Chapter Two: Lightning_Introvert
Autumn Wattyr let out a delighted laugh, reaching up to grab at one of the many leaves drifting through the chilly air. It was only September, but the Forest of Auraithia was already changing. The fawn-haired girl paused, watching with awe as a sudden breeze caused the golden leaf to spiral in the air. The softest of smiles crossed her face, and her bright green eyes sparkled with the pure joy of life. Though she'd spent every moment of life surrounded by nature, the magic was just as indescribable to Autumn as when she was a child.
"Hey, focus! I'm not going to carry this team again." The scolding voice of Jasper Whendels snapped her back to the present. All around her, other Dryads were snatching leaves out of the sky, storing them in different burlap sacks. It was a game they loved playing in the forest, though of course it was only possible during the later months of the year.
The rules were simple: There were two people per team. You won by collecting the most falling leaves. Each team was given their own sack, embroidered with their team number. At the moment, a faded orange 7 decorated the mostly empty sack at Autumn's feet. She reached forward, grabbing the leaf that had been so entrancing before. "I'm sorry, Jasper. It's just, nature is so-"
"Beautiful? I know. You say it all the time." He let out an irritated sigh, turning away from her.
Suddenly, a loud, self-assured voice rang through the forest, out of place among the quiet of nature. "Holly Cheruliz, get back on the ground. That's cheating!" The dark-haired girl in question froze, quickly climbing back down the tree. Even against her coco-toned skin, Autumn could see the flush of embarrassment. No one liked being called out, least of all by Callum Wattyr. He was a man they all respected, and wanted to make proud.
All too soon, a reedy whistle sounded. Everyone paused, some eyeing their sacks with disappointment, while others looked hopeful. But the one bearing the number 7 was the most deflated of all. Autumn had caught a few more leaves without getting distracted, but it wasn't enough to win. Everyone in the forest knew about Jasper's competitive streak. The golden-haired boy was so easily riled up, desperate for a chance at glory. Many found it strange that he and Autumn had become close, with her calm and soft attitude offsetting his.
With downcast eyes, Jasper trudged over to the patio. He seemed to be trying to contain his emotions, probably for Autumn's sake.
Right at the very center of Auraithia, there was the Wattyr Manor. It was a large building ready to house thousands, with bedrooms and greenhouses and endless space. It's purpose was to create a home for Dryads.
With cities popping us everywhere, it didn't make for a decent environment for Dryads. Their life-plants would wither from the lack of sun, or be trampled.
But Callum and Cerise Wattyr understood. As Dryads themselves, the couple had sympathy for the struggling of their kind. Using their life savings, the Wattyr's built a nature preserve that doubled as a home for Dryads.
As their only daughter, Autumn had always been told she would do great things one day. Whether it be continuing the Dryad shelter or splitting off to chart her own path, no one knew, least of all herself.
The girl was, pun somewhat intended, a late bloomer. Her magic had yet to manifest, though her life-plant, a magnificent oak tree, seemed to be thriving. As other young Dryads learned to open flower buds and heal damaged plants, Autumn could only watch with envy.
Despite her oddities, no one picked on her for it. Perhaps because of her parents, or the girl's charmingly sweet personality.
Gathered on the front patio, each team counted their leaves. Autumn and Jasper had only collected a measly 28.
The winning pair ended up being Brice Cornatis, a mischievous boy who loved trouble, and Henry Tumble, equally as energetic, though more well-behaved. The boys cheered at their victory, and the other Dryad children rushed to applaud them.
Everyone was so focused on the game that no one noticed when the sky appeared to shift. Well, almost no one. Autumn had been looking up, marveling at the brilliant blue. Not a single cloud to taint the surface. The sky was so vibrantly colored, so endless. It was like gazing through a window.
But then it happened. A flash of inky purple, like a lightning bolt striking down towards the Manor, and gone just as fast. It was so stark of a contrast, the girl's leaf-green eyes blinked reflectivity. A moment later, it was gone.
Autumn stood, puzzled. She wondered what could have caused such a strange thing to appear.
There was a possibility, small as it might be, that it was from Asreaol. The border between the human world and her own was an unstable one, known for spurts of wild magic. And since the Forest of Auraithia was located right in the corner of the Fae Territory, right next to the border, it was possible.
In fact, it now seemed to be a likely option. The magic she's just seem was dark. It was only performable by Unseelie's, a mysterious species of Fae that were born with jet-black wings and a power over storms.
But the Unseelie's rarely left their small kingdom in the Coalfire Mountains. And even if one had ventured here, what reason would it have to attack? The Dryad's were peaceful, especially compared to more malevolent races.
Then it must have been the border. Perhaps it was only Autumn's nature to overthink that had made the subject so exciting. Asreaol was prone to such magic, so there was no need to-
"Fire! The Wattyr Grove is on fire!"
Immediately, Dryads began to panic. Some ran for safety, while others went to get water. Fire was the one thing the Dryads truly feared. Of all the dangerous magic in the world, fire was the only kind that devoured endlessly, until it was stopped. Even Chaos magic had a limit, but fire was insatiable.
Autumn found herself racing toward the Grove faster than she'd ever moved before. Each Dryad family planted their Life-plants next to each other, as a symbol of the family bond. As a Wattyr, her beautiful oak tree was located between her mother's cherry tree, and her father's pine tree.
Finally spotting the Grove, she froze. Her tree was engulfed in violent flames. The leaves and branches shriveled into dust at the burning heat, and Autumn could almost feel her own lifespan crumbling with them.
Other Dryad's approached, dumping water on the hungry flames, but it made no difference. Her tree was doomed. She was doomed.
Finally, the flames sputtered out, and everyone looked at her in relief. "Oh, thank goodness!" Jasper cried, wrapping Autumn in a tight hug. Tears dropped onto her sweater, and after a moment, she realized he was weeping. Those deep, fiery brown eyes she'd always found comfort in, they were so soft now. "I thought you would die." He whispered, looking both haunted and amazed by what he'd just seen.
Suddenly, a loud crack drew her attention. Autumn turned back to the Wattyr Grove, freezing in place. Her tree, the beautiful oak that was still dripping water from a moment ago, was falling. There was a deep split in the trunk that must have been from the fire damage. Her breath caught, eyes widening in horror. A hand squeezed hers with a desperately tight grip.
She turned to him, offering a last smile, spilling with words she'd never said. Then her eyes closed, waiting for the pain in her chest that would mirror her life-plant's suffering.
But nothing came.
And with all eyes on the terrified girl, no one noticed as the Borden let out another flash of dark energy, much more violently than before.
No one noticed a hairline crack that had formed in the sky, glowing with the rage of magic that was too wild to be caged.
The window was Shattering
Uh, hi! So this is my addition to a story that was started by Uh-oh_Feelings
I don't really know who to tag, and I think I'll just take it down after it's added to the book containing the first chapter.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope everyone has a fantastic day :D
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