Chapter 10
"GUYS!"Virgil screamed as he wiped his tears away,he heard a noise and stopped to listen.
He turned and went slower,looking around as he tried to calm down.
He suddenly heard something skuttle and looked over his shoulder,he turned around and yelped as something pushed him down.
Virgil looked up at a figure with two different pairs of deep purple eyes and fangs that hanged out their mouth"what are you doing here!?"they hissed.
Virgil felt his breathing pick up I'm going to die and Roman is hurt!the figure pinned him"answer me you little worm!"
Oh fuck you bitch!Virgil hissed,his fangs coming out and squirmed around.
The figure stood back up and Virgil hissed again"y-you.."Virgil then ran past them"get back here!"
Virgil pushed through the bushes before feeling himself being picked up,he looked around and he was in a white net hanged on a tree"let me go!"
Virgil turned around to down stream"PATTON!LOGAN!"the figure from before jumped up and held onto the net making Virgil yelp and hiss.
The figure did a few confused clicking noises then closed their many eyes,Virgil blinked and they looked relatively normal.
A firefly flew infront of their face making it visible,she was just as pale as Virgil with light purple eyes and midnight black hair.
Her skin had small scratches but besides that she was quite beautiful"are you...what i think you are?"she tilted her head,Virgil looked around frantically"l-let me out..."
She stared at Virgil"hiss like you did before."Virgil reared"what?"she raised a eyebrow"do it or I eat you."
Virgil rolled his eyes and hissed,showing his fangs"keep your mouth open."she ordered.
She gripped a fang making Virgil groan"who do you think you are lady?"he mumbled before being let go"Zavia,you can call me Z,Virgil."
Virgil froze"how do you know my name?"Zavia smiled softly"you little fool,I'll see to it that demon that stole you."
Virgil gaped"Janus?"Zavia loomed over Virgil"so that's his name...Janus has had a ransom for a long time little one."Virgil whimpered"just let me out,please!"
Zavia bit the net and jumped down,Virgil turned and landed on his feet.
Virgil looked to Zavia she's short like me too.Zavia saluted"do not worry Virgil,I'll find Janus."
Virgil gripped her wrist"wait a damn minute,why do you hate Janus again?"she pulled her wrist away"because he stole you that's why,that's a crime payed in death!"
Virgil shook his head"no,Janus found me."Zavia rolled her eyes"thief's lie,Virgil."Virgil glared at her"how do you know my name?"
"We keep track of the little ones like you,you were the only one that went missing in your age zone so I connected the dots."Zavia then jumped into a tree.
"You're not about to assonate Janus,Z!"she smirked down at Virgil"try me,little swider!"she then disappeared.
God damnit.Virgil started to run then climbed up a tree,jumping and swinging in the branches this is so embarrassing!!
Janus stared at the steam"Virgil's been gone for a while..."Patton put a hand on his shoulder"we can go look if you want,Janus.."
Before Janus could answer two people jumped out the bushes making everyone jump,Virgil pinned Zavia against the ground and arched his back as he hissed.
His pupils were dilated and he fangs were out for all to see as he snarled in Zavia's face"Virgil!"
Virgil rolled on the ground with Zavia"I would like it if someone helped!!"he yelled at them as he held down Zavia,Remus found a rode from the fireplace and smacked it against her head.
Zavia closed her eyes,knocked out.
Virgil panted as he hesitantly got off of her"t-thanks Remus."he mumbled looking down at her"w-who was she?"
Virgil looked to Patton"she said her name was Zavia,she was about to kill Janus."Janus stared at her then Virgil who clearly looked upset over more then having to chase down a strange woman.
"Virgil-" "I'm fine Janus,I need to talk to Remus though."
Janus nodded,Virgil lead Remus to the side and started talking"Roman visited me in spirit I guess,he told me to ask you if you knew a tower of steel and that's where he'd be I think."
Remus remembered his dream"y-yeah,I've seen a tower of steel in a dream.everything in the forest around it was metal."Virgil nodded"he mentioned a forest of metal too."
"Then that's where we need to go!"Remus said"um,what about Zavia?"Logan asked"we can't leave her here cause she'll sneak up on us."
"Then let's take her with us."Virgil grumbled"anyone got tape?"
(Really weird,really short,and just strange.but this adds up I promise!)
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