I quickly felt faint. My grip loosed and I could feel myself sliding off the massive lion. My body shifted and I fell off.
"Shade!" Raven screams. I reach my hand out and try to grab hers but we only are able to touch fingers. Madox and Raven sprit off into the darkness.
"Raven! RAVEN!" I yell but there is only an echo of my voice. I hear my voice change and it is higher pitched and child like. I start down at my out stretched hand. It is that of a child's. My breathing quickens. I get up onto my feet. I rinn the way I think Raven and Madox disappeared in. I end up bumping into the wall. I go cross-eyed as blood starts to drip from my nose. Great. I pressed my hand to the wall and let it guide me. I needed to find my own way back this time. I stumbled to find my way back. Every rock and sound new and scary. Soon I made it to an opening. A door opens and I hear a low growl.
"Raven it's me, Shade. I won't hurt you!" I say backing up to the wall. A pair of red eyes gleams like haunting embers in an old house. "I don't mean any harm. Really!" I blurt out. Stupid you should not have done that! What would Raven do? I scold myself for being so weak. I only hoped I was right. "Subsido." I told the creature. It ignored my command and stalked toward me. "I said subsido!" I screamed it blinked at me but quickly crouched down. Submissive and waiting for a command. A gasped. I walked over to the beast and stroked his fur. He let out a wall rumbling purr.
"Good boy. Does that feel good?" I giggle running my fingers along his chin. He runner over like a dog and started reaching up and down with his back left paw. "Can you get me back to the safe house?" I asked. Then face palmed. I needed to remember that the only know commands in Latin.
"Ad incolumem locus." I whispered to the tiger. Before he could take off I jumped on his back and we ran forward. Suddenly I fell warm arms around me. Dad? No. But I ignore the feeling and keep my eyes forward. Then I hear crying. Like my mothers. Shaking myself I grab onto my arms where I have goose bumps. Why was someone crying. I give Abelardus a command and we turn corners running after the sound. But it only drifts away. This was not a dream this was a nightmare! But this was real. I was really alone. I jumped off of Abelardus.
"Hic paulisper." I whispered before walking away. I turned back momentarily to see that Abelardus was gone. A void of blackness where he should have been. Damn it. I looked back to see a girl sitting there, crying.
"Are you ok miss? What happened?" I asked walking up behind her. She did not smell like a threat but I was not sure. She looked back at me and smiled. I almost screamed but something held my voice back. She was crying blood!
"Sweet, sweet little child. What are you doing here? Are you one of the masters daughters?" She asked in a chilling voice. I shook my head. "Awe too bad you might have had a chance to survive." She says sickly sweet. But I had already grabbed the dagger around my ankle.
"Stay back I don't want to kill you!" I said raising the dagger.
"Oh dear child you can't, don't you see? I am already dead!" She laughed but then I hear a huge roar from the darkness. Abelardus jumped out. Claws out and teeth ready to kill. He pounced on her tearing her to little pieces. I was shocked. Dropping my knife I ran to him and collapsed crying. He nuzzled me and chuffed (A special noise a tiger makes when they are happy). I made the same noise back. Jumping on his back he seemed to know just were to go. We sprinted toward the exit to this hell hole and continued to run when I hear yelling. Something pokes the inside of both my arms. I looked down. I was bleeding badly. Why was this happening? We get to the door quickly.
"Domum." I tell Abelardus and he chuffs again before running off. I entered the pass code to get in and opened the door. I heard people yelling from the first aid room. I walked in to see people huddled over my body. An older version of Raven holding out her arm. Why could they not see me? I was standing right here after all.
"Hey guys I'm right here! Hello? Can anyone hear me?" I say walking up to them. I see myself laying on the table. I was having another flashback and this was myself looking down at everyone? I feel myself grow weak. My skin covered with black lines. Raven was pouring red liquid into my body and in the other taking some from my arm. I feel weak. I feel faint and pass out on the floor. No one seeing that I am there.
My eyes slowly open. I see my mother looking over me.
"M-mom?" I ask and she nods I smile brightly and embrace her. Practically crushing her. Then I hear a snoring Raven next to me. Blake walks in with May. "Our mothers are alive.. Our mothers are... ALIVE!" I yell happily.
May puts a finger over her mouth shushing me. Nodding happily she Lets Blake pick up Raven but not before a growl in heard. I see them walk out of the room. I fall back on the table feeling dizzy.
"Please be carful sweet heart. You still must have a lot of silver in your veins." She says putting a warm compress on my head.
"I hate to ask but can I have a glass of water?" I ask she nods and goes over to the water jug that is sitting on the other side of the room. "And what happened to you two after that day?" I ask her. She shakes her head.
"That story is for another time my dear. We must focus on you getting better first." She says handing me my water. I make quick work of it. Wiping my mouth I giver her the glass back.
"But we found your notebook. I though for sure you had died. Along with Aunt May?" I say. She pats me and I feel like I am going to sleep again.
"Another time dear." She smiles and kisses my forehead and my eyes flutter closed again.
I woke up again and light flooded my eyes. My mother had just left the room and was stopped by someone out in the hall. I let out a low growl incase it was someone dangerous. My eyes started to swirl black. A headache hits is full force suddenly. I see a pair of familiar eyes poke out from behind my mother. I smiled brightly when I saw it was Raven. She pushed past my mother.
"Shade!" She said happily. But instead of stoping at the side of the bed she grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I continued to smile and let out a laugh.
"Our mothers are alive." She says to me. I nod.
"I know I woke up a few hours ago, it was a bit of a shock but I think I can adjust." I tell her a smile on my face still.
"Why didn't you tell me about the silver?" She says turning serious in record time. I look down at the floor guilty.
"I did not want you to worry." I say.
Oh ya like she was not already worrying.
Oh ya now you finally start talking. I say sarcastically to my wolf. I look up a little Raven is giving me a look like I am a pup who just snuck out from the camp ground.
"Well since you didn't tell me I had to put like half my blood into your body to get you better, plus, I had to put all your silver contaminated blood into mine. So you better tell me next time you have silver in your blood." She scolds waving a finger at me. I let out a little laugh and attempt to stand on my legs. Almost falling over but catching myself on the bed.
"She's not going to start acting like you right? Because I don't think the world could handle two of you." Blake says. Raven and I burst into laughter. She walks over to me and swings her arm over my shoulder so that she can help to support my weight. Evenr though I am sure this was also more to prove how similar we already are. We walk past Blake and Raven pats his chest. I roll my eyes abut keep walking. We walked out into the kitchen. My mother and Aunt May give us a special breakfast to help me grain some one my weight. Not to mention extra energy. Like we needed it... ok maybe I needed it just a little. After I finished I excused myself from the table taking my dishes over to the counter and washing them. Next I walked into the bathroom. Turning on the shower I feel the water wash away some of the dirt though I takes a good few minutes to get my hair taken care of. I found a pair of black shorts and a black sports bra on the bed. Getting dressed I walk out. I reach up and put my hair in a high ponytail.
"I remember." I say out of the blue. Raven looks at me like I am a crazy person.
"What?" She asks.
"I remember this place, and the animals." I say clarifying. Raven gives my a wide grin and nods.
"I think we should pay them a visit." She says getting up off the couch. Raven calls to her mother who in turn yells back at us to take Blake with us. I did not question and neither did Raven.
"Where are we going?" Blake wined for the third time. I rolled my eyes. I was at the head of our little triangle. I let Raven answer this one. She did an extent job might I say.
"I'm not going to say it again." I hear Raven his at him and possibly a small whimper from Blake. But maybe that was just me. Finally we get to a part of the tunnels that widened out and it was dimly lit by a single torch on the wall so we could see the metal door in front of us. Suddenly Blake gasped as the door opens and a pair of red eyes pears out. I can make out the form of a tiger with white stripes and a black body before he let out a heart shattering roar.
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