Karma, I guess
I'm secretly a sucker for soulmate AUs. And alliteration, apparently.
In this AU, you see in black and white until you make eye contact with your soulmate while touching them. When you do, you see color. Don't question it.
Bully!Hamlet, bullied!Horatio.
Secondary characters are inconsistent between one shots. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Warning: Hamlet, Ophelia, and Laertes are jerks in this. I'm sorry.
~ Horatio's PoV ~
I jumped as the bell rang above my head. Quickly gathering my books and papers, I hurried out of the classroom and down the dangerous hall. I stuck close to the wall, wishing I could melt into it like a Splatoon character into paint.
I just had to get to out of the building without them noticing me, then I was home free...
"Hey Laertes, Ophelia, look! It's the little mouse! He's hiding again!"
I sped up my pace, but to no avail. I was grabbed by the hood and spun around.
Looking down as per usual, I saw the distinct grey converse of Hamlet, the school bully. (His converse were probably actually colorful, but it's not like I would know.) On either side stood the combat boots and rollerskates of his second-in-commands.
"Did you think we wouldn't see you, little mouse?" teased Ophelia, ruffling my hair harshly. Her brother growled at my silence.
"Answer!" he barked.
"I-I hoped you wouldn't..." I mumbled.
"Pfft," Hamlet smirked. "Hear that? He hoped. How cute."
I glanced to either side for potential help, but everyone had turned a blind eye for fear of being targeted. My hands began to shake.
"Wait, are you shaking?" Laertes laughed. "Oh, you really are a wimp!"
"Are you gonna cry?" cooed Ophelia.
"He's definitely gonna cry," Hamlet responded, smirking.
I hated the fact that they were right. Tears were welling up in my eyes, and I tried desperately to keep them at bay, but nothing was working.
"Yep, he's crying."
I took a small step back. Then another.
Before I could take any more, Hamlet grabbed me by the collar.
"Hey, don't run away, freak. I'm not done with you," he growled.
Ophelia and Laertes laughed as he leaned in close to my ear.
"You're nothing," he whispered. "You hear me? You. Are. Worthless."
I nodded, whimpering silently.
"I want to hear you say it, loser."
I took a deep, shaky breath.
"I am worthless," I whispered.
"I can't hear you," he snarled.
"I'm w-worthless," I said, slightly louder.
"You're still too quiet. Speak UP!"
On the last word, Hamlet gave my chest a hard shove, sending me backwards onto the ground. I yelped as my elbows hit the pavement.
"What a little coward, he won't even look at me!"
He crouched down to my left and grabbed me by the hair. He tugged my head up, forcing my eyes to his.
The second our eyes met, my vision went white. It came back slowly, bringing brilliant hues of red, green, blue, orange, yellow, and all sorts of other new colors with it.
No. Hell no. There has to be some mistake.
Without giving Hamlet even a glance, I scrambled to my feet and dashed down the sidewalk, leaving my soulmate shocked and confused behind me.
~ Time skip to the next day ~
I spent the entire day doing everything I could to avoid Hamlet. I didn't give two shits that he was my soulmate, I wasn't going to confront him about it. I did enjoy the colors, though. It was nice to be able to identify people by the color of their shoes instead of simply the shape and style.
I was currently admiring the bright red of the school bell, anxiously bouncing my leg as I waited for it to ring.
A loud "BRRRRRRRRRRRRING!" sound filled the classroom, signaling the end of school. I practically sprinted for the door.
"Horatio!" I heard someone call.
I knew who it was. I kept running.
"Wait!" He called again. I heard him following me.
"Hold on!" He had a longer stride than me.
"I just want to talk!"
He grabbed my wrist (albeit more gently than usual), and instead of turning me around, simply kept holding me there.
"The last time I talked to you I was forced to say I was worthless," I hissed.
"I know, and I feel awful about it-"
I cut him off with a dry laugh.
"Really," he insisted. "I didn't know you were... that we..."
"That we're soulmates?" I snarled, whipping around to face him. "Yeah, no shit. And it's the only reason you're not spitting acid at me now, isn't it?"
Hamlet hung his head silently.
"No. I truly do feel bad about it -and everything else- not just because we're soulmates. I could start spouting excuses, but I figure you'd slap me or something..."
I hummed. "You've piqued my curiosity. Spout one or two, then I can determine if I'll slap you or not."
"W-well," he started. "Before I'd talked to you... or, uh, bullied you... I was fascinated by you. How you seemed perfectly content alone and had no rivalries with anyone. I always wondered what you were feeling."
"I usually have an intense, burning indifference," I stated.
"... right. Question answered. I don't know why my idiot brain decided that picking on you would get you to notice me. I mean, I guess it worked, but I'm absolutely positive things would be better if I'd just gone up to you and introduced myself. I'm really sorry."
I sighed. He seemed genuine; at least, he wasn't smirking or sneering and he was looking sincerely into my eyes while still maintaining his hold on my wrist.
"It's going to take a lot more than sorry to get me to believe you," I said.
A dismayed look passed over his face.
"Buuut, if you were to take me to a movie some time and stop the bullying, I'd be willing to give you a second chance."
We shared a smile. A small one, but a real one. It felt pretty good.
"Would it be okay if I walked you home?" he asked sheepishly.
"Yes," I replied.
He grinned and moved his grip from my wrist to my hand. He laced our fingers together hesitantly, probably expecting me to pull away, but I didn't. The truth was that it was actually really comforting to hold his hand.
We walked in comfortable silence, separating at my door with a hand squeeze on my part and a wink on his.
I went to bed happy that night.
It was at that moment author realized just how bad she was at normal insults.
Seriously, I had legitimate difficulty coming up with names that weren't juggler and canker blossom. This is how often I use Shakespearian insults, you guys.
Bon voyage, my faeries. May your tragedies always hold a lovely silver lining.
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