"Is she going to be here soon?" Zane asks impatiently to himself, checking the time on his phone and groaning. He paces around the room, obviously bored and annoyed, and he goes to plug his phone into a speaker and hits shuffle. His top bands are P!ATD, TØP, and MCR. He occasionally listens to Paramore if he's truly in the mood.
He gets a head-start and stretches. He had scheduled this practice for two days after they decided to team so they could decide on a song and get started on their dance. He hears the door open and looks over to see Kawaii Chan. Not just Kawaii Chan though, a slouching, sad, Kawaii Chan.
"Kawaii Chan, you're late," Zane states despite the look of sadness on her face.
"Kawaii Chan is sorry," Kawaii Chan sniffles, her cheeks puffing up, "She was just dealing with something."
"Yeah yeah yeah. I already stretched, I'll wait for you to stretch before we get started."
Kawaii Chan slumps her shoulders and lets her bag fall off of her shoulder. She heads to the middle of the room, sniffling, and she begins her stretches. Zane lowers his eyebrows and notices Aphmau peeping her head through the door silently; she motions for him to head over there. Zane saunters over to her and listens to what she has to say.
"Her and her boyfriend split up."
Zane's eyes widen and he snorts.
"Is this a joke?"
Aphmau shakes her head.
"I'm serious!"
"I'm honestly not too sure. I just thought I'd tell you."
"Oh okay.."
"Bye!" Aphmau sneaks off to her dance room and Zane turns around, seeing Kawaii Chan now crying.
"What a nightmare..." Zane thinks.
"What song are we doing?" Katelyn asks, leaning forward to touch her toes.
"I Don't Wanna Live Forever~" Travis sings in response before he's being shoved by Dante.
"Um no, I thought we agreed on Uptown Funk!" Dante argues.
A sigh is heard from Katelyn as she stands up. She knows exactly what kind of song they need. They need something classical with a hip hop beat or something that starts out slow, but still gains that beat.
"What about Billie Eilish?" Katelyn asks, standing up and dusting off her pants.
Travis and Dante look at each other.
Katelyn groans and says,
"You know, cool-creepy girl. Here I'll play a song of hers," Katelyn connects her phone to a speaker and scrolls through music and plays one of Billie Eilish's songs.
Bite my tongue, bide my time
Wearing a warning sign
Wait 'til the world is mine
Visions I vandalize
Cold in my kingdom size
Fell for these ocean eyes
You should see me in a crown
I'm gonna run this nothing town
Watch me make 'em bow
One by one by, one
One by one by
You should see me in a crown—
"What do you think?" Katelyn asks, tying her hair up in a ponytail.
"It's not really... what our style is like," Travis blurts out.
"Yeah, he's right," Dante adds.
Katelyn lets her shoulders fall and her eyes lower and she tries picking out a different song. She smiles when she reaches "My Boy" and hits play. She decides that they truly can't decide on anything unless they dance to it. She finds a position and waits for the words to carry her body with them...
and by that I mean
He cuts 'em off
My boy
My boy
My boy
Don't love me like he promised
My boy
My boy
My boy
He ain't a man, and sure as hell ain't honest
Travis and Dante notice her dancing and decide to join her side. They continue to let her have the spotlight as she gracefully dances with sass. They are waiting for their moment to take over- the hip hop portion of the mashup.
—My boy's an ugly crier but he's such a pretty liar
And by that I mean he said he'd "change"
My boy
My boy
My boy
Now, Travis and Dante have taken her spotlight and they are all dancing together. Their feet are constantly bouncing and they are attempting to mimic each other's moves, laughing every time they have a screw up.
As the end up the song approaches, she comes up to Dante flirtatiously before pushing him aside-
You want me to be yours, well, then you gotta be mine
And if you want a good girl, then goodbye
She then walks over to Travis and repeats the same thing. She places her hand and caresses his cheek, she leans in close, but then pushes him away... letting the music die down.
You want me to be yours, well, then you gotta be mine
And if you want a good girl, then goodbye....
Suddenly Katelyn and Dante burst out into laughter, but Travis just stands there in shock. He knows it was his the song and just dancing, but... Katelyn actually just caressed his face. He presses a hand to his cheek and blushes before awkwardly laughing.
"This is totally the song!"
Aphmau and Aaron had decided on a song, after plenty of arguing, but they both agreed their song choice was perfect. They had practiced their dance and went out for ice cream.
"You can't just like vanilla ice cream! You must be psychotic!" Aphmau yells, extremely confused by Aaron's statement.
"Chocolate hurts my stomach and strawberry isn't that good," Aaron says defensively.
"What about birthday cake ice cream! That stuff is the best!"
"Never tried it."
"What?" Aphmau screeches.
"Shh you're being loud you stupid potato!"
"Did you just call me a potato? What the hell does that even mean?"
"That you are a potato."
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Ughhhh no! I! Am! Not!"
The two get silent before Aaron leans in uncomfortably close to Aphmau and whispers,
"Are too."
Aphmau blushes at the sudden closeness, but the moment is suddenly ruined by a frozen treat being shoved in her face.
"Eek!" Aphmau squeals.
Aaron laughs, but is interrupted by her birthday cake ice cream hitting his face. He growls, but licks his lips and smiles.
"Ooo! This is yummy!"
"Mhm! Told ya!"
"Whatever potato."
"Don't call me that!"
"Kawaii Chan please! Stop crying! We need to pick our song!" Zane cries in annoyance.
"Kawaii Chan is sorry! Everything just reminds her of Damien Kun...Waaaah!" Kawaii Chan whines and more tears fall down her face.
Zane grumbles and disconnects his phone from the speaker.
"Practice is over for today."
Kawaii Chan looks up at Zane and shakes her head.
"No no no! Zane Kun! Kawaii Chan is sorry! We can practice now!"
"Actually no, we can't. I have to go to work. Your crying has lasted the whole practice and you obviously can't focus. Once you get yourself together, give me a call or a text if you are ready for our next practice."
Zane grabs his dance stuff and heads out the door, leaving Kawaii Chan all alone...
"I screw up everything..." Kawaii Chan mumbles to herself before letting a tear fall.
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