Shakhi OS Silver Linings
Backstory: This OS takes place right after Anokhi witnesses Shaurya telling Astha that he doesn't care if she lives or dies when she comes to meet him on his birthday.
ShaKhi OS | Silver Linings |
Anokhi saw how Shaurya behaved with Astha. He just declared he doesn't care if his mother lives or dies. She was taken aback to see how much Shaurya hated his mother.
'Koyi apni maa se aese kaise bath kar saktha hai?' was the only thing playing in her head.
Before she could do something, she saw Shaurya getting on his car and raced away from the spot, leaving behind a broken Astha. She rushed to her Astha mam and held her.
Astha cried, holding onto Anokhi, repeatedly saying what a bad mother she has been all these years. Anokhi don't know how to console Astha. She made Astha sit in the nearby bench and held onto her, letting Astha to cry out her pain.
"Mam, sambhaliyeh apne aap ko. You are not completely healed yet" She said "Let me get you some water"
Anokhi went to the canteen and came back with a glass of water and asked Astha to drink. Astha refused.
"I have been such a bad mother all these years" Astha cried "He hates me, Anokhi. My son hates me so much"
"Mam, aap aese math sochiyeh. Unhe galat faami hui hai. Sab kuch teek ho jayega. Aap fikhar math kijiyeh. Sambhaliyeh apne aap ko" She tried her best to console Astha.
Astha hasn't spoken about her pain to anyone in the past 25 years. She kept it all inside her. She thought it'll make her strong but she was wrong. She felt the pain tenfold today.
Anokhi let Astha cry. She knows it's the only way Astha can feel better. She needs to let it all out. She embraced her Astha mam and caressed her hair, letting Astha know that she is there for Astha. They sat in silence.
"Shaurya was nine years old when my brother died in Accident" Astha spoke after a long silence. Anokhi stiffened but said nothing, urging Astha to continue.
"My father was long retired. There wasn't anyone to take care of them. I wanted to take care of them, support them. Tej bhaisaab asked me not to think about them as I'm a Sabherwaal now. Devi Bhabhi, who always wanted Shaurya for herself, took advantage of the situation. She said I can't use Sabherwals money to take care of my old parents. That's why I decided to work again. But Sabherwal Bahu's can't work. They can only be a home maker. I argued with Tej Bhaisaab and Devi Bhabhi. Shaan can't even say anything to stand my cause. That is when Tej Bhaisaab and Devi Bhabhi decided to remove me from Sabherwal mansion. They just didn't remove me from their house but also from my son's life. I begged them to let me take Shaurya with him but they refused. Devi Bhabhi made sure to fill Shaurya's mind with hatred for me. He grew with this hatred for 25 years, Anokhi. Its true that I didn't fight for him. I thought if I fight for his custody then I will put him under pressure at such a young age. I thought Shaan would raise him better but Devi Bhabhi took over Shaurya. She manipulated him that I have left him for my career, that I only care about me and not him. She told him that I gave up on him and left him because I was selfish"
Astha cried while Anokhi could do nothing but hold onto her Astha mam.
"I have spent endless hours at the gate of Sabherwal mansion just to get a glimpse of my son. When I came to know he got into an accident, I rushed to the hospital but Devi bhabhi's people didn't let me meet Shaurya. She repeatedly manipulated him over and over for 25 years. I'm sure not a day would have passed without Devi Bhabhi filling his head against me. His hatred towards me is justified. In the end It was me who left him motherless. Patha hai, in childhood, he wouldn't even sleep without my stories or lohri. Every night after I left, I couldn't sleep in the thought that what Shaurya would do; Will he able to sleep without me? I wrote him countless letters. All came back with 'returned' stamps. As years passed, I grew to live with this pain. Shaan would send Shaurya's pictures every now and then. That is what made me kept going in life. I heard from people that he hates me. But when he voiced it to me, I couldn't handle it..."
Anokhi looked at Astha. She saw Astha's pain eating her inside.
"When death hanged above my head, when the bullet hit me, all I could think of is about Shaurya. There was a deep regret inside me that I couldn't be a good mother to Shaurya... I almost lost hope when he came that night to see me. He came to hospital to see me, Anokhi. Believe me, he did. That stirred hope within me. I never wanted to explain the truth to him but when I saw him that night, when he held my hand, I wanted to held onto him and cry. I wanted to explain everything to him and bring him back into my life. I ... I know he hates me; his hatred is justified. I thought if not me, he would have a whole family to love him but I never realized that my absence would hurt him to this extent. It was my absence that made him bitter. I thought I can take away that bitterness on his birthday. I hoped he would forgive me but he left me standing here, telling me how much he hates me. He doesn't want me. But I want him back, Anokhi. I want him back... I want my Shaurya back... Mujhe meri Shaurya wapas chahiyeh"
Astha was sobbing hardly. Anokhi was in tears. She herself was shocked and she needed time to process everything. She thought of the moments she lectured Shaurya about Astha. Shaurya was right. She shouldn't have talked about things she had no knowledge of. Now that she heard the whole story, she was completely taken aback.
At one side she felt Astha's pain. She felt bad that Astha had to go through such heart-breaking incidents in her life. She has never saw Astha in such a state. Her bold Astha was in such a vulnerable state, her longing for her son breaking her into pieces.
But on the other hand, Anokhi feels that Shaurya is the victim of the situation. His words, his hatred everything become clear to her. She left bad about the way she behaved with him in Astha's case. He had lived 25 years without his mother, hating her and blaming her for her absence. How can she expect him to accept this all this at once?
Poor Shaurya! He was manipulated for years! Even if Astha's justified in her side, in the end she did left Shaurya which was the root of all his sufferings. And Shaan sir, if he still loves her Astha mam then why didn't he stop any of this! She had so many questions in her hand but that can wait. She needs to console Astha for now and get her back to the hospital.
"Mam, bas. Aap aese ro math. Aap yahi bete rehna. Please have this water"
Anokhi managed to make Astha drink water. She told hold of Astha's hand in hers and asked her to calm down. She said she will be back with her things and then she will take Astha back to the hospital.
Anokhi was in a dilemma to leave Astha alone. But she wanted to pick her stuffs. So, she went to the canteen. Most of the works are done. She quickly kept everything in place and locked the canteen kitchen. She took her bag and walked back to the front only to notice that Astha was nowhere in sight. Panic gripped Anokhi as she looked around.
"Astha mam" She called out, looking at every direction. She checked the whole campus.
Anokhi saw a car entering the college premises. She was shocked to see Shaurya getting down from his car. Shaurya, who felt guilty of leaving a sick woman on the road, even if she's the mother he hates, couldn't resist himself from coming back. He just wanted to be sure that she is safe. He does care if she lives or die but he can't admit that to himself.
"Shaurya sir" She rushed to him, forgetting all her anger.
"Kya hua, Ms. Bhalla?" He asked her, looking around for Astha.
"Voh Astha mam" Her words grabbed his attention "She was just sitting here. I just went to get my things. When I came back, she is missing. I don't know where she is. I have looked around the campus but voh mil nahi ri hai"
"What?" Shaurya asked, shocked "What do you mean mil nahi ri hai? Did you check properly? She must be somewhere here"
"I have looked everywhere sir. Already bahat ro rahi thi. Patha nahi kaha chali gayi" Anokhi said, tearing up "Unhe kuch hogaya toh mein kya karungi"
Shaurya felt a weird pain when he heard that Astha's nowhere to be seen. He knows that he was harsh with his words. Even if he tried to convince himself that she deserved the way he behaved with her, he felt he was wrong. And then he looks at Anokhi, who was crying by now.
"Anokhi, don't cry. She wouldn't have gone far. Come, let's search for her"
Anokhi was surprised by Shaurya's invite. She cleared her tears and followed him to his car. They both hopped in. Shaurya drove the car in slow pace, his and Anokhi's eyes searching for Astha.
After fifteen minutes of searching her, they decided to take it to the police. In that way they can find Astha soon. Shaurya drove to the same police station where Anokhi was brought under false charges. They both stepped out of the car and walked inside the station.
Anokhi say the same cop who helped her the last time. As Shaurya approached his table with Astha's case, the cop noticed Anokhi too.
"Inspector, we need to make a missing complaint" Shaurya said, tensed.
"Relax, Sir. You two please have a seat" He said and turned towards Anokhi "Ms. Anokhi, aap yehan kaise?"
She nodded at him. But before she could say something Shaurya intervened.
"You can have your introductions later! I want to file a missing complaint. Voh mera ... I mean her professor is missing. We need your help in finding her as soon as possible" Shaurya was about to tag Astha as his mother but he controlled himself. Anokhi noticed that too.
"Sir, she is already sick. I have asked her to stay put but patha nahi kaha chali gayi voh. Bahat depressed thi. Please jaldhi kijiyeh"
Anokhi explained how she asked Astha to stay put but when she came back, Astha was missing. Virat understood the situation and he informed the patrol guards. He asked Anokhi if she has any pictures of Astha with her. She shared Astha's picture with Virat.
Virat informed the patrol team to go on with the search while he asked Shaurya and Anokhi to stay put in the police station. Virat left with his team to search for Astha while Shaurya brought Anokhi outside to his car. They both were sitting on the stone bench under a nearby tree.
"I should have left with them" Shaurya mumbled to himself.
Anokhi looked at Shaurya. She could look through him easily. He was tensed because of Astha. Even if he says he hates her, she can see the worry in his eyes for his mother.
She remembered all those moments she has behaved badly with Shaurya on lecturing him about his behavior with Astha. She felt she has crossed lines lot of times and she wanted to apologize to Shaurya. And so, she said,
"Yes, Ms. Bhalla" Shaurya's tone showed that he's really worked up.
"Aaj tak jo kuch bhi hua –"
"Ms. Bhalla, if you are to lecture me about how I should have behaved with your Astha mam then let me tell you, don't piss me off"
"Nahi, sir. Mein toh bas aap se maafi maanga chathi thi"
Shaurya looked at Anokhi, puzzled.
"You have told me repeatedly not to talk about things I have no knowledge of. But I kept poking my nose in yours and Astha mam's business. I apologize that I kept crossing my lines. I shouldn't have lectured you on how to behave with your mother. She is someone special to me, my favorite professor but that doesn't mean she was good to you. We both have different perspectives. I shouldn't have forced you to see things my way. I shouldn't have tried to mend your bond with her. As you said, it was none of my business. So, I'm sorry that I continuously annoyed you and disturbed you all these days relating to this topic"
Shaurya was surprised by Anokhi's words. He didn't even know what to respond her.
"Astha mam was crying continuously. That is why I tried to talk to you into celebrating your birthday with her. But I had no right to come into your cabin that way. I shouldn't have said any of things which I said. I just wanted to apologize" Anokhi finished and looked at Shaurya who stared back at her.
"And I'm sorry for throwing that bouquet on you" He said after a long silence "It was just an accident. I didn't intend to do it. I think I owe you an apology for treating you rudely from the start, Anokhi. It wasn't directed towards you but towards your mam and I accept that I shouldn't have reacted that way. I was annoyed whenever you brought her name. So, I snapped at you. I'm sorry for giving you this on my birthday"
Shaurya sincerely said, pointing towards the mark on Anokhi's face. She looked at Shaurya, not finding words to say. She was mad at him for the whole day and now she had no words to reply him. She nodded at him while he looked at the sky.
"Happy Birthday sir" She wished him finally.
"Thank you, Ms. Bhalla"
They saw a police jeep stopping in front of the station. Virat stepped down from the jeep. On seeing him, Shaurya and Anokhi approached him.
"Have you found her, sir?" Shaurya was the first one to ask.
"Haan, we found her in a deserted area, crying. She looked shocked. She was screaming of how she has been such a bad mother. We calmed her down and took her with us. She's constantly mumbling someone's name. I think Shau... Shaurya. Haan, she's mumbling the name Shaurya constantly. On the way, she fainted in exhaustion"
Shaurya was taken aback on hearing the inspector while Anokhi eyed Shaurya's reaction but said nothing.
"How is she now, sir? Can I meet her now?"
"Sure. She is inside the jeep. I'll ask the driver to drop you both at hospital" Virat offered. Anokhi looked at Shaurya's still shocked face and then agreed to Virat's offer.
Anokhi looked at Shaurya once, who was lost in his own world and moved to check on Astha. She decided that its best if she wakes Astha once they are at hospital so she walked towards Shaurya.
"Thank you for helping me find her, sir. I'll take her back to hospital" Anokhi's words pulled Shaurya out of shock.
"I said, I'm taking her back to hospital, sir"
"Is she okay?" Shaurya asked hesitantly.
"She's okay sir. As Virat sir said, she fainted in exhaustion. She will be fine. I'll leave now"
"I'll come along to hospital to help you"
Anokhi could clearly see how Virat's words affected Shaurya. She agreed. She got on the police jeep and sat with Astha while Shaurya followed them behind in his car. Once they reached the hospital, Shaurya called the attendants and got Astha back to her bed.
Shaurya couldn't look at the condition of Astha. He felt he is responsible for her state. He realized he shouldn't have behaved with her in that way even though he hates her. So, he walked out of Astha's room once she's on her bed. Anokhi came out to thank him.
"Thank you for helping me find her, sir" Anokhi thanked him again.
"Tum mere sath chalo. I'll drop you home"
"I'm planning on staying the night with Astha mam, sir. She would need someone to handle her when she wakes up. So, I'm staying back. Thanks for the offer though"
Shaurya nodded at Anokhi's words, bid her bye and walked out of the hospital, his mind filled with Virat's words and Astha's thoughts. Anokhi looked at the retreating figure of Shaurya and silently sent a prayer to god to mend the mother-son relationship.
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