I saw two people on the floor, one I could not have cared about the other was Loke. The room was on fire and the person in the chair was dead, a gun shot in his head. Loke was in the on the floor, a gun shot in his stomach. I ran to Loke's side and put my hand on his back and shook his, he coughed and blood splattered on my face, but I could not care less.
"Loke! What happened! Are you okay? I am going to get you out of here, hang in there." I said trying to get him up off the floor but he shook his head. I sat back down next to him and brushed his carmel colored hair our of his blue eyes. Black lines started to cover his hands and face. Tears dripped from my eyes and he reached a hand up and wiped them from my face.
"Dont... cry... I promise, I-I'll be... okay. You n-need to get out of here, t-this place... is going to g-go up in flames." He told me weakly. I shook my head.
"I'm not leaving you." I cried. He pushed me away and coughed again. I lay him down gently and pull my arm out from under my back. Standing up I looked to see what is on the desk in front of the man. A gun glinted the light of the fire. I narrowed my eyes and grabbed the gun off the desk, attempting to break it. My skin practically melted when I touched the gun. Dropping to ti the floor I grabbed my wrist with my other hand and looked at the gun, shaped mark left by the silver. The fire started to burn my outfit and my skin, I ran out the door and slammed it shut. The smoke practically suffocating me.
I tripped on a step and fell down, hitting my head several times. My vision blurred and I pushed myself up off the stairs. I heard the supports for the building creek dangerously. Then gas was let into the air, this place was going to explode. Once I got to the floor I tried to make it to the next set of stairs. I fell to my hands and knees coughing, bonding one of my hands in front of the metal. My body was shaking violently, I could hear the gas being let out into the air. The blue flames danced on the walls. I fell to the floor still coughing weakly. I heard Raven howl outside. I shook my head hoping se did not come inside to try to find me. Reaching behind my head I untied the metal mask that was only suffocating me more. I rest my hand on the floor and closed my eyes gripping the strings of the mask in my head.
Hey Crimson? I asked her weakly.
Yeah? What is it? She coughed.
I'm glad you where my wolf, I said with a smile. I felt her nod and fall back into my mind. My arm jerked suddenly and I felt the fire start to burn my skin. The building creaked and I heard someone running up the stairs before my whole world went black.
"Shade!" Someone called my name. I looked up at the person holding me. Raven's worried eyes meet mine. I smile and cross my hands over my stomach, burns covered my skin and I cringe as I open up some on my wounds again. My cloths where torn and covered in blood. Raven frowned down at me and focused on what was in front of her. I heard people behind me whisper to each other. I closed my eyes again and focused on healing the wounds.
"Hang in there, we are almost to you packs territory." Raven whispered to me, I nodded painfully before smelling the boarder of my packs territory. Either that or I fell asleep. We ran into a boarder patrol and I heard Raven growl when someone tried to take me from her arms. I whimpered in pain as we started to move again. When we got close to the mail clearing I heard as people started to join us. Then I smelled my mate, I almost wanted to die again. Again I hear Raven growl at someone. Blackthorn walked up to us an pulled me into his arms.
I felt my breathing become ragged and when I opened my eyes I saw that we where in the hospital wing of the house. I pushed myself up off the bed and looked down at my arms, legs, and stomach. I had a giant gash on my stomach. Burns where all over my legs and arms and I saw that my who body was practically mummified. The door opened and Rosa walked in holding a clipboard. When she looked up an saw I was awake I thought that she was about to die. She dropped the clip board and ran over to me, wrapping me in a hug, now I felt like a mummy.
"Ow! Can't...breathe!" I whispered and she let go.
"Sorry! But right now everyone thinks you are in a coma." She sighed going over and picking up the clip board.
"How long have I been asleep?" I asked in confusion.
"12 hours." She stated coming back over to stand by the bed.
"So ah, what exactly happened to me?" I asked, slightly worried.
"Third degree burns on your arms and legs, claw wounds in your stomach, not to mention all the smoke in your lungs we had to pump out and all the other, smaller cuts you had on your body." She sighed finishing the list, I reached up and touched my forehead, there was a ring of bandages circling around my head. The door opened again and a girl rushed in. She seemed about 13 and I had seen her talking with Raven the night I first got back. She whispered something in Rosa's ear. Rosa nodded and dismissed the girl.
"I'm sorry but whats your name?" I asked as she turned for the door. She smiled at me.
"Hailey." She said, I nodded and walked out of the room. I relaxed and Rosa walked out of the room, shutting the door quietly. I looked out the window at the mountains in the distance. Hours passes and no one came in, it did not surprise me, Raven and Blackthorn where busy with their packs and Camryn and Aiden would be helping. What surprised me was that Loke did not come to visit. Then I remembered, he had died in the fire. I put my head in my hands and cried, I had left him, he had died, I should have died with him. Wiping away the tears I lay my head back down on the pillow and shut my eyes. I had a feeling this was not the end of things for me.
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