I stood up wiping tears from my face. I glared into the darkness of the hallway. I gripped my hands into fists.
"Abelardus ite extra." I hiss. My tiger jumps up at my command and runs past me. I reach my hand out and grabbed onto his fur. "Raven! Take Zelda and the kit back to our moms! Then join me at the exit it the mountain." I yell. She stands up and nods to me. I look straight ahead. "Abelardus, invenire Blake." I tell Abelardus. But he stops a little ahead. What was he doing? Again he continued to amaze me. A metal door opens and I hear unmistakable chirping. A black paw steps out and I can see golden spots running up the creatures arm. Eyes open and they pierce my heart. Calypso makes he way out into the corridor. I shriek with happiness. Jumping off Abelardus I run to my cheetah. She purrs as I wrap my arms around her neck.
"I missed you." I whispered. I tell Abelardus to go back to his room. Cuffing before running away. Well at least he finally listened to me. I slowly edge my way onto Calypso's back. "Calypso in venire Blake." I tell her looking straight ahead. Before I have time to remember that cheetahs are the fastest land animal we hit her top speed, zooming out from her cave. I hold in the urge to scream. I quickly grab onto her neck for dear life. We where going faster than any cheetah I had ever seen, and taking corners like they where nothing. I soon go used to the weird that was in my gut and just focused on having the will to stay on. "Ite extra." I tell her and we run to the exit of the cave.
"Statur!" I scream as we leap fro the opening of the cave. She stops and turns up. Looking at me like 'what did I do?' I just rolled my eyes and fell off of her back. She chirps and lays down... onto of me. I gasp for air as I hear someone else run out of the cave. It was Raven! Thank god now she could get my cat off of me.
"Little help here?" I gasp. She laughs.
"Nope sorry." I am about to protest when I see she comes over and pulls Calypso onto the ground. I sit up clutching me chest, getting in as much air and physically possible. Raven is laughing so hard I worried she was going to drop dead. I punched her leg lightly.
"Hey! I did just help you." She says still fighting laughter. I rolled my eyes and pushed myself up off the ground and brushed myself off.
"So how did things go when... you know... you gave them the body?" I asked giving her a side glance. She looked down at the floor, her smile slowly fading.
"I'll tell you later." She says. I reluctantly nod looking over at Calypso. She looks up at me licking her lips sleepily.
"What?" I ask putting my hands up. She just rolls her eyes and rests her head back down on her paws. I shake my head, looking back at Raven.
"Ok well the sooner we start looking for Blake the better." Raven stated with a look of determination on her face. I backed up putting my hand in front of myself. She was scary!
"Zelda invenire Blake!" She yells. She runs off back into the tunnels. Why did she look like she was going to kill someone? Wasn't Blake her mate? I just let her run off. Sighing I relax and look over at Calypso. She was up and stretching, she looked like nothing had even happened!
"Calypso invenire Blake!" I tell her. She looks at me blankly then speeds ahead. I grab onto her fur and wrap my legs around her back.
I can't tell where Raven is and I don't know where I am. All I can hear is my breathing. I hear a growl behind of me. I keep running, tripping I skid along the ground.
"Get her!" Someone yells behind me. I push myself up off the ground and keep running. Suddenly something black and gold runs past me. I turn around to see the people chasing me are now running away. Hissing fills the air. I see a pair of golden eyes look back at me. I smile back at Calypso. Once they turn the corner I hear flesh being torn and bones snapping. Along with the occasional scream here and there. When There is silence again I hear more foot steps behind me.
"Shade!" Raven yells,"Shade!!" I look behind me.
"Raven I'm over here!" I shout. She turns the corner panting heavily. "Before you ask no I am not hurt. All thanks to Calypso." I say giving her a smile. I grabs my hand and we start running back to our moms.
"I'm just happy that you're okay. We have to get back. It's almost dinner and mom and Lily still don't know that people got in." Raven says running as fast as she can. I look at her confused and then again smile at her laughing a little.
I shake my head and find that I have fallen under Calypso. Did she seem o care? No she just kept on running.
"Hey, Calypso can you please statur" She stops reluctantly and I situate myself again. "Ok invenire Blake." Again she takes off. Taking turn after turn I can smell that Raven is close. I hear a snarl and we take a final corner and see that Raven has Blake pinned. Zelda growls, her fur standing on end.
"Raven, I'm here. What are you doing to Blake?" Then I remember something that May told me. If your animals ever die it will be like loosing your mate. You will do anything to avenge them. I felt like someone had lit a fire in me. I growled and jumped off Calypso. My claws sharpened and my teeth became like a wolves. "Lets finish this."
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