I wake up and look at the time, like normal. It was eight in the morning. I rubbed me head surprised that I did not have a headache. Throwing the covers off I went to the bathroom and washed off the smell from last night. Beer with blood, never a foot scent mix. After I hopped out I got makeup on. Black cat eyeliner with black eyeshadow, I also put my hair in a ponytail that fell low down my back. Putting in my nose and lip piercing I walked out of the room to figure out the rest of my outfit. I put on a black top that had mesh long sleeve arms and mesh neckline. It also had a skull with roses and a sword on it. A chain decorated the front of the shirt and leather straps fell off the sleeves (the photo above). I grabbed a simple pair of black pants that had chains on them, hanging from the belt loops. I also took a pair of black running shoes that had skates come out from the heels. I out on a black beanie and took my phone off the charger and a pair of beats headphones, black as well. I walked out of my room and down the hall. I could tell Raven was not going to be up yet for a while so I went into the kitchen where I found my mom and May.
"Morning," I say cheerfully.
"Hello Shade," they say at the same time.
"Um, I wanted to know where I could find the arena. I want to train a little." I hold up my throwing knives. They nod and point down the hall. I thank them quickly before running off. After I had finished training I looked at the time. Ten, sighing I walked out from the target area and went to go check on Raven. Nodding as in passed our moms I continued to walk towards Raven room. I am outside her door when I hear her yell,
"Fuck!" The sheets are quickly thrown aside and I hear her rush into the bathroom. I can also hear as she starts to throw up. I walk in letting my laughter out. I was just glad that I only had one bottle.
"Have you ever been drunk before?" I ask between laughs. I finally start to calm down when she growls at me I hold back the laughter as she answers by a shake of her head.
"It sucks, huh?" I tell her she glares at me wiping her mouth.
"What do you want?" She hisses at me. I roll my eyes and look hurt.
"I'm not allowed to come in and check on my sis?" I say putting a hand over my heart, faking hurt. I see Raven roll her eyes.
"I'm taking a shower, I feel disgusting." I see her wrinkle her nose and hop up off the floor. She strips and jumps in the warm water. Sighing as the water touched her skin.
"You look like crap, how much did you drink last night?" I ask with amusement.
"Two Salts, two bottles of vodka, and six beers." She says thinking back.
"You are serious?!" I gasp then shake my head in disbelief. She sure had a high tolerance for alcohol.
"I am surprised you were even able to stand last night. No wonder you passed out." I say with a snort.
"Well I am going to eat and watch TV all day today. Or we could go out into town again." She says giving me a choice. After which she stops the shower and wraps herself Inna nearby towel.
"What would we do this time?" I say with a roll of my eyes.
"Something fun." She smirks. What could possibly be more fun than last night! I think with sarcasm. Raven walks out and changes into a black dress with long sleeves the lace was a floral pattern that came down just under her butt. I was leaning in the door frame and rolled my eyes. We walk out of her room and head down to the kitchen.
"You scare me sometimes Raven." She looks at me and I see her teeth sharpen and her eyes glow red. I yelp I'm surprise and push her away.
"The only good thing about having a Lycan that has red eyes is that it is great for scaring." She tells me with a laugh. Oh ya that's great!What are you going to do scare the living daylights out of the kids on Halloween? I think to Crimson who laughs at my comment. I glare at Raven and we walk into the kitchen. We open everything and find nothing to snack on.
"Is there anything edible in here?" Raven yells in frustration throwing her hands up in the air. I hear my mother and !at walk in but continue my raid, looking for food.
"We need to stock up, why don't you just get something to eat in town." I hear my mom say.
Are they really sending us to that death trap? I mean really?!
They don't know about last night and to be honest they would kill me if they did know. I tell Crimson though I agreed with her on one thing. They were sending us to our doom. Raven seemed unfazed by the fact that we were going into town. I see Raven run out of the room with a smile on her face. I blow the air out of my lungs and grab my phone and headphones. Turning on some music. Somehow my phone knew the perfect music to play along with the perfect song. Another one by Black Veil Brides, New Religion. I smiled as we started to walk out to the bikes and rode off into town.
"What?" I ask as I see Raven ask me a question. She shook her head and kept riding. I rolled my eyes and just listened to my music the rest of the way. As we walk into the restaurant and see that it is more formal than I am dressed. I turn off my headphones and order my food.
"When are you leaving to go to your pack again?" I hear her ask and my eyes widen. Quick make something up! She can't know that I am leaving with Blake. She'll kill me. I give her a look before pretending that there is something interesting outside.
"I don't know," I lie but try to make it believable. She knows that I am not telling the truth but thankfully just brushed it off.
"Okay. What do you want to do after this?" She asks me and stuffs a mouth full of waffles in her mouth. I take a sip of my black coffee and think before answering.
"We should just go back home and practice in the arena." I tell her but I know that she most likely won't just listen to that.
"Well, first I want to stop somewhere." She tells me. I nod finishing my coffee. She pays quickly before dragging me outside.
"Where are we going?" I ask trying to keep up with her. "I need to see something," she says. I roll my eyes, I can tell she is hiding something from me. We walk into a gas station, why the hell would she want to be in a gas station? We can't exactly buy out the whole store.
"There are TVs in gas stations." She tells me her eyes glued to the TV above the counter.
"Why do you need to see the-oh shit," I curse as I see the story that was on TV. There was a photo of the man I killed last night on the screen. Great! Just great! I hear Raven ask the man behind the counter to turn up the TV so we can hear it. Even though I don't know if I want to hear it a picture of both Raven and I is put up. After the story is over I see the man behind the counter look at me and Raven then back to the TV. I face palmed and I hear Raven curse.
"Don't even think about it!" Raven hisses and I look up. The man had a gun pointed in his face. I felt sorry for him but I was in some kind of trance. My mind was just blank. Raven rushed over and hit him on the head with the back of her gun. He fell to the floor.
"That's why I wanted to see the TV." I hear Raven tell me. All I can do is nod. She rolls her eyes and drags me out of the gas station. I can see that Raven forgot to put away her gun. I can also see the dozens of police that were looking for the two of us. "Hey over there!" I hear one shout.
"Oh, shit," I say finally snapping back to reality. We ran for the forest but the cops were quick on our heels. I flipped off the covers for my skates and took off. We finally get far enough away from them to rest. I turn on my music and remove one of the headphone side from my ear so I can hear Raven.
"I hope they don't find that cashier," Raven pants. I roll my eyes and reach my hand down feeling for my throwing knives. Perfect I still had them.
"You know they will, and when they do you'll be in trouble too." I say.
"I'm already in trouble." She scoffs and I look at her raising an eyebrow.
"What?" I ask.
"I'm wanted I'm 22 countries and 36 US states." She snorts. Great! That makes this situation even better! I think sarcastically.
"And now 37," I say blowing the air out of my lungs. I hear Raven laugh but it is cut short when we smell wolves. But I hoped that this was going to turn things around.
"Wolves from Blake's pack." She says somewhat surprised.
"I wonder what they are doing here?" She just shrugs and follows the scent. I narrowed my eyes as I picked up another scent, but this one much more worrying. It smelled of cop uniforms and gun powder. But Raven seemed too focused on finding them that it did not seem to matter. We finally hit the clearing and I see that my nose was right. These members of Blake's pack were police officers.
"Damn it!" Raven curses grabbing her gun and firing at the closest one. It hit him in the chest and he went down. I whipped out my knives and she started shooting back at the oncoming bullets. I counted, ten wolves, maybe eleven. But more were coming. I turn the music up in my ears and hear Perfect Weapon play. That's when I realize that I had the Set The World On Fire track from BVB playing.
"You would think that they would shoot their own Alpha." I say rolling my eyes but when I reach for the next knife I feel that my holder is empty. The last knife found its target. The head of an oncoming wolf. I hear her groan as if remembering something.
"I told a wolf from the pack that I was giving up my position as Alpha because Blake was back. He must have told the pack, or somehow they found out." Raven growled angrily. I laughed when I realized that this was all her fault. I see Raven toss her gun behind us. What was she doing? I was out of knives so we were defenseless!
"Fuck!" Raven hisses. Well no shit! I growl in my head.
"I think you just set the record for the most curse words said in one day." I laugh at her. She growls at me and I just shrug. Hey we were going to get caught any way so why not have some fun before?
"Today is so not my day." Raven groans as we put our hands behind our backs. The silver cuffs hardly affected me but I made it look worse than it was. I see Raven roll her eyes and fake wince to make the! Believe that the silver hurt her. We are then pulled away and taken to jail.
When we were at the station they started to search us for weapons and the one checking Raven was getting on my nerves. I could see that she had finally had enough and quickly snapped the chain connecting her handcuffs and grabbed her other gun. Within seconds she had it to the mans head. The guy who was searching me reacts and grabs his own gun and Raven has a nice little meet and greet with the barrel of his gun. She knocked the other guy out and shot the cop in the leg but by then I had brought my cuffs in front of me.
Raven had gotten shot in her arm, but hardly seemed to notice it as we went running down the halls. We were soon stopped by a dozen guards with guns.
"Why does this keep happening to us?" I ask Raven, taking her gun from her and throwing it to the floor. Raven just snickered and put a smirk on her face.
"We are in the middle of a police station stupid," she snorts and I glare at her. I let the cops undo my cuffs the redo them in the back.
"Morons." Raven mutters and one of the werewolf cops hits her in the back of the head.
"Watch your tone," he snarls at her. The other officers leave and Raven and I are led back to our cell.
"Do you even know who I am?" She asks raising an eyebrow.
"How about I don't care." He says waving away the question. Raven stops in her tracks causing the officer to bump into her.
"Keep moving." He growls at her.
"Don't you dare speak to me that way." Raven snarls looking him straight in the eye. I turn around and growl at the werewolf officer holding me. He yips in surprise Boeing his head against his will.
"Sorry," they both mutter before Raven and I stomp off to our cell. When we get there I let the guard re!over my cuffs and Raven rips them off and tosses hers out into the hall like yesterday's trash. I run and jump onto the top bunk with Raven and pretend to rub my wrists, but drop my arms she. The officer walks away. I swing my legs and turn to Raven.
"What now?" I ask her. I had a feeling there were two options to this.
"Well, we either break out, or have our mothers bail us out." Raven said pondering the idea.
"Didn't we just try to break out?" I ask.
"No we didn't. I have broken out of 17 jails and 3 prisons, and that is not how you do it. I just have never been arrested on a dress before and that complicates things a lot, plus I was always alone." She says and I glare at her. Suddenly I hear footsteps and the door opened. Two women entered both looking pissed and about to rip our heads off. I gave a little wave and Raven slams her head back, hitting to on the wall with a groan.
"Hey mom."
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