Chapter 9
The next day, Coulson allowed Bucky to go and visit Willow in her cell. It wasn't bad, Bucky thought, but it was still a cage. She was sitting in her wheelchair, a metal band running across her forehead. Red lights blinked on and off it's surface, Bucky was horrified. What were they doing to her?
Seeing his face, Willow smiled, but she looked tired. There were shadows under her eyes, and the usual playful light that glowed behind them had faded. Bucky couldn't believe how much she had deteriorated over night.
"Hey Buck," she said, her voice raw, as though she'd been shouting.
"Willow, what are they doing to you?" Bucky's voice was filled with rage.
Tapping a finger against the headband Willow said, "This keeps me from using my abilities. I can't get inside anyone's mind or move stuff with my brain. It's annoying, but necessary."
What Willow didn't say, but Bucky could obviously see was that it wasn't easy for Willow to get around without her telekinesis, and she was having trouble fending off the second presence without her telepathy. For Willow, not being able to use her abilities, was like not being allowed to breathe.
Grabbing his good hand in her two smaller hands, Willow said brightly, "It's going to be alright Bucky. We've got two working legs and three arms between us, we can do anything!"
Bucky couldn't help but laugh, and it amazed him that Willow was still in such good humor.
"We've got to get you out of here," Buck said again, "I'll talk to Steve."
"No Bucky, it's better if I'm in here," Willow said firmly.
"Just tell Steve that you can't be here anymore, he'll tell Coulson to let you out," Bucky urged.
Willow laughed and held up her hands, "Don't tempt me Frodo!"
Bucky started to laugh but he stopped short when he saw Willow's eyes glow blue, "Get out," ahw hissed between gritted teeth.
"No, Willow, I'm not going to leave you-"
"Now!" Willow shouted and Bucky was sent flying through the air, he crashed into the door. Steve opened it and dragged him out then slammed the door. Bucky could hear Willow screaming inside, and he begged Steve to let him back in.
"No, Bucky. She could have killed you, and she didn't want you in there. Let her work through whatever's going on," Steve said, putting an arm out to block Bucky's way.
Bucky didn't speak, but a hundred protests were running through his mind. Willow had never let him work through his problems alone, she'd always been there for him. Whether it was something as small and simple as his favorite color, or if it meant sitting up late at night with him for hours, while he grappled with the guilt about what he'd done. It had been dangerous, being around him when he was caught up in pain and memories, but Willow had never worried about the danger. Bucky remembered once when he'd lashed out with his metal arm, and accidentally hit her in the face. She'd had a cut on her cheek, and a black eye for a good two weeks, and he'd felt horrible. He couldn't believe he was leaving her all alone in there.
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