•Chapter Thirteen•
Percy stood at the foot of Half Blood-Hill as the Titan of heavenly light stood there his eyes looking at the demigod in wonder and curiosity, The demigod's head was hung low as the Titan stood there wondering how the demigod survived his divine form. Percy laughed his voice echoing throughout the small hill. Percy looked at Hyperion his eyes blood red, his red eyes made contact with Hyperion's golden ones.
Hyperion scoffed and charged Percy with speed making a large cut towards the demigod, Percy sidestepped the blade colliding with the ground. Hyperion kicked Percy straight in the chest, he was sent flying to a tree, Percy made contact with the tree with a sickening crunch his back collided on the tree. Percy stood up his eyes still locked on Hyperion, the Titan grabbed his sword and rushed Percy making a decapitation strike.
Percy grabbed the sword mid swing, the momentum caused the sword to stop, but the momentum also caused Percy's hand to get chopped off. Blood splattered around the green grass as his hand laid motionless on the green grass, Percy had a stoic face as he looked at the chopped off hand with no emotion.
"That was my favorite hand" Percy said in a monotone voice, Hyperion glared and striked again using all of his power to kill Percy once and for all. Hyperion's blade ignited with yellow light his power over heavenly light amplifying the sword's deadliness. Hyperion screamed as he forced some of his power to the sword, heat began to engulf the blade as yellow light began to accumulate near the blade.
The sword came at lightning speeds towards Percy, in the blink of an eye the sword collided making a large explosion equivalent to that of a grenade at the spot where Percy is. Smoke engulfed the area sorrounding the demigod and the Titan. Hyperion had a smug expression on his face, the dust cleared revealing Percy stopping the sword mid swing with his hand. Percy held the blade in his hand as blood trickled down the palm of his hand, Percy crushed the blade to pieces the celestial bronze sword crushed to pint sized bits, the pieces clattered on the ground as if it were nothing.
Percy looked at his bleeding hand, yellow light began to engulf his wounds, the light died down revealing his hands, there were no wounds on them not even scratches, more yellow light engulfed Percy's other arm stump. The light died down revealing a fully functional arm. Percy moved his arm testing the movement and functionality.
"What are you" Hyperion said with wide eyes. The Titan grabbed another sword and made a downward arc onto Percy. The same result happened as Percy grabbed the sword mid swing
"How" Hyperion said
Percy laughed "You forgot me, that's a shame" Percy said. Four Black scorpion tails sprouted from the small of Percy's back where his Achilles Heel used to be.
"Really a shame, but you have to die now" Percy said with a blank expression, Percy crushed the blade with the palm of his hands and kicked Hyperion with such force that Hyperion was sent flying with a sonic boom his back crushed against a tree. Percy approached the dazed Hyperion, the Titan shaking his head, he summoned another sword and prepared to fight.
"You think that's gonna stop me" Percy said, two scorpion tails surged forward piercing Hyperion's shoulder and leg.
"Agghhhh" Hyperion said screaming in pain
"How can you survive my attacks, you should be dead by now, your just a mere demigod" Hyperion said in agony
"Oh I am a mere demigod, but I have experienced much more, I have experienced death, no worse than death, I was on the verge of dying again, and again, and again, and yet I survived" Percy said with a sadistic smile
"Now, Goodbye"
The scorpion tails surged forward with lightning speed piercing Hyperion in the heart, the Titan gasped his final breath as he turned into golden dust. Percy stood at the bottom of Half-Blood Hill his hair being blown by the wind. His eyes were blood red, it turned even more so every time he got any injuries. Percy felt his vision fade away as his body went into shutdown, his body went limp from exhaustion and fainted on the spot. Dark spots covered his eyes as he drifted into the realm of Morpheus.
Percy woke up his sea green eyes scanning the room, familiar white walls sorrounded him with a white bed. Percy instantly recognized the room as the infirmary, the demigod jumped out of bed and for the first time he didn't feel any pain, never mind that. A headache started to form as Percy rubbed his temples, he didn't recall a single thing after he had that dream in the middle of a fight with Hyperion. He remembered seeing that boy again but after that his mind was blank.
Annabeth bursted into the room with a panicked face, the blonde saw Percy and her features were instantly turned to worry.
"That was very dumb Percy" Annabeth said slapping Percy at the back of his head.
"Why what did I do" Percy said rubbing the back of his head
"Face Hyperion by yourself you idiot" Annabeth said scolding the son of Poseidon
"Oh yeah Hyperion, what happened to him" Percy said scratching his head
"You mean you don't know what happened" Annabeth said her face laced with confusion, she raised her eyebrows in deep thought
"I dunno, I don't remember anything to be honest" Percy said excluding the dream he had about the boy.
"Really, because when we arrived there was no one but you and a pile of dust" Annabeth said recounting what she saw
"Maybe the gods dropped by and killed Hyperion" Percy theorized
"No it wasn't the gods, I'm sure of that" Annabeth said
"Then who was it" Percy asked the million dollar question
"Maybe you kill Hyperion" Annabeth asked her eyebrows raised.
"No, I couldn't, besides I don't remember anything about killing Hyperion" Percy assured, Annabeth sighed in frustration.
"Let's talk about this later, for now you need some rest" Annabeth said
"Actually no, I'm quite fine actually, I only have a headache that's all" Percy stated
"Are you sure" Annabeth questioned, Percy nodded.
"Then okay, just no strenuous activities" Annabeth said leaving the room, Percy sighed and opened the oak door, sunlight blinded his vision as he took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the light. A crowd had gathered in front of the infirmary, Percy joined the crowd confused as to why there was a crowd of demigod's here.
"Is it true that you killed the Titan Hyperion" A demigod in the crowd asked
"Yes, I did kill the Titan Hyperion with my bare hands" James said with a smug look. The crowd of demigod's were amazed as to what James. Percy was deep in thought.
"No way could it be James, he can't even kill a Hellhound" Percy thought "To be fair I was passed out half of the time so I had no idea who killed Hyperion'
"How did you kill Hyperion" said an Apollo kid
"I bashed Hyperion's skull in with my hands and fired an arrow straight to his heart, he begged for mercy but I said, You step foot on my Camp So I can't let that happen, then I killed him with an arrow through the heart" James said
"No one can take on Hyperion with just their bare hands, not even Zeus can do that" said a child of Athena
"I guess I can take on a Titan that even Zeus can't do" James said as people started clapping and cheering
"If that's true why don't you challenge Zeus" Percy said out of the crowd, James had wide eyes but quickly hid it with his annoying smirk.
"If I did, Zeus wouldn't stand a chance, I defeated Hyperion with my hands, Zeus would just pee his pants" James said smugly
"Then you wouldn't mind if I called him would you" Percy said with an eyebrow raised, Percy saw James visibly pale. James shook his head looking at Percy straight in the eye
"You think you're so tough aren't you, just because you participated in the Titan War and the Giant War, doesn't mean you own the place" James said approaching Percy with a glare
"Your Right I don't own the place" Percy said "But neither do you, every time there is a monster attack you always flee while the rest keep fighting"
"And you just pop out of nowhere and claim the credit, what kind of demigod is that, and to think your child of Poseidon, what kind of child is that, a coward child that is, next thing you know you might come running to your mommy balling your eyes out" Percy said mockingly, James was red in his face, Percy could've sworn that steam was coming out of his ears.
"You, me, in the arena in five minutes, let's see who's the coward now" James said in anger and left Percy with a glare. Percy sighed rubbing the back of his neck, the nerve of James, and he was a Son of Poseidon, what kind of son is that. A stuck up brat who only knows how to run and flee, and if there is a chance, he will steal the credit all for himself. If in battle, I might've mistaken him for a child of Aphrodite, minus the looks, he resembles more of a Minotour.
Percy left the scene, James is brainwashing the younger demigod's, they are making them believe he is a hero, yet he didn't do anything heroic whilst he was at camp, he did nothing but complain and be angry. Percy couldn't believe he was related to that piece of crap. Percy went back to the Poseidon Cabin to get ready for the duel that was about to start. Percy grabbed Ocean's Wrath and placed it on his sheath.
Percy didn't bother to place armor since he thought, no he knew that James couldn't stand a chance, he would probably wear bulky armor that was too heavy to move, Percy decided against the idea of putting armor on since he wanted to have some speed. Percy exited the Poseidon cabin and went to the Arena.
Dozens upon Dozens of demigod's were seated at the Arena, there were people waiting to see the show, can't believe a lot of people wanted to see two demigod's fight.
"Where is that brat, did he really get too scared to even show up" the voice of James said his voice echoing throughout the arena.
"Here's that brat your looking for, also, me scared of you, your too funny" Percy said faking a laugh as he entered the arena
"Finally, took you long enough" James said, Chiron went into the of the arena
"No maiming, the use of magical weapons are allowed, powers are also allowed, if one manages to disarm or knock out their opponent they win" Chiron said stating the rules. Percy twirled his sword getting ready into a stance. James had full body armor, he held a very unbalanced celestial bronze sword that seemed to be a tad bit too big and heavy for him. Percy smirked, he could easily get inside his guard.
"Ready, Set, Go" Chrion said.
The two demigod's circled each other waiting for the opponent to strike. Percy made the first move doing a small little jab towards James' sides. James dodged the attack and already he was sweating from the weight of the armor. Percy rushed James and started bombarding the demigod with attack.
Percy made a large cut towards his chest which James blocked using his sword, Percy made a low cut on James' calf. The demigod screamed like a girl and dropped to the ground as small droplets of blood came spilling from the small wound.
"Your gonna cry from that small wound" Percy said tauntingly. James enraged made a forceful cut using his sword, Percy rolled out of the way and kicked him in the shin making the demigod kneel. Percy placed the sword at his neck his signature lopsided grin showing, James was panting heavily and grabbed Percy's foot and tugged it. Percy went falling as his back hit the ground. James grabbed his sword and prepared to make a jab to the heart.
James was trying to kill Percy, the demigod grabbed his sword and jabbed Percy at the heart. Percy grabbed Ocean's wrath just in time to block the attack. Percy kicked James in chest, the demigod was sent flying as he smashed his back on the nearby wall. Percy stood up and grabbed James' sword and threw it across the room. Percy placed the sword at his neck again this time on high alert.
"I win" Percy said
"And the winner is Percy" Chiron finalized, the demigod's cheered and clapped, while some were just plain disappointed with James. Percy left the arena whilst whistling, he knew the outcome of the fight, James was so full of himself, he had no sense in battle. He puts on armor not minding if it was hindering his speed or anything, sometimes if you have armor it doesn't mean it will protect you every time.
Percy randomly wandered Camp a Half-Blood not minding anything, he was at peace, even though he just got out of a duel, he was calm and well collected. Percy went into the woods to take a dive at a nearby pond, of course he could do that on the ocean, but he wanted to take a break from saltwater stuff every now and again. He could sense a pond was nearby, Percy kept traveling and overall enjoying the peace.
And in no time he arrived at the pond, there were dear randomly jumping here and there, there were bunnies hopping all over the place. Percy smiled.
Percy frowned and turned around, Percy saw the figure of someone approaching Percy avoided just in time as a knife barely missed him. Percy scrambled out of the way as he examined the nodded figure. He had no time to think as a knife came plunging towards him. The knife made contact grazing his shoulder a bit. Percy screamed, pain flared across his shoulder even if it was just a minor cut, a poison knife.
Percy felt his head get dizzy, his senses were fuzzy, they didn't seem to respond well, his eyesight was blurred. Percy fell to the ground with a thud, the demigod looked at the hooded figure. James stood there with evil eyes, Percy glared at James, he hated him even more so now that this happened.
"Now who's the better one now" James said with an arrogant smirk. Percy spat on James, the demigod reeled back in disgust.
"I'll teach you some manners you no good brother of mine" James said grabbing the poisoned knife and approached Percy. James made a large cut on Percy's arm a long slender open wound trailed on his arm, blood poured out of the wound. Percy screamed in agony as the poison did its work on his body. He could now feel the full effects of the poison affecting his body, his systems were shutting down, he felt very tired, he wanted to rest.
Percy went to the pond and touched it. The water travelled on his wound healing and closing the gap of his open wound, the blood stopped dripping and the poison seemed to stop its toll on his body, the poison seemed to seep out the water healing all of his grave injuries. Percy stood up grabbing facing James straight in the face.
"Oh, your gonna regret doing that" Percy said grabbing Ocean's Wrath and pulling it out of its sheath. James grabbed the knife his hands shaking. Percy ran at James with lightning like speeds and kicked James in the shin. Percy sliced at James' calf as the demigod screamed in pain.
Percy began to barrage James with a flurry of attacks attacking relentlessly until James had many minor cuts on his arms and legs. There were few droplets of blood on the ground but nothing too major. Percy was about to throw James into the water to heal him, he wasn't that cruel. Percy was interrupted by a feminine voice.
"What did you do Percy" Annabeth said looking at the horrific scene in front of her, Percy looked at Annabeth in shock.
"He tried to kill me with a poisoned knife" Percy explained
"Then where is your wounds huh" Annabeth said rushing towards James, even though Annabeth hated James, he was still a demigod, and Annabeth doesn't ignore a demigod in need, she is just too kind to be that person.
"I got into the water just in time before I breathed my last" Percy explained
"We'll talk about this later, for now we need to treat this injuries" Annabeth said carrying James to the infirmary. Percy was in shock, how can many events happen in a matter of minutes, it was just a few minutes ago he was liking the peace and serenity, now he was feeling guilty about something he shouldn't even be guilty of.
Percy shook his head looking at his forearm, there was still signs of a grave wound there but if he dipped his hand in water it should fix it. Percy dumped his hand on the pond nearby as the water went to work and healed everything leaving not even scars. Percy pulled his hand from the water his forearm perfectly dry and perfectly fine. Percy turned away from the pond and jogged towards the infirmary where Annabeth was waiting for him, James is really getting on his nerves, he wanted to strangle that kind until he breathes his last, that's how much Percy hated his guts, even though James tried to kill Percy, he would never be mad at him forever, unless he really really hated him.
Annabeth stood in front of the infirmary with a thoughtful expression, Percy sighed as he approached the blonde child of Athena
Word Count
Eh semi filler, could use some more improvement. Like 25% Plot storyline 75% Filler
So this was kinda rushed, since I'm doing this on a time limit, but it will definitely edited I'm gonna make sure of that. 30 minutes of editing here I come.
I was supposed to update on Thursday but plans have been foiled, I went somewhere that I knew nothing about, so I had no time for myself and no time for writing. I only got back on Friday. So you know this chapter was late, well not really late, but you know late as in, you know what off topic right now.
Also this chapter is dedicated to
Also Eclipse_Assassin, I see that name change, I almost didn't recognize you Death_Princesa
I was supposed to upload 2 times this week but damn plans have been foiled. And new plans around the corner have been uncovered
Anyways this is really getting annoying but
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