Aphmau chugs down her water, some of the water dripping from her mouth. She wipes her mouth with her arm and lets out a relieved sigh. She looks at Aaron who is stretching and she smiles; although, it was quite an admiring smile. She watches him do some push ups and she sneaks up to him, making sure she's quiet enough.
Suddenly, she plops herself right on his back with her legs crossed and Aaron moves upwards. He chuckles a bit, surprised by Aphmau's action.
"Aph, what are you doing?"
Aphmau giggles, covering her mouth with her hand and crosses her arms,
"I want to see if you can do your push ups with me on your back!"
This was a simple task for Aaron, he'd admit it proudly. He decides to accept her challenge anyways because well.. Aphmau is adorable.
He bends his arms, moving down before he lifts himself back up again. He repeats this, taking in the cute giggles from Aphmau and smiling foolishly. He finally finishes his push ups and lies down uncomfortably on his stomach. Aphmau sighs and moves off of her back and lies down next to Aaron, blushing when he turns around to look at her.
"You're cute," Aaron says, his smile growing. Aphmau's blush moves to the tips of her ears and her grin dimples at the edges.
"You're not so bad yourself!" Aphmau replies, daringly leaning in and kissing his cheek.
Aaron scoffs and moves so that he hovers over her. He brushes her hair behind her ear and leans closer to her.
The burning on Aphmau's face doesn't get any better when Aaron leans down to her ear.. then he whispers,
"You're a stupid potato..."
"Gah!" Aphmau squeaks, pushing Aaron away and giggling. She covers her face and she can't stop the laughing bubbling from her. Aaron lifts himself from the ground and helps Aphmau stand too.
"I'm not a stupid potato," is the only thing Aphmau says.
"You can deny it, but you know it's true."
"You're mean."
Aaron just laughs and picks up his dance bag. He walks towards Aphmau, hovering over her before gently placing a kiss on top of her head, then making his way out of the room.
Kawaii Chan curled her hair before going to practice. She knows there was no point considering it was going to be soon ruined, but she thought she should look good for her admirer. She is currently scrolling through her phone, watching dance fails as she waits for Zane. She hears the door open and in comes Katelyn.
"Kawaii Chan.. I need to talk to you," Katelyn says, looking at Kawaii Chan who is dressed way too nice for dance practice.
"Hmm? Is something wrong?" Kawaii Chan asks, turning to look at Katelyn.
"It's about last night.."
"Oh man.. we left a bad mess didn't we? Kawaii Chan is sorry!"
"No, no, it's about Zane."
"Oh, Katelyn, Kawaii Chan doesn't need crush advice!" Kawaii Chan giggles, her curls bounce as she laughs.
"It's not that, it's just,"
"Is.. Zane Kun mad with Kawaii Chan?" Kawaii Chan's ears curl inwards and her tail slows its pace.
"No- Kawaii Chan listen, he doesn't-"
"There's Katelyn!" A familiar voice shouts.
Katelyn groans as she turns and faces Laurance and Garroth.
"What?" Katelyn asks, irritation in her voice.
"Garroth wants to talk to you!" Laurance exclaims, pushing Garroth towards Katelyn.
"What do you want, Garroth?" Katelyn asks.
"He needs help with his dancing!" Laurance intervenes before Garroth could even open his mouth to speak.
"Ugh.. Kawaii Chan I'll talk with you later.. Come on Garroth let me help you," Katelyn sighs and walks out of the room with Laurance and Garroth.
Zane walks in right on time and places his bag down and he looks up at Kawaii Chan. He first notices the way her hair is done. She usually had it put up or just brushed down, but today, it's in a bunch of little rings or curls. Was today some kind of dress rehearsal he wasn't ready for?
"It's dress rehearsal isn't it?" Zane asks unamused, his voice coming out muffled from his mask.
Kawaii Chan's eyes widen and she shakes her head quickly.
"No Zane Kun! Kawaii Chan just wanted to do her hair today," Kawaii Chan admits, nodding to herself.
Zane nods slowly and gets stretched and Kawaii Chan can't help but stare and realize how chill he acts considering he has a crush on her. She decides maybe she should act the same way. The two finish stretching and get to practicing.
They go through their same routine by going over it once with no stops and then going over the dance again. They stopped once Zane had an uncomfortable time figuring out where to place his hand when holding Kawaii Chan. He sighs frustratedly and runs his fingers through his messy black hair.
Kawaii Chan just giggles to herself and gently places her hand on Zane's shoulder, sending him a soft smile.
"It's okay Zane Kun, we'll figure this out," Kawaii Chan says softly, looking right into Zane's eye. She blushes in realization of what she's doing, but relaxes at Zane's response.
"Yeah, yeah you're right," Zane nods and he takes a deep breath in before exhaling. He smiles at Kawaii Chan assuringly, though she can't see it behind the mask.
The two go over it again and it's not that bad this time. They go over it a few more times and actually have fun with it. Kawaii Chan couldn't believe those few words actually helped Zane. It was definitely because of his crush, Kawaii Chan decides. Once they finally got it down well, they went on to the next part, which was the ending.
Zane decides he was getting overworked for no reason. His practices with Gene and the others had really messed with his head, but having Kawaii Chan give him hope was actually nice. He finally figured out his awkward position for his arm when picking up Kawaii Chan and he felt proud. They had fun doing what they did and it didn't feel like work.
"That was actually fun..," Zane says, relieved.
"Wasn't it?" Kawaii Chan exclaims, giggling and punching Zane's shoulder.
"It's actually nice dancing with you when we aren't being yelled at for what we're supposed to do."
"We should probably go over the dance again a few more times. We have extra time."
Kawaii Chan nods and can't help the warmth that tickles her cheeks and she smiles.
"What do you need help with, Garroth?" Katelyn asks, placing her hand on her hip.
Garroth awkwardly grins at Laurance as Laurance sneaks out of the room to give them "alone time".
"Okay... you guys are acting weird... what's your deal?" Katelyn questions, noticing their weird actions.
"Laurance thinks I have a crush on you!" Garroth spits out quickly.
Katelyn freezes before bursting out in laughter and holding her stomach.
"How'd that happen?" Katelyn asks through her laugh.
"I just.. I didn't want him to know I had a crush on someone and somehow you came up.." Garroth says awkwardly.
Katelyn sighs after her laughter and scratches her chin, thinking of a solution.
"We could have a pretend date and it'll show how much we don't work together!" Katelyn decides, feeling like a genius.
"Oh! Katelyn! That's a great idea!" Garroth says excitedly.
"Yeah, I know. We could have the fake date tomorrow night, sound cool? That way it'll be done and over with," Katelyn explains, waiting for Garroth's answer.
"It's a date," Garroth chuckles, "fake date."
"Thanks for wasting my time. Crap! I didn't tell Kawaii Chan that Zane doesn't like her!"
"Woah, Kawaii Chan thinks Zane has a crush on her?"
"Ugh.. yes.. it's gross."
"Perhaps we could have a double fake date where Kawaii Chan thinks it's a date and Zane doesn't so that when Kawaii Chan realizes the way he's acting is weird and she could find out they aren't meant to be," Garroth explains, awfully specifically.
"Um.. I kind of hate this idea.. but, it also seems worth a shot. Since when did you use your head?"
"It's not often!" Garroth chuckles and walks out of the room.
"Irene, please let this idea work..."
Hey! It's the author! High school isn't that bad so far! It's very tiring though because the classes are very long. I want to try putting out 2-3 chapters when I update instead of just 1 chapter. I'm finally getting to the more important part of the plot and it's going to be exciting! I hope you're excited for the next chapter. It might be posted tonight or tomorrow, it really depends though. :D
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