Imagine XV
Your P.O.V.
Your termination was imminent. You knew that and welcomed it. Until you remembered something. Your grandfather had left you a note and said to open it when everything became too much. If that wasn't now, you didn't know when it would be. When you broke the wax seal and read the scrawling script inside, you broke down into hideous sobs right at your desk and then ran out to the sharp blares of "WORK SPACE 6975C HAS BEEN VACATED WORK SPACE 6975C PLEASE RETURN FOR TERMINATION"
The blaring cut off as the heavy metal door clacked closed behind you. You ran straight to the bus station and bought a ticket to Stardew Valley, where your grandfather's old farm was. You left everything except for the picture of you and Shane that you always kept with you. You threw your Joja ID card aside into a pile of trash on the street and waited for the bus to take you away from the city, away from everything reminding you of Shane.
The bus ride was quiet. No one else seemed to be travelling to the valley in which you spent much of your childhood. When you arrived, the mayor was waiting at the bus stop. Apparently, a ticket being bought to the valley when there wasn't a festival, was a very, very rare occurrence. He led you to your grandfather's old farm and introduced you to the town's carpenter, Robin. You told the Mayor that your grandfather had asked you to greet him and the mayor had a clear moment of nostalgia before advising that you introduce yourself to the townspeople, and leaving you to your business.
You looked around through new eyes. Everything here was so wild. So clean. And the mess was a welcome distraction. There was nothing here to remind you of Shane or Joja.
Or so you thought. One day, while exploring, forraging, and introducing yourself to absolutely anyone you could find, your heart plummeted. The town had a Joja Mart. You thought you had escaped. Your body began to shake and you ran home and slept until the next day.
You'd been in town for almost a week and had a manageable situation on your farm. You decided that it would be nice to take a break and go to the pub. Maybe there were still people you hadn't met. The nice lady that lived to the south of you had mentioned that she had a nephew named Shane that worked at Joja. Your heart shattered at the mention of the name but you had nodded politely and said that you hoped to meet him one day.
When you walked into the pub, you were greeted with a warm atmosphere. The owner, Gus, you learned, was a jolly man who welcomed you warmly, and the bar maid, Emily, was someone with whom you had spoken a few times. It was a Friday night, so you expected to meet quite a few people. You recognized the bus driver, Pam, sitting at the bar, and the man who'd given you a fishing rod, Willy, sitting at a table. Next to the table danced Robin and her husband Demetrius and Clint walked in and joined Willy. The animal lady, Marnie, drank with Mayor Lewis, and you could hear the sound of games coming from a room off to your right. You wandered that way, enjoying the cozy feeling of the dimly-lit saloon. Inside you saw people closer to your age. There was Sam, the boy with super saiyan hair, Sebastian, Robins's son, and Abigail, the daughter of the general store owner who looked nothing like her father. You talked to each of them a little but it was all empty. You wandered back out and walked up to the bar where Emily chatted casually with you while she worked.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a dark figure drinking in the shadows next to the fire place. It was no wonder that you'd missed him, he was in the darkest part of the saloon, and moved only to bring his bottle to his mouth.
"Hey, Em, who's that?" You asked, gesturing to the figure in the shadows. Emily glanced over briefly,
"Oh. That's Marnie's nephew, Shane. He came here from the city a few months ago. Transferred Joja locations, I guess. He's really cold but he's a nice guy if you can get to know him. Don't bring up the city, though. He won't talk about it, and I don't know why."
You nodded and walked over to the figure. Your throat closed. He had purple hair, a ragedy jacket, and reeked of booze and familiarity. It was Shane. Not just Marnie's nephew Shane, your Shane that vanished a few months ago without a trace.
"Sh-Shane?" You asked, timidly.
"Why are you talking to me? I don't know you." He said in that same cold voice that had been used on his answering machine without even looking up from his bottle. 'I don't know you'? Your eyes clouded over with tears and you sprinted back to your farm. You stayed in bed for the next three days straight. By the time you finally left your house, Marnie was standing there with a four-legged friend. She was smiling when you opened the door but frowned when she saw you.
"Is everything alright dear?" She asked. You shook your head and sniffled. Marnie was one of the last people you needed to see right now. She hesitated, "May I come in?" You didn't have it in you to say no so you stepped aside. She walked in and sat down at your - slightly grimy - table. You closed the door and walked over to the table and sat opposite her. "I know we don't know each other very well, but we're neighbors, and I'm here for you. Now, tell me what's going on. All of your crops are nearly dead!" You took a deep breath,
"It's - " you chocked on a sob, "Shane," You whimpered out before flopping your head into your arms on the table and sobbing shamelessly.
"My nephew? What did he do? I know he can be cruel but even this is pushing it. I told him to be nice to the new farmer! I'll have to talk to him about what ni-"
"No," You cut her off softly with a sniffle, "It's not that, it's just that-" You broke into tears and Marnie looked at you questioningly for a moment before you saw realization flash behind her eyes.
"Oh my Yoba. (Y/N), you're the (Y/N) from the city that he called me about every Sunday morning. How did you end up here, too? It really is a small world. Oh!" She stood and rushed around the table to wrap her arms around you. "I'm so, so, sorry, dear. He doesn't know who you are he- oh dear," She gently helped you clean up your face before returning to her seat across from you. "We have a lot to talk about, (Y/N). Have you had anything to eat today. Or since you ran into Shane for that matter? You look absolutely gaunt. Where do you keep your food?" You pointed half-heartedly to a chest in the corner. Marnie opened it and tsked, "(Y/N), a few field snacks and a parsnip most definitely do not count as food. especially not for someone tending a farm. Come over to my house. I'll cook a hearty lunch, it's about that time, and then we can talk. Don't worry, Shane is at work presently. Come on,"
You followed Marnie to her farm. You tripped over a few logs and stones and got caught in some more dense plant growth, but honestly you barely noticed. Once there, she seated you at her kitchen table and quickly prepared you your favourite hot beverage,
"Shane talked about you a lot. He said it's what you always ordered. I'm sorry if it's not as good as your shop in the city makes," She turned to the stove and began to cook something that spelled amazing. You blushed in shame when your stomach grumbled noisily. Marnie chuckled in a friendly manner before she sighed and brought you a generous helping of food. "Dig in and then I'll start," She instructed. You nodded and forked a bit of food into your mouth. It tasted delicious but still landed in your empty stomach with a nauseating thud. You took another bite, though, knowing that Marnie would be on you like a hawk. You could just feel it. She sipped from a steaming mug and sighed heavily,
"A few months ago, I got a call from a hospital in the city. I was the only family listed for a 'Shane', they told me. They asked if I was Marnie, his aunt. I hesitantly told them yes. Shane had attempted to take his own life by leaping in front of a car, presumably on his way to work some Thursday morning. I rushed to the city right away and left Jas with Jodi. He was in intensive care for a while. He had suffered severe head trauma and was in a coma for a week. When he woke up, he asked me where he was. I talked to Joja and had him transfered to their Stardew Valley location where I could keep en eye on him. I was in such a panic, that I didn't think of you at all until a few weeks after he moved to the valley with me. I asked him if he wanted to give you a call. He had no idea who you were and I had no idea how to get ahold of you so I just... let it go. I'm sorry, (Y/N). I could have tried harder to find you. I should have tried harder. I was just so relieved that I still had him. He hasn't been the same since he got here. He's empty. There's a part of him missing and I think he knows that he's missing memories, but he just tries to drown them away with his beer and I," Marnie swallowed a sob and you stared ahead of you blankly. He didn't know who you were. Marnie took a deep breath,
"I don't know if you'll ever be able to forgive him for abandoning you like that, but I want my nephew back. The one that called me ecstatic on Sunday mornings and told me about a person he was in love with and not good enough for. He told me that he hadn't told you yet but that one day he would and you'd escape from Joja together. I don't know if I'll ever know what he was thinking when he jumped in front of the car, and I don't know if I want to. But I know that what he felt for you was special and I know that I believe in love as a magic. Please," There were quiet tears sliding down Marnie's cheeks," Help me get my nephew back," You sobbed quietly with her.
He loved you.
He told her that he loved you.
The next day you walked to Pierre's and waited patiently in the path to Joja, a platter of steaming pepper poppers behind your back. Shane tried to ignore you and walk past but you stepped in front of him and stopped him,
"Here, Shane. I know these are your favourite. I hope you aren't already too full or that you can use a microwave for your lunch at Joja. I know we could in the city," He stared at you blankly. You pushed the poppers into his hands and walked back to the farm to finish your morning chores.
The next day you stood in the path again, this time with his favourite beverage. Yesterday, you'd taken a trip to the coffee shop and ordered one for him. You'd also left a note for your waitress, letting her know that you were okay and thanking her. When he walked past, you offered him the mug.
"Here, I ordered this for you yesterday. You used to order it every Saturday. You said it had been your favourite ever since you first tasted it." He raised an eyebrow at you but reached out and hesitantly took the mug,
"Th-thanks, I guess," He said awkwardly. You went back to the farm.
The next day you brought him a pizza. Yeah. A whole pizza. Topped with hot peppers and all of his other favourite toppings.
"Here. I hope you didn't pack a lunch today and have room for this. We used to order one just like it early Sunday mornings while we wandered the town," He sighed at you.
"You know everything I like. But I don't know you, really. Are you stalking me?" It felt like a stab to the heart. You smiled brightly and chuckled at him,
"No. But I thought you were stalking me once. You even pushed me into a side hall and randomly gave me your phone number," He rolled his eyes and scoffed,
"Sure, I did. Look, I don't want your pity presents. Leave me alone," He turned and walked away, leaving you with the pepper-topped pizza and a stomped heart. You returned to the farm and put the pizza away. You did your chores while sobbing and turned in early.
The next day, you showed up with empty hands. When he saw you he rolled his eyes but then stopped. He walked up to you cautiously,
"Your hands are empty. You aren't going to try to butter me up with something edible?" You shook your head.
"I know you don't know me, but I know you. Well, I know who you used to be. And that man knew me, too. I have a picture of him and I that I always carry with me." You pulled it out and looked at it for a moment, tears forming in your eyes. You didn't look up.
"I'm sorry that I thought I could make you remember me with food and beverages. And I'm sorry that I wan't enough to you to keep you safe. I'm really, really sorry about that," You started to cry harder. "If I'd been enough-" You choked through a sob, "Maybe you'd remember me, Maybe you'd-" You stopped short as he snatched the picture away from you and stared at it. "Please don't damage that," You begged quietly. He looked up at you,
"I can't stand how familiar you look," He said, "Every time I see you, I feel like I know you, but I can't place it and I hate that. I hate feeling like I don't know who I am because I don't know who you are. I thought avoiding you would make it go away but you won't let me do that, will you?" He sighed heavily and looked down at the picture again. "You look so happy. I look so happy. I don't remember the last time I felt that happy. I don't remember you. But I want to. I really do. If you can make me smile like this, you must be as incredible as you look," You blushed heavily and grinned through your tears,
"Will you work with me? Please? I want you to remember, too." He sighed and look up from the picture at you and handed it back gently,
"Will you please make a copy of this for me? I want to know what I'm working toward whenever I doubt this process. I'm willing to work with you. Every time I look at you I feel something and I want to remember what it is," You broke down into tears again and it was all you could do to keep from wrapping your arms around him and burring into his familiar chest.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?? Please don't cry anymore. I don't know what I said that was wrong but I'm sorry. Please stop crying," He said in a soft, panicked voice. He had moved so that his hands were holding your shoulders protectively and you melted into the familiarity of his touch and warmth.
"I'm just so happy. You vanished without a trace and that broke me. And then I found you but you had no idea who I was and that shattered me further, but you're willing to try and I just-" Your sentenced tapered off into incoherent sobbing. Shane wrapped him warm arms around you protectively and you burrowed into him like you did when the night air was cold or you had to say goodbye Sunday morning or just because you had wanted to be closer to him. You deeply inhaled and were surrounded by Him and the familiarity of Him and you sighed happily and relaxed into the man you'd spent several months of your life being nearly inseparable from. His chest vibrated slightly as you heard him sigh in what you knew to be a contended way, like he always had when he wrapped you in himself and you burrowed into him.
"I remember this. I remember this feeling, both emotional and physical. I remember being like this often," You sniffled and he tightened his arms protectively around you, "I don't remember that, though. I don't know if I ever heard you cry. But I hate it. And I hate that I'm the reason you're crying. I hope that I can fix this and that you'll forgive me." He said, "Especially when you find out how I lost my memory," He added in a mumble. You knew you weren't supposed to hear it but you had and you already knew what had happened. You also knew that depression was a chemical imbalance and can strike at you even when you're at your best.
"This isn't your fault, Shane," You mumbled. He scoffed in gentle anger,
"It is my fault. I did this. I made a choice that doesn't even make sense to have made if I had someone as incredible as you in my life but I did and I hurt you. I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I hope I remember what happened so I can make this all up to you properly." You sighed,
"It's not your fault. And you're doing a fine job as it is. It will break my heart if you never remember me, but if you take the time to get to know me all over again, that will be enough for me, because I know you, and I know who you are and who you can be."
That weekend the two of you took the bus to the city. You went to the coffee shop that you always frequented and the waitress rushed up and embraced you,
"(Y/N), you found him! I was so worried. We all were! I'm so glad you're okay," She said, addressing you and Shane both. Shane squinted at the waitress and you saw a light flash behind his eyes.
"I know you! You're Marrissa!" He said excitedly. He ordered his usual drink and yours and then said, "I don't really know how I know that order, but I know that it's what I'm supposed to order," Marrissa gave you a puzzled look and you shook your head kindly at her. She went back to the kitchen to put in your order and you turned to Shane,
"This is good, right? You remembered my order, that must mean that it's all in there somewhere and we can fetch it out somehow!" He grinned at you,
"I really hope it does. This feels so right. I remember being so happy in this shop. Even though I only ever came here because it was someone else's favourite shop."
"Mine! It's my favourite shop! When we first discussed meeting outside of work, I suggested it and you said that you'd never heard of it but if I was so excited about it, it was definitely somewhere worth visiting!" You babbled in an excited manner, "We came here every Saturday. We got here right when they opened, ordered the same thing every time and then sat, chatted, and sipped until close," Shane beamed.
"I know this place. I remember it. I fully, truly remember it." He looked around in awe before looking back to you and frowning, "I still don't remember you, though. What would we talk about?" You shrugged slightly,
"Absolutely everything. The first day we were here, We talked about termination and what it might mean. We both wondered if they actually killed you because no terminated person had ever been heard from after,"
"Oh! I remember this conversation! I remember thinking that until I met the other person, I wanted to find out what it was to be terminated, because death would honestly just be a gift. I remember not saying that because I didn't want to upset the actual gift that I'd just found," You blushed heavily.
"You did tell me later, though. Another night when our conversation was more serious, like it would sometimes get, you told me. That was-" You cut yourself off, your face was burning up.
"That was the first time we kissed," Shane said. You looked up in mortified shock,
"Y-yeah. I'm sorry. It must make you feel really awkward to hear about when you kissed me, even though I'm now a complete stranger to you,"
"No. No, no. I remember that. you said that sometimes you wondered if Joja was worth all the struggle and I told you that before I met you, I wondered if life was worth the struggle, and that maybe Joja would solve the problem for me. And then your eyes watered and you leaned over and kissed me and told me that the only problem Joja ever solved was your loneliness and I told you that that was the corniest thing I'd ever heard just as I kissed you back. I got you home extra late that Sunday, the sun was fully risen by the time I made sure you locked your door on the way in. (Y/N), I remember. I remember that and I remember the hallway and I remember the way you only snore on Tuesday which I could never figure out and I remember that your favourite drink is absolutely nasty!" He exclaimed. Just then, Marrissa walked up and laughed,
"You'll never stop teasing them about this drink, will you?" She asked. Shane looked at you and grinned.
"I won't forget to tease them about it ever again." He promised. You felt silent tears streak down your cheeks and the two of you cashed out and went back to the valley early. He walked with you back to the farm and helped you care for your chicken and crops. Then you headed inside,
"Do you want to watch the same movie for the 50th time?" He asked,
"It's a great film!" You replied, indignantly. He chuckled and pulled you close to him,
"And you make a great farmer, especially for a city folk," He said, giving you a quick peck on the lips. You nuzzled into him but he pushed you away. You looked up at him, confused,
"I'm sorry." He said, "I don't deserve this."
"What? That's nonsense. Why not?" He sighed and you saw a tear slide down his cheek for a change. You reached up to wipe it away for him but he pushed you away again.
"No. It's not. I hurt you. I hurt you so badly and it was so selfish of me and I made that choice and I haven't even been honest with you and I'm so, so sorry, (Y/N)."
"I already know," You mumbled quietly.
"You-what?" He asked.
"I already know," You repeated, "That first time I saw you in the pub and you told me not to talk to you because you didn't know me, I rushed home and stayed in bed for days. Aunt Marnie came over to see if I would take in a stray animal and made the connection that I was the city person you would call her about every Sunday morning and she told me what happened,"
"So you know what I - that I - " You rushed forward and wrapped your arms around him and burrowed into him,
"I've known the whole time," You said softly,
"How can you stand to look at me, knowing I did that to you?" You sighed into him and looked up into his warm, familiar eyes.
"It wasn't your fault. Depression can get to you even when you're at your best. I already knew that you were suicidal. I love you anyway," You said, sincerely.
"You - you love me?" He asked. You nodded and stood on your tiptoes to peck his stubbly chin,
"I love everything about you. I love your gravelly voice, and your 9 o'clock shadow, and your ratty old joja mart jacket, and your purple hair, and the way you wear it, and your green eyes, and your sports jersey. I love the way you snore and the way you say my name and the way your nose crinkles in disgust when you catch a whiff of my drink. Depression is hard. Suicidal thoughts are harder. But I love you anyway and I want to be here for you and help you through all of it. You didn't wrong me, Shane. It's not your fault. Please, please don't blame yourself," You said, verging on tears toward the end. He dipped down and captured your lips in a loving and gentle kiss,
"Please don't cry. If I make you cry one more time, I don't think I'll ever forgive myself. I'm so sorry that you didn't know. I'm so sorry that no one told you. I'm so sorry that I messed everything up. Don't interrupt me, let me finish." He said when you opened your mouth to speak. You shut it and listened intently, "I don't want you to have to go through that ever again. I want you to know what's going on. I want you to be the first one that finds out if something happens to me so that you don't ever have to go through that ambiguity I put you through before again, so," He took a shaky breath, "I don't deserve a monopoly over you. But I've never wanted anything more," He knelt down so that only one of his knees was on the ground, held your hands lovingly and looked up into your eyes with breath-taking sincerity,
"Will you please, please let me be blessed enough to be your husband. They'll legally have to contact you any time I do something stupid. You'll never have to wonder if you're going to lose me because I only want you. I've only ever wanted you. I've never loved anyone before and I won't ever be able to love anyone again. I love you, (Y/N), and I need you to be mine for the rest of my life. I don't want to lose you again. Please." You dropped down to your knees with him and buried yourself into him,
"Are you sure? You just remembered me today. What if this isn't really what you want? What if I'm - - " He cut you off by stealing your lips in a breath-taking kiss that melted your heart,
"I don't know if I can ever be enough for you," He said, looking directly into your eyes, "And that's my only doubt, is that I'll disappoint you. But there's no doubt in my mind about you. I love you. I've loved you for so long but I never had the guts to tell you because I was afraid that maybe, maybe you wouldn't feel the same. But then I lost you and I hurt you and I don't ever want to do that again. Please, I want to give the rest of my life to you." You stared in his eyes and saw the sincerity, vulnerability, hope, and pure love and started to cry," He pulled you into him and sat back, cradling you in his lap,
"What's wrong? shhhh what's wrong, (Y/N)?" He asked softly. You sniffled loudly,
"Earlier this week, you shoved me away and told me to stop stalking you. I didn't know if you would ever remember me. Now all of my dreams are coming true, I just," You broke down into more sobs and he rocked you gently, tracing calming patterns lovingly on your back.
"You can have some time to think about it, if you want. I'll wait for you forever, if I need to," You laughed weakly at him,
"I don't need time. Just you. I would be honoured to call you my husband." He looked at you, a shocked grin plastered on his face,
"Are you saying yes??" He asked, bewildered. You nodded rapidly,
"Yes, Yes, a quatrillion times, yes!," You told him. He whooped and captured your lips again, kissing you with a gentle lovingness that you were sure was unique to him. His stubble gently grazed your chin and he wrapped you protectively in his arms and you sighed into the kiss in a completely contented way.
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