Chapter 7
The sides walked through the dark,a dim light from Janus being the only thing letting them see.
Virgil looked around and felt the walls,deep gashes were in the side of what felt like cool metal"Janus,shine that light over here?"
Janus rose his hand to the wall and the wall became visible,large claw marks the size of Patton were on the wall making everyone shiver.
"What made those?"Patton asked"I hope it's not what I think.."Remus whispered looking around,the sides continued to walk and Patton yelped as he fell.
"Are you ok,Patt?"Janus asked Patt?Virgil thought before Janus shone his light where Patton fell,a giant paw print.
"Deceit,turn off that light now."Remus ordered as Patton got up,Janus nodded and closed his hand making the light go away.
"What's going on?"Patton asked"a Quiliser,that's what!"Remus answered looking around"what's that?"Logan asked.
"It makes tunnels and burrows but it's huge and dangerous,I don't think we went down a hall..I think we just went into a den!"Remus whispered before hearing a growl.
Logan yelped"something but me!"he whispered looking to his leg and pushing in a night seeing slide,a fluffy creature had its jaw firm on Logan's ankle.
"Logan that's a baby!"Remus said grabbing the Quiliser's sides,the baby growled and snapped at Remus.
Remus ignored the pain in his leg and held him in his arms,the baby looked like a dog but with saber teeth with a long monkey like tail and light blue marks on its white fur.
The marks suddenly lit up making the sides cover their eyes"what is it doing?"Virgil asked"it's scared Virgil,what did you think it was going to do!?"Remus asked.
The Quiliser stopped glowing and squirmed in Remus's arms,keeping its eyes on Logan"ok,if I put it down you all must promise to stay still."
Remus places the creature on the floor"alright,now go back to the fucker that made you!"Remus growled,the baby shook his head and growled before running over to Logan.
The baby climbed up Logan's leg and on his shoulder with a snarl at the others before snuggling its head into Logan's neck"is it trying to kill me!?"Logan asked.
Remus sighed"no,it imprinted on you's mother either went missing or went 6 feet under,for some reason it thinks your it's mom."
Patton awed"you are a mom Loggie!!"Logan shook his head"no way,this thing is not my child!"he said trying to get it off him,the baby wrapped it's tail on Logan's arm firmly.
"Don't even try Logan,those things can hold on tight."Logan sighed"so this thing is just gonna ride me for the rest of its days?"
Remus stifled a laugh"yeah,at least until it's too big."Logan sighed"I cannot believe this,can we go now?"
Remus nodded"it seems to be the only Quiliser in here."the sides then turned and walked outside.
Virgil looked at the sky we only lost half a hour,that's good enough.Logan glared at the thing on his shoulder.
The baby opened its eyes and looked at Logan,they were blue on the left and purple on the right.
Logan sighed"alright,you're cute I guess."he mumbled making the creature purr.
"What are you gonna name your son?"Patton asked making Logan jump,Logan thought for a moment before whispering"can I pick you up,buddy?"
The baby nodded and Logan held it Lion King style"welp,your name will be Nutmeg,Nut for short."he said letting Nut sit on his shoulder again.
"Why would you call it a nut?it barely even looks like a nut!"Remus cackled making Logan groan"I named her after the Egyptian goddess of the sky,Nut."
Patton awed"that's such a cute name,little Nutty!"Patton the attempted to pet her before getting snarled at,Patton put some distance between him and Nut after that.
The sides then continued on their way.
(Don't judge me I wanted a animal sidekick)
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