I won't let you go
No one can take your place
a couple fights & lonely nights
Don't make it right to let it go to waste
. . .
I won't let you fall
I won't let you go
No matter where you are
No matter where you are, I'll be there
"Aaron! We have to use this song!" Aphmau insists, tugging on Aaron's arm. The music continues booming through the speaker and Aphmau can't help but sway to the beat.
Aaron chuckles to himself and hums as the song goes one. He brings up a finger to his chin and starts to scratch it; building suspense for the eager young woman.
"Hm. I like it!" Aaron decides, shrugging and smiling.
Aphmau's face brightens and she fist pumps with a loud,
"I'll be choreographing though!" Aaron mentions, smirking before turning around.
"Aaron!" Aphmau whines, crossing her arms.
"Trust me! I have a really good plan for this!"
"Uh huh, whatever!"
"Aw calm down you angry little potato!"
"I'm not a potato!"
"Here we go again-"
"No! Stop! I'm not little and I'm not a potato."
The two stand silent before Aaron bursts out laughing.
"Aph...you are most definitely short!"
"What? No I'm not!"
"Yeah! How tall are you?"
Aaron laughs even harder now to the point of wheezing, he holds his stomach and walks backwards to lean against one of the rails by the mirror.
"Remind me why I'm here?" Katelyn asks, her tone expressing extreme boredom.
After multiple attempts of trying to find a song, Zane gave up and decided to get a hold of Katelyn. Those two never really were close and weren't really even considered friends; Zane just knew Katelyn was a great dancer. Zane could already tell that this decision was a mistake because he's forcing her to miss her practice time and by her dull expression.
"We can't agree on a song," Zane grumbles.
"Really? How are you struggling with the easiest part?"
"Well Katelyn, we don't exactly have the same interests. If you weren't aware of that."
"Yeah yeah yeah. You don't have to be a smart ass about it. Anyways, leave it up to me. I'll pick the fifth song that shows up on shuffle from a.. certain playlist. Whatever that song is, you guys have to dance to it. Understood?"
Zane and Kawaii Chan nod and anxiously watch Katelyn click the shuffle button.
"Like I'm Gonna Lose You" plays on the phone for a second.
"Photograph" plays next, Kawaii Chan honestly didn't mind dancing to it, but it's too late.
"Every Breath you Take"
"Kiss Me"
"Ease My Mind" by Ben Platt begins with piano.
Most days I wake up with a pit in my chest
There are thoughts that I can't put to rest
There's a worry that I can't place
Most nights, I am restless and quiet won't come
So I lay there and wait for the sun
There's a trouble that won't show its face
Zane and Kawaii Chan stand there for a moment in silence.
"So uh...contemporary or slower song?" Zane asks, breaking the silence.
"Yes," Katelyn responds, crossing her arms.
"Um..." Kawaii Chan silently says, looking down at her feet awkwardly.
"What?" Katelyn asks, obviously annoyed.
"Well... Kawaii Chan just isn't used to contemporary dances.. She usually sticks to like jazz or something."
"Yeah. Contemporary isn't really my thing either," Zane mentions.
"Guess that just means you'll have to do something new, right? Anyways, I've got two guys I have to deal with now. Call me if anything goes horrible," Katelyn says, walking away and making her way out of the room.
Zane sighs and looks over to Kawaii Chan and crosses his arms.
"If this is what Katelyn chose, this is what we're doing. Got it?" Zane asks strictly.
"Got it!"
"Good. Now we need to come up with the choreography."
"Wait, Zane Kun! Does Zane Kun know how to dance to contemporary?" Kawaii Chan asks, scratching the back of her head.
Zane sighs and nods.
"It's been a while though. I quit when I was about 15, but I had very professional and strict classes. Which those classes required serious students," Zane explains, emphasizing "serious".
"Can Zane Kun help Kawaii Chan be more serious?" Kawaii Chan asks, hopping up and grabbing Zane's arm. Her eyes seem to sparkle with hope.
"Gah," Zane lightly pushes Kawaii Chan off of his arm, "Yes, but you're going to have to take my advice or I won't continue the lessons!"
"Also, if you quit, you never ask me to teach you again. Deal?"
"You stepped on my foot!" Travis yells.
"Nuh uh! You tried to trip me!" Dante argues back.
"Alright! Shut the hell up you two! You've been fighting since I've gotten back! I swear that's all you two ever do!" Katelyn yells.
Dante and Travis go silent and Travis is the first to speak,
"Sorry Katelyn."
"Thank you Travis."
Dante doesn't say anything, he just crosses his arms and stares at the other two.
"Dante?" Katelyn suggests.
"Hmm.. Nope! I have nothing to apologize about."
"Don't make me go over there and beat your-"
"Fine! I'm sorry!"
"Thank you!"
"Anyways, we gotta head to the arcade place, the one with the stage. There's this cool dance event where you just pretty much..dance, show off your moves. You coming with us Kate," Dante asks.
"Oh.. is it a contest?"
"Yeah! You don't earn much though, just-"
"I'm in!"
"I didn't tell you the prize.."
"Does it matter? I wanna be in this!"
"Alright then."
"Kawaii Chan, first, you need to be more..serious," Zane starts with his training.
"S..Serious? Kawaii Chan isn't serious?"
"No. You are not serious. You are the exact opposite. You, Kawaii Chan, are a child."
Kawaii Chan can feel her heart drop and her whole body tenses. She can't help but remember that Damien said that she was a child.
"Okay so, first things first, you need to stop talking in third person."
"B..But what's wrong with the way Kawaii Chan talks?"
"Nothing, it's just, some people might find it annoying. Also, they would probably want to be referred as a Mr or a Ms."
"Oh... Ok. Kawai- I will stop talking in third person," Kawaii Chan says, also making her voice a little lower.
"Okay. Good. Next, you need to stay away from distractions or we'll never get anything done."
"Yes, you get distracted by everything. Like a child."
Kawaii Chan feels an ache in her chest and her body slightly shaking.
"Also- What are you doing?"
"Mr. Zane, I... I need to go. Can we continue this..tomorrow?" Kawaii Chan sniffles.
Zane sighs and nods.
"T..thank you."
Kawaii Chan turns to the door and makes her way to it, finally allowing her tears to escape as she runs down the hallway.
"Aphmau! I'm glad you could make it!" Garroth says, hugging Aphmau and looking around at the building they're in.
"I'm so excited for this! I love these little dance off things! I wonder what the prize will be!" Aphmau says, completely excited.
"Aphmau, I don't think you're gonna the prize because ummm... We're actually the ones winning this," Laurance states confidently.
"In your dreams," Aaron mumbles, walking away with Aphmau.
"Dang it. That guy always gets in the way!" Laurance cries.
"Aw it's okay buddy! There are plenty of other fish in the sea! Plus, you're a dancer, what girl doesn't dig that?" Garroth says wiggling his eyebrows.
Laurance lightly chuckles and rests his elbow on Garoth's shoulder.
"Thanks Garroth. You always know how to cheer me up."
Garroth smiles and ruffles Laurance's hair,
"He he he!"
"Zane! What are you doing here?" Aphmau asks, noticing Zane sitting at a table by himself.
"Garroth asked me to come. I'm not dancing, I'm just watching," Zane explains.
Aphmau nods.
"How're things going with KC?"
"We got a song. Katelyn helped us pick it. Kawaii Chan is listening better, but she's also not talking all the time. It's weird."
"Is she still upset about Damien?"
"I don't know. She ran off today after practice, something bothered her."
"Did you say something?"
"I was teaching her more about being serious and to stop acting childish."
"Zane! Are you trying to change Kawaii Chan?" Aphmau yells, crossing her arms and stomping up to him.
"No! Of course not! I'm trying to help make things easier for the both of us. We're never going to accomplish anything if she continues acting like a child!"
Aphmau lets her shoulders fall and she hums for a second.
"I guess when you put it that way.. it doesn't seem so bad."
"I feel so bad for her though. She wasn't with Damien for long, but her relationships never last long."
Zane nods.
"Anyways, I'm totally kicking Garroth's and Laurance's butts!"
Zane chuckles.
"I hope you do."
Turns out the dance off wasn't as big as the others expected. The crowd was small and the speakers were horrible quality. The music constantly cut out.
Katelyn won.
She earned a plastic tiara.
She crushed it on the ground.
That was the most eventful part of the night.
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