Naruto and Sasuke climbed the tree once. But what about the second time? No fucking way. They could hardly climb 4 steps! Well, I however, climbed the tree 2 more times! Sensei told me to go and guard Tazuna-San on the bridge. So I did. It was boring though. I yawned and Tazuna-San said," are you always this lazy? Forget it where is the hyperactive kid and the one with the attitude?"
"They're training."
"Hey... Um... Tazuna?" Said an unknown voice.
"Well.... Tazuna..... I'm.... I'm giving up on the bridge. I can't do this anymore. Gatto will be coming with his men and eliminate you and all..... And then the bridge will remain incomplete. It's no use!"
"Stop thinking nonsense! If we have started this bridge , we will finish it! And why do you think I have left the bridge and went all the way to the leaf village? These ninja are there to protect us. They might be looking young but they very strong. Trust me." Wow! That was unexpected.
"Yes, Tazuna. But I still can't do it!"
"You should take rest. It's lunch time anyways. Go have lunch."
"But, Taz-"
"And don't come back after lunch." Woah! BURN!!!
"Where are we going, Tazuna-San?"
"You want dinner, don't you? So we are going to buy stuff."
We walked into a store in which not much customers were there. Inside, I saw that there were not many vegetables. Actually, hardly. It was sad look at the place. I felt a hand on my butt. I turned and saw a man standing. I gave him a punch on the face. Hmph! Bloody pervs! As we walked towards Tazuna-San's house I felt a tug from the back of my shirt. Thinking it was another pervert, I turned and saw a little boy standing with a bright smile on his face. He held his hand in front of me and asked for food. The sight made me tear up. I searched my bag and found a few chocolates. I gave it him. He said,"thank you! Thank you very much!" I patted his head and he went away.
"It's been like this since Gatto came. The children suffer and the adults are too scared to stand up."
At dinner, Naruto and Sasuke were hogging on the food like pigs. Ugh! Gross!
"I want some more!" Both of them said before puking to the side.
"Don't eat so much if you are going to puke it out!" I shouted
"I.... eat." Said Sasuke.
"And i have to eat more than him!" Said Naruto.
"Food does give you energy but puking isnt going to help."
After dinner while I was done with the dishes, I saw a photograph on the wall. In the photo was Tazuna-san, Inori's mom, Inori and some one else was there but his face had been torn off.
"Is there some one else in the picture?" I asked.
After a long pause, Inori's mom answered,"it was my husband."
"He was known as a hero in thus village."
Inori stood up and left the room. His mom followed him and at the door she said," you know you are not supposed to talk about him in front of Inori like that!" And shs left. Da fuck?
"What kind of hero?" Asked Naruto.
It seems that Inori's dad wasn't his ACTUAL dad. He had saved Inori from bullies and both were very close. Oh and the dad's name was Kazame. He and saved the district gom floods and was the only one who stood amd fought against Gatto. He was the one taught the village courage. But because of him being the local hero, Gatto executed him in front of the whole village. Since then the village hidden in the waves had lost all hope. And Inori stopped believing in heros.
Belated Merry chirstmas!!! And Happy new year in adavanced! Only 4 days till 2016! Crap dude! Anyways.... Im sorry for the late update! dont kill me!
Until the next chapter
Sejal x
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