Connor and Jake
This is a conversation between Connor Murphy and yourself, Jake Dillinger.
Jake Dillinger: Oh hey.
Jake Dillinger: You're weed kid, right?
Connor Murphy: You could say that.
Jake Dillinger: Hm.
Jake Dillinger: Doesn't that Evan kid like you?
Connor Murphy: I don't know. Seems unlikely that anyone likes me.
Jake Dillinger: Oh. Well it seems like he likes you but..
Connor Murphy: Yeah.
Connor Murphy: You're Rich's friend, right?
Jake Dillinger: Uh, yeah.
Connor Murphy: Do you know if Rich and Michael are a thing?
Jake Dillinger: They used to be, but they both like someone else now. Michael likes Jeremy and Rich won't tell me who he likes.
Connor Murphy: Huh.
Jake Dillinger: Why?
Connor Murphy: Asking for a friend.
Connor Murphy: *cough* Jeremy *cough*
Jake Dillinger: *Jake furrowed his brows.* Don't tell him I told you.
Jake Dillinger: Michael will kill me.
Connor Murphy: I'm not, don't worry.
Jake Dillinger: Good.
Jake Dillinger: So Jeremy likes Michael?
Connor Murphy: He swears he doesn't but he really does.
Jake Dillinger: Hah. I knew it.
Jake Dillinger: Do you like Evan?
Connor Murphy: Why are you asking?
Jake Dillinger: Uh.. *He looks away.* No reason..?
Connor Murphy: *He narrows his eyes.* If you ask him out you're dead.
Jake Dillinger: *Jake laughs.* Me? Ask him out?
Connor Murphy: *He shrugs*
Jake Dillinger: If anyone asks him out, it should be you.
Connor Murphy: *Connor sighs.* I'll think about it.
Jake Dillinger: *Jake smiles.* Good! Good..
Connor Murphy: Are you planning something or...?
Jake Dillinger: No, just.. thinking.
Connor Murphy: Thinking about what?
Jake Dillinger: N-nothing!
Connor Murphy: Mhm...
Jake Dillinger: Can you do something for me?
Connor Murphy: What?
Jake Dillinger: Find out who Rich likes..? I-it's for a friend!
Connor Murphy: He's head over heels for you, dude.
Jake Dillinger: Wait.. really?
Connor Murphy: Yeah. You have got to be the most oblivious people ever.
Jake Dillinger: *Jake bites his lip.* How can you even tell?
Connor Murphy: He stares at you like you're the Sistine Chapel every time he sees you.
Jake Dillinger: *Jake blushes.* Evan does the uh, same thing to you.
Connor Murphy: *He looks away, blushing.* Oh, please- *His voice cracks.*
Jake Dillinger: *He laughs.* That was the gayest voice cracked I've ever heard.
Connor Murphy: *Connor blushes harder.* Shut up!
Jake Dillinger: Just ask him out! He clearly likes you.
Connor Murphy: I told you, I might. I don't know, though. Maybe.
Jake Dillinger: If I were you, I'd definitely do it before your sister steals him.
Connor Murphy: What?!
Jake Dillinger: What? You don't know that your sister likes him too?
Connor Murphy: My sister is literally dating a girl.
Jake Dillinger: *He holds his hands up and makes a semicircle shape.* Polyamorous.
Connor Murphy: Yeah, but- *He sighs.* Fine. I'm going to ask him out after class.
Jake Dillinger: *Jake smirks.* Good.
Connor Murphy: Why are you smirking?
Jake Dillinger: Cause Evan told me to tell you all this.
Connor Murphy: What?!
Jake Dillinger: He said you were taking too long.
Connor Murphy: *Connor hides his face in his hands, blushing.* Oh my god...
Jake Dillinger: *Jake laughs.* You uh, weren't lying about Rich, right?
Connor Murphy: *Muffled.* No.
Jake Dillinger: *He smiles widely.* Oh..! Okay!
Connor Murphy: You have to ask him out too.
Jake Dillinger: I know. I'll do it right now, watch ne.
Jake Dillinger: (( hey do you have wattpad? ))
Connor Murphy: //yeah i made it in seventh grade though dont judge me
Jake Dillinger: (( ah it's okay ))
Connor Murphy: //@fangirlfeels221B
Jake Dillinger: (( haha omay. ))
Connor Murphy: //what's yours?
Jake Dillinger: (( @-brookie-lohst- ))
Connor Murphy: //cool ill follow you
Jake Dillinger: (( mk ))
Connor Murphy: *Connor lifts his head up*
Jake Dillinger: *Jake walks over and taps Rich on the shoulder, turning his head back to smirk ay Connor.*
Connor Murphy: *Connor shrugs*
*Rich turns around and smiles* Hey Jake!
Jake Dillinger: *Jake blushes a bit, finally noticing the way Rich looked at him.* Hey, Rich.
Connor Murphy: Whath's up?
Jake Dillinger: I just wanted to ask you somethung. *he glanced back at Connor, as if for support.*
Connor Murphy: *Connor gives him a thumbs up.*
What iths it? //sorry for the weird spelling, i'm giving him a lisp//
Jake Dillinger: (( I know honey. ))
Jake Dillinger: Do you wanna like.. *he looks down.* go out me, or something?
Connor Murphy: *Rich breaks out in a huge grin.* I'd love to.
Jake Dillinger: *Jake smiles and just squeals softly before lifting Rich up and spinning Jim around.*
Jake Dillinger: Him*
Connor Murphy: *Rich laughs and holds onto him* Ith's about time, tall athss! *Connor smirks*
Jake Dillinger: I know, I'm sorry! *He sets him down and pecks his forehead.* I have to go tell Connor!
Connor Murphy: *Rich can't stop smiling.* *Connor waves at the two of them.*
Jake Dillinger: *He pecks Rich's lips before running back to Connor.* Oh my god!
Jake Dillinger: (( shit I have to go can we conure thus kater? ))
Jake Dillinger: (( continue* ))
Connor Murphy: //Yeah
Connor Murphy: //Talk to ya later
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