Angst: part 2
Here's the part 2.
Be prepared for major angst.
Warning: suicide. Again. If you're not comfortable with that, be careful. Apologies.
I'm listening to American Pie while writing this and it's created a really odd mood.
~ Romeo's PoV ~
I left Juliet in our bedroom, retreating downstairs. Paris was anxiously leaning against a wall in the living room.
"Paris," I said.
"Y-yes?" he stuttered, probably scared that I was going to punch him or something.
"Take care of her."
With that, I promptly left the house. I pulled up my sleeve as I walked down the dark street, admiring the faded scars on my forearm. It had been 28 days, six hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds since I had wanted to cut.
A/N: oh yes I did. Join my existential crisis.
I sighed. I had been doing so well. As much as I wanted to tell myself I would have to reset the timer, I knew it would be a lie.
I shivered as a chilly gust of wind hit me. Finally being pulled back to reality, I took note of my location. I was in a park near the lakeside cliff.
Suddenly, a twisted idea popped into my head. On any other day I would have disregarded it immediately, but right then it seemed like a very pleasant thought.
I wandered to the fence on the edge of the cliff and stared into the water. I was certain that a human wouldn't survive that drop.
I didn't debate for very long.
I pulled off my shoes and jacket, laying them on the ground. I got out my phone and typed a lengthy paragraph for someone to find later.
Taking a deep breath and gazing up at the moon, I did what the small voice in the back of my head was screaming to do.
I jumped.
~ Juliet's PoV ~
My hands were shaking, my heart had shattered, and Romeo's phone screen was dotted with tears. I had just read the note he'd typed before he ended his life.
Before he ended his life...
He ended his life.
And it was entirely my fault.
It was at that moment I made a vow to myself: I'd suffer for as long as I'd caused my Romeo to suffer. It was only fair.
~ Time skip of about a month ~
"Jules? Will you please open your door?" Friar Laurence called from the other side of the wood. I gave him no response.
"Look, we're all really worried about you. You need to come out. You need to eat. You need to talk to someone. You need to do something other than sit there hurting. Please!"
Still no response.
I chuckled dryly to myself. One month down.
~ Another time skip of the same length ~
"Do you want pancakes?" Friar Laurence asked as I trudged into the kitchen. I shook my head.
"You gotta have a proper meal, Jules. All this snacking isn't healthy."
I shook my head again and plopped down on the couch with a bag of chips.
"I'm fine."
~ Time skip. Can you see where this is going? ~
"I know you're capable of smiling, Jules."
I sighed at another of the Friar's attempts to cheer me up. He was listing off inside jokes in the hopes that one of them might actually make me laugh.
"C'mon. I miss your smile," he said, putting a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Romeo would miss it too."
Well, shit. The Friar had a brain after all. I let my lips curl into a tiny smile.
Just for my Romeo.
~ One last tiiime (skip) ~
Finally. Four months. Four months of being without my Romeo to make up for the four months he'd been without me.
I pulled his jacket out of the closet and put it on. It still smelled like him.
I was in an almost euphoric state as I reached for the bottle. Swallowing each and every pill, I chugged a glass of water and wandered to my bed.
Instead of staying on my side, I rolled over to his. I closed my eyes and waited.
Soon I'd see my Romeo again.
~ Epilogue ~
When Juliet opened her eyes, she was nearly blinded by the brightness of her surroundings. She looked down, noticing that all of her clothes had been turned white.
She looked up when she heard someone calling her name.
"Juliet! Over here! Juliet!"
She looked around briefly, finally resting her gaze on a familiar face. She knew that face...
And then she remembered.
"Romeo..." the Capulet whispered. "Romeo. Romeo! ROMEO!"
It was Romeo. Her Romeo. He dashed towards her as she stood up.
When they collided, he spun her around a few times, laughing tearfully. She pulled away from the hug.
"My love, I'm so sorry, I did something terrible and I made you kill yourself and I just feel awful about everythi-"
Romeo silenced her with a kiss. "You're forgiven. I'm incapable of staying upset with you. You're my everything, Juliet."
"At least I know you understand how I feel in return," she giggled.
They got their happily ever after, though not in life. Nevertheless, the world's most famous lovebirds were happy.
Unlike the poor Friar, who cried for days on end, thinking he could have done more.
So. Yep. I kinda love this. A lot.
Can we take a second to realize how closely some Hamlet characters fit with Donnie Darko characters? Hamlet is Donnie, Ophelia is his sister, Horatio (HE'S GAY FIGHT ME) is his girlfriend, Frank is...
Godammit, that was going so well.
Anyway, Imma sleep now.
Goodnight, faeries. May you have your perfect happy ending.
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