I snarl as we run into a clearing. There where hundreds of rouges. I quickly shift into my Lycan and get ready to fight. This time Raven was not here to help me, I needed to do this myself. I hear the rest of my pack run up behind me. Growls filled the already blood stained battlefield.
"Who sent you?" I call out to the wolves.
"Like we would tell a weak pack like you, you don't deserve to speak his name." One yelled from the front, most likely the leader. I rushed forward and tore into his neck, his body fell limp in my mouth and I spat it out. Blood dripped from my teeth. I could see all around me, wolves fighting. One tried to grab onto my leg but I hit him away, snapping his neck as my paw hit his head. I continued to fight for what felt like only minutes but I could see the hours pass by. When I was finally satisfied I was covered in blood. I looked up at the sky and howled. The rest of the rouges ran back into the forest. I shifted back into my human form when I finally started to get tiered.
I turn around and growl when I hear the bushes rustle at the edge of the clearing. But instead Loke, and Sahara stepped out of the darkness. I relaxed and flexed me hands.
"Thank god it's just you. How many dead?" I asked looking at the sea of blood.
"Our pack? Or rouges." Loke asks.
"Our pack," I say glaring at him from the side,"idiot." I muttered.
"176 rouges, 25 pack." Sahara said. Sighing I nodded. I would have preferred less or none at all but I got the feeling that this was going to be the news quite often.
"Okay listen, get the bodies out of here, bury them properly. Then meet me back at the hospital. I think I might be able to save the other wolves." They nod and run off. After I get back to the hospital I wait for Loke and Sahara.
Finally they arrived. Covered in dirt and blood.
"So what is the plan?" Loke asked.
"Listen when I was gone with Raven I was injected with silver, but before you say anything no Raven was not the one who did it, she saved my life via a blood transfusion. She is immune to silver, and right now that blood is still in my body. Maybe if we can change a little of my blood with their blood then they have a chance of surviving." I say pointing to the inner side of my arm. They nod and we get to work.
"Luna, how are you feeling?" Sahara asks. I was sweating and hardly able to stand.
"I-I'm fine, really I am." I stutter.
"Oh my god, Shade!" Blackthorne yells. I look over at hymn and smile.
"You are so pale, well paler than normal anyway." He runs up to me and pulls me into his arms.
"Careful, careful we are in the middle of something." Wincing I look down at my arm.
"What have you been doing?!" He whispers.
"Saving their lives." I look over his shoulder at the wolves behind him. Some of them starting to stir. I smiled, if this worked we could have most of the pack back up on their feet.
"Just don't push yourself to much." I nod and look back down.
"I'm sorry I think I have to stop for now. I don't know how much more silver my body can take." The nod and take the needle out from my arm. Black spots cover my sight and I feel faint.
"I'll see you guys later." I slur before falling in Blackthorne's arms.
"Where is Shade?" I hear someone snarl. I turn around and see Raven has her mother by her throat holding her against the wall.
"Raven! I'm right here! Oh for god's sakes can't you see me!" I yell running forward. I try to touch her but my hand goes right through her.
"Listen it's not their fault I left! I had too get back to my pack! Please Raven let her go!" I scream. But I was helpless. The scene was frozen in front of me, frozen in time. Why was she doing this? She knew I was leaving.
She though I was leaving later, of course she would be doing this. Suddenly the scene started to play again but it quickly faded to black.
"Hello? Is anyone there? Hello!" I call out.
"Yes someone is here Shadow. I'm right here." An eery voice replays. I look around and see a girl come out of the darkness. White hair like mine but wearing a while outfit and her eyes a soulless black. She was crying, it looked like she was crying. I looked around in horror. Red eyes opened all around me. I felt like I was falling. I looked beneath me to see the floor start to ripple and I fall through. I try to scream but nothing comes out. I fall out and then I see the sun, crystal waters and people laughing and having fun.
Suddenly I was in a cell. The floor, walls, and roof stone but the front of the cage made of silver bars and a man stands there. I have cuts all over myself, my hands chained behind me, and my feet tied to the floor. A gag covered my mouth. The man started to laugh, it was evil and to the bone cold. Shivers racked my body. I see another girl behind him, tiny and scared.
"Raven! Is that you? Answer me!"
"I am the blood that is shed at night, I speak the language of shadows, I call to death like an old friend. The darkness that surrounds me is everlasting. The light that shine is put out by the dark, for what is light without darkness and what is darkness without light?" The little girl chanted. I could not breath and I could not move. I felt like I was dying.
"I hide in the forgotten tails of time and woven in the strands of life, I can see time as though it is a parade, walking in front of me. I control when it stops and what happens, in this world. Soon your light will die and then you will be forgotten, just like I have been, just like everything will be." I fall to the floor, my eyesight clouds, then darkness.
"We've got her back! Look her heart is beating. Call the Alpha, he needs to see this!" I hear a nurse shout. What happened?
"Luna are you alright?" I open my eyes and see faces staring at me.
"Yes, yes I am fine, but what happened? Did I die?" I whisper.
"We lost you for a second but you're ok now. The Alpha is on his way to see you right now." One of them girls looking over me says. I nod and close my eyes breathing out. I looked out the window at the rising sun.
What is Raven doing right now? Something stupid no doubt, probably being careless with her life like I know she is. Please Raven, please don't do anything stupid. I need you and I promise I will find you. That I can promise.
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