AT FIRST GLACE, YOU COULD NEVER TELL WHO ASTRID REALLY WAS. Was she sugar or spice? Naughty or nice? Did she listen to Backstreet Boys or Ansel Elgort, or something in between? Truth was, she was all of it. Name an artist and she's listened to them, name a thing and she's probably done it. Was she beautiful? Of course. She had all the boys barking up her tree and all the girls falling at her feet.
She was currently surfing her way through the crowd of people dancing, holding Beatriz's hand to lead her through with her. The two girls were looking for Archie, having lost him when they went to the bathroom. Well, Beatriz had to go. Astrid just went as her cockblocker.
"Where's Axel, is he not here yet?" Astrid pouted when they got back to her brother, Archie.
"Chill, he'll be here," Archie replied, smoothing out his white tank top, Beatriz's eyes scanning Archie's bare biceps. After a couple seconds, Beatriz shook her head and snapped herself out of her daze, thankful her best friend didn't just see her check out her brother.
"Hey there demons, it's me, ya boy!" Axel joined the crew, wrapping his arms around Archie and Astrid's shoulders. Astrid stifled her drink when she was startled by the sudden show of her best friend.
"Hey!" Astrid yelled, laughing as she almost choked on the alcoholic drink she was consuming.
"How much have you guys had to drink?" Axel asked while chuckling.
"Surprisingly, not too much. Some of us just can't hold our alcohol well," Beatriz stepped up, laughing quietly at her own jab. Axel laughed as he glanced back at the red-headed female. Axel seemed to be a little thrown off by the way Astrid was eyeing almost every girl that walked past the small group.
"Well, I'm going to go get shit faced! Beatriz, you're driving," Archie declared out of nowhere with a wink towards the brunette girl, immediately lighting up the mood. Axel hollered in reply as he watched the other male take off to the kitchen of the house they were in to get himself more drinks.
"What if I want to drink?" Beatriz followed him, him immediately rolling his eyes, barely turning back to look at the smaller brunette girl. Archie was a good four inches taller than her, and while she wasn't super short, he still jumped at any opportunity to make fun of her.
"Like you can hold alcohol any better than my sister," Archie nodded his head to where Astrid was standing with Axel a couple feet away, the duo still watching.
"Look who's talking!" Beatriz exclaimed, pointing to his cup. Everyone knew he'd refilled it multiple times that night.
"It's called getting shit faced for a reason," Archie grumbled and started walking away.
"Wait up, shithead!" Beatriz called after him. "I'm your driver!"
Astrid and Axel couldn't contain their laughter about the situation. Astrid shifted to her right, accidentally catching sight of another one of her friends. "Kev!" she yelled. By yelling she caught his attention, making Axel's head turn too.
"Kevin, hey," Astrid smiled at her friend once he joined the two. "This is my friend Axel, Axel this is Kevin," Astrid introduced her two best guy friends.
"Love the name," Kevin smiled at the raven-haired boy and gave out his hand for Axel to shake. Axel awkwardly shook his hand, as if he'd never done the action before, and quickly tucked his hand into his jean pocket.
"Thanks, man."
Astrid looked back and forth between the two boys, smiling at the fact that the two would hardly make eye contact, and how they refused to keep the conversation going. They looked like two shy puppies thrown into a playpen together, both too awkward to move. Until Axel saw his ex-girlfriend making her way over to them.
"Uh oh, cherry bombshell and golden boy at eleven o'clock!" Axel whisper yelled, his eyes tearing from the space behind Astrid. Astrid giggled, having known her friends' distaste for the Blossoms.
"Astrid!" Cheryl greeted the trio first, her brother Jason trailing behind her. "And tow," she added distastefully, her smile fading when she noticed an astonished Kevin and a bored Axel standing with Astrid.
"You remember my ex, right?" Axel grinned at Cheryl, the fakest smile he could come up with. The girl was happily smiling, her usual red lipstick placed perfectly on her plump lips.
"You forget that I'm a RiverVixen," Astrid smirked.
Everyone at Riverdale High knew about Axel and Cheryl's brief relationship last year when they were freshmen. Axel had told his then-girlfriend that he was into girls and guys, but she'd turn around and told her brother. Jason, not really liking Axel too much in the first place, outed him to the entire football team. Axel took that time to break up with Cheryl, and vow to never speak to her again. Though after being paired up together for a project in science together, they had found a happy medium.
"I assume you're doing well, Axel?" Cheryl threw him a look. "After the incident."
Axel rolled his eyes again. "Well I'm the one who broke it off, so shouldn't I be asking you that?"
"This party is so fun!" Astrid added quickly while stepping between the two bickering teens. Everyone else around them was eternally grateful for this move.
Jason finally stepped forward, "So, Astrid, where's Archie? I'd like to rub it in your faces at the same time, that Blossoms are better than Andrews," that comment made him and his own twin crack up with laughter.
"Lame. Are you still going after that? At least we don't participate in incest," Astrid snapped back while taking a swing of her drink.
Axel's mouth dropped as he began laughing. He and Kevin shared a quick glance before the football player was patting his best friend on the back. Jason threw him a glare, before turning and stalking away with his sister. "Astrid that was golden!" He called out.
"Thank you, I try my best," she replied with a smile and a small bow.
At that moment, a stumbling Archie came up to them with Beatriz at his side, keeping him up upright, his arm hanging over her shoulders. "What did we miss?" She asked, pushing Archie up to his feet.
"Just Astrid single-handily taking the Blossoms down with the best twin comment yet," Axel laughed.
"Yeah, it was pretty great," Kevin laughed along, making brief eye contact with Axel. "Woah, Archie, you look wasted."
"When did you even get here?" Archie asked, squinting his eyes as Kevin furrowed his brows, making the other three giggle.
"Hey, I'm going to go grab another drink, see you guys," Astrid waved them off, winking at Kevin before heading towards the kitchen.
Astrid wiggled her small body through the crowd of sweaty bodies and drunk teens. She smirked, herself and her friends knowing she wouldn't return for a while — probably finding a warm body to spend her night with.
"Bombshell," Astrid smiled at the redhead girl who bumped into her as she was refilling her cup. "You stalking me or something?"
"You wish you had something as hot as me interested in your ass," Cheryl scoffed, but still kept her sly smile on her face.
"Why not? You do," Astrid walked closer to the other redhead girl in the room.
"You don't want to finish what we started all those days ago? Alone in the girls' locker room?" Cheryl whispered against Astrid's ear, the latter fluttering her eyes when Cheryl's lips touched her kid. "Meet me upstairs, biggest bedroom on the right. Wait five minutes," Cheryl whispered, leaving Astrid in the middle of someone's crowded kitchen, feeling turned on like a light switch.
FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER, CHERYL HAD ASTRID PINNED TO A STRANGERS WALL. "Who would imagine my best Vixen, Astrid Andrews, knew how to touch a woman?" Cheryl remarked, out of breath as Astrid trailed a messy line of kisses down her neck.
"I did," Astrid muttered in between kisses. "I've been doing it for years now."
It was heartless, the flirty relationship Cheryl had with Astrid. To Astrid, Cheryl was just someone she could try new things with and mentally free her mind of Moose. To Cheryl, Astrid was a secret in the night, a secret to be kept at all costs.
"Door locked?" Cheryl asked, to which Astrid nodded. Astrid slipt the cardigan Cheryl was wearing off her shoulders and gently pushed her on the bed. "You like to top?" Cheryl asked as Astrid slid one leg over Cheryl, sitting on her lap. Astrid nodded before pulling the black shirt she was wearing over her head and tossed it on the floor near Cheryl's clothing. "You pull off red well," Cheryl traced her finger along the outline of Astrid's hot rod red bra.
Astrid let out a bittersweet chuckle. "How about you shut up and kiss me?"
Cheryl nodded and tilted her head back to allow the girl to engulf her in a warm kiss, both the girls falling back on the mattress, giggles escaping their lips. "One more thing," Cheryl whispered. Astrid straightened herself, holding herself above the Blossom girl by her freckled arms. "No one can know about this, little Andrews."
Astrid chuckled and shook her head before whispering back. "It'll be our little secret, bombshell."
yes, astrid made an incest
and a masterbating joke
may the fourth be with you loves!
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