Chapter 4
Janus lead the group through hallways,making sure none were trapped.
Janus looked back"ok we should.."but the only ones that were there were him and Patton"um,Patton...where did everyone go?"
Patton looked around"y-you don't think they got lost,do you?"Janus shook his head"even Remus is too smart to leave the group."
Patton whimpered"what if something took them?"Patton shuffled closer to Janus"Janus,I'm scared.."Janus smiled softly you can't show fear,everyone is counting on you."I know you are,'s ok to be scared,we'll find them."
Patton smiled softly and rested his head on Janus's shoulder"thank you,'re not like everyone says,we see that now."
Janus smiled"your welcome,Patton."Patton looked up at Janus"call me Patt."Janus nodded"of course,Patt."
Virgil groaned"hey!anyone there!?"he yelled as he smacked his fist against the stone wall,Remus sighed"you asked that 10 times, one fucking heard you!"
"Shut the fuck up,we wouldn't even be in this situation if you minded your own damn business!"Remus growled at him"Roman is my brother,what was I supposed to do!?"
Virgil scoffed"was your brother."he mumbled,Remus froze"what did you just say?"he growled softly"Roman was your brother,he doesn't even care if you die in a ditch-"
Remus punched Virgil,making the side go against the wall"DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT IF MY BROTHER CARES ABOUT ME!HE DOES AND HE ALWAYS WILL!!"Remus screamed with pure rage.
Virgil groaned and glared at Remus"no wonder you give goo-goo eyes at Janus,you lie to yourself!"Remus pinned Virgil against the wall"I don't know what you're fucking talking about,Virgin."
Virgil smirked"fine,be stubborn."Remus let Virgil go"we need a plan to get out,since the floor feel below us for us to get here we must be in some underground tunnel."
Virgil nodded"then we should go that way."Virgil then pointed to the left"yeah,let's go."
Logan sighed as he walked down the tunnel"this is so ridiculous."Logan looked over his shoulder"they didn't even notice I was gone.."
Logan shook his head"don't think that way Logan,what would Patton say?"Logan groaned"probably drooling over Janus."Logan shook away the feeling he had and kept walking.
Janus saw the floor go downwards"it's like a slide,Janus!"before Patton could go down Janus grabbed Patton's wrist"Patt,it could be dangerous!"
Patton smiled"or it could lead us to the others,I'm 75% sure we are safe."Janus sighed"fine,but I'm going down first,we need a code word if it's not safe."
Patton thought for a bit"danger?"Janus shook his head"too obvious,maybe Achtung?"Patton looked to Janus"bless you."
"No,that's danger in German."Janus explained though he wanted to laugh at Patton's confusion"oh,that's good!"
Janus nodded"alright,down I go."Janus sat on the ground and let himself slide down into the darkness.
After a moment Patton heard Janus"it's good Patt,but there's a drop so you'll have to be careful."Patton nodded"I'm coming!"
Patton then slid down,after a moment he was suddenly falling,when everything stopped moving he looked up and saw Janus.
He then looked around and saw that Janus caught him,Patton blushed"t-thanks,Janus!"Janus put Patton back down"no problem,Patt."
Janus then heard some distant fighting and sighed"stay here,ok?"Patton nodded and Janus walked down the tunnel to see Virgil pinning Remus to the ground.
Janus groaned"c'mon Remus,I know you hit better then that."he said pulling Virgil away"don't ever leave me alone with him again!"Virgil hissed.
"What did you do Remus?"Remus sat up"I tried to see what he was looking at in his bag,then he pounced me like a puma!"Janus rolled his eyes"let's keep moving,Logan still isn't anywhere."
And on cue was Logan"salutations,I see you guys were fighting again."Logan grumbled"yup!"Remus said standing up.
Logan sighed"let's go."the group then walked back to Patton"I guess this is the way."Patton said pointing down a hallway.
The sides walked through the hall till they came across a door,Remus opened it after a bit of struggle to the outside.
The sides breathed in the fresh air"I don't ever want to back there!"Remus said falling back in the grass,having grass-angels.
Janus chuckled"alright get up you,we don't know where that grass has been."Remus cackled"that's the best part!"Janus smirked and pulled Remus to his feet.
Virgil smiled softly you dorks.the sides then continued walking through the forest,Virgil looked in his bag at Roman's sash we're gonna find you Roman,I promise.
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