my heart was broken, my kids were seriouslly gone! they were gone! im mad! i miss my kids! marlon wouldnt stop looking at me, he comes up to me and he picks me up and wraps his arm around my neck and he says ''no if you exuse me im going to kiss her'' michael is looking, he cant get up his heart is broke. jerimaine is trying to get him off of me. he starts kissing me then i punch him, then he hits me and punches me. ''STOP! IM LEAVING, I HAVE BETTER THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT!'' marlon pulls me towards him and i kick him and i say ''end my life here lord,, i tale the pills out of my pill again, michael gets up and runs and jumps on me and he throws the pill to the jermaine and he just kisses me and i say ''get off of me please'' he gets off of me and he says ''what is wrong baby'' ''my father is what!'' ''he is taking everybody away from my family, i got to the bathroom and i sit in a corner. i have a knife cutting my wrists. i can tell you this has been a bad life. i turn on the shower and get in. i close the door. i hear the door open ''omg marlon get out!'' ''no!'' he gets in the shower and pushes me to the wall and i falls down and cry and pray ''dear lord, i dont want to kill myself, i want people to stop'' michael comes in and takes marlon out and poushes marlon in the hallway, i had my clothes on, michael had his pants on when he got in. he holds me and says '' it will be ok'' ''SCARLETT ALEXANDRA JOHNSON, you cut your wrist!'' ''im sorry michael'' ''its ok dont dont that or you wont be here with us''
my vision starts to get clearer. me and michael start to sing, streetwalker, the way you make me feel, scream, and black or white. his family walks in the bathroom and smiles saying ''thats how i remember you two that night, you two were singing'' ''yeah i remember'' my vision is started to get blurry ''michael im dizzy'' i slipped and fell but michael caught me thank god. he got me on the couch and he goes to his room and sits on his bed yelling to himself and the others are somewhere else. marlon was next to me. he starts taking off my clothes but jermaine, catches him and says ''dont you dare!''
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