked.
"I wasn't talking to you." He waved Rory off.
"She's got the same face, which is because she's my sister." He nervously replied not liking the way he was circling Amy like she was fresh meat. The Stone watched him move around before he started to circle the blonde who raised her brows at him.
"Carlo, explain yourself. Why have you brought me this imbecile?" Rosanna hissed.
"Signora, they have references from His Majesty the King of Sweden." The steward answered.
"What? Let me see." Rosanna demanded. Rory shakily stepped forward with the psychic paper handing it to her seeing her eyebrows raise.
"Well, now I see what got my Steward so excited." She nodded handing it back to Rory. "What say you, Francesco? Do you like them?"
"Oh, I do, Mother." He grinned continuing to circle them both. "I do."
"Then we would be delighted to accept them both. Say goodbye to your sisters." Rosanna nodded while the steward pulled Rory away.
"Tell my fiancé that I'll see him soon. I'll look after her."
"I'll be fine," Amy reassured Rory who looked terrified while exiting the room.
The steward led the Stone and Amy through the corridors. They came across a few of the pale girls wearing the white robes. They started to hiss at the Time Lord and the human. Amy backed up a little and the Stone took her hand in comfort. Amy was definitely glad that the Time Lady was there and wasn't acting that different around her, except being a little distant.
They arrived in a large room with multiple beds and a large ornately decorated dome above.
"There are clothes on the bed." The steward informed. "Get changed and wait here." He then left the room.
"Blimey," Amy muttered glancing around. "This is private education, then?"
"Not nearly as good as I had centuries ago." The Stone whispered looking around before slowly walking up to the only other girl now in the room.
"Hey," Amy whispered. "Hello, I'm Amy, this is the Stone. What's your name?"
"Isabella." The girl replied.
"Your Isabella." The Stone nodded softly smiling. "I know your father."
"You know my father?" She asked her eyes brightening.
"Yeah. He was fighting tooth and nail to get into his place, helped us get in." She gestured to her and Amy.
"Listen, we're going to get you out of here, but we need you to tell me what's going on," Amy said sitting beside her. "What is this place? What are they doing?"
"They er, they come at night. They gather around my bed, and they take me to a room with this green light and a chair with straps, as if for a surgeon."
"What happens in there?" Amy asked.
"I wake up here. And the sunlight burns my skin like candle wax."
"Like vampires..." the Stone whispered flashing her sonic she snuck in her clothes. She placed it back into her hidden pocket when a bell rang.
Sitting on a boat the Doctor and Rory moved down the river with Guido pushing them along with a large pole.
"She'll be fine." The Doctor reassured Rory.
"You can promise me that, can you?" Rory questioned.
"She's with the Stone." He firmly added. "She would risk her life for anyone no matter what."
"Yeah?" He questioned raising a brow. "Amy tried to kiss you, she's most likely not her favourite person right now."
"She took a bullet for her cousin once, a cousin who took over the Earth, put me in a prison and killed millions of innocent people and she still tried to protect him, this is nothing to her."
"But she's your wife?" He frowned.
"And she can take care of herself, she doesn't want me to clear up her mess or make decisions for her."
"Why were you protesting against her going then."
The Doctor blinked, they spoke over that telepathically. "How did you..?"
"Your face said it all." He replied running a hand down his face while sighing.
"We're here," Guido informed.
"Right. Okay, I'll go first. If anything happens to me, go back." The Doctor ordered stepping into the tunnel with the torch lighting the way.
"What happened, between you and Amy?" Rory asked. "You said she tried to kiss you."
"Now?" He hissed turning around to face the man. "You want to do this now?"
"I have a right to know. I'm getting married in four hundred and thirty years."
The Doctor snorted a laugh. "The Stone and I were only friends for centuries, I'm sure you can wait four hundred years for an answer."
"She was frightened." The Doctor answered after a long silent walk through the tunnels, he knew the Stone would have hit him at his previous comment. "I was frightened. We all were. But we survived, you know, and the relief of it, and so tried to kiss me."
"And so you kissed her."
"No." He spun around shooting daggers at the human with his eyes. "That is not what happened." He said in a cold voice stepping closer to Rory making him back against the wall. "I would never do anything to hurt the Stone ever I love her so much, we're united with means nothing can ever break our marriage." He stated. "She trusts me enough to not get angry about this, not enough to show it at least." He corrected knowing that she was definitely upset with the redhead for breaking their trust. It wasn't like they hid their marriage, the Scottish girl knew they were together when she was seven and definitely acted old enough to understand that they were married. "Amy's lucky that the Stone didn't throw her in a black hole or a supernova when she saw her in the console room because I would have let her do it." He then stepped away walking off forcing the man now terrified of him, to catch up.
"Right. Sorry."
"Rory." He sighed. "Rory, she tried to kiss me because I was there. It would have been you. It should have been you."
"Yeah, it should have been me." He nodded.
"Exactly. That's why we brought you here."
The wind then blew in the tunnel blowing out the torch leaving the Doctor and Rory in complete darkness. "Can we go and see the vampires now, please?" The Doctor whispered.
"Control yourself, child." The steward warned Amy who fought to get out of the mans grasp while the Stone walked without fighting off the pale female holding her.
"Take your hands off me!" Amy shouted then stopped as the area with illuminated with a green light them both standing in front of Rosanna.
"Psychic paper. Did you really think that would work, on me?" She asked.
"Ah well, we don't know what you are so we really didn't know what would work." The Stone shrugged. "Love the lighting though, I prefer a darkish blue, like the old police boxes..." she hummed in thought. "Does it do disco? My husband is a horrible dancer, I don't dance much unless its a slow song with him then it's fun."
"Your words mean nothing." Rosanna hissed. "Where are you from? Did you fall through the Chasm?"
"My mother told me not to talk to strangers, especially those with big teeth." The Stone said making fangs with her fingers.
"Mother this is pointless," Francesco whispered. "Let's just start the process and-"
"Hold your tongue, Francesco." She snapped then eyed the Stone and Amy. "I need to know what these girls are doing in a world of savages with psychic paper. Who are you with? You see, I scarcely believe your idiot brother sent you. What are you doing in my school?"
"Well typically you lean in schools..." the Stone joked while Amy blinked at her wondering why the blonde was trying to make them angry. The chair with straps was then brought forward and a drip bag was hung from a hook above it.
"Okay, I'll tell you," Amy said. "I'm from Ofsted."
Rosanna then laughed. "Put her in the chair."
"No!" Amy cried out. "Take your hands off me! Stone!"
"I wouldn't do that if I was you!" The Stone shouted trying to break free of the pale womans grasp holding her firmly in place. "I promised to keep her safe!" The shouted as the females fastened Amy in the chair while Francesco held her head to the side.
"Oh, make sport of me, will you?" Rosanna said to Amy. "Tease me as if I were your dog? Well, this dog has a bite, girl." She grinned.
"Doctor!" Amy cried as Rosanna bit into the redhead's neck. The Stone helplessly watching from the side.
"We cancel now, we lose the deposit on the village hall." Rory winced in the courtyard. "The salsa band. Oh." He blinked seeing the contents of the chest the Doctor opened showing desiccated vampires. "What happened to them?
"They've had all the moisture taken out of them." The Doctor said eyeing the figures.
"Mother, where you drink from her, may we share?" Francisco asked. "I'm so thirsty."
"Of course, darling. We can share the other after." She said while the Stone helplessly watched.
"That's what vampires do, right? They drink your blood and replace it with their own." Rory asked.
"Yeah, except these people haven't just had their blood taken, but all the water in their entire bodies."
"Why did they die?" He frowned. "Why aren't they like the girls in the school?"
"Maybe not everyone survives the process..."
"You know what's dangerous about you?" Rory angrily pointed at him knowing Amy or the Stone were not here. "It's not that you make people take risks, it's that you make them want to impress you. You make it so they don't want to let you down. You have no idea how dangerous you make people to themselves when you're around."
The Doctor looked at him blankly then stormed up to him poking his chest making Rory step backwards seeing the dark look in his eyes. "I know exactly how dangerous I am. I have a wife who has done this with me from the beginning. We weren't together back then but I still worried about her and she made me realise how dangerous I am, how dangerous the both of us are. Never tell me how dangerous I am because I know." He growled before stepping away.
"Who are you?" The vampires around them asked only to step back hissing when the Doctor waved his UV light at them.
"We should run." He said before shouting: "Run!"
"Now before you start to drink my blood..." the Stone said now in the chair Amy being held by the steward. "At least tell me what you plan to do with us. Because I would love to know since I'm clearly not going anywhere." She raised her hands wiggling them to prove her point by being strapped in. "It's only kind to respect your guests is it not?"
"Very well." Rosanna nodded not seeing that the Stone was rambling only to allow time for the Doctor to arrive and distract the woman. "This is how it works. First, we drink you until you're dry. Then we fill you with our blood. It rages through you like a fire, changing you, until one morning you awake and your humanity is a dream now faded."
"Or you die," Francisco said moving a strand of the Time Lady's hair from her neck showing her smooth skin. "That can happen."
"And if I happen to survive?" The Stone questioned.
"Then there are ten thousand husbands waiting for you in the water."
"Ah." The Stone nodded. "We have a slight problem there then." She said making Rosanna tilt her head for the blonde to explain. "I'm united." She said kicking Rosanna seeing the slight lump in her skirt knowing it was some kind of perception filter.
"I'm kind of engaged," Amy added grinning st the Time Lady before her eyes widened as the woman looked at the device before changing into a bony fish like creature for a moment.
"Ah, not vampires then." The Stone nodded. "Thank you."
Rosanna hissed going to bite the blonde's neck before looking up hearing the Doctor from the tunnel. "Oh! Rory, come on." Rosanna, Francesco, the steward and the other females ran out leaving Amy and the Stone in the room.
"Amy under the pocket on the left." The Stone nodded down at the hidden pocket. "My sonics in there." She informed seeing the redhead struggling with undoing the straps. Amy screeched when one of the women came up. "Isabella!" The Stone shouted gleefully undoing one of the straps while Amy soniced the other. "Fancy a family reunion?" She asked jumping up after being freed. They ran out and ran through the corridors.
"Rory!" Amy ran in over to him while the Doctor forced the woman away with the UV light.
"Amy!" He blinked.
"Doctor!" The Stone shouted grabbing his hand.
"Stone, there you are!" He tightly hugged her.
"Quickly, through here," Isabella called running in and pulling them away through a tunnel the Doctor and the Stone going last to fend off the woman with the UV light.
"They're not vampires," Amy stated running through.
"What?" The Doctor blinked.
"We saw them. Well, we saw her. Looks like a perception filter. "They're not vampires, they're aliens."
"Classic." The Doctor laughed.
"That's good news?" Rory gaped at the grins of their faces. "What is wrong with you people?"
"Come on, Rory. Move." The Doctor ordered running through the tunnel. "Keep moving, come on, guys."
They exited the tunnel and ran out where Guido waited on his boat smiling when he saw Isabella "Quickly, quickly." She ordered. "Get out. Quick. Quick." She then went to move only to back up to the door.
"Come on. Run." The Doctor ordered.
"I can't." She whimpered then was pulled inside for the door to be shut on her.
"No!" The Stone cried out while the Doctor hit on the door only to get an electric shock when he tried to open the door. "Doctor!" She quickly went to help him as he stumbled grabbing onto the Stone to help him stand only to fall unconscious and pull the Time Lady down with him. She placed her head to his chest, letting out a sigh hearing his two hearts beating at a healthy rate only slightly faster than they should be.
Amy closed her eyes and hung her head. "Is he dead?"
"No he's alive, any human would have died from that shock, not even a burn on his skin." She said entwining her fingers with his, kissing his cheek and forehead. "He'll be back soon, might have a headache when he wakes up, won't be so bad since he fell on me." She slowly nodded shifting his head so it was in a better position on her lap.
The Stone sat on Rosanna's throne the Doctor leaning against it as the woman entered. "Long way from Saturnynec aren't you." The Stone raised a brow.
"Sister of the Water?" The Doctor added.
"No, let me guess. The owners of the psychic paper. I wasn't so sure about you. You walked around like you owned the place." She pointed at the Stone while the Doctor smirked knowing that had her written all over it. "Then I take it you're refugees, like me?"
"I'll make you a deal." The Doctor said ignoring the question. "An answer for an answer. You're using a perception filter." The Stone said after seeing the device from earlier. "It doesn't change your features, but manipulates the brainwaves of the person looking at you."
"But seeing one of you for the first time in, say, a mirror, the brain doesn't know what to fill the gap with, so leaves it blank."
"Hence no reflection."
"Your question?" Rosanna asked.
"Why can we see your big teeth?" The Doctor asked showing his own.
The woman laughed at him. "Self-preservation overrides the mirage. The subconscious perceives the threat and tries to alert the conscious brain."
"Where's Isabella?" The Stone asked.
"My turn." She reminded. "Where are you from?"
The Doctor squeezed the Time Lady's hand while she did the same. "Gallifrey."
"You two should be in a museum." She looked at them while the Doctor chuckled. "Or in a mausoleum."
"Why are you here?"
"We ran from the Silence." She replied watching the Doctor who slightly frowned. "Why are you here?"
"Wedding present. The Silence?"
She looked at the floor then at him. "There were cracks. Some were tiny. Some were as big as the sky. Through some, we saw worlds and people, and through others, we saw Silence and the end of all things. We fled to an ocean like ours, and the crack snapped shut behind us. Saturnyne was lost."
"So Earth is to become a new Saturnyne?" The Stone raised a brow.
"And you can both help me." She smiled. "We can build a new society here, as others have. What do you say?"
"Hmm." The Doctor said in thought standing up coming face to face with Rosanna. "Where's Isabella?"
"The girl who helped me, my wife and our friend escape her father wishes to see her."
"Oh, deserters must be executed." She waved off. "Any general will tell you that. I need an answer, Doctor. A partnership. Any which way you choose." The Stone sighed. Twice in one day... she was going to have to find out why woman kept throwing themselves at him and get him to change whatever he was using to make it happen. Was it his shampoo? His hair? She had no idea...
"I don't think that's such a good idea, do you? I'm a Time Lord. You're a big fish... Think of the children. And not to mention I already have a wife." He glanced over at the Stone who waved at him.
"Carlo?" She loudly called. "You're right. We're nothing alike. I will bend the heavens to save my race, while you philosophise."
"This ends today. I will tear down the House of Calvierri, stone by stone."
"We will stop you." The Stone warned.
The Doctor grabbed the woman. "Take your hands off me." She hissed at the Doctor. "Carlo."
"And you know why?" The Doctor said letting go of her and walking off with the Stone towards the gate. "You didn't know Isabella's name." He glared at her then quietly muttered. "You didn't know Isabella's name."
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