Vórimarac groaned and cracked open his eyes. He blinked up slowly pushed himself up holding his head.
"You're alive! Thank the Valar!" A voice said and he was suddenly hugged by a familiar figure.
"Fingon. If you do not let go within the five seconds I will hurt you," He grumbled out. Fingon moved back quickly and looked at Vórimarac as he slumped back into the bed.
"How are you feeling?" Fingon asked.
"Like a troll sat on me," Vórimarac replied.
"Makes sense. You did lose a lot of blood," A voice said from the other side of the room.
"Nahtar. It wasn't a dream." He said looking over at her.
"Nope. Now, what got into your mind to go take on Melkor and his Lieutenant?" She asked folding her arms. "I know you have a lot of bloodlusts but you are not suicide."
"I was asked to save his father," He said pointing to Fingon who nodded a bit and looked away.
"He-" Fingon began and Vórimarac waved his hand.
"I know. You got to say goodbye though." He replied in his normal dark tone.
"Yes but you almost died and he may have died. I should have listened and-"
"Fingon. For the love of what's left of my sanity just forgive yourself and move on. Go grieve for your father and give me some quiet." He replied.
Fingon looked at him and said, "Alright...thank you Vórimarac. Rest well and if you need anything please ask."
"Strong alcohol," He replied. "Very strong."
"Are you sure you should drink it in your condition?" Fingon asked.
"I am numb to pain but not headaches or the effects of pain," He replied. Fingon looked at him and sighed and nodded.
"Alright then..." He said. "I will come and see you later."
He then walked out and gave a small nod at Nahtar who now moved closer to Vórimarac. She smiled and sat down by his head and looked down at him once Fingon left. "It's sweet you still care about him." She said.
"What makes you think that?" He asked closing his eyes.
"Since you didn't threaten to kill or gut him." She replied. "Hate to tell you this but it seems you are growing a heart."
Vórimarac kept his eyes closed and said, "Can't have that."
She laughed softly and said, "It's good to see you again hotshot, I would ask how have you been but considering this. I take it not great."
"I have been doing what I do. Nothing more," He replied.
She just nodded and said, "I saw you kept my dagger,"
"I did," He replied. "It's a good dagger."
"It is and you better keep that promise of yours." She replied narrowing her eyes.
"My name means Oathbreaker, what makes you think I'll keep this promise to you." He asked opening his eyes and sitting up slightly. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. A small smile came to his face and said, "Point."
"Point," She repeated. They then looked over to the door as it opened and Vórimarac just glared a bit more. As he saw Maglor, Celegorm and Curufin walk in.
"Nahtar. Please tell me that I am hallucinating because of my bloodloss," He said.
"Sorry. They are standing there," She said.
Vórimarac swore and glared at them, "What are you doing here?"
"Well to see you," Celegorm said looking between Nahtar and Vórimarac with a puzzled expression.
"Why?" He asked.
"Since you are our brother and we wanted to come and visit you," Maglor said. "Besides even more so when we heard you almost died."
"I almost die a lot," He replied shortly as he laid back. "Leave. Now. I am not drunk enough to deal with all of you."
"Vórimarac," Nahtar said. "Give them five minutes at least."
"Fine." He muttered and waved them in. "Now. Why in the world do you want to visit me when I clearly stated I hate all of you?"
"Since you are our brother still," Curufin said folding his arms and glared back at him.
Vórimarac drew in a breath and forced himself up. "Why? What in the world makes you think I consider any of your family?" He asked with narrowed eyes.
"Since you share out blood?" Offered Celegorm. "That and the fact you spent a long time with us."
"I spent a long time with Melkor and Mairon. I consider them as something I can sharpen my swords on now." He replied.
Maglor pursed his lips and then said, "If you don't consider us family...perhaps we can start again? With something else?"
Vórimarac looked at him and said, "I don't have friends."
Nahtar smiled and leaned in next to him. "What am I then?" She asked.
"An unavoidable but accepted attraction," He replied.
"It will kill you to call me a friend or anyone a friend won't it." She said with a smile. Vórimarac didn't reply and she just laughed and kissed his cheek again.
Vórimarac just shook his head and leaned against the wall. He did have to hold back his small chuckle at seeing their reactions. Maglor's eyes were wide, Celegorm's jaw was hanging low and he was gaping like fish. Then there was Curufin who's eyebrow seemed to be trying to escape his face.
"Wait...what? You have a girlfriend?" Curufin asked finding his voice.
Vórimarac just turned to her and then back at them. His eyes focused on Maglor and said, "You were saying something idiotic about having you as friends."
"R-right. Freinds...then maybe-e...uh...then maybe we can become your brothers again?" Maglor asked still trying to get over what happened.
Vórimarac rubbed his face and cursed. "Even if I refuse Fingon and this one will force me into it." He said point back at Nahtar. He cursed again shaking his head and said, "Fine. Whatever but I will not be 'friends' with cowards."
When the word friends left his lips it sounded very sarcastic and slight venom. Curufin bristled at that and said, "Look here! We are not cowards."
"Oh? How so?" Vórimarac asked. "Name one thing you have done that showed you are not a coward? Since should I remind you that you did leave that older brother of yours to suffer greatly at the hands of Melkor and Mairon? Since Fingon did risk coming even though there may be a chance that he could have been dead. Or should I go back further? Since it's not bravery that made you turn from the Valar or bravery at the first kinslaying. What did you ever do that shows you are not a coward?"
Curufin glared daggers and said, "I do not have to take this from you! You are an insane, alcoholic, psychotic, killer. What do you know of bravery or being a noble warrior?"
Vórimarac looked at him and said, "Well you just answered my question it seems. Since it takes some backbone to talk back to me when I can so easily kill you."
Curufin blinked. "Wait...that was testing me?"
Vórimarac gave a short nod and laid back in the bed. "Okay. You have my answer now leave unless you have enough alcohol on you to kill a small animal. You to you little thief."
The three brothers just stared at him and Nahtar laughe a bit. She shook her head and said, "Hotshot. You are still insane but here."
She put a flash by Vórimarac and said, "There you go. May destroy your liver, Av made it and I am pretty sure they put some sort of poison in it."
Vórimarac sniffed and said, "I think they just put paint thinner in a flask and called it a day." He took a long drink and coughed slightly.
"Yeah...tastes like it too but it works." He said.
"Welcome. Speaking I saved your life, you owe me." She said.
"I am not going to kill you," Vórimarac said.
"Please. Like you can actually land a sword on me. No, you are taking me to dinner once your wounds heal enough." She said.
"Fine," He said shortly and took another drink.
"Perfect, now you rest. That stuff should knock you out for a good day or two." She said as she walked to the door. "See ya around Hotshot."
Vórimarac just gave a short wave and took another drink. He then glared at the three who were staring at him. Vórimarac grabbed a dagger that lay under his pillow and threw it hitting near Celegorm's head. "Leave. Now." He growled.
"Leaving," Celegorm said as he walked out with the other two. Vórimarac just groaned and laid back. He cursed to himself as he closed the flask and put it off to the side. He was tired and just agreed to this since he did not want to argue with Fingon or Nahtar. He also remembered a conversation he had with her a while ago about this very topic. He then groaned and cursed again this time a drop more colorfully. This was going to be a very long next set of weeks.
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