The tropiest trope to ever have troped
I had an idea for a wolf/vampire AU after watching a thing on YouTube about Magnus and Alec from Shadowhunters (I don't watch the show, I've only read Clockwork Angel and Clockwork Prince. Nevertheless, it was cute). I didn't want to make a separate book of it, and so I thought to myself:
"Wait, I have a one shot book that practically breathes AUs. Oh yeah."
So here it is! I'm using the classic 'vampires and werewolves don't get along' shabang, but the vampires are super organized and the werewolves are more anarchistic. Any non-agressive contact between them is considered disgraceful.
Let's just jump right in and afterwards I'll scrub my brain within an inch of my life, because I wrote a teen vampire story what the fuck was I thinking-
~ Horatio's PoV (he's physically 5-6 or so btw) ~
I winced as a twig cracked loudly under my foot. I was definitely going to have to work on being quieter if I was going to do this again.
I peeked behind me, hoping and praying that the noise hadn't woken my parents. I would be in big trouble if they caught me sneaking out to the woods.
Deeming myself safe, I continued my journey, immediately finding my child's mind confused by the maze of enormous trees (think forbidden forest style trees). I walked slowly along the path. It was a rather calming forest once you stopped being scared of every little thing.
"Who are you?" asked a voice from behind me. I whipped around, terrified, to see a boy about my age.
He had a large jacket on that looked like it had been worn through at least five different natural disasters. His face and clothes were covered in little splotches of mud, and what might've been blood. He eyed me warily.
"Who are you?" he asked again.
"M-my name is Horatio," I said, a bit frightened.
"What pack are you from, Horatio? I don't think I've seen you before." He took a few steps towards me, more curious than anything.
"What? Vampires don't have packs, dummy. We have clans." I shook my head at the thought of this boy not knowing the first thing about his species.
"Wait... you're a vampire?" His eyes widened, losing the curiosity and replacing it with distrust.
"Yes. Aren't you?" I shot back. The boy glared at me. He ran a hand through his hair; colored a wheat-gold that looked much too bright against his general mood. He growled, his eyes changing to a bright yellow.
"I'm a werewolf. You need to leave my territory. Now," he commanded. I stayed silent for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.
"Ha! You can't tell me what to do! You're just a pup!"
He growled again. "No I'm not! I am Hamlet, and my father is the alpha! You will do as I say!" he shouted. I scoffed.
"Yeah? Well my mother is the chieftess, so we're even!" I yelled back.
"Well... well... ugh! It's no fun to fight if we're even. I don't have anything to use against you, I don't know anything about you."
I nodded in agreement. "My father says that you should be friends with people you have something in common with," I stated out of the blue. "Our parents are both leaders, that's something we have in common."
Hamlet considered this for a moment. "I guess you're right. So... are we friends?"
I walked up to him, holding my hand out to shake. He took it, giving me a large, toothy smile.
"I guess we are."
~ Time skip a few decades. They're now physically 13 or so. Let's pretend that vampires and werewolves age at the same speed. Still Horatio's PoV ~
"How much can I trust you guys?" I asked my two closest friends.
Ophelia looked me dead (get it? Cause they're vampires?) in the eye. "You can trust us with anything, you know that. Right, Laertes?" He nodded vigorously.
"Okay. In that case, follow me. I want to show you something." I stood up from the patio table and jogged across the yard, Ophelia and Laertes hot on my heels. I smoothly vaulted the fence that ran between the no-man's-land patch of forest and my property. I slowed to a halt, turning to face the siblings.
"Right. At first you're probably going to want to run back inside and tell my parents about this, but please just give me a chance to explain before you do anything drastic." They nodded.
Turning to face the trees, I brought a hand up to my mouth and let out a sharp whistle. A few moments later, I heard a rustling in the leaves and spotted the form of a wolf bounding towards us. It skidded to a stop and quickly changed into its human form.
"Horatio, why are they here?" the werewolf asked skeptically with a twinge of fear.
"They're my friends, it's fine. Laertes, Ophelia, this is Hamlet. I've known him since I was 50. Please don't scream."
Looking at the two, one might think that they were very well-made statues. They were expressionless and frozen.
After an extremely awkward pause, Ophelia broke the silence. "So he's why you've been sneaking out every few weeks," she said bluntly.
"H-how did you know I've been sneaking out?!" I spluttered.
"Please," Laertes retorted. "You really thought you'd get away with leaving the house for several hours at a time unnoticed? Not only that, but considering the tight security, enhanced hearing, high population, and our parents, you're surprised that WE know?"
I looked down sheepishly.
"I thought I was doing a good job," I grumbled.
"I'm sure you were doing fine, Horatio. These two just seem like the type of people who have a 'Friend is causing trouble' radar."
To my great surprise, Ophelia laughed. "You are quite correct about that, wolf boy."
~ They're friendly enough now, and I can't find a good stopping point for this scene. Time skip to when they're physically 16. Hamlet's PoV ~
I dashed along the well-worn footpath, relishing the feeling of the wind in my fur and my paws flying over the ground. I panted heavily as I slowed my run to a gentle trot. Sniffing the air, I confirmed that Horatio was present. I quickly switched to two legs and approached the vampire.
He had his back to me, and I decided to have a little fun. I crept up behind him, then quickly jabbed my fingertips into his sides.
"TASER!" I yelled. He squeaked and jumped, turning to face me with an adorably indignant look on his face-
Scratch that. An indignant look. Just indignant. I don't think he's adorable. Of course not.
"Don't do that!" Horatio snapped. I smirked.
"Don't give me the opportunity," I responded.
"I hate you," he grumbled jokingly, poking my shoulder.
"Hm, I doubt that very much," I said, smirking a little harder. "You wouldn't still be sneaking out to see me if you hated me."
He blushed, looking away. Well that was new. I didn't think it was possible for a vampire to blush. Huh.
"So, how goes life?" he asked, changing the subject.
"Boring," I hummed. "Nothing's happening lately. My mom got a new mate, though..." I trailed off. Horatio noticed the change in my mood.
"I'm guessing you're not a fan?" he asked. I shook my head.
"He's my dad's brother," I growled. "He just wants to be alpha. He doesn't give a rat's ass about me or mom. He only wants the power."
The vampire quickly realized that my mind was spiraling fast. Left alone in this state, I could easily change and go beserk. That's where the human's stories about demon wolves and bloodthirsty dogs come from: werewolves who lost control.
Horatio reached up and began petting my head just behind my ears. I calmed down, closing my eyes and leaning into his touch. He laughed. God, I loved that laugh.
I opened my eyes, realizing just how close we were at that moment. I didn't move. Neither did he. We just looked at each other.
I found myself leaning in. I saw him doing the same. Reassured, I let my eyes fall closed again, hoping that this was what I thought it was.
I froze up the second our lips touched, but soon found myself melting into the kiss. I placed my hands just underneath Horatio's ribs, while his tangled in my hair. Neither of us wanted to stop but stupid oxygen existed and we had to pull apart to take in gasps of air.
"Wow," I said, out of breath.
"Ditto," he responded.
We inhaled a few more times before I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back in.
~ Time skip! They're about 20 now. Horatio's PoV ~
I walked solemnly to the same spot I always did, whistling loudly to alert Hamlet of my presence. He came out of the brush a few seconds later, grinning. His smile fell when he saw my expression.
"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked. I looked away, unable to meet his eye.
"My parents set up an arranged marriage between me and Ophelia," I mumbled. Hamlet pulled my chin up.
I saw him tearing up, and felt a wave of guilt come crashing down on me for something I couldn't change.
"I can't get out of it. She's not happy about it either, but our parents won't back off..." I buried my face in the crook of his neck and he wrapped me in a hug.
"Shh, it's okay, we'll be okay," he murmured in my ear. My sobs subsided at his words. I pulled back to look at him, instantly regretting it as his face betrayed how he was really feeling.
His eyes flicked to the trees at the faint sound of a howl in the distance. He sighed, turning back to me. "I'm sorry, I gotta go..."
I nodded. "Yeah... I guess this has to be goodbye." He shook his head and pressed one more quick kiss to my lips before pulling back.
"Not if I have anything to say about it," he growled before running back into the trees.
~ Time skip of only a few months. I'm thinking the vampires have different vows than humans, so I made them up. Horatio's PoV ~
I gulped as the grand doors opened, revealing Ophelia in a flowy red dress. She gave me a sad look as her father began walking her down the isle.
Once she was positioned next to me, the very old vampire who did most of the weddings for our clan cleared his throat.
"Do you, Ophelia, take Horatio to be your lawfully wedded husband, through blood and bone, till eternal sunlight do you part?"
"I-I do," she stuttered, clearly upset. We exchanged sympathetic looks.
"And do you, Horatio, take Ophelia to be your lawfully wedded wife, through blood and bone, till eternal sunlight do you part?"
"I-" I was cut off by the sound of footsteps entering at the end of the isle. I looked up to see Hamlet in a black suit, his hair a mess from running, and his yellow eyes blazing. He locked eyes with me and stopped.
My mother stood up from her chair. "That's a werewolf! Get that scum out of here! I shall not have his kind interrupting my son's wedding!" she screeched. Hamlet moved his gaze to her.
"Madame, with all due respect, this is none of your business. I'm here about your son, not you," he said sternly. That certainly shut her up.
All eyes looked to me and I turned to Ophelia. "I'm sorry, I can't go through with this," I whispered. She smiled.
"Good. I didn't want to marry your weird ass anyway," she laughed. I gave her a quick hug.
Mentally prepping myself, I began walking to Hamlet. I was intercepted by my mother.
"Horatio! What do you think you're doing? Stop this instant!" she demanded.
"Enough," I said, not sparing her a glance. I kept up my power walk until I was right in front of the werewolf.
I paused, letting an intense silence settle in the room before I grabbed Hamlet by the shoulders and crashed my lips onto his.
This action received mixed emotions from others in the room. Ophelia was happy (she totally knew about it before, let's be real), Laertes was shocked but smiling, my mother was shrieking, and my father was just kinda sitting there.
I pulled back, grabbing Hamlet's hand for moral support and turning to face my fellow vampires.
"This is Hamlet, the son of the alpha my best friend for centuries. Damn your rules; I love him." I would've said more, but Ophelia piped in.
"And anyone who doesn't like it can go choke on garlic," she announced. She strutted down the isle, Laertes getting up to follow her. She put a hand on my shoulder and her brother did the same for Hamlet.
"Let's go," she said, tugging me lightly toward the doors. I sent her a grateful smile.
"I think that's a wonderful idea."
A long time later: what the fuck was I thinking
2020 update: We all have a trope phase...
Shite, it's almost 4:00. I should stop.
Farewell, my faeries! May you aaalwaaays be satisfiiiied!
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