"Doa ming si!" doa ming si looks around and laughs as he's girlfriend calls his name out.
"Yes shancai? I have to go to a meeting my mother is expecting me." I look at him blushing uncontrollably.
"Why are you blushing" he holds me tightly kissing my cheek gently.
"Just because one day we will be getting married!" I hug him tightly kissing his cheek 3 times.
"Of course we will! and our kids will be as pretty as you" He caresses my cheek cuddling me. "But now I have to go. my mom is holding a meeting that I have to go to." He stops cuddling me and takes his jacket and leaves.
"Love you!" I shout out before he leaves.
"Love you to!" As he walks out the door.
Doa ming si (pov)
I arrive at the destination which what seems like a Vip restaurant I enter and I see everyone sitting at a long dinner table. waiting for me.
"Mom why did you want me here I was busy with my girlfriend?" I cross my arms and look at her.
"well Son I decided to make an arranged marriage so we can keep our company and stay rich." She laughs and soon everyone laughs there.
"Didn't I just say I was busy with my girlfriend?" I raise an eyebrow looking at her in disbelief.
"Well that good for nothing girl doesn't bring anything for the table. instead she just brings he disgusting self to you." My mom scoffs and smiles at the other people. "so I decided to make an arranged marriage and hoping you guys will get along." She smiles at the girl I'm supposed to marry. I scoff and leave the room immediatly.
"Run after him dear" My mom says to the girl hesitantly
"Yes ma'am.." she stood up and ran after Doa ming si.
"Hey wait up for me!" the girl runs after him forcing him to run after him.
"No I have a girlfriend.!" I utter in annoyance walking with hands in my pocket.
"Did you really think I wanted to marry you, you look like a monkey!" the girl scoffed at me rolling her eyes.
"Me? A monkey? every girl wants to marry me!" I walk to her unbelieved that she just called me a monkey.
"If you carry me I will take it back" She blushes and puts her hands on he hip.
"Fine! but what's your name? You already know mine" I look at her.
"My name is He yuanzi! don't wear it out" She blushes reaching for my hand.
"First of all I said Ill carry you. not date you" I toss her on my back. "why are you so heavy? what do you eat." I said struggling to walk right.
"I am not that heavy! And besides why should I go on a diet when there is delicious food?" He Yuanzi says to me. all of a sudden she bites my ear.
"Ow ow ow.." I toss her off my back leaving her to fall hard don the pavement. "wy would you bite my ear?" I rub my ear due to the sting.
"Because you called me heavy!" Yuanzi scoffs.
"Ill just call you a cab, bye!" I run away leaving her there.
1hr later
"I'm home! Shancai!" Dao Ming si scream out.
"Babe! that was long anyway what happened there?" I kiss him on the cheek curious of what happened at the meeting while he was gone.
"Nothing much she was just talking of what the company is going through." he says smiling at me looking exhausted.
"You little tired baby. let me make you something to drink go and rest so long." I look at him smiling making my way to the kitchen to make him something to drink.
Doa ming si (pov)
I go lay down on the bed feeling guilty off not telling my girlfriend the truth. "I can't she will get sad and probably break up with me.. to "not get in the way" so annoying" I grunt and toss and turn around the bed. until I hear a ding on my phone.
I smile at the thought of her giving a invalid response just to go on a date with me.
"cute.." I blush. "wait I have a girlfriend.. I cant think of her." I slap myself knowing that it's wrong of what I'm doing.!
"Baby here's your drink I hope you not sleeping yet!" dong shancai comes in holding a tray with tea in it.
"No I'm not asleep you can come." I speak softly well she comes in with the tray and places it down near me.
"Babe why were you so smiley earlier when you were talking about your meeting?" Shancai looks suspicious looking at me.
"Well because.. well .. My mom said that she's going to buy me ice cream!" I quickly come up with a thought so she doesn't suspect me.
"Oh okay night baby." She walks out the room with the tray closing the door behind her.
In the morning ( Doa ming si date.)
"So what did you tell your girlfriend?" Yuanzi says while eating her ice cream.
"I Just said that my mom wants me to go out with ice cream with her." I smile at her while enjoying my ice cream.
"Oh so you haven't told her about us?" She looks at m concerned.
"Yeah I didn't want to break her heart.. especially that I might catch feelings for you." I blushed hoping she didn't hear that last part.
"Aw your cute! no wonder I'm catching feelings for you but.. remember about your girlfriend." She utters looking at me sadly.
"Don't worry I'm not going to cheat on her." I look at her smiling.
"You better not" she laughs scooting closer to me.
"You know I'm feeling a better connection with you.. then I did with her." I look at he yuanzi touching her chin.
"Really.. No one has ever said that." she looks in my eyes. locked in a gaze. I thought to myself. "Maybe I can have 2 girls and she's more hot anyway" I lean in for the kiss.
Shancai's (POV)
"bye babe" I smile eating popcorn while watching my favorite C-drama.
"Bye!" He leaves shutting the door behind me closed.
"He always calls me babe.. when ever he leaves." I dust the thought of and carry on watching my series. I hear a phone call coming from my phone and decide to answer it.
"Hey whats up?" I ask him.
"Nothing, just want to get Ice cream? Unless you busy with your boyfriend." Hau zei lei speaks.
"No we can go. see you there." I hang up and go get changed.
60 minutes later.
We arrived at the destination moving to go get strawberry ice cream.
"Wait.. isn't that your boyfriend?" Hau zei lei utters. I glance over to squint my eyes closer to see whats going on.
"Your right that is him." I move closer to the pair that was sitting on a bench.. KISSING?" I-
"Are you okay?" Hua ze lei taps my back rubbing it
"No as you can see that my boyfriend.. is cheating on me." I sob crying.
"Si what are you doing?? you know you have a girlfriend right?"
"lei.." Doa ming si stops kissing and looks directly at him.
"It's not what it looks like." he utters shocked that he got caught.
"Actually it's fine now you gave me a opportunity to date shancai." He walks back to shancai puting his arm around her shoulder and leaving doa ming si with the girl.
1 Year later.
"Baby which one do think looks better on me? red or pink!" Shancai runs to hua zei lei holding two dresses in her hand.
"Anything looks good on you babe" I look at her kissing her on her forehead.
"Hey! just because I'm short doesn't mean you can do that.!" She looks up pouting.
"Okay then" I went on my knees looks directly at her. "Is this better"? I chuckle in delight having fun with her.
"Hmph I'm just trying to be pretty for our date!" She smacks my shoulder leaving me there.
3 hours later
"Your ready baby?" I place my hand on her should smiling.
"Yep! I am" she twirls around looking at herself in the mirror smiling.
'You look amazing.. I'm glad I'm dating you" I smile giving her a peck on the neck.
30 minutes later ( at the destination)
"Hi I would like to order your finest dishes." I look at the waiter and smiling back at Shancai.
"Babe we don't have that kind of money!" She looks at me shocked then back at the waiter.
"Don't worry babe I got this" I look at her giving a small kiss on her hand.
"Fine." She looks at me smiling then back at the waiter.
"O my gosh this food looks so amazing." she looks at the food an immediately starts eating.
I chuckle and start taking portions and eating as well.
"Oh my gosh Shancai? Hua zei lei?" I look around as I see a familiar face stand right besides our table.
"Oh doa ming si hello." I look at him curiously of why he came to our table.
"Babe aren't you going to help me our child is crying!" I look around as I see a familiar face at the back of doa ming si.
"wait you have a child..? I can see you guys were very busy" Shancai giggles under her breath and carries on eating.
"So what Atleast his pretty." He yuanzi speaks out.
"Okay okay. can we Just enjoy our food?" I look at them rolling my eyes. "sure we will go then come on babe." and they went to their tables.
"Shouldn't we get a child?" I look at shancai Laughing. "what's wrong? why are you coughing?"
"We just started dating a month ago lets calm down heh.." shancai looks at me blushing.
"we will see about that."
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