The Pandorica Opens - Two
By the time the Doctor and the Stone resurfaced there was a large amount of spaceships buzzing around in the sky, illuminating the sky and sometimes the ground when shining lights down below
"What do we do?" Amy asked looking at both the Time Lords. They seemed to not be listening, watching almost studying the spaceships zooming around in the night sky. Counting every single one. Amy swore she could see the looks on their faces. The look they both shared when telepathically speaking to one another. It was rare for the red-headed companion to ever notice those looks but she definitely knew it when she saw it. There was no mistakes about it. Perhaps the Doctor was trying to calm the Time Lady down? She seemed quite panicked at the mention of the Daleks, and then the Cybermen gave her the idea of fighting. The Doctor didn't even argue with her on that one.
But then again were they always like that? No doubt they were thinking up a plan. That was more them. But how much did Amy really know the Time Lords? She did find an engagement ring in the Doctors blazer pocket. Was that what they were talking about. But at a time like this?
"Doctor, Stone." River said in an almost pleading tone. Not even saying the Doctors name in the way she had the whole time they were here, practically hissing it out. Instead it sounded more like a beg, like she knew they were going to do something silly, something so silly even the Stone would agree to it. "Listen to me. Everything that ever hated you both is coming here tonight. You can't win this." She shook her head. They continued to look up as if they hadn't even heard her pleadings. "You can't even fight it. Doctor, Stone, this once, just this one time, please, you have to run."
"Run where?" The Doctor questioned not looking at her. The only signal showing he was actually listening being his reply.
"Fight how?" River countered.
The Doctor brought out what looked similar to binoculars. "The greatest military machine in the history of the universe." He murmured handing the small binoculars to the Stone who looked through grinning at the Doctor kissing his cheek.
"What is?" Amy frowned. "The Daleks?" She questioned before mentally facepalming. The Stone would never be that happy at seeing as she put it 'the pepper pots'
"No. No, no, no, no, no." He shook his head slipping the binoculars into his blazer pocket. "The Romans."
After sending River off to get some Romans to help the Time Lords returned to the pandora's chamber, Amy closely following. Watching them work. The Stone scanning a side of the box with her sonic frowning ever few minutes when she checked the results on her sonic, mostly checking how much time they had less. The Doctor did almost the same however he was busy scanning the progress.
"So." Amy drew out the word trying to fill what she felt as a long silence which probably wasn't really silent on the Time Lords end. The Stone making remarks to the Doctor telling him to stop frowning which was ironic since she was frowning more than he was. The Doctor continuesly flirting given the smirk he had plastered on his face at one point. "What's this got to do with the TARDIS?"
Almost instantly the Stone while desperately trying not to show it tensed up at the mention of the TARDIS and her involvement in this whole 'plan' "Nothing." The Doctor immediately shut the companion down not even giving a glance in Amy's direction. "As far as we know."
"But Vincent's painting." Amy went on not seeing his efforts. "The TARDIS was exploding. Is that going to happen?"
"One problem at a time, Amy." The Stone sighed.
"There's forcefield technology inside this box." The Doctor murmured aloud most likely informing the Stone. "If I can enhance the signal, I could extend it all over Stonehenge. Could buy us half an hour."
"What good is half an hour?" Amy questioned.
"There are fruit flies live on Hoppledom Six that live for twenty minutes and they don't even mate for life." He replied before seeing the disgusted look on Amy's face, the slow shaking of the Stone's head told him everything he needed to know. "There was going to be a point to that." He placed what looked like a stethoscope away. "I'll get back to you."
"Stone..." Amy quietly looked from the red engagement ring box in her hand before looking back up at the Time Lady who hummed showing that she was listening. "Can... can I talk to you?" She tightly held onto the box wondering if she was making a mistake with going to the Time Lady and not the Doctor about this.
"Of course." She brightly smiled looking up.
"Alone..." she quickly added glancing at the Doctor for a moment.
"I'll-" the Doctor looked between them sonic in hand not really wanting to get in their conversation if it was as awkward as it actually sounded. "I'll just be by the entrance." He pointed at it using his sonic before quickly wondering over attempting to make himself busy.
"I found this..." she whispered slowly unclasping her hand the red box meeting the Time Lady's eyes as she swallowed hard. "I found it in the Doctors pocket." She looked down at it before swallowing once again. "I'm sorry-"
"It isn't his." The Stone quickly cut the other redhead off. "Or mine. It was..." she took in a breath wishing to not shed any tears, especially today when she needed to be as strong as possible. "A friend of ours. Someone we lost."
"Stone?" The Doctor telepathically whispered into her mind sensing that something was off. "Dear?"
"She found Rory's engagement ring."
"Want me to come over?"
"No." She replied trying not to let out a chuckle at her next words. "She thought you were proposing to someone else."
"Never." He scoffed. "You're the only one for me, dear."
"As you are for me, Doctor."
"Stone?" Amy softly cut the Time Lady from her thoughts bringing her back to the conversation she was in the middle of with the red-headed human.
"Do you mind?" She reached for the box which Amy then pulled away stepping back avoiding the Stone's hand.
It's weird." She frowned staring at the red box. "I feel, I don't know, something." She shook her head not sure what it was but the box reminded her of something... someone."
"People fall out of the world sometimes, but they always leave traces." The Doctor quietly cut into the conversation, obviously hearing the last part. His hands coming around, wrapping around the Stones waist. "Little things we can't quite account for. Faces in photographs, luggage, half-eaten meals... rings." He took the box out of Amy's hand looking at it for a moment. "Nothing is ever forgotten, not completely. And if something can be remembered, it can come back."
"So, was she nice." Amy looked between them. "Your friend?" The Stone let out a chuckle shaking her head for a moment.
"Remember that night you flew away with us?" The Doctor next questioned.
"Of course I do."
"And you asked us why we were taking you and we told you there wasn't a reason." The Stone sighed. "We were lying."
"What, so you did have a reason?" She questioned looking between them both.
"Your house."
"My house." She rose a brow at the Doctor. Questioning him to go on and to explain what he meant.
"It was too big." The Stone softly replied trying not to scare her. "There were too many empty rooms."
"Does it ever bother you, Amy, that your life doesn't make any sense?" The Doctor cut in.
Suddenly before Amy could answer the three were yelping as energy in the form of a Cyberman's weapon, more accurately the severed Cyberman's hand shot at them.
The Doctor wasting no time at all had one arm wrapped around the Stones waist, keeping her beside him as they ducked behind the Pandorica, Amy on the other side.
"What was that?" Amy breathed heavily looking completely panicked.
"Okay, I need a proper look." He nodded. "Got to draw its fire, give it a target."
"How?" Amy questioned, the Stone gave him a pointed look as if she was telling him not to even think about doing what he was planning.
"You know how sometimes I have really brilliant ideas?"
"Sorry." He winced looking at the Stone before he ran out spreading himself out in a star shape. "Look at me, I'm a target!" He exclaimed getting shot at. The Stone not even thinking ran towards the Time Lord her arms wrapping around his middle as she used all the force she had to push him and launch herself out of the way.
"You are an idiot!" She hissed hitting the back of his head.
"It worked though." He grinned after wincing at the pain now in his head.
"What is that?" Amy questioned gaining their attention.
"Cyberarm." The Doctor stated. "Arm of Cyberman."
"And what's a Cyberman?"
"Oh, sort of part man, part robot. The organic part must have died out years ago. Now the robot part is looking for, well, fresh meat."
"What, us?" She questioned wide-eyed.
"It's just like being an organ donor, except you're alive and sort of screaming." The Stone hit his head again. "We need to get round behind it. Could you draw its fire?"
"What, like you did?"
"You'll be fine if you're quick. It's only got one arm, literally."
The Stone gave Amy a pleading look. She knew the Doctor wasn't going to let her run across and help Amy. He needed her help to stop it. Plus she was a Time Lady and the Cyberarm no doubt scanned the Time Lords and knew that they were both useless. Amy then reluctantly ran in the opposite direction to the Time Lords, screaming as she went. Wasting no time the Doctor and Stone jump up from what they were hiding behind and dived onto the arm. The Doctor holding it in place being careful not to get shot at in defence while the Stone disabled it with her sonic. "Gotcha!" The Stone exclaimed as the arm went limp.
"Doctor?" Amy looked at him. "Stone?"
"Scrambled its circuits." He grinned at the Time Lady kissing her cheek. "Nice work dear." He then held out a hand as Amy stepped forward. "But stay where you are, it could be bluffing."
"Bluffing?" She scoffed. "It's an arm."
"Amy." The Stone gave her a warning look. "Please just stay there while we make sure it is actually disabled." She then started to flash her sonic at the arm the Doctor was holding.
"Doctor?" She looked at her ankle in panic before screaming as she was pulled to the floor.
"Amy!" The Doctor and Stone cried out in unison before strong volts of electricity surged through their bodies completely knocking them out, both of them lying side by side, unable to help Amy.
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