"Abelardus subsido!" I say to the beast as he crept out from his holding area. He crouched down at the sound of my voice. A much better listener than in my dreams. Raven stood behind me hands on hips smiling with a wide eyed Blake next to her.
"What the hell is that thing?" I heard him whisper. I ignored his comment and went over to Abelardus. Raven waved him back as I got settled on my tigers back.
"Ad Madox scriptor locus" I spoke to him, giving Raven a smile. She returned it and crouched down a little. Abelardus kept forward with a massive roar. I stretched out my hand and Raven caught onto it and swung onto his back. Gripping my waist we took off. We left Blake in the dust as he started to yell at us. I rolled my eyes as a smile is plastered on my face.
"How did I ever forget this?" I asked. What I should have asked was how did we forget this. I continued to smile as the wind kept through m hair.
"See? It's so much better when you are on your own, always was." She answers back. I nodded. We where almost to Madox's room. Abelardus slid to a stop and Raven jumped off. A pair of yellow eyes flickered like a candle. I could feel Raven relax at seeing Madox.
"Ite extra." She commanded him. He growls and bolts pass us but not before Raven can take hold of his long mane. She gives me a sly smile as she races back. I take Abelardus's fur in my hands and turn around.
"Ite extra." I whisper in his ear. He roars and happily takes after Raven and Madox. My adrenalin was going a million miles an hour and the feeling of being home swept through me. I see a light at the end of the tunnel and we jump out into the day. I was beautiful. I stop to look out at the forest below us.
"We should race!!" I laughed but the happy moment turned eery as we hear a scream from inside the caves.
"We forgot about Blake." She cringes. I try to hold down my laughter when another scream and now a roar echo through the exit.
"Shit. I don't remember the other animals. We both have to go find out whose it is." Raven says. I nod and Raven turns in facing the cave again.
"Madox invenire Blake!" She say urgently to Madox. The beast shook his head before running back inside. I followed quickly. I got the feeling that I was being slowed down with Madox in front of me. Maybe that was just the fact that I wanted to go faster. Madox did all the work in finding him. I just needed to stay with Raven. I hear Raven mutter something under her breath. Most likely word I don't care to hear.
A low and deadly barking is heard in the tunnels followed by chirping. "Its a cheetah." Raven announces. I gasp.
Fuck those things are fast. We could lose it if it runs past us. I think to my wolf who only growls.
"He might already be dead." I say softly. Clearly I had just sad what Raven feared most. I see Madox come to a slow stop as another low growl is heard. I stop next to Madox and slide off Abelardus.
"Hic paulisper." I tell him. Her growls and settles down. I quickly join Raven to see Blake backed up in a corner a King Cheetah pinning him there. I had only seen cheetahs act that way if they where defending their young.
"Wait Blake-No!" Raven and I yell together when I see Blake's claws slid out. But we are to late. He tears open the cheetahs throat. I can feel Raven go down next to me. I was panicked. I see Madox run off. What the hell was he doing?
Blake stop! You are hurting me! Please stop!!" Raven yells until Blake lets the creature go. It slide to the ground. Raven has fainted at I look at Blake with eyes that could kill.
"You probably just killed her!" I yelled pointing to Raven. I grab his shirt collar and push him up against the wall. "You had better have a good reason for this!" I hiss at him. He is to scared to reply. I stagger back. What what happening? My eyes go wide.
"Whose is she?" I ask happily. Looking out at the cheetah.
"Raven's but that on is yours." Aunt May says pointing out the window and an all black cheetah with gold spots instead of black.
"Her name is Calypso" My mother says coming up next to my aunt. I laughed happily.
"When do we get to play with them?" Raven asks for the second time. I get up on my tip toes trying to reach for Calypso.
"Soon but we still need to bond them with you." Aunt May says. I ignore her and walk out to join the creatures.
"Shade get back here it is not safe yet!" My mother yell at me. But I continue to walk. Calypso chirps at me and gets up. Walking over to me she puts her head down so I can hug her. She purrs and nudges me back to my mom. I climb onto her back and reach for my mother.
"Thank you Calypso. Shadow White do you know how dangerous that was?" She tells me using my full name. I flinch and Raven giggles. I was in trouble.
"Ya but Abelardus would have protected me." I say crossing my arms over my chest. My mother sets me down and I run over to Raven.
"Ok you two can go play. But please be careful? Ok and don't lose each other. Sometimes even we lose track of what is in these caves." Aunt May says.
"Ok we will. Promise." Ravrn and I say together before running off into the darkness.
I jerk awake. Holding my head I see that Raven is still out. Zelda still on the floor. I could only hope with the two of them being connected that Ravens healing ability could help her. I see the Abelardus was nudging me awake. I stroke him softly. Purring as I get of his back.
"Abelardus invenire Blake." I yell. My tiger growls before taking off after Blake. He had better have a good reason for this if he did not want his head to be taken off. We passed by the safe house. I see Madox there clawing at the door to get someone's attention. That is why he ran off.
"Abelardus statur" I say and she slows to a halt. "Hic paulisper" I tell him. He stands still and I see that May and my mother are standing next to Madox.
"Mother, Aunt May! Raven is hurt. I think Madox is trying to take you to her. You have to follow."
"Okay, but where is Blake?" My mom asks confused.
"That is what I am going to find out." I say my eyes narrow to slits as I remember what he did to Zelda.
"Oh god, did something happen to Zelda? She has kits she has to protect!" May yells. I nod grimly. Madox looked worried clearly wanting to go.
"Mom can you come with me?" I ask she nods.
"Okay yes I can. May you follow Madox." She says.
"Planning on it, Madox invenire Raven!" May says. The beast roars and takes off but May quickly jumps on his back as the creature starts to run.
"Abelardus invenire Blake." I say once my mother and I are on. He shake himself off before sprinting forward. I'm comin' for you, Blake.
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