Me and Michael were at the mall buying more baby clothes. because in less than 10 days im having our baby boy. while we were in the mall, my stomach started having extreme cramping, then i said ''michael, i think my water broke'' ''hold on baby get in the car'' then me and michael walk to the car and he holds my stomach and he holds my back. he opens the door and i squat and get in the car. i breath in and out because alot of contractions kick in. ''baby were almost there then out baby boy will be born'' i sigh sincfe we almost there but then i start feeling a head in my butt area. ''michael im about to have him NOW....'' michael starts to panic. michael then calls 911 emergency ''911 what is your emergency'' ''my feyonce is about to have her baby in the car so can you walk me through giving birth to a baby'' ''sir we will transfer you to nurse blake-- hello nurse blake'' ''my feyonce is bout to have a baby because she feels the head starting to come out'' ''ok so make sure she has her pants off'' ''ok'' ''babe take off the pants so you can have your baby'' i take off my pants slowly. i get in a position wear my legs are in the air so michael can catch the baby. michael had some scissors so he could cut the the cord. ''ok i got scissors to can i cut the cord with them once it comes out'' ''yes that is also a perfect cutting tool'' ''ok hold your hands out under the part so the baby wont fall and suffer head falling damage'' ''ok'' michael puts his hand near the womanhood. ''ok now make sure she is holding something and tell her to push hard hard hard'' ''baby push hard and hold to something and push really really really really hard ok'' i hold my hands on the car handle and its locked which is good. the first push i did really hard. michaels eyes widen. he says ''oh my god you did really good on that. our son is half way out"". i look i see the babys chest nad head already out. this time i push harder and i hear a crying sound. michael smiles. he cuts the cord and says ''our baby boy is here what should we name him'' ''Joseph-Michael-jackson'' then suddenly i start to have more contractions. ''michael did the doctor tell us were having twins'' then i start pushing harder and harder. then i hear another cry. michael cuts the cord. it was a girl. michael starts to cry ''michael we had twins'' he smiles ''michael why dont we name this one Katherine-Scarlett Jackson'' ''i love it'' i put my pants on and me and michael get hte babies to the hosptial so we could make sure they were ok. they both were fine since Doctor michael came in. we got to bring the babies home that day. i held katherine as we walked out and michael held joseph. me and michael go to his parents houae aince he moved out 5 weeks ago. we knock and they open the door saying ''Oh my goodness our grand kids are here, wait what i thought you said you were having one'' ''um mom, she started having the babies while we were driving we didnt know she was having a girl twin. so i was her nurse kindaof and i got the babies healthy'' ''so scarlett and michael what are there names'' ''the boy is named joseph-michael jackson and the girl is named Katherine-scarlett jackson'' they smile back at us saying ''you named them after us'' then the next stop was to the brothers tour bus since they were in there home town touring, so me and michael go to the staiduim, we see the brothers, me and michael run to them on the stage i know e interupted there tour but we had to show them the kids ''hey michael and scarlett-- oh my goodness you had the child-- WAIT YOU HAD TWINS!'' ''well she had them in the car today and we had a registered nurse walk me through it and um she started having more contractions and it only took 2 pushes on our son and on our daugter 1 push'' ''wow thats actually quick to have a baby-- so what did you name them'' ''the boy we named joseph-michael jackson and the girl is named katherine-scarlett jackson'' ''thats cute'' then we say ''we need to go show the sisters the kids talk to you later'' we drive up to california and we knock on janet and la toya's door since they lived together. and they open the door '' oh my gosh you had the boy, and the girl? i thought you just said you were having a boy'' ''well i became the nurse on the road and i helped her give birth to our son then she started having contractions and she pushed 1 time on the girl and she popped out'' ''well... what are there names'' ''the girl is named Katherine-scarlett jackson and the boy is named joseph-michael jackson'' ''you named them off of our parents'' we smile and they ask ''can i hold one of them'' ''yeah'' la toya holds the boy and janet holds the girl. ''hey scarlett how have you been'' ''ive been doing better even since my father is gone but now his brother i after me because um... me and michael killed my father'' ''scarlett you needed him killed he almost killed you and the kids'' ''well at the tour my uncle came he got mad because on the black or white song on the devil part i sticked out my middle finger to my uncle and after the concert he came to me and he punched me in the face several times but i said im like michael a strong a brave person'' ''well michael is he has protected you alot during this'' ''um ill be right back'' i run to the bathroom and i sit on the toilet and i sob and i look at my phone and there is 2 messages the first one is from my brother ''hope your son is ok'' then the other one is from my dad? it says ''i faked my death! thats right. you threw that knife at me and killed me you thought but i threw it at michael security guard richard once you all left hope to see you soon, and i cant wait to kill ya'' i scream and michael, janet, and la toya run into the bathroom they see me crying ''scarlett what is it'' ''look at my phone! my dads not dead!'' michael replies ''OMG! he killed richard i have been wondering where he has been, but he is not going to get you, remember i just bought that new house for us and the kids'' ''yeah scarlett me and la toya been wanting to tell you that you and michael are going to live next to us so if you need anybody to talk to'' i smile then michael says '' and i if he messes with you ill scream like i did in the moonwalker movie saying LEAVEEE HERRRRRRR ALONEEEEEEEEEEEEE!'' i start to laugh and giggle ''oh michael you have to make everything funny dont ya'' i get off the toilet then i get a phone call and its from my dad and i said ''what do you want?'' ''i want to know your new address'' ''no your not going to know where we live at'' ''TELL ME NOW'' ''no'' ''ok im going to give you 3 secongs 3....2....1..0,,, ok tell me slut'' ''IM NOT A SLUT! ok i told you to get out of my life and to get a life so leave me alone'' ''im not your going to die dauther'' ''NO! IMN OT GOING TO DIE!'' ''yes you will your mom is telling me she wants you to die!'' ''stop pressuring me stop pressuring me stop pressuring me you make we wanna SCREAM now stop pressuring stop pressuring me stop fucking with me now leave me and elt me beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!'' ''ok, you wanna play that game ok'' ''what are you going to do dad'' ''ok, im going to follow oyu on tour'' ''ok, do it i dare you ill do even more sexual stuff on this tour'' ''i dare you honey and if you do anymore crap with mike your going to be sorry'' ''dad im not going to be sorry, i had the kids today, i have already told the law people you arent never to see them'' ''oh... thats wonderful just let me tell you, there going to die too!'' ''you keep my family out of this father'' ''just admit you liked what i did to you that day when you were tied up Just admit it!'' ''i didnt like it one bit!'' ''then ill do it everytime to you on tour'' ''no your not because i aint going to have you do that to me'' ''then i will hit you'' '''do it i dont care me and michael go back on tour next week so you can i dont care hit me and hurt me kill me i dare you and if you do ill get you arrested for life you here me'' ''oh dauther daugther daugther you got to learn this man is stronger than you''' ''so what i have acted mroe tuff these last weeks without you being here s bring it my dance move have gotten better, my singing, and my feelings'' ''your feelings? i thought you didnt have any, poor little girl your mama is so disappointed in you'' ''STOP IT BITCH! YOU BETTER STOP MAMA IS PROUD OF ME AND IF YOU DONT THINK SO GO TO HELL!'' then i throw the phone and run upstairs and i sit on the bed and i cry. michael runs up saying ''what did he say to you'' ''he is going to kill the kids, he is going to sexually harrass me on our tours, and he said i dont have feelings and that my mama is dissappointed in me'' ''ohhh come here'' i hug michael and i cry on his shoulder. michael grabs my phone and he says ''you better not do the stuff she told me or ill beat your ass'' michael hangs up and i go down stairs and sit on the couch. i look above my head and i say ''mom are you disappointed in me'' then a voice in my head of her voice says ''no sweetie i proud of you for standing up to your father and you had my grandkids'' i smile and michael walks in and he sits on the couch and he hugs and he kisses me on lips and he mumbles ''its going to be ok'' then janet and la toya walk in saying ahhh michael and scarlett sitting on the couch kissing, first came friendship check 2nd came love 3rd came marridge check and 4th came hte twins in a baby carrige and me and michael start to laugh. we stayed the night at there house and then tommorow me and michael would be moving our stuff in the new house.
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