Returning to the Past, and Meeting Someone Interesting
In the street of Fortune the sounds of blades clashing and gunshots came, before it showed two people locked in deadly combat. one a woman with long blonde hair, dressed in all black, doing battle with a young man with white hair and blue eyes.
Trish and (Y/N) were fighting over the Yamato, Trish wanting to get it for Dante, and (Y/N) wanting to keep the blade, to honour his teacher, and also to continue his journey to gain power.
Trish tried shooting at him, but he would either block her bullets or simply use the quick movements of the Dark Slayer Style to dodge the bullets, quickly closing the gap and making Trish draw her sword, Sparda.
"I must say, your quite fast!" Trish said as she and (Y/N) clashed blades, (Y/N) rapidly swinging the Yamato rapidly at Sparda, pushing her back, while he remained quiet as he attacked her.
"You know, I like the strong silent type" Trish said as she then used some of her Demonic Lightning Magic, which (Y/N) dodged before he summoned swords and shot them at Trish, who jumped aside to avoid the magical blades, before suddenly she moved Sparda to block a slash, before he teleported back and used a Judgement Cut!
Trish jumped back but got caught by the attack, making shallow wounds, but ripping her clothes in places.
"Do you know how hard it was to get this outfit? You'll pay for this!!" Trish said angrily, as she started to renew her attacks, now going off anger to try and take (Y/N) down, while he remained calm.
The two kept fighting each other, matching their moves but, (Y/N) was starting to get the upper hand, Trish was starting to have trouble keeping up with him, she'd taken quite a few hits from his attacks.
"Damn, my clothes are ruined... how could he be so strong?" Trish said as she backed off, keeping her eyes on (Y/N) as he had his hand on the hilt of Yamato, ready to strike again and finish her.
"Looks like your outmatched" (Y/N) said with a cocky smirk on his face as he looked at the Demoness, and her ruined attire, keeping a firm grip on the hilt of Yamato to slash at the Blonde Woman.
"Hmph! Your going to pay for new clothes!" Trish exclaimed indignantly, before she escaped, leaving (Y/N) to watch her run away, sighing to himself before he walked away to find more Power for himself, then... decide what he would do next.
(Y/N) walked away and searched around the City more while slaughtering Demons, he was walking along until suddenly, he drew the Yamato and swung behind him, the blade of the Yamato striking the blade of another sword with a loud clang!
"Huh, nice reactions you got there kid, so... where'd you get the sword from?" asked a man wearing a red and black outfit, with a red coat, he had white hair and a cocky smirk on his face with bright Blue eyes, Dante.
"Wouldn't you like to know" (Y/N) said as he frowned at the man, he recognised him... he was the man who fought with Vergil before he fell into Hell, he then jumped back from him still holding Yamato ready in case of a fight, now out of it's Sheath.
"That sword there belonged to my Brother, now I can't have just anyone running around with it, it can cause a whole lotta trouble" the man said as he looked from the Yamato to (Y/N), searching his eyes for any signs of evil intent.
"You mean the fact it can cut through dimensions, or that it's what Sparda used to seal the Demon World off from this one?" (Y/N) asked him with a raised brow, Vergil had proudly told him about the history of the blade, and of his Father, Sparda.
"Yeah, exactly why I can't have some guy I don't know using it for... bad purposes" Dante said as he looked at (Y/N) closely, and a look of recognition flashed across his face, before he chuckled to himself.
"You don't look much different than that day, you were there, you tried to get to my Brother before he fell, then he sent you away" Dante said as he looked (Y/N) up and down, taking in his appearance and seeing him wearing a coat similar to his Brother's, but in (F/C).
"Yeah, and now I'm back, and I managed to claim his sword too, maybe with this I'll be able to find him again..." (Y/N) said as he looked down at the Yamato, his (E/C) eyes reflecting back at him from the blade.
"Sorry kid, that ain't gonna happen... he's gone" Dante said to him, making the white haired young man look up at him, wanting answers for what Dante meant.
"Vergil fell into the Demon World, sometime while he was down there... the Demon King Mundus did something to him, turned him into a mindless puppet, I fought him a few years ago and destroyed him" Dante said to the young man, who looked in surprise and sadness to the older man, a feeling of loss stabbing into his heart.
"Vergil, he's... you killed him?" (Y/N) asked as he looked at Dante, quickly getting angry and drawing upon his Demonic power that he had claimed and trained, before he attacked the older Devil Hunter.
However, he didn't even manage to seriously wound the man, he struck many blows and fought with all the fury and hatred he had for the man who killed his father-figure, but soon enough he was worn out and hurt while Dante just stood there with a cocky smirk on his face.
"There, you cooled off yet, got it all out of your system?" Dante asked the young man, who was down on one knee, panting for breath and using Yamato to support himself as he tried to regain his breath, feeling angry that he hadn't even caused any major damage while his own wounds rapidly healed thanks to his Devil Blood.
"Listen, kid... I don't know what your relationship was with my Brother, but you shouldn't follow his path, obsessing over power will only lead to your downfall, sanity and humanity are worth far more in the long run, than Demonic Powers, besides... you will come into your power all on your own soon enough" Dante said with a smile as he approached the young man and he offered (Y/N) his hand, to help him up, (Y/N) looked at his hand and then back up at him before he sighed and took Dante's offered hand, allowing him to pull him back up.
"You know... I can tell your alright, maybe a bit rigid but, your alright, why don't you keep that sword for now? I'm sure I can trust you with it, right?" Dante said as he gave (Y/N) a smile and a wink, showing that he trusted the younger man with his Brother's Blade.
"Of course, after all... I wouldn't want to let Vergil's memory be sullied by disgrace on my part" (Y/N) said, relaxing as he sheathed Yamato again, and stood up straight, looking Dante in the eyes.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that, but, you be careful, these Order of the Sword people really want to get hold of that Sword, and one of us, though I get the feeling that kid might end up getting caught" Dante
"Yeah... Nero I believe? He seems like dead weight to me" (Y/N) said, this made Dante laugh out loudly before he started to walk away, while (Y/N) went to follow, but stopped as he wanted to ask one important question.
"Hey, I'm (Y/N), what's your name?" (Y/N) asked him curiously, wanting to know his name properly.
"Dante, see you around kid" Dante said before he walked away, leaving (Y/N) in thought about his path...
It had been quite a mad time since that encounter, (Y/N) still fought with the Demons in the City, but then, a large White Statue rose up, the Saviour as it was called by Sanctus, the Leader of the Order of the Sword, it ended up with a fight between them all, with Nero gaining new power in his desperation to save and protect his girl, Kyrie.
(Y/N) had stayed outside and lent his assistance with fighting the Saviour and Sanctus's forces, had helped with getting Nero and his girlfriend out of the Saviour, and now, (Y/N) was walking towards Dante and Nero, but... Nero noticed him and quickly got angry.
"You! You son of a-!" Nero said angrily as he revved his Sword like a chainsaw, only for Dante to stop him and walk towards the young man who held Yamato.
"Good to see your alright, Kid" Dante said with a smirk, giving (Y/N) a wave.
"What? You know this asshole?" Nero asked Dante, sounding pissed as he looked at the older Devil Hunter while pointing at (Y/N).
"Yeah, I do, and you still got the Yamato too" Dante said as he looked down at the Katana that (Y/N) held, looking very pleased.
"Yep, I didn't lose it" (Y/N) said with a smirk on his face, aimed towards Nero, who got more pissed off at the look (Y/N) was giving him.
"Why don't you keep it? I get the feeling it'll be in better hands with you" Dante said to him with his usual smirk on his face.
"What?! You-" Nero exclaimed angrily, but Dante simply ignored his temper tantrum.
"So Kid, what's your next move?" Dante asked (Y/N) curiously, (Y/N) then looked up in thought for a few seconds before he made up his mind.
"I think... I'm going to go back to my home, then I'll see where I go from there" (Y/N) said as he looked to Dante with his Ice-Blue eyes, he decided to spend time there before moving onto his next adventure.
"Do what you want, what you do from here is your call" Dante said to him, (Y/N) then nodded before he turned and swung Yamato in a cross, opening a tear in Dimensions and stepping a foot inside.
"See you around" (Y/N) said before he stepped through the portal he cut and it closed behind him.
"Your gonna trust that guy with that sword?! I thought it meant a lot to you?" Nero asked Dante accusingly, as he gestured to where the now-closed tear in reality once was.
"Yeah, it did, and that's the best kind of gift to give, besides... I get the feeling it would do better in his hands than anyone else's" Dante said in a carefree way, before he walked away, leaving Nero seething after him until Kyrie finally arrived.
I stepped through the portal and arrived in an alleyway, I walked ahead out of the alley and into the street and looked up and saw where I was, it was Mistral, Klein had shown me pictures of the Major Cities in the other Kingdoms and taught me about them too.
"Mistral... at least it's not Atlas, for now I think I might see what this world has to offer and decide where to go from there" I said to myself as I slicked my hair back, then I walked down the street, with people glancing at me as I walked past them.
From what I saw I was in the lower levels of the city, supposedly it was full of criminals and wasn't as nice as the upper floors, but... it might also be a good chance to get myself some Lien for myself.
"How can I make money, I wonder? Maybe mercenary work?" I thought to myself with my hand on my chin, thinking about where I could get work for myself, especially if I plan to stay here for a while.
I continued my walk down the street and noticed that the dun was starting to go down, so I'd need to find a place to stay, when I heard what sounded like an argument from an alleyway, I was at first planning to ignore this but I felt like something was telling me to check this out, I turned and walked down the alleyway, and saw a group of people gathered around someone, it sounded like a girl.
"Please, leave me alone!" the girl said as I walked down the alley and turned a corner, only to see four guys surrounding a young woman, who didn't look comfortable.
"Ooh, this one's real pretty, we're taking her back to the camp for sure!" said a shady looking guy, with dirty blonde hair and a lecherous look on his face as he was holding the girl's arm, and licked his lips as he looked at her.
"No! get away from me!" I heard the girl and then I saw her kick the man in the shin and try to run, only to get roughly pulled back and slammed against a wall, I frowned at seeing this, it reminded me of how I was treated by my abusers, and it made me feel angry.
"You little bitch!" the man said as he went to hit the girl, who flinched and covered her face, but, I grabbed the man's arm firmly, with a scowl on my face.
"Who the hell are you supposed to be?" I heard the dirty blonde ask me as I gripped his arm firmly, I looked over and saw the girl that they were harassing, looking at me with Emerald Green eyes, she had long, light-Brown hair that was tied up in a plait with a Pink Ribbon, with bangs framing her face.
She was wearing a very light-pink, almost white dress, and a red bolero jacket and a pair of brown boots, she also had three metal Bracelets that were Gold, Silver and Bronze, she seemed hopeful and I returned my attention to the greaseball I was restraining.
"That's none of your concern, scum, now unhand the lady" I replied before I threw the man into his friends, making them let go of the Flower Girl, who ran behind me while the Thugs picked themselves up off the filthy ground.
"Oh, I get it, a would-be-hero! Well... let's show him what happens when you mess with the Branwen Tribe!" the shady grease-ball shouted as they pulled out weapons and went to rush at me, however... to me it just seemed like they were running in slow motion.
"How boring..." I said as I teleported in front of the charging thugs, who got startled at my rapid movement, before I used combo C on the thugs and slashed them all rapidly, instantly slicing them all apart, and only leaving the blonde guy, who looked horrified at the deaths of his fellows.
I sheathed Yamato with a click, snapping the guy out of his stupor and making him scream like a girl and run out of the alleyway, I just sighed and slicked my hair back before I walked out of the alleyway, and back onto the streets of Mistral.
"Hey, wait!" I heard the girl call from behind me, I turned and watched as she ran after me quickly.
"Hold on a minu-ah!" the Girl said, before someone bumped into her, making some of her flowers spill from her basket and to the ground, she knelt down and started picking them up off the floor, I noticed a Faunas walking along and was about to step on the girl's hand, when I yanked him aside by the arm.
"Hey! What the-?" the guy said but stopped as I was glaring at him, and putting in some of my killing intent as well.
"Watch where you walk" I said seriously, the man nodded at me nervously before he hurried away, as I saw the girl stand back up.
"Thank you, for helping me out back there, your my Hero!" the Girl said as she smiled at me, holding her basket of Flowers on her right arm.
"It was nothing, I was simply passing by" I said to her as I kept up my serious look, before I turned and started to continue walking down the street, only for the girl to run in front of me again.
"Here, this is for you" she said as she held out a Yellow Flower to me, with a smile on her face.
"Hm? A flower?" I asked her with a raised brow.
"That's right, it's a gift, you know, for taking care of those thugs" the girl said cheerfully, still holding the Flower out to me.
"I don't have any Lien, just yet at least" I replied to the girl, she was obviously selling these when those men started harassing her, and unfortunately I don't have any Lien to spend.
"Your so silly... it's on the house" the girl said with a giggle as she looked between the Flower in her hand and me.
"Lovers use to give these when they were reunited, you know?" she told me as she approached me, I watched her as she placed the Flower in my breast pocket, before she stepped back and admired her Flower placement with a gentle smile.
(She looks... so nice) I thought to myself as I took in her features, Vergil often told me that things like love and attachments were weaknesses, that power and might were everything in the world, yet his twin Brother Dante seems just as powerful.
"So... what are you? A Huntsmen? A Student at Shade Academy, perhaps?" she asked me as she looked up into my eyes, I quickly pushed my internal conflict and the feelings down, so I could stay focused.
"No, right now I'm simply looking for a way to earn money, perhaps Mercenary work?" I replied to her, honestly being a Huntsman doesn't really sound that appealing anymore.
"Oh? Your looking to make money, hmmm..." she replied as she seemed to go into thought and walked around me, I followed her as she walked, until she stopped and snapped her fingers.
"I know, how about if you be my bodyguard?" the Girl suggested to me with a smile on her face, like her suggestion was the best idea in the world.
"Florists need bodyguards now?" I asked her with a raised brow, and a slight twitch of my lip, threatening to become a smile at how eager she seemed.
"Well... I do, those people have been after me for a while now, they've made their intentions... rather clear, and I could use someone to keep an eye out for the bad guys" the girl said to me, these people were after her for a while? What did they want with her? Was she the Daughter of some rich person from the upper floors or something?
"I suppose everyone has to start somewhere... very well, is there anywhere else you need to go?" I asked her, if she was the Daughter of someone rich then maybe this could work out, and I could get my hands on some Money.
"No, the sun is starting to set, so maybe you could take me home?" the girl asked me, as she tilted her head slightly with a smile on her face, damn it, this girl is really confusing.
"Alright, how far away is it?" I asked her with a slight sigh, we'd have to talk about the pay rate for this job.
"It's not too far, my name is Aerith, what's your name?" the girl, asked me, so her name was Aerith? That's not a bad name...
"(Y/N)" I replied not bothering to say my old name, I was no longer Glacier Schnee, and I was very eager to begin my next chapter in life.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, (Y/N), come on" Aerith said kindly, before she started to walk ahead, I slicked my hair back and followed after her until I was walking next to her, we walked further through the lower levels of the City, I saw some people leering at Aerith and myself but they backed off when they saw me with my Katana.
We walked further from the lower areas of the city, slowly going up with me staying close to Aerith, holding Yamato in one hand as we walked along to a house that had a nice looking garden, there were flowers being grown in pots and planters, and the house seemed quite welcoming.
I looked around and noticed a Woman who was standing at the door to the House, she had long Brown hair, and almost the same face as Aerith did, she was wearing a long Red dress with a Purple cloth tied around her hips, and flats.
"Mom! I'm home, and I have company!" Aerith called out as she motioned to me with a happy smile on her face, her Mother then walked down to us, smiling at her Daughter.
"So you have, it's nice to meet you, I'm Ifalna, Aerith's Mother, and you are?" the Woman asked me, Ifalna... what an interesting name, as she offered me her hand to shake.
"I'm (Y/N)-" I answered her, as I shook the Woman's hand, before Aerith cut me off.
"He's my new Bodyguard!" Aerith suddenly said with a big smile, though I quickly saw worry flash through her Mother's eyes.
"Bodyguard? Did something happen?" Ifalna asked Aerith, before turning to ask me as well.
"Some men tried to rob me, but (Y/N) dealt with them" Aerith replied in a carefree way, like she wasn't almost abducted by a Tribe for who-knows-what kind of purposes, Ifalna looked relieved and smiled at me.
"Thank you for helping my Daughter, is there anything I could do to repay you?" Ifalna asked as she gave a short bow of gratitude.
"Perhaps you could tell me if there is any Mercenary work around? I need a way to make myself a living" I asked her, perhaps she could at least point me in the direction of where to go for Mercenary work?
"Hey! Your already going to be my Bodyguard!" Aerith exclaimed as she moved herself in front of me, pouting and waving her finger at me, her Mother giggled at her Daughter's behaviour as I sighed to myself, she's going to be exhausting.
"Alright, but it'll cost you" I replied to her, willing to see what she had to offer as payment for my protection.
"Alright, how does one date sound?" Aerith asked me with a wink, my face went blank at how confident she was acting now...
"So, about that paying work?" I said to Ifalna, who started laughing as Aerith gasped and looked offended at my question to her Mother, who patted Aerith's shoulder.
"He's got a point sweetie, he can't exactly take you on a date if he's got no Money, right?" Ifalna said as she stopped her giggles, while Aerith pouted and crossed her arms at me.
"How about this... I'll pay you to protect my Daughter? If your willing to accept this Job?" Ifalna offered to me, that could work, we'd have to talk about terms and such, but... this might be fun, plus Aerith... wasn't that bad to be around.
"Very well then, shall we discuss the rate and terms?" I suggested to the older Woman, as I motioned to their home.
"Of course, come in, and I'll get some tea ready" Ifalna said before she turned and walked back towards their house, I followed after her and Aerith, looks like it was time to begin my first Job in Remnant.
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