WHAT ARE YOU DOING here?" the venom laced in jeremiah's words probably would've stung if cooper hadn't already been used to it.
"going for a swim." cooper stated. "is that a problem?"
jeremiah opened his mouth to respond, but a new voice stopped him. "fancy seeing you here, new bestie."
cooper looked over to see allie approaching the two boys. "hey, allie."
"who's this?" allie asked, even though she slightly knew who the boy was already.
"this is my best friend's annoying brother." cooper smiled sarcastically at the curly haired boy. he gestured to the girl that was now standing next to him. "this is allie."
"hi." jeremiah gave a small, awkward wave as he pursed his lips. "i should get back to it." he pointed towards his lifeguard stand.
"it was nice meeting you, annoying brother." allie smirked, arms crossed over her chest. she looked over at cooper, asking loudly so that jeremiah could hear. "is that what we're actually calling him now?"
"his name's jeremiah." cooper responded. both boys' blue eyes locked and they may have stared at each other longer than they should have because allie grabbed cooper's hand and started to drag him away.
"have fun on duty, annoying brother named jeremiah!" she laughed as she led cooper over to two empty chairs. "so were you planning on ever telling me about the sexual tension between the two of you?"
cooper's head shot towards the brunette. "what?"
"you guys need to just make out or something. get shit off your chests." she sighed, leaning back on her lounge chair and slipped her sunglasses over her eyes.
"why the hell would making out with that jackass help me get shit off my chest? that doesn't make any sense." cooper scoffed. only a hum came from her as she kept her eyes shut and started to bake in the hot sun. cooper narrowed his eyes at the girl before turning his attention back to the lifeguard stand where the sound of a whistle came from. jeremiah was yelling at some kids, telling them not to run. the older blond's sunglasses were over his eyes, so the younger boy was unable to tell that he was looking at him, which cooper was thankful for. he turned back to allie and furrowed his eyebrows, "i've known you for like twenty four hours and you're already stressing me out."
allie fake gasped, "how am i stressing you out? i've done nothing wrong."
"you're saying stupid shit." he mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.
"stupid shit that's got you thinking." she pointed out and the blond rolled his eyes before closing them.
the two laid there in silence for a while, cooper in his thoughts and allie humming a random tune. the boy decided to drop the topic because he simply did not want to think about it and decided to go for a swim. he pulled his shirt over his head and walked to the edge of the pool, sitting at the edge so he could dip his feet in. the water wasn't cold, but it wasn't warm either. he wasn't sure whether he liked it or not.
"so," allie sat next to him, dipping her feet in the water also. "there's a party at nicole's tomorrow night. wanna go as my plus one?" cooper pretended to think about it and allie playfully shoved him lightly. "my only request is that you bring some of your stash."
cooper scoffed, "you live here. i'm only here for the summer. i didn't bring a lifetime supply with me. i have to savor this stuff, ya know?"
the curly haired brunette groaned. "fine. i'll text my friend later and get some for us."
he smiled wide, leaning over to press a sloppy kiss to her cheek. she fake-gagged and wiped her cheek before playfully shoving the boy again. he slowly slid off the edge and got into the pool, taking in the coolness of the water. he quickly stuck his head under, knowing he'd feel better once he did that. as he came back up he flipped his wet hair at allie, causing her to curse at him as she wiped herself dry. her phone started to ring from her chair and she went to grab it, leaving cooper back to his thoughts. his glance drifted towards where jeremiah sat again and he was surprised to see the boy looking at him already. he quickly looked away and silently groaned, going under water again. he stayed underwater for what felt like forever before two arms wrapped around him and pulled him up to the surface. he started to choke on water due to shock and was spun around, hands grabbing his face.
"are you okay? what the hell were you doing?" the worry in jeremiah's voice snapped him out of his trance and he finally opened his eyes, pulling his arm up over his mouth to cover his sudden coughing fit.
allie was knelt down at the edge of the pool with wide eyes. "cooper, are you okay?"
"i'm fine!" cooper shoved jeremiah's hands away from him. "i wasn't drowning, dude." he shoved jeremiah's chest lightly before walking over to the edge of the pool to climb out.
"you were under the water for a long time, cooper." jeremiah angrily followed him out of the pool.
"i know how to hold my breath for a good amount of time, jer. don't worry about me." he turned to allie. "can you give me a ride back to where i'm staying?"
allie nodded quickly, "yeah, of course."
the two grabbed their belongings and headed in the direction of allie's car, leaving jeremiah behind. cooper sent a quick text to susannah letting her know he left with a friend so she wouldn't worry and the two were off.
this is long
overdue, bruh
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