Chapter Five
She sat slumped in a chair at a table in the dining room of the inn, her eyes half-shut, her blonde hair unbrushed and still a mess from the endless tossing and turning of the night before. She was more than aware of the two pairs of worried eyes on her, watching her every move, but she ignored them in favor of dozing when she should have been eating breakfast or drinking tea. She should have given in to her weakness rather than her stubborn pride during the night. Then she wouldn't have been in this situation.
When they'd spoken with Erza and Gray, the requip mage had requested two rooms rather than one single room. Confused, they'd agreed, leaving it at that. Assuming Erza meant to give the boys their own room, Natsu and Lucy had agreed to stay in different rooms, Happy joining the celestial mage just in case she had another "attack", as they would proceed to call them. Lucy had been reluctant, nearly as much as Natsu had been to leave her alone, but she'd gone to bed, grudgingly allowing Happy to snuggle against her.
Happy hadn't been able to put a halt to the wild dreams. In fact, the Exceed had given up on sleeping with her after the first one and gone to get Natsu, complaining that he'd been kicked. Neither of them had come into the room after that, but with the amount of food Natsu had put away after their train ride, she wasn't surprised.
It didn't make her feel any better though.
Swallowing a giant mouthful of food, Natsu leaned over to lightly poke her arm. "Luce? You okay?"
"Yeah," she grumbled, "I'm just tired. I didn't sleep well last night. I'm hoping it'll be better tonight, when Erza's there." Not that the warrior would see what she was so upset about. "I'll be fine later, when I've had to wake up a bit and the others are here. We have a party to go to after all."
"Huh," Natsu grumbled, shoving another bite of food into his hungry mouth. "There'll be food, right?"
Only he would think of that night's meal while eating breakfast. "Yes, Natsu, I'm assuming there'll be food, but I don't think you'll be allowed to eat it all," Lucy sighed in exasperation. "You're going to have to pretend you're rich and well-known. At least a lot of people know about you...just keep the destructiveness you're known for down, and I think you'll be okay." She finally reached for a piece of food, popping a strawberry into her mouth. "Happy, I'm sorry, but I don't think you'll be able to come inside...would you be able to hang around outside in case we need you?"
"Aye!" Happy agreed. "I'll do it, Lucy."
"Thank you." She took another strawberry, then jumped nearly three feet in the air when a hand landed on her shoulder. Her tea tipped, nearly spilling, but Natsu's hand dove out to keep it from doing so. Her head snapped around to stare nervously up at the owner of the hand. And then she relaxed, smiling faintly in greeting at the equally startled Erza. "Hi, Erza. Glad to see you guys made it this soon...I thought it'd be a few more hours before you got here. Hey, Gray."
Gray nodded his greeting, eyeing the food spread out on their table as he seemed to contemplate how much he could steal before Natsu stopped eating and took notice. "No problems," Erza growled at the ice-make mage warningly. "If you provoke Natsu - this goes in reverse, Natsu, don't you laugh - then I will drag you home by your hair. Is that clear?"
"Aye," Natsu squeaked as Gray reluctantly muttered a "Yes, Erza."
"I need some tips on how to do that," Lucy grumbled as they swept seats over to join their nakama at the table. She propped her chin on her open palm. She hesitated for a second, then asked softly, "Happy said he told you guys what happened...?"
Erza's gaze hardened as Gray muttered quietly, "Yeah. He told us. We'll stop by the graves on our way home. You have to pass the area to get to the guildhall anyways."
They fell into a small silence, Erza reaching for some of the strawberries Lucy had been nibbling at and Gray going for a little bit of what Natsu hadn't touched just yet, the dragon slayer glaring at him the entire time. Lucy's lips threatened to curve into a smile, but didn't, and she let her eyes flutter shut. She'd doze while they ate, maybe take a nap before she started getting ready for the fancy party they'd be attending that night. She knew just how long it would take her to get dressed and do her hair and makeup. She'd have plenty of time. And maybe, just maybe, she could convince the energetic Natsu to chill out long enough to keep the nightmares away.
"What were you doing on your last job?" Happy questioned curiously, gnawing away at a raw fish that had been purchased for him in a different location. He looked perfectly content to remain where he was.
"Wasn't that difficult," Gray said, stretching. "All we had to do was track down a few people and capture them. Apparently they were part of a cult that was beginning to get their hands on powerful magic, so the nearby town wanted them dealt with. A few people got away though...we'll have to go after them again."
Lucy cleared her throat, looking pointedly at the ice-make mage. "Gray," she said politely, "Clothes."
His gaze darted down and he swore, leaping to his feet with his head jerking this way and that as he sought out the suddenly missing clothing - which included everything he'd been wearing but his underwear. A few parents glared furiously at him, hiding their children's eyes, and Lucy grimaced upon seeing a few waiters and waitresses mumbling uncertainly to each other. Erza glowered at him until he'd dressed himself again, then gritted out, "As Gray said, we will have to hunt them down. I don't believe it will be long before we are forced to, either."
"Great," Natsu grumbled, "More problems. Just what we need."
Well that didn't sound like Natsu at all, Lucy thought, watching with sympathy as a waitress accidentally dropped a glass, which hit the ground and exploded into shards a second after the sound of a shattering glass filled the air. The waitress groaned, then hurried to start picking up shards carefully with her hands. Lucy studied a black mark on the woman's hand with curiosity before focusing back on her teammate's conversation, which had turned on other matters.
"I don't have a suit with me," Gray admitted grudgingly. "Didn't even think to stop at my place and grab it before we came, and we passed right through Magnolia."
"We'll just get you a new one then," Erza told him firmly. "You cannot skip out on this, Gray. Lucy." She focused on the red-haired woman, brown eyes tired enough to make Erza pause for a moment before chugging ahead with her question. "Your father worked with this man?"
"Yeah," she answered, sipping at her tea with narrowed eyes. "Not for very long, though. Only for a month or so. But I remember him coming by once or twice after my mom died. I think he was trying to help my father come up with something big that would benefit both of them, but they never succeeded." She gave a dry smile. "I'm glad they didn't, because my hand in marriage was one of the terms. To his son, who wasn't very well liked by anyone that met him."
Natsu glared. "Will this guy be at the party?"
Lucy shook her head. "I don't know. I hope not. He's a nuisance." She sat back, crossing her arms with a small sigh. "Anyways...Erza. Gray." Both glanced to her. "I was thinking, and I didn't know if you've ever been to one of these? We all went to a fancy party after the Grand Magic Games, I know, but that was a bit different. People had already seen how we usually act beforehand."
"Hm," Erza murmured, "I don't believe I have."
"Nah," Gray answered, tossing a bit of food into his mouth. "Never been around the wealthy outside of working for 'em. And all they do is pay you when you're done."
Lucy scrubbed a hand down her face with a sound of exasperation. "Okay, then. But I'm hoping you guys at least know how to not act. I mean, we've helped out these kind of people before...but we'll have to be careful. Did Happy tell you two what I thought about the letter I received?" When they shook their heads, she shot Happy a look, and the Exceed gave her a sheepish look. "Okay, so I think it was a letter asking for our help," she told them. "It mentioned a reward, mentioned what kind of magic I use, that sort of thing. And my father was forced out of that lifestyle years before his death, which means we'll have to be even more careful than usual. I think Xavier Williams was under supervision when he wrote it."
"What could people possibly want with inviting you?" Erza said thoughtfully, puzzled. She bit into one of the strawberries, her gaze hardening. "It doesn't matter. We'll deal with whatever issue arises, and it may just turn out to be a party anyways. We will take precautions, however. Make sure you bring your keys, Lucy."
"I know," Lucy murmured.
Natsu, finally having finished what must have been enough food for a dozen families, spoke up suddenly. "Does it matter if we blend in or not? We could just ask the guy himself and burn whoever's threatening him." He grinned, sparks flying from his fingers in his eagerness.
"Natsu," Erza gritted out. "It is not always so easy. We'll have to take caution. Remember: if there was someone we'll be fighting against, they ordered an invitation to be sent to Lucy. That means they are well aware of who she is friends with and who she would likely bring with her. Us. They may know of our own magic and be able to turn it against us. It's happened before."
"Even more of a reason for us to blow things up before they realize we're there," he argued.
Gray rolled his eyes, exchanging an annoyed look with Lucy, and Happy snickered, having finished his fish long ago. "Natsu, are you trying to get us killed? If they know about us, like Erza said, they'll have the power to use our own strength against us."
Grumbling, Natsu crossed his arms and leaned back, a scowl planted firmly on his face. Lucy had to fight back the smirk on her face. The idiot needed to learn. Leaping into action headfirst wasn't always the best idea...but she had to give him credit. Sometimes it did work.
Not this time, though. This time would require precision.
But first...she needed a nap.
Lucy quickly took a final glance at her reflection, reluctant to follow Erza out of the room. She knew she was dressed perfectly for the party they were about to attend, in a deep midnight blue evening gown with layers upon layers of silk that bunched at her right hip and spread out around her heel-clad feet to trail across the floor as she walked. It had sleeves that pulled down past her hands to hide her Fairy Tail emblem, but they were made of equally dark lace that stood out against her pale skin, and her hair had been piled carefully atop of her head in a bun that allowed a few select pieces to fall around her decorated face.
But...there was still that nagging anxiety that plagued her. The hope that this wouldn't be just a party had reversed and she now found herself desperately pleading for it to be something they'd be able to simply enjoy. But she knew better. She always did. Natsu was around, which meant there was more than likely going to be some kind of danger.
With a sigh, Lucy grabbed her keys and followed Erza out the door and into the hall. The rest of their companions would be waiting for them outside, Erza had told her, and it was time to get going. Being late would not do well to help them act as if they weren't suspicious.
Lucy tucked her keys safely into the front of her dress - she shuddered to think of what Taurus and Loke would be saying about this - and gathered up her dress so she wouldn't step on it or trip and fall on her face as she descended the inn's stairs and made her way out the front door, well aware of the eyes that landed on she and the glowering Requip mage.
"Disgusting," Erza scoffed as she stepped out of the building, standing beside Gray, who'd been dressed in his immaculate new suit, purchased only hours before. He looked uncomfortable to be in it, and he muttered quietly under his breath - earning a glare from Erza. Lucy shuddered. Note to self: don't upset Erza, who was in a bad mood for some reason or another. The requip mage had dressed in a simply black evening gown, looking elegant yet dangerous as she grudgingly looped her arm through Gray's. Acting was all part of their masquerade, and Gray had agreed to be Erza's "escort".
Natsu was there, too, of course, also wearing a suit. Lucy recognized it immediately as the one he'd worn to the funeral only days before. The scarf Igneel had given him was still wrapped around his neck, of course, and Lucy knew he was just daring Erza to tell him to take it off. But she didn't, and a light flush appeared on Natsu's face as Lucy stopped beside him, a brilliant smile appearing on her face in greeting. "Come on," he muttered, looking away. "Let's go."
Lucy didn't know why she felt a flash of disappointment, but she ignored it in favor of copying Erza and gingerly winding her arm through the pink-haired dragon slayer's. Happy snickered as flew around their heads, waiting for them to get a move on and musing about how Natsu liked Lucy, earning a glower from both people.
"We'll be walking to the place, it's not too far away from here," Lucy informed them as she started forward, Natsu keeping pace beside her with ease. "Maybe a ten minute's walk once we get out of town. Just..." Her eyes darted up to lock momentarily with Natsu's, who'd glanced down at her. "Watch out for shadows."
As expected, it took them no time whatsoever to reach the large mansion, where the party was being hosted. It was decorated beautifully from top to bottom, probably by the servants hired to work there in exchange for a bit extra on their paychecks. Other people were gathering, all dressed in extravagant clothing, their eyes as cold as she expected. These people held no care for each other, only for the possible income of money they might gather tonight. Lucy looked over her shoulder at Happy, who'd reverted to walking with them. "Time to go, Happy."
"Aye!" The Exceed gave them a salute, then darted off to hang out in some hidden place he thought would be a good place to stay for the time being.
"Shall we enter?" Erza asked calmly as Gray tugged at his collar, glowering at the ground when Erza smacked his hand away. They'd all agreed that one priority would be getting Gray to keep his clothes on until at least they'd figured out what was going on.
"Yeah," Lucy agreed. "Erza, you and Gray keep an eye out for trouble. Natsu and I will find Xavier Williams...okay?"
"Got it," Gray muttered, looking confident. "And if any trouble comes up, we've got it handled."
"You better," Lucy replied. She grinned at him, a smile he returned as he affectionately elbowed her when they passed to enter the building after presented their invitations to someone who demanded to see them. It was good to know that they were back on friendly terms again. "Come on, Natsu. Let's see if we can find them."
He nodded, sticking close to her as they, too, stepped inside. Lucy grimaced at the familiar stiffness of the party, but merely greeted a complete stranger with politeness. Natsu made a face as she chatted with them about something random for a few moments before asking, "Have you seen our host around? I wanted to thank him for inviting me."
The woman shook her head. "No. I haven't seen Xavier around here anywhere...nor his wife for that matter. Neither of them have shown their faces yet, it's strange. Usually they're down here mingling with us. I bet it's the baby." She smiled brightly at Lucy. "His daughter asked them to watch their grandchild for this weekend, and his wife has been tending to his every need. He's quite the adorable one."
"Hm, I see," Lucy murmured thoughtfully. Natsu tugged her away after that, and she glared up at him. "You can't be rude if we're going to try and find -"
"Something's wrong." He tapped his nose briefly to show what he meant, and she fell silent, gaze searching the large room for Erza and Gray. She caught sight of them hanging in the shadows of the room, sipping quietly at some champagne that had been offered to them. If it came down to it, she could always summon Loke, who always looked ready for such a party, and send him to fetch them if needed...of course, Natsu's fire would also do that with less possibility of remaining unnoticed...
"What is it?" she demanded, lowering her voice.
"Smells like-" He cut off, shaking his head. "Nevermind. Come on. We need to get going and find that guy. Think he'll be in a different room?"
"Probably," Lucy agreed. "If he's not in here when he usually is, then something is going on. But, Natsu, what did you-"
He interrupted her by suddenly pushing her away, towards the side of the room, keeping close with a dark look in his onyx eyes. It didn't take long for Erza and Gray to make their appearance nearby, and Natsu gritted his teeth, flames threatening to rise at his fingertips. Lucy wasn't blind to the shards of ice gleaming on Gray's hands or the way Erza was fidgeting, ready to requip in a moment's notice, so she quickly plucked her keys out of their hiding place in preparation, ignoring the startled look Natsu gave her. "Natsu!" she demanded. "What did you smell, hear, or whatever?"
"There's some kind of dark magic around here," he answered with a scowl, his eyes scanning the people around them. "Like Elfman smelled like."
"There's a possibility someone similar to him might be running around then?" Gray said, astonished. "Laxus had to take the guy down. If there's more than one of people like that running around, we're-"
"Sh!" Lucy said suddenly, pressing her finger to her lips and hiding her keys behind her back. "Look!"
The people attending the party had suddenly quieted, turning their attention on a man that had suddenly appeared, his eyes glancing nervously around, his hair streaked with gray. Xavier Williams, Lucy realized, tugging pointedly on Natsu's sleeve. He nodded to show he understood. The man nervously swallowed, then said, his deep voice quivering just barely enough that most wouldn't notice, "Thank you all for attending this party. I apologize for my lack of presence up until this point and hope you will all forgive me." He flashed a blinding smile. "I have been seeing to my wife and grandchild. Both of them are sick, you see, and our servants are busy seeing to all of you. Continue to enjoy yourselves, and I will join you soon." He bowed his head to finish his small speech, then turned away.
Lucy dove forward, ignoring Natsu's surprised and worried protest. He pushed through people after her, calling to the other two to stay put. Lucy was surprised when they actually listened, not following as she caught Xavier's sleeve upon escaping the groups of people filling the room, panting for breath. "Mr. Williams!"
He ripped away from her in shock, his eyes flashing with fear as she stumbled back in surprise. Natsu caught her lightly by the elbow and glared warily at him. "Um...c-can I...can I help you?"
Lucy caught her breath, then said with a slight smile, "I apologize for scaring you, Mr. Williams. I'm Lucy Heartfilia, and my friend here is Natsu Dragneel. We're members of Fairy Tail. You sent me a letter not too long ago."
The surprise faded from his face, replaced by sheer terror. "You came? With Salamander?"
"And Titania and Gray Fullbuster," Lucy answered in a soothing voice. "Our Exceed friend is hanging around outside, too. I thought there might be something wrong, and you said to bring people, so I did. Was I wrong?"
"N-no." Xavier shook his head. "No, you were right. There's..." He took a deep breath. "Some people broke in nearly a week ago. They managed to overpower all of my security. They had my wife and our grandson, and they told me to contact you, to bring you here, Miss Heartfilia. I'm sorry."
Lucy waved his words off with a reassuring look. "Don't worry. We'll help you out. Who are "they"? Are they using magic?"
"I don't know," he admitted. "It's kind of...I think it's magic, but it's not at the same time. There's something off about them." Xavier's gaze darted to Natsu. "Thank you," he said softly, "Thank you so much."
Natsu surprised both of them by flashing the man a broad grin, his onyx eyes steely. "Not a problem. Can't have a kid in trouble." He glanced to the celestial mage. "Stick with this guy, Luce. I'll sniff the jerks out and see what I can find."
"Be careful, Natsu," she warned, then waved for Xavier to follow her. "Come on, Mr. Williams. You and I are going to head over- oof!" She turned to lead him away and came face to face with a glowering young man, dressed in expensive clothing. He shot her a dirty look, and she uncertainly tripped backwards a few steps. Natsu, who'd been about to head off, stopped to make sure she was alright, glaring at him.
"You invited me here to talk, Xavier!" the man said in a loud bitter tone. "You said you had an offer for me! So why haven't we spoken in the entire hour I've already been here?"
"I'm sorry," Xavier said weakly, "I have been taking care of my family as you're aware. Now, if you'll excuse me, our conversation will have to wait, as this young lady here knows how to care for them-"
His eyes moved to Lucy, who tensed, her hands tight around her keys. "...Lucy Heartfilia?" He scoffed, unimpressed. Lucy grimaced. There weren't many who didn't recognize her, especially after most of Fairy Tail's strongest members disappearing into a seven year sleep. "Shouldn't she be messing around with that ridiculous guild of hers? What are you doing here, girl?" He sneered at her, ignoring the dangerous look Natsu was beginning to send his way. "Go home. We don't appreciate your sort around here."
Lucy smiled charmingly, reaching out to grab Natsu's wrist, squeezing it as a reminder. They weren't to cause too much harm. "Mr. Williams invited me," she replied shortly, "and my friend Salamander as honorable guests. Right, Natsu?"
Natsu smirked at the startled man, who turned his attention onto the fire dragon slayer, his face paling slightly at the look of rage dancing in his eyes and the flames just barely flickering at his fingertips. "Err," he stammered, "I apologize, Salamander. Of course we can talk at a later time, Xavier, now, if you'll excuse me..."
"Bastard," Natsu grumbled as soon as he'd left the vicinity. Lucy smacked his arm with a sigh, then pushed him forward.
"Go," she ordered, "People are in trouble, and we need to hurry and get them out of it. I'll take Mr. Williams to meet Erza and Gray and explain what's going on. When you find out where they are, come back and get the rest of us before you attack. Please."
"Yeah, yeah," Natsu agreed eagerly. He shot her a final grin before darting away, navigating through the throngs of people with ease.
Lucy shook her head, turning to Xavier with a sigh. "Excuse him, please. He can be an idiot sometimes...why don't I take you to meet Fairy Tail's Titania? I'm sure she wouldn't mind meeting you, though I'll warn you beforehand. She's in a cranky mood tonight..."
It seemed like hours before Natsu finally came back from searching for whatever he'd taken so long looking for. And when he did return, he scared Lucy half to death by suddenly throwing an arm around her shoulders, not apologizing or saying a word before setting to work on murmuring what he'd found in her ear.
"The lady and the kid are in a room a couple stories up," he muttered, eyes searching the attendees as he did so. "There's a couple dozen people, stationed in various areas around this room and the one they're in. We'll get to have fun getting rid of them, right?"
"So long as you don't destroy everything, more than likely yes," Lucy answered with a sigh, her voice quiet as she watched Erza, Gray, and the anxious Xavier Williams chat eagerly to each other. The wealthy man didn't look as concerned anymore, more relieved, as if he believed they'd be able to truly help he and his family. "Please tell me nobody noticed you."
"Don't think so. I was fast."
"Good." She playfully reached up to tug on a lock of pink hair before clearing her throat to catch their friends' and Xavier's attention. "Natsu says there's a few people in here, probably keeping an eye out for us, or have already noticed us..."
"They probably have if they wanted you here, which means they know the rest of us are here," Gray commented, tugging at his collar. Erza carefully swatted his hand away, glaring at him, and he huffed, crossing his arms instead.
"Gray's right," Erza agreed. Her eyes copied Natsu's, carefully studying each person in the room. "Xavier, would you be capable of identifying any of them?"
He shook his head. "I've only spoken with their leader, Miss Scarlet."
"I see. Where is their leader?"
"With my wife and grandson."
"Guy with the weird looking thing covering his face?" Natsu questioned. Xavier nodded in response, and Lucy pursed her lips thoughtfully. "He was the one that smelled most like that stuff. Don't touch him if you can avoid it."
"Don't touch him?" Lucy was dumbfounded. "Why?"
He glanced at her, then gave a shrug. "I dunno. Just think nobody should. It gives me a bad feeling." Without further explanation, he let flames dance along his fingers. "Can we have some fun now, Luce?"
Lucy's lips twitched into a smile. "Go ahead," she sighed at last. "Try not to destroy the building. You deal with the people in here. Gray and I will head upstairs...Erza? Could you help the innocent ones get out? Mr. Williams, you'll go with Erza. Gray and I will make sure your wife and grandson get out safe. Happy will be hanging out there, send him to help out Natsu."
"Of course." Erza stepped forward, requipping into a set of armor. Her Heaven's Wheel Armor, Lucy realized. She was serious. And with the massive metallic wings extending from her back, she was noticed immediately, other people staring at her in astonishment and confusion, backing away.
And then Natsu really let the flames light up, grinning broadly as he readied them. Lucy grabbed Gray's arm, dragging him towards a set of doors off to the side. "Come on," she said, just as Natsu ducked to avoid a stream of boiling water, eyes gleaming excitedly. People screamed and fled, Erza shouting for them to follow her as they did so, ignoring the dozens of them that brushed against her. Xavier kept close to Fairy Tail's Titania.
Lucy and Gray slipped through the set of doors at the back undetected by those distracted by Natsu, and Lucy cursed her dress as she kicked her heels off while running. Gray kept close, not leaving her to fend for herself - something she was grateful for, she didn't think she could handle dealing with one of these dark mages by herself.
She groaned when she came to a very sudden realization.
They didn't know their ways around the building!
Well, Natsu had said the wife and grandson were up a few floors, so there was that to start with... "Look for stairs," she told Gray as they ran. He nodded, and she couldn't stop the smile on her face when she realized he'd lost the top pieces of his suit, leaving his own Fairy Tail emblem for everyone to see. Not that they wouldn't guess with her being invited and Natsu spewing fire everywhere.
They ducked around a corner, and Lucy yelped when she slammed into something hard. Gray was jerking her back in an instant, ice shards filling the air around his hands as he slid into a battle-ready stance, hands held at the ready out in front of him. Lucy took one look at the person she'd run into and felt her face pale. A strange mask hid most of his face from their view, excluding the piercing eyes that stared at them from holes made specifically for that reason. He wore a cloak, wrapped tightly around him, but when he shifted back, a hand raising, Lucy saw the thick armor he wore, his hand covered with a thin silk glove.
And then she saw the small black crackling ball forming in his palm.
Gray cursed. "Ice-Make: Shield!"
Ice splintered when it hit the shield, and there was dead silence.
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