Problem, Yes. Easy To Deal With, No.
Raven got this 'oh shit!' face as she rushed over to her pack member after he collapsed into a pool of his own blood. I start to shift and let my wolf take over. Raven glances over at me but pain no attention. She examines the guys wounds and picks him up and runs out of the room with me close behind. I snarl once we get to ground level half expecting there to be a mob waiting for us. When I see there is not I go back to a slightly more docile mood.
As we rush out the door it is total chaos. Raven stops one of her men and gives him the other wolf. Giving him and order he rushes off. I can over hear people saying that two Alphas (more specifically the Alphas of Shadow Moon and Green Mountain) had gotten into a fight. I saw Raven storm off angrily to where the two Alphas where fighting. A group of on lookers and people cheering them on where watching the fight. I was not just going to stand around and have myself be useless so I run off to take care of the smaller fights and the small number of wolves that where surrounding them.
As I approached one of the fights I saw that I was about to take on the Betas of the two packs. Did that scare me. Kind of, but I had to do it for their safety and for others safety. Every time I brought down one of the fighting groups Raven's Beta would... how should I say this? Took care of them and put them with the other wolves we rounded up. Suddenly there was a scent change. I looked over in horror as I say Raven's wolf form standing in front of the two fighting Alphas. I put my tail down and tried to focus of the Betas.
I tackled one of them and bit into their back as a warning. He yelped but turned around to me with killer eyes. I shook myself. Un aware that the other wolf had circle around me and was sneaking up behind me. I growled to the Beta that was facing me. I lunged at him but get caught in mid jump and the other Beta catches me by front right leg. He snaps his head down and my body hits the earth painfully. The wound in my leg was deep and gushing blood but next to my black fur you could not tell the difference. With the adrenalin I could not tell that I was hurt. One of them charged at me. His blue eyes piercing mine. But I stayed calm as he jumped at my head I copied the trick that Raven had used with Blackthorne. I jump up right as he is onto of me. He skids a few feet away and Ravens Beta comes over and drags him away.
I swiftly take down the other wolf and lead him to the pack of fighting wolves all bearing their necks in submission to me and Raven's Beta. I turn to him whine at him meaning.
"What is your name and thanks for the help with those guys." I tilt me head slightly and star at him.
He wines back,"Jackson, and no problem it is the least I could do." I turn around just in time to see Raven take down the last Alpha. That is when the pain of my leg starts too kick in. I wince but focus on her. She throws a look our way and mind links me.
Thank you. I give a slight nod before slinking off to my room. I shake myself before getting on the elevator up to our room. I shift and walk in getting a good look at my cut. It won't heal for several weeks at bes.
Fuck I hope I don't have to be pulled from the Games. I think and walk in. Loke and Sahara are cleaning already or they stayed up here. Either way I smile at them and say. "You two take a break I got the rest of this. Get ready for the games tomorrow." They look up at me with wide eyes. I roll mine seeing as they saw the wound on my arm. "This is nothing I will get it bandaged. I just hope it is not broken."
"But Luna-" Loke starts to say.
"No buts you need to get ready. I promise this is no big deal." I say again.
"Yes thank you, Luna." They say reluctantly and walk out from the room. Going into the bathroom I get a bandage and wrap my arm alone with brush my hair and change into the long black shirt that I brought so that no one will see or smell the blood. Especially Raven and Blackthorne. Goddess knows that they would kill the poor Betas. I run my hands through my hair and walk into the still messy, semi-cleaned living room. I start at the corner and spend a good 30 minutes on it till it looks presentable. Then Raven walks in.
"Don't worry about this, my pack will take care of it." Raven says and smiles at me warmly.
I speak without thinking,"Are you sure? It is our mess it is no problem to clean up." I say with a waver to my voice.
"Yeah, its no problem. Come on, I'll fix you something to eat at my house. If I remember correctly you where hungry and I never showed you how to use the cooking appliances." She smiles at me. Like the idiot I am I just smile back at her and nod.
"Mind if I bring my mate and my Beta's?" I ask and she looks to be on the verge of laughing.
"As long as they don't destroy my place, sure." She chuckles and I relax mind linking Blackthorne, Aiden, and Camryn to meet us on the way to the Alpha's house. Thank Goddess she has not seen or smelled my wound yet. I though as I followed her out the door.
"What happened here?" I hear Aiden ask as he looks at the hole in a tree close to the path we where taking to Raven's home.
"I punched it yesterday." She says nonchalantly. The look on his face, priceless.
Raven excuses herself and walks into the kitchen. I sit on the couch with my mate, Aiden, and Camryn. I snuggled into Blackthornes arm and closed my eyes. Raven walks out before I am going to go to sleep. A game of... Football? The guys and Camryn where way to engaged to here or see Raven walk out.
"Shade, do you think I could talk to you a moment?" She asks and I crane my head to look at her. I nodded and told my mate I would be back. Thinking I am in trouble for something I give a submissive posture as I follow her up the stairs.
"I wanted to thank you for taking care of the wolves this morning." She says to my surprise. I dare to look up from the floor at her.
"It was no problem, my wolf kind of took over, so I didn't have much of a choice." I say giving a small shrug.
"Do you know how our mother met?" She asks suddenly. I scrunched up my eyebrows and started to pace. Thinking hard about the question she had just asked me.
"I'm not really sure, but I know they where really good friends." So she did know. I should have guessed they had a record of my ancestors so I should have seen it coming at some point. She nods and sighs. Disappointed it sounds like. I wince thinking I did something wrong and I water for her sat say something. Instead she walks to the doors of the balcony and goes to look over the edge. I can hear the two Alphas panting on one side of the territory.
"How are you doing with Blake being gone?" I ask coming beside her on the balcony. Entranced by the amazing view.
"I'm not sure, but if we do find him I am not sure what we'll do." I look at her, lost.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"My pack didn't except me as a temporary Alpha. They are excepting me as Alpha." I look at her in horror of what she just said.
"So when Blake comes back-" She nods and I shut up.
"I will replace him as Alpha." And I about faint.
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