Chapter dedication: To my wonderful friend and lovely co-author; lovetori_xo you're so amazing b! Thanks for being a great person ily❤ and oh, happy belated birthday :)
Welcome to another lovely chapter guys. Kinda lengthy and there's a surprise towards the ending. Don't forget to comment and vote o, that's my motivation.
Beautiful angel, love your imperfections, every angle.
— 𝓑𝓪𝔃𝔃𝓲 𝓯𝓽 𝓒𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓪 𝓒𝓪𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓸
Tobias did not just mean that statement and I know he didn't because I am double-hearing things right? Damn me for taking that useless vodka and rum.
I totally forget that his hand is still clutched on my waist so I step back hastily trying to give some space between us but it doesn't end well as I'm about to trip all the way to the floor. He quickly comes to my rescue by cupping the small of my back and his face is just a little centimeter away from mine.
This is awkward.
"I'm so sorry! God I'm so clumsy." I say apprehensivly, chuckling bitterly to myself.
"It's fine. Besides, I don't mind being the prince charming to a damsel like you Ara." His breath hits my face squarely and there's literally little space between us. How dare he utter such sweet words when we are in a compromising situation as this?
"You can get up and close your legs now, slut." Cheryl has reached our side within a nanosecond and has officially ruined the moment. Tobias releases me from the position like a gentleman and I shyly cover up my leg since the slit gave a free view to my thick thighs when I almost fell. Thighs that I've always been insecure about because of the surplus fat stored in there. Facing Cheryl, I raise my two middle fingers in response to her former comment.
Fück you and your pathetic life.
Tobias and Cheryl both stare at me incredulously, like as if I have uttered something so bad.
Wait, did I say that out?
Okay I guess I did.
"How dare you..." She stomps over to my side, ready to beat the living day light out of me when Tobias holds her arm, halting her movements momentarily. "Tobias free me let me beat this wretched imbecile." Her nose are doing that flaring thing again and she doesn't know it is very unattractive.
Try harder dear Cheryl.
"Can't deal with the fact that you're a pathetic loser?" I smirk and sway trying to lean on the buffet stand since I am feeling unsteady.
"You're even tipsy." She notices and smirks wryly. "Good enough. Cause I know you can never face me with your stupid shy self. Rubbish!" She snaps and snatches herself from Tobias hold not too nicely. I laugh humorlessly to down another shot of the vodka or whatever. I wince and dart my tounge out helplessly as the taste settles on my tounge. My eyes blur for a moment and I shake my head vigorously to clear it.
I can feel Tobias staring at me from my peripheral vision so I whip my head to stare back but deliberately averting my eyes from having direct eye contact with him.
"What? Just say your mind already because we both know I'm really what she said." I spit out distastefully, not meaning to do so. Meanwhile, Tobias is just quiet by my side. Still as ever as he watches me rant stupidly about how I hate Cheryl and how I wish to murder her once and for all.
"She's so pompous and full of herself because God, why is she so dumb? And she has the most lovely parents on earth. Even Derek is..."
"...I love the way you look today." He cuts into the middle of my word rage. I bite inside my cheeks, wondering if those words were meant for me again or someone else because I am hundred percent sure it isn't directed to me. Seeing the clear etching of a frown on my face, he clears his throat to speak again.
"Wait, I don't mean only today. But you look beyond good every other day. Today is just an exceptional display of your rare beauty." Coupled with the fact that his gaze is so intense as ever, I quickly stray my eyes from his before I would die from hypertension.
Deep breathes Aramide.
Focus on the mundane things.
Automatically and for no immediate reason, my eyes scan Jamal as he is currently the one singing the lead part of the song. Surprisingly and not so surprisingly, during the course of tutoring him, we've become closer and every form of hatred has evaporated ever since he promised to be civilised with me. His voice has thrown the audience agog and it wouldn't be a surprise if somebody runs mad today.
"Why are you here?" I quietly ask Tobias, when the air around us pitches up in degree.
"You mean why I came for my own school event?" I roll my eyes trying to stifle a yawn.
"Stop playing games with me Tobias. You and I know what I mean." I mumble the last part with a strained voice as I finally return my gaze to him, trying to gauge his countenance. I've still not gotten over the fact of how he suffered a relapse from the last time we went for the date and he subjected himself to much external factors that triggered his ailment.
As if he knows he cannot escape my query, he sighs deeply and uses his hand to smoothen his hair for the umpteenth time — an habit he has formed unconsciously ever since I knew him.
"It isn't a biggie, don't worry." I should not worry? Did he just say I shouldn't worry? He has got to be kidding me.
"Tobias..." I trial off, trying and failing to balance my breathing. "Are any of your family members aware you are here at least?" The sheepish look he returns is an enough answer to my question and I chuckle quietly at that. Does he think this is a joke? Does he want a repeat of last time? Without waiting for a second, I begin to walk away to God knows where.
"Aramide! Where are you going to? Wait up!" My feet are already unsteady and clumsy as I try to mix myself with the crowd on the dancefloor and I know he is still trying to follow me. I ignore him blatantly and keep my feet moving even if I my mind has not decided its destination.
Quite awful.
"Aramide," I bite my lip and quickly make it to the entrance successfully but unfortunately because I curse internally when I see Jaramilo making-out with a girl by the entryway side. The clacking of my heels are enough to draw thier attention towards me and they both pause thier stupid shenanigans, regarding me like an alien.
"Haven't seen a pretty girl before? Carry out with your fücking and avoid me." I spit out to both of them but most importantly to Jaramilo who I've been trying not to cross paths with for so long.
"New boldness, I love this." He mumbles and takes a step closer trying to cajole me into his hold. My mind is already swirling in dizziness and mirth so whatever he is trying to do didn't register in my head.
"Bloody hell?!" The voice sounds way too familiar and I spin slightly to gain a view and I giggle quietly when I notice it is my cousin. "Leave my cousin alone If you don't want to be bathed in your pool of blood." Who is he talking to? Me? But I'm his cousin already. How can I leave me?
Okay that sounded so funny!
I start laughing all of a sudden at my made up theory.
"This fiery sweetheart is your cousin? Now I see. I've always suspected she is a Bolanle." That has to be Jaramilo but the next thing I hear is a smacking sound from behind me.
"Get out and run along with the little whore beside you." Tobias has already joined the scene and I am hundred person sure he hit somebody or something just now but who or what? Oh yes Jaramilo of course. What's wrong with my foolish brain? I turn to observe that Jaramilo and the girl by his side really scampered away at his command because for one, Tobias is a senior and can punish them anytime, anywhere.
Seeing that I can still make my grand escape, I try to tip-toe but that ends up useless because I'm wearing a heel and I'm feeling so lightheaded — as if I'm walking on melting clouds.
"How can I trust my cousin to be with you? This is stupid man." Derek sounds pissed for an unknown reason but slowly and slowly, his voice starts to fade at the background and since him and Tobias are having a severe back and forth argument, I simply lay on the tiled floor and close my eyes, far too gone into the world of sleep.
"Her room is by the west wing on the second floor. Thank you so much young man, we're really grateful." That is my uncle's wife voice definitely and is she in my dream also?
My body feels elevated and is smashed on a soft, yet sturdy support. I thought my bed has always been soft? Trying to turn to have a better sleeping position, I stiffen at my next possible discovery. The scent I'm inhaling right now is far variant from my usual Jasmine flower scent but rather, it is more of an old spice cologne-y scent. And that can mean only one thing...
My eyelids feel so weary that even to open them seems like a tough battle and my head? That one is banging times ten than the most terrible headache I've ever experienced in my lifetime. I turn and turn on the support trying to be comfortable as possible.
"Shh, Be still little one." My entire body froze on instinct and I feel the sudden truckload of flutters within my stomach. My eyes snap open, just to confirm if what I heard was right and lo and behold, it jams with honey eyes staring back at me with such frivolity.
"To...tobias?" I blink my eyes repeatedly to absorb my new discovery incase I might be hallucinating. He smirks and uses his foot to kick my room door open the same time. Severe embarrassment eventually washes over me when I discover he carried me all the way from downstairs to my room. But how did I get here? What happened previously? Why can't I remember a thing?
He gently lowers me to my bed and I awe at the amount of strength he possesses. He goes ahead to drop my heels at the corner of my bed and I discover he removed them for me since. No wonder my feet feels empty. I stretch, curl and uncurl them on the soft surface of my bed and I still feel the urge to go back to sleep.
"Are you feeling okay?" Tobias asks softly and for a moment, I forget that he is here, on my bed with me, and very tiny meters away from me. My breath is still unsteady and I rub my fists awkwardly.
"Yeah, I'm good. Just feeling so..." I trail off, noting words cannot describe how I even feel. This is all new to me.
"The alcohol has not weared out of your system yet. And you're a lightweight." He laughs lowly and I admire the way the dimples dipped at both sides of his cheek and his eyes sparkle so brightly.
God. This is somebody's son!
"Oh okay." I mumble quietly since I am lost for words. I cannot believe I drank willingly. That's so foolish of me but then again, have I ever been wise?
"So I should leave you now..." he trails off and gets up from my bed. His silver chain dangling on the hollow of his olive tanned neck, down to his chest. My eyes follow his subtle movements and I feel something important is missing. He has already turned his back to leave but I stand from my bed, rather clumsily and call out to him.
"Tobias, wait up!" He pivots on his feet and stare at me wondering what I'm up to. My legs are not strong enough to gain a full standing session so he quickly rushes to my side before I will fall. I blush when his hands make contact with my waist but I quickly brush that off.
"Um, em, I wanted to just appreciate you for taking care off me. Thank you Tobias." I state and quickly embrace him into a hug. His body stills and I am sure he didn't expect that. His hands that are on my waist gently moves up and down on my back, just to reciprocate the hug. My body responds in a crazy way and I swear this is all new to me. Releasing ourselves from the embrace, my lips mistakenly brush the side of his lips and we both freeze simultaneously.
What was that?
His eyes dig into mine, searching for whatever it is but I am yet to comprehend it as the feel of his lip is amazing. The way his honey eyes are regarding me with such intense gaze holds me spellbound. And without overthinking it, I dip my head and my lips smashes against his without hesitation.
Holy molly!
Is this how kissing feels like? I've never kissed a soul and here I am. Suddenly, he takes control by flipping me and my back hits my book shelf abruptly. I didn't mind as his fluffy lips move in perfect syncation with mine. The feeling is way too wonderful to explain as his lips traces ever single seam of mine. His right hand slips into the slit of my gown and I shiver uncontrollably at the foreign feeling fluttering within my stomach again. He brings my leg up and hooks it around his firm waist.
I'm definitely high because it feels so surreal. The height of it is when his tounge probes my lips open and comes in contact with the inner depths of my mouth.
A sound I didn't realise I can ever make, elicits out and I am shocked at how over responsive I am at the moment. If it is possible, our tounges are overlapping each other, fighting to seduce its opponent. Our heads tilt occasionally to get the perfect angle to get each other sweet taste. I don't know what I taste like, but damn Tobias tounge tastes like candy and faded chewing gum. His hands are now drawing circles on my exposed lap and it incurs a crazy buildup at the pit of my stomach.
With the need to take fresh air from the torment he is giving me, I duck my head away from the kiss and rest my head on his chest breathing so crazy.
Fück! How did that happen?
I can hear the irregular speed rate of his heartbeat and I look up at him, taking note of his super swollen lips and his eyes that are half closed in contentment.
We both mumble the same time. His voice is times ten huskier than I've ever heard it and my heart thumps harder in my chest.
This is crazy.
And as we stare into each other eyes, oblivious of our surrounding, I feel a peace within and overall, sleep bugs at my eyelids again and without warning, I go limp against him and wander into the sweet nothing of sleep.
🎵I know that you want to cry, but it's much more to life than dying. Over your past mist...🎵
"Oh God! AY tone the music down!" I shout admist my banging headache and a very nauseating feeling. I reach out for my pillow blindly so that I can drain the noise out but then, my head just realised something. Or rather, someone.
Did I just say Ay?!
My eyes snaps open as fast as flash and I tumble down from my bed tackling my elder brother in the process.
"Ayooooooooooo! Oh my God AY! I miss you, miss you, miss you!!!" The fact I am able to know it was Ayo is quite simple because it can only be him who would loud music to wake me up. And since he has been hammering on the fact that he would come home for the Christmas break anytime soon, it just had to add up.
"Ew, you reek of vodka." My brother scrunches his face in mock horror and I step back to glare at him.
"Really? Try harder AY." I roll my eyes as it simultaneously lands on a piece of paper neatly wrapped under my phone on my nightstand. I ignore it and clutch my forehead wistfully as the full wave of headache slams my cranium repeatedly.
"I miss you sis, but then again you have a lot of explanation to make." This time, his tone isn't friendly persay, but is stern.
What the hell have I done again?
My hands unconsciously come up to touch my lips and it bothers me I do not remember a thing of last night. I just have this weird feeling that I cannot fathom.
"Sit and be still. I'll go and get the panadol for you." He commands and I sigh knowing my brother is pissed. He must have discovered that I drank yesterday so yeah, let's just say I am in a big pot of soup this early morning. As he strides out of my room, I yawn and stretch willing my stiff bones to make a crack. I reach out for my phone and the neat paper falls along.
Curiously, I reach out to it and open it gently. The cursive of the person's handwriting is so neat and I admire it for a while before reading.
You must be wondering why you're seeing this random note yeah? You might not remember instantly what happened yesterday but I can tell you this, I kissed a beautiful angel and my soul has been at peace since then. I didn't regret it neither do I feel remorseful. I would love to see her beautiful smile once we return because right now, we are at the airport on our way to Manchester. PS: She will always be my little one :)
— Your favourite model.
My face creases into a mighty frown and once again, the headache rams in with such a great force causing me to drop the paper abruptly. As if on cue, Ayo comes in with the panadol and a glass of water. I groan beneath my breath as he shoves them to me.
I hate drugs, I hate drugs, I hate drugs, I hat...
"Take them and stop wasting my time young lady." He states icily and I am once reminded that my brother is actually pissed at me.
Oh great!
I scrunch my face distastefully and swallow them. My brother almost cracks a smile at my facial expression but him being him, he keeps it straightforward and uptight, waiting for me to finish so he can scold me. And rather, he digs his hand into his pocket and brings something Like a printed paper out. I squeeze my face and gaze it with the quirk of an eyebrow.
"What's that?" I mumble lowly, so that my headache wouldn't be that painful as I still sip the water slowly. His lips press down into a firm line as if contemplating his words.
"A trip to Asaba asylum by flight tomorrow evening." The water in my mouth spills recklessly at his words and I am sure I choke repeatedly as he comes over to pat my back.
He did not just say that. No Ayo didn't say that!
I am yet to recover of the unknown shenanigans I must have performed last night, the mysterious letter on my night stand and now, we are suddenly taking a trip to Delta state to see our deranged mother?
No no no no!
"Aramide, please listen..." Ayo trys to cajole me but I am far gone as I mumble incoherent words, tears already beaming at the seams of my eyes. "JUST LISTEN!" He yells to snap me out of my mini anxiety attack. I snap my eyes open and stare at him warily. "I know it sounds sick and twisted yeah, but we need answers Aramide. I'm tired of this sickening hide and seek games and the only person that can straighten things out is our mother.
Our mother? Or our murderer?
Bloody hell!
Author's note
Who else felt the intensity of this chapter??! Okay I know you liked it but you're too proud to admit such😌
And Aramide and Tobias!!!! Aggh I love those two abeg! Where are thier shippers?!
What do you think about Ayo's suggestion to visit thier mother at the asylum? Does it makes sense?
Anyhoo, I want to say happy birthday to Tori(author of TLT) and to a wonderful person in my life, Derek. Lol I used his name as a character on my book and he allowed me😂 thank you b!
Book recommendation; INTRICACY by vilalove09 My girl has done it again!!! Damn go and follow it up y'all. Ife books are so dear to me. It's a pity if you haven't read any of her works.
Q; Joeboy or Fireboy? I love those two mehnnn! But who would you rather listen to all day?
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