I wake up to someone shaking me.
"Raven stop... You can make your own food. I'll be up in a minute." I say waving the person away. Then I feel someone hit me.
"Hey I'm up!" I grumble opening my eyes. I look over at the time. Midnight. I see the person who is shaking me was my mom and May.
"Listen Shade, this is important. We are changing the time you are leaving." May says rushed.
"That's great! So I don't have to go at all?" I ask hopeful.
"No you are leaving in two days time." My mother tells me.
"Wait what!? Why?" I yell.
"Because Raven knows you are leaving. Not to mention Blake is going to need someone there in case of another attack." May says.
"Fine. I know there is no changing your minds." I cross my arms as venom drips from my voice.
"Okay well you can go back to sleep. Oh by the way you have the cutest snores." May comments. I roll my eyes.
"You are starting to sound like my mate." I say laying back down. Not two minutes after they left I hear my phone ring. What now?
"Yes who is it?" I mumble.
"It's me, Raven." I hear someone say.
"Well this Raven sounds a little bit drunk." I tell her getting up and turning on the lights.
"Maybe I am maybe I'm not." Raven says slurring her words.
"Ok I'll come pick you up just give me thirty minutes and I'll be there." I tell her.
"Awe don't ruin all the fun! Come join me." She says.
"Ok, ok fine but only for an hour then we are coming home. Got that?" I roll my eyes.
"Ok sounds good to me!" She yells ending the call. Great, what did I get myself into? I get changed into a pair of black ripped shorts with a black leather top with a bunch of clasps and locks on it and a pair of knee high boots with buckles (outfit seen in photo above). Then I get a BVB necklace with a spiked choker and my black lipstick. For accessories I got some black bands and one that looked like a snake on my finger. I also put in the dragon claw earrings. They looked like I had gages when really it was just the back of the earring. Putting in a nose piercing and a lip piercing I walked out to see my mother and May still awake, talking on the couch.
"Where are you going?" May asks eyeing me curiously.
"To go pick up Raven. She went to a night club and is a little bit drunk." I say making something up. Even though that was only half true.
"Then why do you look like you are going to go party as well." My mother says raising an eyebrow.
"Well I was planning on staying there for an hour or so to be honest." They nod and wave me off. But as soon as I get on the dirt bike I remember that I left me phone inside so I run in to get it. Shoving it in my back pocket I run back out the door. After I finally got going I could smell that I was close to the road that led to the mall.
After following the scent of Raven and other wolves I found myself standing outside the nightclub. The bouncer ordered me to the back of the line. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone and began to walk to the back of the line.
Hey Raven, I'm here but I might not get in till later. I am at the back of the line right now.
Wait just a minute I'll come out to get you. She texted me back. I slipped my phone to my back pocket and waited. I finally saw Raven come out the door and start talking to the bouncer who was also, thankfully a wolf. She looked for me and when she found me waved her hand for me to follow. I smiled and walked in after her. The music was loud and I could hear people talking everywhere.
"Hey I want you to meet someone. Derek!" I hear her call. Oh great she found another guy. I hoped she realized that Blake was still alive. I see another man walk up to us, but there is something different about him.
"Hey cuz, what's up?" He asks pulling me into a hug. Wait did he say cuz? Like in cousin? Great this must be Ravens half brother.
"Hey long time no see." I say pulling out from the hug a smile on my face. He smiled back at me and nodded. I see Raven smiling like crazy.
"Okay you can go off and have fun." Raven says and he walks off joining a group of guys who whistle when they see us. I just roll my eyes and wave. They all 'ooooooo' and fight over who I was waving too.
"So this is new." Raven says pointing to my nose and lip.
"Ya had them for a while but have not had them in the whole time I have been here. Never thought there was a reason to let my dark side take over." I wink she smiles and rolls her eyes.
"I kinda like the dark you." She comments grabbing my hand and pulling me to the dance floor I can hear the music beat to the rhythm of my heart. I could hear The Wanted start to play. I'm Glad You Came starts to play and Raven and I start dancing. Maybe this was more fun than I though it was going to be. Raven passes me a beer. I grab it a smile on my face. Hey we where old enough to drink so why not? I downed it quickly and went to the bar with Raven. I can see that a drunk male wolf is following close behind us.
"Yes?" I ask turning around. Raven looks at me before noticing that there is someone behind us. He looks at us hungrily, lunging but I am quicker. I snatch a dagger out from a holder in my belt stabbing him in the stomach. I roll my eyes and walk up to him, pulling out my dagger. I go to the wash room and clean the blood off.
"Great! I just got this one sharpened." I say. Raven rushes in the bathroom worry on her face.
"What?" I ask looking at her to see if she is injured.
"The cops are going to be here any minute. We need to leave, now!" She rushes in grabbing my arm and dragging me out. I yank my arm away and run after her out the door and down the street. I quickly fumble with the dagger getting it back into its holder before anyone else can see.
"So you know don't you?" I ask after we turn the corner.
"Know about what?" She mumbles, clearly drunk. I was glad I brought the two seater bike.
"You know, about me leaving." I say. She looks at me wide eyed before nodding looking down at the ground.
"Ya I overheard them talking to you. It's not fair! Why do you have to leave so soon?" She says getting angry.
"Hey if I had a say I would stay here." I growl at myself.
"Maybe you do!" She y'all's hopefully. I clasp a hand over her mouth.
"Shh, it is the dead of night and I don't want to be waking people up. We are already wanted as it is." I hiss removing my hand from her mouth. She rolls her eyes and we keep walking. After I found my bike again we rush home. I looked at the time when I finally got back to the safe rooms. Two in the morning. Well I counted of sleeping till twelve in the afternoon that day. I dragged Raven to her room and got out some pajamas for her to change into before getting changed back into my own PJs. I got into bed and let sleep envelop me again.
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