Shakhi OS Pegasus
Backstory: This story takes place in the future. When there was a huge event at the college with media coverage, people found Anokhi and Shaurya locked in each other's embrace in the garden area. Few goons attacked Anokhi. Shaurya saved her from those goons. Scared, Anokhi held onto Shaurya. Unfortunately, they fell into media's attention. Things got messed up.
The Sabherwals and Bhallas came up with an idea to get Shaurya and Anokhi married to save the college reputation. Though both didn't want to get married, Anokhi was forced by her father and Shaurya by his Badi ma. They allowed her to study as they were under media's radar. This One shot is set after three months of their marriage.
Note: This has the same backstory as Marriage Of Convenience but this is not related to what follows in MOC i.e it's not a prequel.
~ * ~
Shakhi OS Pegasus
Sabharwal Institute of Arts & Commerce was getting decorated for the upcoming Fest. The whole campus was filled with SIAC students roaming around preparing for the fest. The Pegasus Cultural Fest hosted by SIAC is the biggest cultural fest in whole of Chandigarh for Arts & Commerce colleges where various colleges come and compete for the overall trophy.
The Pegasus Fest is a two days affair with first day filled with other college students competing in various competitions and on the second day there would be valediction and host performance.
Anokhi was named as the cultural head as her team Raaz, comprising of her, Reema, Ridaa and Zania won the competition for the theme of that year's Pegasus. The elders of Sabharwal family weren't thrilled with Anokhi being the cultural head given the controversary during the last event. But Shaurya and Kanchan knows that Anokhi has worked hard for it and convinced Tej to let her be.
It was three months after their marriage and Shaurya and Anokhi are comfortable with each other after an awkward beginning to their marriage life. As Kanchan is the co-head in helping Shaurya managing the Fest, she was at college most of the time with Anokhi.
It was the day before The Pegasus and Anokhi spent the whole day with the arrangements for the Fest while Shaurya had to run to the Patiala campus to fix an issue. When he came back to SIAC, it was six in the evening.
As Shaurya walked into the campus, he noticed that decoration work was going on full swing. Lot of props were placed at various parts of the campus. A pair of huge wings, with one wing in black and another one in white was placed at the entrance of auditorium.
Shaurya was impressed by the decoration work so far. He was approached by one of his students who gave him an update of the day. He heard loud music from the distance. He looked around, searching for Anokhi but couldn't find her anywhere.
"Ansul, where is Anokhi?" Shaurya asked as he signed a permission letter for OD "And where is this noise coming from?"
"Sir, she is at the café area" Ansul said "As for the music, students are rehearsing I guess"
Giving a nod, Shaurya walked towards the café area. He wanted to discuss about the budget plans with Anokhi. When he reached the café area, loud music hit his ears and he saw see students laughing and dancing to Bollywood songs.
Shaurya was surprised when he saw Anokhi at the center dancing with her friends. Sidharth, one of her friends twirled her and she was passed onto Abhinav who then twirled her and she was passed onto Reema who twirled her and then she ended up with Ridaa who hugged her.
Anokhi was laughing and dancing without a care in the world. She was having a blast after a tiring day. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips for a moment and he shake his head as he realized he's smiling.
'Come on, Shaurya. Get a grip on yourself. It's just a marriage of convenience and she's your student'
Shaurya walked to the café area and the music died the moment students spotted him. Anokhi wasn't aware of Shaurya's presence until her friend Ridaa nudged her. They all stopped dancing and greeted him.
"You guys are having a great time it seems" Shaurya remarked with a smile "Don't stop because of me. Go on. Continue"
The music started again as the students cheered. After a long day of work, they needed a relaxation. A group of students along with Bebo and Kitty rushed to Shaurya's side asking him to join them which Shaurya politely declined and asked them to enjoy.
Before Shaurya could call Anokhi, a girl from the crowd approached Anokhi and pulled Anokhi's hand to dance along with her. Shaurya's lips curled into a smile unknowingly on seeing Anokhi's reactions as she danced. Suddenly a guy from the crowd twirled Anokhi and pulled her near him and they both laughed and danced with each other side by side, making Shaurya's smile waiver a little.
Shaurya has nothing against Anokhi dancing with male students but something about the guy gave a bad vibe to Shaurya. He fixed his eyes on the guy, trying to figure out who that was. He didn't look like he's from SIAC. To confirm his doubt, Shaurya asked Ansul who stood by his side.
"Sir, he's Rohan, the Fest head from ABC College. There was an error in their list and so, few students from ABC came to get it corrected"
Shaurya dismissed Ansul with a nod and focused his eyes on Anokhi and Rohan who laughed and danced along. Shaurya saw the way Rohan kept his hand on Anokhi's shoulder who was oblivious to all this as she faced Reema and was dancing.
'Why do I get a bad feeling on seeing him?' Shaurya thought as a sense of annoyance filled him as he saw Rohan's hand on Anokhi's shoulder.
Shaurya noticed Rohan eyeing someone with a smirk. He followed Rohan's gaze and found him eyeing at his friend. Shaurya looked at Rohan who trailed his fingers along Anokhi's shoulder as he eyed his friend with a grin.
Anokhi, who felt Rohan's fingers on her skin turned around. Rohan took his hand back and gestured that it's a mistake and Anokhi brushed it off with a smile and moved between Ridaa and Reema to dance.
Shaurya's gaze still didn't leave Rohan who winked at his friend and disappeared in the crowd. A sense of annoyance filled Shaurya. The guy had no good intentions and Anokhi was oblivious to any of it.
Shaurya quickly sent a text to Anokhi to meet him in his cabin and walked away from there. What he witnessed kept playing in his mind, especially the way Rohan touched Anokhi, making him ball his fist in anger.
Shaurya went to his cabin and checked on his rest of the work, pushing the thought of Rohan at the back of his mind. After ten minutes, Anokhi knocked before walking inside the cabin.
"Sir, you called me?"
Shaurya lifted his eyes and studied Anokhi. She looked tired. He decided to wrap up the work soon and let her go home to get some rest.
"Yeah, I wanted to discuss the budget plans with you" Shaurya said standing up from his chair and sat on the sofa chair.
Anokhi nodded at Shaurya and sat on the opposite sofa chair. She opened her diary and soon they were discussing about the budget plans. It took them some good twenty minutes before they wind up.
"It's seven thirty now. You go home now. I'll look after the arrangements here" Shaurya said.
"But there's still a lot to do now sir. They might need me here to co-ordinate"
Shaurya knows its difficult to convince Anokhi once her mind is set. He heaved a tired sigh.
"Fine but we'll leave by nine from here. No more arguments"
Anokhi nodded at Shaurya with a smile and walked out of the cabin. Shaurya looked at her retreating figure with a smile before shaking his head. He finished with his paperwork and joined the students with the decoration. He was glad to see that ABC students have already left. Around nine, both left to Sabharwal house.
~ * ~
It was the day of The Pegasus and the whole college was filled with participants from various colleges. Students committee for each work was working on full swing. Anokhi was busy with running all the committee heads who in turn worked the committee members.
Anokhi came early before any of Sabharwals. Maakan dropped her as always while Shaurya arrived a little late. Both were busy so they didn't see each other until before the registration was to start. Anokhi gave quick updates to him while he overlooked all the arrangements.
Registration was done. Opening speech was given by Tej followed by Shaurya who did the curtain raiser and after few speeches by the special guest and faculty, The Pegasus 2020 cultural program started.
As SIAC is the host, they didn't participate in any of the competitions. Other college students were given a tag to identify SIACans apart from other college students. One by one competitions got over. The results were circulated to the program committee who would submit it to the management faculty at the end of the day.
Anokhi worked with other college heads making sure to manage the competitions and students. Rohan sticked by Anokhi's side the whole day under the pretext of work. He had no clue that Anokhi was married and that too to Shaurya Sabharwal.
Rohan was a transfer student to ABC. Earlier he was a student in a Delhi college where he molested a girl but got away as his father's a trustee of that college. When he saw Anokhi, he was attracted by her and he even placed a bet with his friend that he'll get Anokhi.
Anokhi, unaware of Rohan's intentions, was friendly with Rohan. She formed a good friendship with Akansha who was from another college. Akansha liked Rohan and so, she let Rohan tag along with her and Anokhi as they worked.
It was lunch break when Shaurya was able to get his eyes on Anokhi and his face twisted in annoyance as he saw Anokhi laughing with Rohan. He thought of calling her but Kanchan called him and soon he got busy.
All the competitions were over and other college students were leaving one after another. Shaurya wanted to ask about the program committee report from Anokhi and he searched for her only to find her standing by the corridor, looking something in her bag.
Shaurya decided to approach Anokhi but stopped on his tracks when he saw Rohan coming into the frame. Rohan placed his hand on Anokhi who turned and looked at him.
Shaurya balled his fist when he saw Rohan giving Anokhi a bunch of yellow roses one by one which Anokhi got with a smile. Shaurya couldn't hear but Rohan was saying that these roses are for the new friend he made and Anokhi only accepted the roses as she considered Rohan as her friend.
Shaurya watched as they both talked. A sense of annoyance and fury sparked within him. He knows Rohan is bad news and he felt it in him to protect Anokhi from him. Also, he felt an unspoken emotion within him that kept budding.
Three boys from ABC passed Shaurya's side. They saw Rohan with Anokhi and laughed among themselves saying how Rohan has got his eyes on the six girl that week. One even commented what would Rohan do with Anokhi if they were alone and Shaurya has lost his cool.
Rohan got a call and he excused himself from Anokhi and went away while Anokhi placed the roses in her other hand and went back to look for her mobile in her bag. Anokhi got startled when Shaurya pulled Anokhi's bag from her hand and pulled her arm in his iron grip.
"Sir, what are you doing?!" Anokhi exclaimed.
"Come along. We are going home" Shaurya barked as he tugged her forward.
"But why sir?" Anokhi asked, trying to free her hand from Shaurya's grip "Work is not over yet"
"There are others here, Anokhi" Shaurya said dragging Anokhi along with him "They'll manage"
"Hareey but I'm cultural head and that's my job" Anokhi said trying to match up with Shaurya's long strides, her rose bouquet kept crashing into Shaurya "And why are you dragging me, sir? My wrists ar-"
"I said let others do it!" Shaurya stopped on his and turned towards Anokhi "We are going home right now"
Anokhi has never seen Shaurya like this in months. She was scared at one side but concerned at the other. The rose bouquet kept crashing into Shaurya, irritating him.
"What's this?" Shaurya said taking the rose bouquet from Anokhi's hand and threw it in the nearby dustbin and dragged her.
"Why are you behaving like this?" Anokhi exclaimed "At least leave my hand. We are at college. People will look"
"Let them" Shaurya muttered as he successfully dragged her to his car.
Shaurya unlocked the door and Anokhi glared at him as she sat on the passenger seat. He sat on his seat and barked at her to wear seatbelt. Anokhi was angry by now. She couldn't make head or tails out of his behavior and he's driving her mad by each passing second.
Anokhi pursed her arms together and looked away, royally ignoring Shaurya's words. When he repeated again, she didn't even give any attention to him. Annoyed, Shaurya unclasped his seatbelt and leaned over Anokhi to do hers.
Shaurya's angry eyes were focused on Anokhi's equally pissed off ones as his hand pulled the seatbelt. Both were glaring at each other as Shaurya pulled the seatbelt and leaned back and clasped the seatbelt in its lock.
Anokhi glared at Shaurya and looked away as he started the car and drove away from SIAC. He was driving in a high speed, taking his frustration out. Shaurya generally doesn't loose his cool but after watching Rohan hovering around Anokhi from last day and on hearing the ABC students, he lost it.
Anokhi was concerned as Shaurya was speeding away. She decided to keep her anger aside and decided to talk him into slowing down.
"Sir, slow down!"
This time Shaurya didn't paid attention to Anokhi's words. She huffed as she poked his arms, trying to calm him.
"Sir, you are driving at 110. Please slow down before we crash"
"Shut up Anokhi" Shaurya barked as his eyes were fixed on the road.
"Sir, you're scaring me" Anokhi said in a soft tone, catching Shaurya's attention.
Shaurya heaved a sigh of frustration as he finally slowed down the car making Anokhi take a sigh of relief. Once she's sure that the speed is normal, she glared at Shaurya.
"What's your problem? Why are you behaving like this?" Anokhi asked in a raised tone "You were fine the whole day! Don't know what happened to you all a sudden! Dragging me around, yelling at me, speeding this way, what happened to you? What's your problem?"
"You" Shaurya barked as he looked at Anokhi "You are my problem. Okay? Happy?"
Anokhi was taken aback for a moment.
"What do you mean I'm the problem? You mean to say I'm the reason you're all riled up?" Anokhi asked in disbelief. She had no clue what she did that Shaurya's reacting this way.
"Yes, who else can get me all riled up?" Shaurya said throwing a glare at Anokhi before concentrating on the road.
"Hadh hoti hai, Shaurya sir! Now what did I do to rile you up? I was stuck in Fest works for two weeks and my whole day went with managing the Fest. In my busy day, how did I manage to rile you up?" Anokhi was blasting at Shaurya.
"I saw how busy you were! Agreed you were busy with Fest but what were you doing with that Rohan all day laughing around?" Shaurya asked and added "Right from yesterday he is hovering around you, laughing with you, dancing with you, holding you under any pretext and you were laughing with him?"
"I'm a student at SIAC too! I can't believe that you have issues with me talking and dancing with male students just because I'm your wife!" Anokhi exclaimed.
"What? When did I say that?" Shaurya asked knotting his eyebrows in disbelief.
The argument between them took a rough turn as they both charged at each other. Shaurya asked her not to talk to Rohan claiming his intentions aren't pure but Anokhi mistakes that Shaurya's trying to control her.
Anokhi can't believe that Shaurya had problems with her conversing with male students while Shaurya was taken aback with her claims. In her view, she was talking with Rohan as a friend and Akansha told her that she likes Rohan and so, she was with both Akansha and Rohan throughout the day.
Shaurya never had any problems with other male students talking or dancing with Anokhi. She would be surrounded by boys as she was fest head and when he saw her dancing with Sidharth or her other male friends, he had no problem.
Shaurya knew that Rohan has no good intentions and that is why he was concerned for Anokhi. But as always, he couldn't express it properly and his anger took over his senses. As a result, they are fighting now. Great!
After a bitter fight, silence dominated the car. Soon they reached the Sabharwal mansion and both walked inside the mansion separately in a foul mood, thinking about their argument.
~ * ~
The next morning, Anokhi got ready early and after throwing a glance at Shaurya who was still asleep, she moved downstairs. She greeted the elders. Devi told Anokhi that the Sabharwals would be coming to the host performance that is to be held after valediction and she doesn't want Anokhi to be seen in suit, running around. Rather she wants Anokhi in a Saree and along with the Sabharwals.
Anokhi walked back upstairs, packed her outfit for the evening which she would change post valediction and left to SIAC. Shaurya, Kanchan and the Sabharwal men reached the campus little late than Anokhi. The remaining competitions that were to held took place in the morning section including the talent hunt show.
Ridaa, Reema and Neha were busy with their respective committee. Anokhi was stuck with Fest heads from other colleges and for Akansha's sake, she had to spend her time with Akansha and Rohan as they coordinated the programs and students.
Anokhi was still mad at Shaurya. They didn't talk to each other after their fight in the car and Anokhi was mum when she, Kanchan, Shaurya, Yash, Kitty and Bebo were discussing about the fest. Even when they were in their room alone at night, they just ignored each other and slept with their back facing each other.
But Anokhi noticed that Rohan's behavior was indeed weird but she brushed those thoughts away as she thought she's feeling this way because of Shaurya's words. Although she was mad, she couldn't stop herself from searching for Shaurya.
Shaurya was dashing in his black suit. But she was so mad at him that she didn't even greet him and went on her way when she saw him that morning. Shaurya shrugged and went on with his work.
Agreed Shaurya has lot his control but he was concerned about her and she's reacting as if he's some villain or something. When all the competitions were over, it was lunch time and Anokhi excused herself from the other college heads and joined her friends after checking with the food management committee.
Kanchan joined Anokhi and her friends and they had a great time during lunch. Valediction was to take place at four. Program committee were working with the results and awards and certificates were getting ready.
Anokhi's friends decided to wear Saree as well so that she won't feel left out. Although Anokhi planned to wear Saree after valediction, now that they had time, they all decided to change their outfit.
Anokhi wore a georgette silk red saree with embroidered borders that went well with her complexion. She wore matching earrings; neck piece and bangles; applied light makeup and was ready. She was stunning.
Anokhi bid bye to her friends and decided to check on program committee before joining Akansha. After checking up on the hall management committee who gathered students in the auditorium for the valediction, she joined the backstage as the valediction started.
The Valediction started with an opening speech by Alok followed by prize distribution by Tej and Shaan. The auditorium was filled with student's cheers and screams. As the director of SIAC, Shaurya was called on the stage to give the overall trophy which was bagged by ABC College.
As Rohan was the Fest Head, he was the one who went on the stage to collect the trophy. Shaurya has managed to put up a smile while handling the trophy to Rohan but when it came to shaking hands, Shaurya held Rohan's hand in such a grip that Rohan winced for a second before masking up with a smile and walking away.
Shaurya delivered the thank you note, appreciating the participation of participants from other colleges. He talked about the success of The Pegasus 2020 and ended his speech by appreciating the hardwork of students of SIAC for the successful competition of The Pegasus.
Anokhi was by now sitting in front of the stage along with the DJ group and their eyes locked when Shaurya was appreciating students before they looked away. With the end of the thank you note, the curtain closed marking the end of The Pegasus 2020.
Other college students started to disperse while only SIAC and ABC students (because they won the overall trophy) stayed back for the host performances in the auditorium followed by a wrap up party at the cafeteria section. Other college students were screaming as they went out.
Anokhi heard a loud noise outside. She saw a student from ABC college and a student from XYZ college getting into an argument. Anokhi face-palmed herself mentally and went looking for Rohan to manage the situation.
Anokhi was told that Rohan was at the back stage area. So, she went there. She spotted Rohan talking with someone on mobile facing the other side. She rushed in his direction but stopped when she heard him taking her name.
Anokhi was rooted on her spot when she heard Rohan discussing about her with the person on other side of call as a bet and how he would get her and make her his tonight. He went on to describe her in her Saree and Anokhi's face twisted in disgust.
Anokhi yelled his name, taking Rohan by surprise. She confronted him and blasted him left, right and center while Rohan tried to calm her down. He first said she had misunderstood his words but then apologized for looking at her in a wrong way.
"It's just I liked you a lot Anokhi" Rohan said "I didn't have any bad intention"
"So, you place bet on girls you like?" Anokhi looked at him with disgust "You're one of the most disgusting person I have ever met. I'm feeling angry on myself that I thought of you as a friend"
Rohan tried to control Anokhi by holding her hand but she slapped him and pushed him away, warning him to stay away from her. Rohan got tired of Anokhi's attitude, the slap triggered him. He started threatening her that he would take advantage of her and she would be left disgraced in front of the society.
"How dare you slap me? Do you even know who I'm?" Rohan charged at Anokhi.
Anokhi reacted in time and moved back. She stood her ground and pushed him away with all her might, making him fall on the ground.
"And do you even know who I'm?" Anokhi spat back as she glared at him "You'll know soon"
Before Rohan could get up, she ran away from there. Rohan got up and followed her but Anokhi was quick enough to run towards the auditorium side. She bumped into Shaan on her way who balanced her and asked her if she's okay.
Anokhi calmed herself and welcomed Shaan before looking back at Rohan who stood at a distance, staring at her. She straight herself as she saw the rest of Sabharwal family members coming their way.
Anokhi went inside the auditorium with the Sabharwals and sat along with them for the host performances. Anokhi was glad that Reema has took over for her. She heaved a sigh of relief.
Anokhi's eyes searched for Shaurya as she thought about how Shaurya tried to warn her about Rohan earlier but she ended up fighting with him. She felt bad about how things turned out.
Rohan's words still echoed in Anokhi's ears, making her feel disgusted and she was disturbed by the fact that he's still around here somewhere. Her mind was fixed at one thing that she should have listened to Shaurya when he warned her about Rohan. Now she doesn't know who to tell about this incident. She placed her hand on her forehead, massing it.
Anokhi felt someone sitting on the chair beside her. She lifted her eyes to look at Shaurya who sat next to her, his eyes fixed on the stage. Someone was signing a song while the entire auditorium cheered.
Anokhi's eyes moistened as she kept looking at Shaurya, hoping that he would look at her. But, Shaurya had pursed his arms together and was watching the performance.
With a sigh, Anokhi lowered her eyes and leaned against the chair. There's Rohan still roaming around and she doesn't know how to make things right with Shaurya. The day's tiredness took a toll on her too. Dejected, she closed her eyes.
Anokhi opened her eyes when she felt a hand on top of hers. She lifted her eyes to see Shaurya's hand on top of hers while his eyes were glued to the stage. The simple gesture of Shaurya warmed her racing heart. A sense of comfort filled Anokhi as she visibly relaxed.
Shaurya was looking for Anokhi post lunch but couldn't find her. Although they don't talk with each other, he made sure to keep an eye on Anokhi throughout the fest. So, when his eyes fell on her clad in Saree, he was amazed. Red isn't his favorite color. He's more of a blue person but when his eyes fell on Anokhi who walked into the auditorium in red saree, he was awestruck for a moment.
Anokhi was stunning as she walked in. His eyes took in her appearance, admiring her as his eyes roamed on her face before trailing down her body; the slight view of her exposed skin in the midriff shifted something within him.
Shaurya had to remind himself to control and pull himself together before tearing his gaze from Anokhi. Only after she disappeared behind the backstage, he could concentrate on other works.
During the thank you note, their eyes clashed ones and after valediction, his eyes searched for her but couldn't find her. He was about to go out and look for her when she walked in along with their family and he relaxed.
Shaurya wound up his work and settled on his seat which is by Anokhi. He noticed that she was lost and worried and he wondered why. As he couldn't ask her, he just focused his attention on the screen.
In the corner of his eye, Shaurya saw Anokhi looking at him and he saw that she's really worked up and tensed. Unknowing to himself, his hand worked on his own and settled on top of hers, surprising them both.
Shaurya relaxed as Anokhi eased up and didn't bother to take his hand away until the end of all the host performance. Once the host performance is over, all were directed to the cafeteria section for the wrap up party.
Shaurya took his hand back and Anokhi looked up at him as he stared back at her.
"Shaurya sir..." Anokhi said as they both stood up "I wan-"
"Come along you two" Devi said as the Sabharwals walked out of the auditorium for the wrap up party.
"Come" Shaurya said asking Anokhi to move ahead while he walked back behind her.
The wrap up party was filled with students dancing on one side while refreshments were served at the other side. The Sabharwals were happy with the outcome of The Pegasus. Kitty, Bebo, Yash and Kanchan were on the dance floor enjoying themselves.
Reema, Ridaa, Neha and Zania asked Anokhi to join them on the dance floor which she politely declined and stayed by Shaurya's side who was busy with a call. Anokhi's eyes fell on Rohan who was staring at her from a distance as he danced, giving her creepy vibes,
'God! How I didn't notice all these before' Anokhi face-palmed herself mentally.
As Shaurya hang up the call Anokhi looked at him as she placed her hand on his arm, puzzling him.
"I want to talk" Anokhi said looking at him.
"What is it?" Shaurya asked looking at the front.
"Not here" Anokhi said tugging his arm making Shaurya look at her "Let's dance"
Shaurya was amused with Anokhi's words. The girl who wasn't ready to talk to him, let alone look was asking him for a dance. He was curious of why Anokhi was tensed. So, he nodded and walked along with her to the dancefloor.
The students cheered as Shaurya joined the dancefloor along with Anokhi. A smile grew on Shaurya's lips as he wrapped his one arm around Anokhi's waist, his fingers brushed on her bare skin in the process, sending a tingling sensation in her body as her breath hitched for a moment.
Shaurya pulled Anokhi closer, his one arm around her waist while his other hand was clasped with her hand while her other hand rested on his shoulder. As they moved to the music, their eyes were locked, speaking a language of its own.
"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" Shaurya asked studying Anokhi's reaction.
"It's..." Anokhi hesitated. She heaved a sigh before she added "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry"
"What for?" Shaurya asked as he twirled her before bringing her close, his hand comfortably rested on her waist.
"I'm sorry for the fight we had yesterday. I overacted" Anokhi said staring into Shaurya's eyes "I thought you're trying to control me from talking to male students an-"
"Anokhi" Shaurya said heaving a sigh "I never had problem with you talking to any male students. Did I ever said anything when you danced with Sidharth or Abhinav that day?"
"No" Anokhi said chewing her lips.
Shaurya was distracted for a moment as he looked at her lips before clearing his voice and focusing on the issue at hand.
"That's because I never had anything against you talking or dancing with male students. Yes, you are my wife but that doesn't mean I would try to control your life" Shaurya said as he backed a little from Anokhi and added "It's just when I looked at that Rohan, I realized that he's bad news. I saw the way he was behaving with you on the other day he danced with you and also, I heard things from his fellow college mates. That's why I lost my cool and reacted that way yesterday. I'm sorry for my behavior. I should have conveyed it to you in a calm manner and make you understand in a right way but I just snapped at you and I'm sorry for that"
They both looked at each other as they danced. None said anything for a moment as they danced before Shaurya broke the silence.
"Why were you looking tensed back there?" Shaurya asked fixing his gaze on Anokhi and asked "Did anything happened?"
Anokhi thought for a second before deciding to tell everything to Shaurya. She fixed her gaze on Shaurya as she tightened her hold on his shoulder.
"Sir, I'll tell you but please don't react..."
And then Anokhi told him everything while Shaurya stiffen as he heard Anokhi's words, a rage storming within him. His eyes searched for Rohan, his hand itching to punch the lights out of Rohan.
But Anokhi asked Shaurya to calm down. She didn't want any problem. The controversy they created three months back has died down before a month and she has no plans to start it again.
At a distance, Rohan was dancing with Akansha. He was flirting with her, his hands roaming on her body as he stared at Anokhi and Shaurya.
"Tell me something babe" Rohan said "Why Anokhi's sticking with the Sabharwals since the host performance? And why is she dancing with Shaurya Sabharwal? Do SIAC allow professors and students to dance together?"
"Oh Rohan, you didn't know?" Akansha said, leaning against Rohan and placing her head on the crook of his neck "She is a Sabharwal"
"What?" Rohan asked confused "But I thought Kitty and Bebo are the only Sabharwal girls, right?"
"Yes, but Anokhi is also a Sabharwal because she is Shaurya Sabharwal's wife" Akansha said while Rohan stiffened under her touch "Anokhi Shaurya Sabharwal"
Rohan felt the ground under his feet slipping away. Sweat beads formed on his head as he realized what Anokhi meant by he'll know soon. He lifted his eyes to stare at Anokhi but found Shaurya Sabharwal glaring at him.
Rohan broke apart from Akansha as he jumped on his spot startling her before taking a step back from Akansha and moving away from her.
"Sorry, babe. I have to go" Rohan said leaving behind a clueless Akansha.
Rohan tried to search for his friends but he couldn't. Frustrated, he quickly sent them a text that he's going home and started to walk towards the parking when he saw Anokhi coming opposite to him.
"Leaving already Rohan?" Anokhi asked with a sweet smile.
"Hey, see, I just got to know that you're married. So, just forget the whole thing and let's not talk about that, Anokhi" Rohan said straight away masking his tensed face.
"So, is it okay to harass unmarried women then?" Anokhi asked glaring at Rohan "You're not even sorry for what you did and I'm sure you'll repeat this behavior with other girls too"
Anokhi went on to say how disgusting he is and how generally girls have to face disgusting person like him in everyday of their life and how much she regrets making friendship with a person like him.
"See, I apologize for my behavior with you, alright? I'm even going to let go that you slapped me. You stop right at it, Anokhi. Don't try to lecture me now" Rohan said and added in a restless tone "I hope you haven't said anything to Shaurya Sabharwal"
Anokhi heaved a sigh as her annoyed face turned into a smile, confusing Rohan.
"Well, I would love to say yes" Anokhi said with a sweet smile.
"But you see, my wife doesn't hide anything from me"
Rohan jumped on his place as he heard a voice from behind. He turned around and saw Shaurya Sabharwal standing behind him, his face turning pale.
Rohan received a tight slap from Shaurya. He looked at Shaurya and before he could open his mouth, he received two more slaps from Shaurya before the discipline committee staffs Shaurya brought along took him away. Rohan was very much aware of who Anokhi is by then.
Shaurya walked up to Anokhi and asked if she's okay. Anokhi took him by surprised as she wrapped her arms around Shaurya and pulled him into a hug as she placed her head against him. Shaurya smiled and hesitated for a moment before hugging her back.
A sense of nostalgic hit Shaurya and Anokhi as their smile grew. This is the position media found Shaurya and Anokhi three months back in the garden area where he saved her from some goons which resulted in they getting married; their marriage of convenience.
As they broke from the hug, Anokhi said that she wants to go home. Shaurya agreed on seeing how tired Anokhi looked. He quickly placed a call to his Badi maa making an excuse that they are leaving early. They sat on the car and Shaurya drove away from SIAC while Anokhi stared out of the window, a comforting silence fell among them.
"You look beautiful today" Shaurya said breaking the silence "Red suits you"
"Thank you" Anokhi replied with a shy smile and added "You look nice too"
Shaurya threw a smile at Anokhi before fixing his eyes on the road and turned on the radio. As the song replaced the silence in the car, Shaurya and Anokhi fought the smile that threatened to escape their lips as 'Lag Ja Ghale' song started playing. After few seconds, Shaurya hummed the song as Anokhi stared out of the window, a constant smile playing on their lips.
~ * ~
Hey guys, hope you all are doing good. I hope you enjoy reading the story. Please do vote and drop your feedback about the story. It's a Shakhilicious episode. I hope you all are watching it on TV and enjoying. Stay home, Stay safe.
Thank you.
Nan ~
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