Kurt and Veronica
(( this one is old ))
This is a conversation between Veronica Sawyer and Kurt Kelly.
Kurt Kelly: Hey, Ronnie.
Veronica Sawyer: What do you want, Kurt? Don't call me that.
Kurt Kelly: Oh-I.. I just wanted some help, sorry.
Veronica Sawyer: ... Fine. What is it?
Kurt Kelly: Uh.. so I like this oerson, but not like, I just wanna fuck them kinda like, but like love them. If that makes sense?
Kurt Kelly: I'm not good with feelings, sorry.
Veronica Sawyer: /You/? God, Kurt. You should've told me to sit down if you were gonna surprise me like this. You can have feelings past just wanting a fuck?
Kurt Kelly: Shut up, Veronica!
Veronica Sawyer: Whatever, Kurt. Can you move out my way now?
Kurt Kelly: But, wait! I need help!
Veronica Sawyer: Why would I help you?
Kurt Kelly: I don't know. I'll never bother you again..?
Veronica Sawyer: Deal.
Kurt Kelly: Thank god.
Veronica Sawyer: So, who is it? Who's the unlucky one?
Kurt Kelly: Ugh. And.. uh.. *he lowers his voice.* Don't tell anyone, but it's Ram.
Veronica Sawyer: ... /Oh/. So - so you two - I was right? Awesome.
Kurt Kelly: What do you mean, you were right?
Veronica Sawyer: Oh, Heather Duke wouldn't believe me when I told her.
Kurt Kelly: Told her what?!
Veronica Sawyer: It's obvious, Kurt.
Kurt Kelly: Wait.. really?
Veronica Sawyer: Yeah?
Kurt Kelly: Well, shit.
Kurt Kelly: How can you tell?
Veronica Sawyer: You guys take any excuse to get near each other in the nude. Why else would you be so into threesomes with each other?
Kurt Kelly: Uh.. cause were best friends?
Kurt Kelly: Or is that not a best friend thing?
Veronica Sawyer: That's not a best friend thing.
Kurt Kelly: /Oh./
Veronica Sawyer: So, what do you need me for?
Kurt Kelly: Well.. I don't know. I wanna tell him, but..
Veronica Sawyer: But?
Kurt Kelly: I don't wanna get made fun of.
Veronica Sawyer: Like you've done to everyone else? Maybe it's your time.
Kurt Kelly: Well, geez.
Kurt Kelly: (( damn you have her personality down cold.)
Veronica Sawyer: What're you afraid of? If it goes wrong, just tell 'im you were kidding, and he's a fag for believing it. That's what you'd do normally, right?
Kurt Kelly: I guess, yeah.
Veronica Sawyer: ((aha, i just love her a lot.))
Veronica Sawyer: Go for it, sport.
Kurt Kelly: But like, wouldn't that mean /I'm/ a fag?
Veronica Sawyer: ... You're not being serious right now, are you?
Kurt Kelly: (( spOrT))
Kurt Kelly: Uh...
Veronica Sawyer: Sorry, Kurt. Yeah. Pretty sure you already are one.
Kurt Kelly: Oh fuck off.
Veronica Sawyer: If you insist, champ.
Kurt Kelly: It's not like you don't have a huge crush on Chandler.
Veronica Sawyer: Chandler? Me? Oh, no. She's my worst enemy, Kelly. Chandler? Me? Me, Chandler? Stop it, you're making me laugh.
Kurt Kelly: *He stares at her, an eyebrow raised.*
Veronica Sawyer: *She sticks her chin up* ... What, you think she's into /me/?
Kurt Kelly: Well, duh.
Veronica Sawyer: ... Oh. Why? I mean, that's cool, I don't care, but why do you think that?
Kurt Kelly: Cause uh.. don't make fun of me for ,nowing this, but it's like little things, like psychological things. Like your knees point the the person you're most interested in and stuff.
Kurt Kelly: Knowing*
Veronica Sawyer: *She sighs, looking up.* That's just her way of patronising.
Kurt Kelly: Is it, though?
Kurt Kelly: Have you /seen/ the way she looks at you?
Veronica Sawyer: Like I'm a piece of shit on her shoe? I don't understand what you're trying to do here.
Kurt Kelly: Ask anyone. When you're not looking her face turns like red and soft.
Veronica Sawyer: *She shakes her head* Fuck you, Kelly. This whole thing some new way for you to get at me?
Kurt Kelly: Why would I want you? I told you I like Ram.
Kurt Kelly: Just think Chandler deserves something good in her life.
Veronica Sawyer: No, get at me, as in, find another way to make me wish we were all dead.
Kurt Kelly: I'm not /that/ cold, Veronica.
Veronica Sawyer: Prove it.
Kurt Kelly: How?
Veronica Sawyer: Come on, Kelly. Lose your last two brain cells and think of something.
Kurt Kelly: What, do you want me to like.. make you a cake or something? I'm not that smart.
Veronica Sawyer: No, Kurt. Just convince me you actually feel something, for once in your life. *She crossed her arms, a small smirk at the corner of her lips.*
Kurt Kelly: Do you want me to like.. do something to.. Ram..?
Veronica Sawyer: Sure.
Kurt Kelly: *He sighs and looks around for Ram.* Do you know where he is?
Veronica Sawyer: Try McNamara's panties.
Kurt Kelly: What, you jealous?
Veronica Sawyer: Far from it.
Kurt Kelly: Hmph.
Kurt Kelly: (( I can be ram for the split second we need him? ))
Veronica Sawyer: ((Oh, sure!))
Veronica Sawyer: Oh, look. Here he is. Surfaced to catch some air.
Kurt Kelly: *Ram walked over, looking for Kurt.* Oh, hey Sawyer, Kurt.
Veronica Sawyer: Where've you been?
Kurt Kelly: *Ram shrugged.* I wanted food. Chandler had corn nuts.
Veronica Sawyer: ... Who got them for her? I, I haven't for a while. Who?
Kurt Kelly: Why do you care so much? *Kurt laughed.*
Veronica Sawyer: Just wondering who the new bitch is. Need to send out a card expressing my commiserations.
Kurt Kelly: *Kurt looked at her, confused.* I have no idea what that means.
Kurt Kelly: *Ram smirked and High five him.*
Kurt Kelly: (( stupid phone ugh ))
Veronica Sawyer: *Veronica blinked, looking down* Of course. My bad.
Kurt Kelly: *Ram crossed his arms and looked at Veronica.* What were you two talking about?
Veronica Sawyer: You.
Kurt Kelly: *Kurt kicked Veronica's shins.*
Kurt Kelly: What? *Ram laughed.*
Veronica Sawyer: Ow! *She glared at them both, trying to kick him back*
Kurt Kelly: Wait, why? *Ram bit his lip, puzzled.*
Kurt Kelly: *Kurt stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking away.*
Veronica Sawyer: You guys can answer that yourselves.
Kurt Kelly: Veronica.. *Kurt growled softly.*
Veronica Sawyer: Tell him, Kurt.
Kurt Kelly: Tell me what? *Ram chuckled, staring at Kurt. He tilted his head quizzically, and Kurt blushed.*
Veronica Sawyer: You two are dumber than we give you credit for.
Kurt Kelly: *Kurt sighed.* I..um.. I like you..?
Kurt Kelly: (( do you have wattpad? ))
Veronica Sawyer: ((no, I'm sorry.))
Kurt Kelly: (( åw dang, okay.))
Veronica Sawyer: ((ya, I'm sorry, it's one of the only things I don't use.))
Veronica Sawyer: How classy, Kurt.
Kurt Kelly: (( oof haha. ))
Kurt Kelly: *he turned to Veronica, his face red.* Oh,Shut up!
Kurt Kelly: *Ram hadn't spoken, his face red.*
Veronica Sawyer: Keep it classy, baby, that's right.
Kurt Kelly: *Kurt groaned and threw his head back.*
Kurt Kelly: *Ram tapped his foot and looked away.* okay..
Veronica Sawyer: Well, there you go. Am I done here?
Kurt Kelly: *Kurt sighed.* Ram, if you don't like me, that's fine. And Veronica, thanks I guess.
Veronica Sawyer: *She nodded, not sure what else to say, and curtly walked away.*
Veronica Sawyer has left the conversatio
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