Chapter 7
The next morning, the sun filtering through the blinds woke Bucky. Bucky was always slightly dazed when he woke up, but he assumed this was how everyone felt. Right now he was trying to figure out exactly where he was, Bucky knew this wasn't his bed. Bucky's comforter was grey, this one was forest green with a weird insignia printed on it. Then Bucky remembered the events of last night; his nightmare, and then crawling into bed with Willow like a scared child. He had rolled over so he was facing away from Willow sometime last night, so he found himself staring at one of her bookshelves.
Rolling over, Bucky checked to make sure Willow was still breathing. It was a nervous habit he had, since often times Willow's breathing tended to be very ragged when she slept. She said it was a side effect of the damage to her spine, sometimes it put pressure on her lungs. Willow's breathing was soft and quiet today, and she seemed peaceful. Strands of silver hair hung over her face, and it amused Bucky how even when Willow was sleeping, she looked like she was completely in control. Willow always had that look on her face, that look that said no matter what life threw at her, Willow could handle it.
Willow opened one of her eyes, a slit of hazel green staring at him. "Dude, are you just going to sit there and watch me sleep? That's seriously creepy."
"Sorry. I thought about waking you up, but then decided I'd like to live to see tomorrow."
"That was smart." Willow laughed.
Bucky cupped his right hand gently around her face, running his index finger down her nose. "I love you."
"I love you too. But why on earth are you petting my nose like I'm a dog?"
"Don't ruin the moment Dariela."
"Alright Then," Willow leaned forward and kissed Bucky's nose, one of her hands resting on his chest. "Is the moment saved?"
It was moments like these that reminded Bucky why he loved Willow so much. Willow's ability to make him laugh was just one of the many reasons he loved her.
"You are absolutely beautiful, you know that?"
"Well duh Barnes. I'm fabulous," Willow grinned at Bucky.
Bucky leaned forward again, and kissed Willow, his right hand resting on her back. Willow wrapped her arms around him, turning the kiss into a hug. Bucky's chin resting on the top of her head. Whenever Willow hugged Bucky, she made him hug her using both of his arms. It was like she sensed his hesitation to use his metal arm for normal everyday things. It was true that Bucky didn't like to touch Willow at all his his metal arm, whether it was holding her hand or putting an arm around her shoulder. So of course Willow had made it her mission to make Bucky see that his metal arm was something that he shouldn't hesitate to use for normal things. Bucky still preferred to do just about everything with his right hand, unless he was using it to fight. He just couldn't get past the fact that not only had the arm been given to him against his will, but he'd killed so many people with it.
Willow unwrapped her arms from Bucky and looked up at him, "You're worried about something? I can sense it, care to share?"
"Not Really," Bucky didn't want to spill all his worries to Willow, despite the fact that he often did. "I just want to make this moment last forever."
"That's incredibly cheesy."
"I know," Bucky leaned in to kiss Willow again when someone opened their bedroom door with a loud bang.
"Oh my God," Tallulah's voice echoed around the room.
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