Chapter 37
It had taken Bucky almost ten minutes to get Steve to uncurl from his little armadillo ball and stand. Steve obviously was not used to pain that was actually inside his mind, but Bucky was, so he was able to function sooner after enduring it than Steve was. Bucky pulled Steve to his feet, letting his dazed friend throw an arm around his shoulder.
When he got to the top of the hill, he was just in time to see Willow force Thanos out of her mind. Then Willow fell, Bucky knew that she wouldn't be able to stand after she regained control, but it still hurt him to see her flop to the ground like a marionette who's strings had been cut. But then the ground under her collapsed, and she vanished over the side of the mountain. Before Bucky could move or even react, Tallulah moved like a blur of lightning and threw herself off the cliff after Willow.
Tallulah had never been afraid of heights, but she had a feeling that after this, she would be. Lulu hadn't thought about what would happen if she hit the bottom, she'd just thought about reaching Willow. Lulu didn't pray often, but she did now. Please God, let Willow be okay when I reach her. She always believed in you, even when I told her that if God cared about her he'd stopped her Pa from beating her. Let her be okay, let me find her alive. And please God let me survive the fall.
Thankfully, Lulu's prayers were answered, and she landed in a drift of snow. Willow laying just a few feet away from her. She could hear Willow groaning in pain and swearing, so she knew she was alive.
Thank you Lord
Lulu began to crawl through the snow towards her friend, ignoring the icy pain in one of her legs that hinted at a hairline fracture.
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