Miscommunication and pining
Guess who just auditioned for A Midsummer Night's Dream?
Guess who got Hermia?
Also moi!
Guess who ships me and my really close friend, who also happens to be playing Lysander?
Literally everyone!
Murder me!
Anywho, I just revisited the argument scene between Titania and Oberon and decided to write this instead of sleeping or memorizing lines.
I am the human incarnation of productivity.
Here's a chapter.
~ Titania's PoV ~
"Really, Oberon? Again?"
I glared at my boyfriend of three years. He had worked much later than he had promised, yet again, and I knew he knew.
Oberon barely glanced up from his laptop. "Oh yeah. Oops."
Sighing heavily in an attempt to release some frustration, I started with a diplomatic approach.
"I know you don't mean to, and I know you're tired of me reminding you, but please-"
"Yes, I am tired of you reminding me!" he shouted, finally taking his gaze off the screen. He stood up to face me.
"This is the third time this week that you've promised you'll come home at least in time for dinner, and it's also the third time you've gotten back well past midnight. It's Wednesday."
Oberon scoffed. "Titania, I just work late! It's not a big deal! I don't understand why you're so bothered by it!"
That was it. Raising my voice more than I ever thought I would to him, I released two month's worth of missed dates, cold dinners, and empty promises.
"You don't understand why I'm bothered by it? Wow. I'm bothered, Oberon, because if I can't trust you to get home by ten one night of the week or actually show up to the dates that we schedule, how can I trust you with anything else? Trust is one of the most fundamental pieces of any relationship, and you're losing mine. I've started to only buy a drink for myself at coffee shops and restaurants, knowing too goddamn well that yours would just sit opposite me with its melted ice cubes and judgemental condensation until I gave up and left!"
I took a shaky breath and made sure that no sobs made their way into existence.
I would not cry for him. Not now.
"I-I just... I feel like I don't know you anymore. I've hardly heard about your day for two months, we haven't said 'I love you' since before that, and this is the first eye contact we've made in three days."
That's when it hit him. He stared down for a moment, a look of Oh wait no she's crying I need to make her not crying crossing his face. He stepped towards me with open arms.
Had this been a different situation (one where there was an outside force making me cry and not him), I would have accepted the embrace and cuddled with him on the couch for the rest of the day.
To my dismay, this was not one of those situations. I held up a hand to push him away.
"No. You can't fix this with a hug and a smile. Not this time. I've been brushing it off for too long, Oberon. I think... I think we need to go our separate ways for a while."
Those words hit him like a punch to the gut. He froze, an expression of utter regret settling on his features.
"Wait, no, Titania-"
"Stop. We're done."
(Okay it's midnight and I'm going to see a play tomorrow so I'm stopping for the night.)
(It's the next night and I'm back. I just read some fluff as well as some not-fluff and I'm ready to write.)
~ Several days later... ~
"I'm telling you, Tania. He's a mess without you."
I rolled my eyes for what felt like the hundredth time at my best friend.
"I've told you before and I'll tell you again: I. Don't. Care."
Theseus, clearly concerned at my lack of emotion towards the whole situation, tried reasoning with me.
"Please just come see him! He doesn't eat enough, he hardly sleeps, and it seems like all he thinks about is how much he misses you," he pleaded. "He may be an idiot, but now he's a heartbroken idiot."
After several minutes with no reply, Theseus huffed and left the room. I stayed sitting on my bed with my back against the headboard to contemplate what he had said.
Heartbroken? I couldn't picture it.
Oberon was always so smiley and loud, I could hardly stand the thought of him sitting on the couch, frowning sadly, crying himself to sleep, apparently not eating enough, not thinking about the happy things he normally thought about...
~ Oberon's PoV (whoa that's new) ~
"Hey, Oberon! I know you don't want to leave your room, but I found a show that I think you'll really like! Please come out!" I heard Hippolyta call through my door.
"Maybe later, sorry," I responded, trying my best to make it sound like I hadn't been crying my eyes out. Again.
I was evidently unsuccessful, because Hippolyta sensed my pain with her magical emotion-detecting powers and opened the door.
"Look, I know it's hard. Trust me, I do. But you need to come back! Letting yourself die isn't doing anyone any good, so please try. Try for me. Can you come watch this show with me? Theseus will be back in a bit, so maybe we can all do something fun. We can prank call Egeus, we can grab Puck and see if he's doing anything..."
Despite her slight awkwardness, Hippolyta had made me feel significantly better. I gave her a soft smile and a small nod, making her grin and drag me to the sofa.
I was just settling down with a bowl of pistachios when Theseus came through the door.
"Hey, Theseus!" Hippolyta called in greeting while running up to hug him.
"Hi," Theseus replied, placing a kiss on her cheek. "I know this is very sudden, but good news: I was talking to Titania and she finally agreed to quit avoiding Oberon! Now he can stop being miserable all day!"
Little did Theseus know, I was both listening and internally dying. I shot up from the couch.
Spotting me at last, he neutralized his expression. "Oh shit- uh... Hi, Oberon!"
Hippolyta, being more sensitive to other people's feelings, pulled her boyfriend away. She sent me her signature 'I'm very worried but I'm going to pretend to have absolute confidence in you' face.
I took a shaky breath as the door opened.
~ Back to Titania's PoV ~
I pushed through the door, still annoyed at Theseus for managing to talk me into this. As I did, I was immediately reminded that I missed Oberon much more than I cared to admit.
Because he was standing right there.
Theseus had not been joking. Oberon was noticeably thinner than the last time I'd seen him. His posture was careless and sad. He had dark eyebags under glazed eyes, which scared me a lot. He always seemed to have this glint of mischief and magic in his eyes, and I couldn't find it.
"My God, Oberon, you need to take care of yourself! Even if I'm pissed at you, I won't have you dying on my watch!"
Instead of a witty response, Oberon let out a loud sob.
My mothering instincts kicked in and I immediately pulled him into a hug. He wrapped one arm around my back and the other around my shoulder, gripping my shirt and pulling me as close as physically possible.
"F-fuck, I missed you s-so much..." he muttered into my shoulder.
"I missed you too, you idiot."
Oberon pulled back, still holding me close.
"I'm so sorry! I was so close to the raise, and I just got so caught up in my work, and- ugh! I feel like I can't apologize enough, and all of my excuses are complete shit, and I just..." he trailed off and dug his face back into my shoulder.
I reached up and pet his hair. He loved it when I did that. I sighed contentedly, realizing just how much I needed a moment like this with him.
"We're both at fault. I overreacted, and I was childish by ignoring you. I'm sorry too. I think we just need to talk about these things more, you know? Work as a team when life is being a bitch."
Raising his head to look at me, Oberon grinned for what I assumed was the first time since we broke up.
"Would it be okay if I kissed you?" He asked tentatively.
"I'm your girlfriend, you don't need to ask."
That was all the incentive he needed.
This is a lil weird to read for me because 1. My friends are playing these characters in my production and 2. I can't stop picturing Oberon as the actor from a production I saw, who looks nothing like how I want him to in my one shots.
I'm a mess, you guys
If you couldn't tell
Love ya, faeries. May you never be less organized than me.
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